astraloutlaw · 2 years
Hey all! Just wanted to say I know I haven’t been around much but I am still here! Trying to keep up with ims and disco but had a lot going on. Thanks again for everyone’s patience!
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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 “The bathroom? Your pants. Or at least… that’s what most people use them for when I’ve got my blade pressed to their throat.” She speaks, squinting her eyes as she presses the blade into his skin just a little. “If I were you, I’d be quick to start explaining. Your time is running out.”
 To be completely fair, Loki likes this man’s attitude. She loves the sass and the snark. Hell, that comment could’ve been hers, had she been in his position. But.. that doesn’t mean she likes when it’s used against her.
 “Why are you here and how did you get in? Tell me, and I may yet decide to let you live.” The way he’s headed, those chances were very slim.
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“well, joke’s on you —  shoulda used a bigger knife.” he’s nervous, sure, but he’s less afraid of her than what yondu would do to him if he went back home. “i can totally explain. i’d love to. really, i would. here’s the thing —” 
he’s trying to think of a convincing lie and getting nowhere. his heartbeat picks up slightly and peter allows his persona to fall. he lets out a big sigh and closes his eyes just for a moment.
“look, i really don’t have a good explanation. i came here to steal some shit. but what i do have is a good reason for wanting to break in. you’re gonna love it, really. maybe... uh, anyway, so, i’m in a bit of trouble. you see i’m trying to get away from some really bad, kinda gross guys and i’m gonna need some money to do that. you get it, right?”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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hey guys! i think i finally got everything i owe drafted and will be getting them posted ( very slowly ) as i have the energy to work on them. thanks for your patience! still available via im or disco as needed.
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
Hey all! Just a heads up that my queue did run out today. More replies are coming but I don’t have the energy to do anything about it tonight so thanks for your patience!
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@messeduphood​ liked this starter call for earth-based peter. 
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“hey, look, i know the world is still pretty fucked up and all,” and obviously everyone knows who he is. he never made it any secret. but having a public identity doesn’t give people permission to pester him with every little mundane problem they think is big. he hasn’t even asked why the man is here yet, but he’s had enough visitors he isn’t bothered to make assumptions. “but i’m out of the game. my ma needs me. so unless whatever threat you’re facing is world-ending, i’m inclined to send you on your way.”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@whitesuited​ liked this starter call for earth-based peter. 
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“ugh. so help me god, carter, if you’re here to tell me fury’s looking for me again, i’m gonna lose my shit.” he’s only just now gotten back from an exhausting mission, hasn’t even had time to shower. when he signed up to work with them, he really didn’t know it would be this intense sometimes. “is one nap really too much to ask for?”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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anyway. i finally set disco/rd back up so for those of you who’ve asked me before (or anyone else who may prefer disco to here) hmu @ star munch#3525
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@sxrgeantbarnes​ liked this starter call for earth-based peter. 
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okay, so they hadn’t exactly had time to get to know each other back in the day when bucky was first getting, well, reacquainted with himself post-brainwashing. they’d been on opposite sides of the avengers’ breakup and life hadn’t exactly calmed down for a few years. but now that the world has kind of forgotten all the bullshit it was mad about, peter had been hoping they’d be able to get along. hard to say when they might need to take on a world-ending threat again, if they’re even still alive by then.
( retired or semi-retired is irrelevant. peter doesn’t believe either of them could stand by and watch another thanos come through even if they were supposed to have left the game. and even staying home with his mother as much as he can now, he knows she’d be disappointed in him if he tried to pass the galaxy-saving onto everyone else. ) 
“so....” he doesn’t quite understand why he feels so awkward, except for the fact that, really, the first time they’d met wasn’t on great terms, but he tries to push through. “considering everything, are we... good? ‘cause, i mean, things are, like, different now, right?”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@manhattanopus​ liked this starter call for earth-based peter.
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“—you should come with me next time.” he’s been going back and forth between earth and wherever else in the galaxy he chooses for as long as he can remember. it’s no scarier to him than taking a train. the idea that it could scare anyone is foreign to him, and not necessarily one he even thinks of on his own. “fury won’t care; he lets me go. it might be nice to get away, experience something new.”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@astraloutlaw· / peter quill / sc.
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“Having trouble?” Adam thought he had sensed something different about Peter since reuniting, and it appeared related to whatever power this was he was attempting to harness. Though by Adam’s estimate, it was not going well.
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“huh?” peter’s concentration breaks and he looks up at his friend. none of this process has been easy, and peter doesn’t feel the sense of connection he’d had to the world through ego. “oh, uh, yeah — kinda?” but not really because he’d known that killing ego would disconnect him from the light, that he wouldn’t be able to access his father’s powers. even sitting here trying, it’s a strange feeling of should that simply doesn’t have any follow through. “—how much do you remember about the power stone incident with ronan?”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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she   can   feel   the   woeful   emotions   that   seep   off   him   and   grab   at   her   chest   —   her   heart   pinching   slightly.   the   moment   was   too   heated,   too   strong,   she   couldn’t   shut   it   off.   she   didn’t   want   to   feel   all   these   things,   but   they   just   sunk   into   her   —   a   cocktail   of   sadness,   love,   anger,   and   even   fear.   she   shook   her   head,   lips   draw   into   a   stiff   pout   while   warm   tears   began   to   spill   over   the   corners   of   narrowed   eyes.   the   salty   liquid   slowly   trailing   down   the   side   of   her   face   and   dripping   of   her   chin.       ‘   i   get   it   now.   ’         she   said,   her   voice   cracking   just   slightly.     her   knees   grew   wobbly,   and   she   dropped   down   to   the   couch   while   arms   crossed   tightly   around   her   chest   as   she   looked   up   at   him.            
‘   so   you   were   playing   pretend   then,   huh ?   that’s   all   this   was ?   pretend ?   —   lying   to   yourself   about   how   you   felt   —   lying   to   me   —   ’            she   huffs,   a   deep   sigh   forced   from   her   nose.  
she   pauses   for   a   moment,   brows   knotting   —-   she   thinks   about   all   the   moments   that   may   have   led   to   this,   all   the   times   she   read   him   while   he   was   unwilling,   unaware.   but   she’s   upset   and   feeling   foolish   for   thinking   she   could   be   close   to   someone   again.   for   thinking   it   wouldn’t   end   up   the   way   it   always   does.
                                      she   had   hoped   they   were   different.  
‘   you   didn’t   have   to   be   something   different   —   you   could   have   been   yourself.   did   you   think   i   wouldn’t   accept   you ?   ’            she   wipes   a   tear   away   with   the   back   of   her   hand.            ‘   i   thought   i   knew   you.   the   real   you.   but   you   haven’t   been   honest   with   and   now ?   now   you’re   upset ?   ’            she   shakes   her   head.            ‘   you’ve   been   leading   me   on   —   that’s   what   it   feels   like.   peter   —   you   gave   me   hope.   ’    
it’s a repeating feeling, that peter is suffocating. the thought of it only makes this worse. can she feel this, his emotional collapse? he isn’t sure why he’s starting this fight. he isn’t sure why this anger isn’t subsiding or why, for the first time ever, his love for her isn’t enough to quell his rage.
he’s breaking and she has a front row seat to the show. and he’s breaking her too; he can feel it, the destruction he’s causing and all peter wants is to hold her and tell her he’s sorry and he loves her but even he can see they’re past that. all he can do is embrace the torpedo wrecking his life.
“you’re right,” he assures, his voice regaining the edge he’d almost lost. “i’ve been lying to you. for a long time now.” he doesn’t quite believe that’s the truth of their situation, but he’s already accepted that they’re past the point of no return. so why bother trying to fix them?
“here, i’ll make this for you now: the man you’re seeing right now is who i am.” this angry man scorching the earth like a child throwing a tantrum? it’s peter at his very core.
who else could he possibly be?
“i didn’t mean to lead you on. not exactly, anyway. i didn’t mean to hold all this in, keep it secret. not from you. but now it’s out; you know how i feel. if you can’t handle this version of me, decide that now and leave. i’ll be just fine without you.”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@secretswritten​ asked: ❛ i’m just saying, murder is an option. ❜ (Loki) 
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“hah! believe me, i haven’t ruled it out.” sure, he’s supposed to be staying out of trouble, but sometimes you just gotta get on board with a little bit of chaos. “we’ll call that plan... c.” they’re already in the middle of plan b, so it isn’t exactly a kindness to let it take the third seat in line, but that’s irrelevant at the moment.
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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hey all! still got the rest of those replies coming, but havent been able to get the last of them written as easily as i’d hoped. since i’m at the tail end of what i have done, im gonna lower my queue back to one a day for right now. thanks for understanding!
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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  This isn’t the first time Bucky’s had to save Steve from getting his ass handed to him. In fact.. this happened at LEAST once every week. And Bucky never stops trying to convince Steve to try and pick fights with smaller guys instead, but he never listens. Obviously. It’s not like Bucky doesn’t know EXACTLY how stubborn his best friend is.
  After he makes sure Steve is alright, he starts walking him home, chatting about random things, just like they always did. Until he’s suddenly interrupted by another voice.    At first, Bucky’s a little worried the guy he just punched into a nice relaxing nap caught up to them and he tenses for just a second, but he doesn’t recognize the voice. 
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  He blinks in surprise, stopping just to turn around and look at him. “Hi Peter, I’m Bucky, this is Steve.” Bucky starts, since he’s the one making eye-contact with him at the moment. “Yes, we are, and sure. Where do you need to be?” He asks then, a soft smile showing up on his own face at the other’s friendly expression.    They’re near Steve’s place at the moment, so if needed Steve could walk the last bit back by himself and Bucky could just go and walk with the stranger  —  Peter  —  and get him to where he needs to be before heading home for the night.
peter despises the way his heart jumps at bucky introducing himself and his friend. being this attached to humans is dangerous. that’s what his father says, anyway. and as far as he can tell, his dad is right. his dad fell in love with a human and now she’s dying and ego’s lifespan doesn’t exactly have an expiration date on it. that’s a lot of love to give to someone who can’t give it back all the way.
and peter certainly isn’t planning on falling in love with any humans, but the comaraderie and safety eh feels around them is something he can’t get anywhere else. his siblings aren’t like him. they can’t access the light like he can. he’s an outside to everyone but his father and the humans. 
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“hi bucky,” he speaks a little breathlessly. “hi steve.” peter adds a nod directed at steve, complete with a moment of eye contact before guiding his gaze to the taller of the pair. “well, you see, that’s kind of the thing. i’m just traveling through. i was just visiting my mom and i have to go back home now, but uh.. i think i’ve decided to hang out here a little bit longer.”
ego will understand a small detour from his itenerary, right? “so i guess i need to be pointed in the direction of a good place to stay, and maybe a good place or two to get some food while i’m in town. i’m kinda on board for anything. i’m pretty adventurous.”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@soulcluster​ asked: ❛ are you sure you’re gonna be okay on your own ? ❜ from rocket 
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“yes,” peter says easily, despite his eyes having a tint to them that absolutely betrays him. he’s overwhelmed with life. feels lonely even around his friends. has nightmares when he sleeps. and he has a feeling he’s close enough to rocket that he doesn’t buy into peter’s whole i’m fine routine. “you guys can’t hold my hand forever, you know.”
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
@ofcrimsonenchantresses​ asked: 💋 to surprise peter with a lil kissy kiss on the cheek 
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peter is absolutely exhausted. he didn’t mean to fall asleep during movie night but sure enough movement stirs him and he wakes just enough to notice the credits rolling. wanda is tucking him in, that much he can feel. he offers a small hum of acknowledgment and gratitude before he feels her lips gently against his cheek. he smiles softly as he settles in, already moments away from being asleep again, and mutters a small ‘night’ in his very sleepy voice.
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
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  “HE is YOUR sidekick?” Loki muses. “Thor hardly is the type to be a sidekick. Too much arrogance for it. I am familiar with having to pull him out of trouble, however, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.”
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  “Legendary, you say? So why don’t you tell me some about your accomplishments. I’d be very interested in hearing about it. One legend to another.” There is a hint of sarcasm in his tone, but it is paired with an equal amount of genuine curiosity. 
“yeah, duh,” peter insists, even as it becomes more and more clear that thor’s brother is not buying his embellishments. it’s all based in truth, more or less, at least. “he really looks up to me.”
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“alright, yeah, sure. how about that time i held a flarking inifinty stone in the palm of my hand without dying?” his ancestry aside, of course. techincalities don’t count in bragging. “also, i killed a god who also happened to be a whole ass planet, so there’s that.”
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