astrasirius · 3 years
If anyone still follows this blog you should 100% come check out this RPG and come write with me again! 
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A month before the election, Kingsley Shacklebolt was projected to win the election, despite the growing tensions between the two factions of the Wizarding World. Rodolphus Lestrange was charming, but the Purist Party was becoming more and more outdated in their beliefs. The Reformist Party was actively looking for social change and reformation in how the Ministry of Magic functioned. Though there was no definitive proof, everyone knew that both parties were backed by the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix respectively. With both groups coming closer and closer to war, the Wizarding World was prepared to make the choice that stopped that from happening. 
Bellatrix Black always had a plan though, and she was prepared to do whatever it took to stop that from happening. Using Frank Longbottom’s connection to the trade routes, getting a hold of the wolfsbane potion was a breeze. The leader of the Death Eaters corrupted half of it, ensuring that the typically docile wolves would be full of rage and ready for blood the next full moon. Andromeda planned the annual St. Mungos Charity Gala for the same night, knowing it would bring Wizarding families across the social and economical spectrum together, if only for a night. Bellatrix had plotted on how to get the werewolves to the right place at the right time. Once the plan was set in motion, nothing could stop it. 
In the end, it worked, even if Bellatrix wasn’t there to see the final product. It was never in her plans to become a martyr, certainly not by death, but that was the result all the same. The werewolf attack swayed public opinion enough to put Rodolphus in the Minister’s seat, almost none the wiser to his involvement that night. With Penelope Rosier already the sitting Undersecretary, he was certain that was nothing they couldn’t accomplish. The first thing he did was make The Order of the Phoenix a terrorist organization. Right after, he rolled back the few protections that werewolves had. Given the attack, there wasn’t much push back from the Wizengamot when he did so. Without a doubt, he knew this was only the beginning. Rodolphus was living high on power; leader of the Wizarding World and now of the Death Eaters, as it was meant to be. 
The remaining Order members seemingly disbanded. With one of their former leaders, Alastor Moody, in Azkaban,  it seemed as if they had fallen into chaos; insert Lily Evans. Pulling together the most loyal members that still remained, she and The Order renamed themselves to The Rising, and began planning their next move. Their first order of business was figuring out how they were going to break Alastor and co out of Azkaban. Next on their list was figuring out how to take back the ministry, or at least how to block their latest bill attempts. Either way, they weren’t going to take this laying down.
Hello tag friends! We’re a new Modern Au Marauders Era roleplay. We are a character and plot driven group that are always looking for members that think outside the box. Our characters break the mold from canon and our plot focuses on both the physical and political aspects of war. As we have many mature themes involved we do have an age requirement of 18+.  Your lovely admins would love to answer any questions you might have so come check us out and maybe throw in an application! 
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astrasirius · 4 years
Mary wasn’t sure what time it was when she woke up, as she yawned and stretched out. She blinked a few times and became aware that Sirius wasn’t in bed with her. She rubbed her eyes as the smell of breakfast cooking wafted into the bedroom and she smiled. He must have been up before her. She sat up, remembering she was wearing Sirius’ clothes, hugging herself when she remembered last night.
Slowly her memories of their conversation last night came back to her, and she was almost unsure if they were just remnants of a dream at first. But ti felt all too real and there was a slight panic that ran through her. Maybe Sirius wasn’t making breakfast at all and had already made a run for it. No, she reminded herself gently, that was a silly thought. Still, she swallowed her anxiety and got up out of bed. Walking into the kitchen she did indeed find Sirius making breakfast and she couldn’t help but smile. “Good morning.”
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Sleep had come in short waves the night before, and as the sunlight started to peek through the windows, Sirius had a hard time going back to sleep. For a while he laid there, his arms wrapped around Mary, as he thought. Her words still rattled around in his brain, and despite how much he returned those feelings, he was terrified by what it meant. She was his best friend, his person, and he couldn’t help but fear that dating would ruin everything between them. However, Sirius couldn’t help but think that maybe it would only act to make things better for them. Looking down at her as she slept, he knew that even as he debated the topic, he was already hers.
Eventually he got up and started making breakfast. He wanted to ensure that they had something good to eat after everything that happened yesterday, and it kept his hands busy. Sirius puttered around the kitchen with careless ease as he started making french toast. It was simple but delicious and he pulled out the powdered sugar to make them extra good. Sirius heard the sound of soft footsteps and turned to smile at her warmly as she greeted him, “Morning,” he replied, before asking, “How are you? Are you feeling alright?”
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astrasirius · 4 years
A loud laugh, Marlene shook her head. In reality, she wasn’t the most clued in on the game of pool but there was no way she was going to let Sirius know that. Marlene was far too competitive for that. Aiming her cue towards the white ball, she squinted as she hit it. Watching as a ball with stripes went in. “Stripes, it is.” She pointed out with a shrug. Making her way back to the ledge to take a sip of her drink. “You’re right, I don’t want to learn. I would do anything to get me out of that office. ,Maybe take up wandmaking?” She teased.
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Watching the triangle break, he had to admit that at least she was a good shot. Sirius was grateful that even if she clearly didn’t know the game well, she was a quick learner. Nodding, he gave her a grin, “Good choice. Now you get to take your next shot.” She could keep taking her turn until she missed a shot. Taking a sip of his own drink, he laughed, “Fair enough. Listen, it’s going to happen, just keep doing what you’re doing and retake the test. Honestly Marls, you’ll be class at the job, so don’t give up on it just yet,” he reassured. Shaking his head, “I mean you could, but somehow I can’t see you as a wood carver” he teased.
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astrasirius · 4 years
Few would characterise Remus as stubborn but that was due in large part to his seeming so mild-mannered and even-tempered. In fact, he had very clear ideas of how things should be and once convinced of something, it was difficult to sway him. It would have been futile at this point to try and persuade him back to the hospital, now that he had decided he had no need to be there. He even bristled at the thought of Sirius trying to take care of him because despite being the one who had undergone a werewolf transformation and a poisoning twenty-four hours apart, and despite him essentially asking for help in showing up to the house, it still felt wrong to accept help or to put his own needs before someone else’s.
“I–” He was about to say that the last time he had eaten, he had been poisoned but now Remus thought about it he realised just how hungry he actually was. He always needed a lot of food after a Full Moon to help get his energy back up, and most of what he had eaten yesterday he had thrown back up again with his body’s attempt to purge the toxins. “I am pretty hungry, actually,” he admitted. He let the argument about rest drop, if only for the moment, grasping onto food as the perfect excuse to put off bed. “Is Prongs with Lily? That’s the last time I let her push me into getting help before her.” He had only been trying to stop her from worrying and maybe those extra moments before she took the antidote  had gained her an extended stay in St Mungo’s.
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Remus was his family, and Sirius knew him better than most. Despite his mild nature and kind temperament, he knew full well just how stubborn and determined he could be. It had caused Sirius mass amount of stress after full moons for as long as he could remember. Between the last full moon and the fact that he had been poisoned, Sirius had hoped that he would stay in the hospital as directed, but he should have seen this coming. He knew Remus’ aversion to them, and he could hardly blame him. Instead, Sirius knew that he would just be looking out for him tonight, and he was perfectly content to do so. 
Seeing him hesitate, Sirius nodded, “Alright, I’m making something. Seriously, sit please,” he directed, guiding Remus towards a chair. Continuing further into the kitchen, he started reheating some of the soup he had made earlier. With that, he buttered some bread to make sure that he was being properly fed. After a full moon, he knew that Remus’ energy was usually sapped, and Sirius wanted to ensure that he was well enough to fight off the poison effects. “Good, because I’ve got a lot here for you to eat,” he answered, before passing him the food in question. “It shouldn’t upset your stomach too much,” he murmured. Nodding, Sirius answered, “Yeah, I think she’s doing alright,” before giving a snort, “Please, you know how stubborn she is. It’s like trying to fight with a brick wall.” Sirius ran his hand through his hair as he said, “It’s Red, she’ll be right as rain soon enough. She’s a fighter”.
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astrasirius · 4 years
“We’ll worry about it later.” James agreed quietly, he was reluctant but he meant it; he knew the last thing Sirius needed was to be worrying about whether or not he was going to do something stupid, especially on top of the physical injuries he had already suffered. As Sirius shifted James pulled his shirt over his head, careful to keep the material from catching the burns that twisted around his rib cage and over his stomach.
He gave a sympathetic wince when he caught sight of them, shaking his head as he dropped the t-shirt down onto the floor, “I’m sure mum has something upstairs that’ll help soothe that… How long did the nutjob have you under the Cruciatus curse for?” He asked, knowing that the necessary after care for the effect of the curse would be dependent on how long he’d been under. He had willed his voice to remain steady but he was sure the disgust must have been written all over his face; he didn’t understand how people could throw that spell around as if it was nothing, as if it was second nature to them, something as easy and simple as breathing. He didn’t understand how they could listen to the screams of terror and pain and not immediately be overcome with remorse at what they’d done.
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Nodding, Sirius gave a groan, “Okay, yeah,” he knew better than to argue with James on the matter. However, he was grateful that they didn’t have to talk about it now, and that he could confidently say that James wasn’t about to do something incredibly stupid that got him killed. Sirius hissed through his teeth as he raised his arms to get his shirt off, but he was incredibly grateful that James had kept the material from touching his injured torso. Sirius couldn’t believe he had allowed this to happen. 
“I’m sure she does. Don’t -” Sirius paused for a second before continuing, “Don’t tell her, please?” he asked. Part of Sirius was still terribly afraid that if he caused too many issues the Potter’s would regret taking him in. He knew, in his heart he knew, that James’ parents loved him as their own, but old habits die hard. Sirius was still utterly afraid that he was going to let them down. “I dunno, couldn’t have been more than ten minutes at most” he admitted. Despite the fact that it hadn’t been terribly long, it felt as though a thousand white knives had pierced his skin. “It’s alright, I just need to get the burns sorted,” he reassured. Sirius knew his voice was still a little hoarse, and his limbs were difficult to move, but he didn’t want to worry James any further.
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astrasirius · 4 years
“Me too,” she agreed, smiling up at Sirius as she replied. While she spent a lot of time with Sirius when she was with some of her other friends, it was also nice to spend time alone with him and do things with just the two of them. All their lives had been busy since school ended, but she still thought it was important to make time for all her friends when she could. “We can pretend we know what we’re talking about,” she decided with a small laugh, knowing neither of them were exactly art connoisseurs. As she spoke the train pulled up and she stepped towards it, quickly leading the way on and taking a seat, glad it was relatively quiet.
Lily listened with a slightly sad look on her face, not exactly surprised but still upset that people would do such a thing. “Hopefully the people who did it get caught.” Then again, it was no secret how cruel people could be, and as much as Lily loved the magical world they seemed to have a proclivity for being cruel to anything different. She saw it with Remus and his condition, Sirius and his family, and of course her own blood status from so many people. However, they were all  people who could talk and defend themselves, while magical creatures needed other people to do it for them. (Which was just one of the many reasons she admired Sirius) “Good,” she agreed with a much happier look at the news that the dragon would be fine. “I’ll wish you luck after we find our place,” she joked.
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Before James and Lily had started dating, Sirius had already developed a friendship of sorts with Lily. However, when she and James had begun dating, he had absolutely determined that she was one of his people. More often than not, they hung out with their friends in a group, but he appreciated having some one on one bonding time with her. Laughing he shrugged, “If we get bored, we can start pretending like we’re art critics. I think it’d be positively hilarious” he teased. There were some people that were absolutely too uptight about art sometimes, and he would absolutely enjoy messing with them by pretending that he knew what the hell he was talking about in regards to art. 
Nodding his head, he gave her a reassuring smile, “They did. Don’t worry, we do our best to stop them from ever being able to do something like this again.” Sirius was positive that there was a special place in the afterlife for people that hurt animals and children. Karma would absolutely come back around to knock them on their arse one day. People were cruel, that much Sirius had known since he was a child. However, he also learned that he didn’t have to be one of them. He wanted nothing more than for Remus and Lily to have the best possible life, and if that meant fighting a war to achieve it, he would. Laughing, he nudged her, “Ha ha, very funny,” he teased, “Trust me, it’ll be better for everyone when we all have our own places.”
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astrasirius · 4 years
Bellatrix had hopes for Sirius since she was introduced to him when he was just a baby. As the heir, he needed to have a particular set of skills, magical ones being the most important. Being a woman, she knew that sometimes she would not be as important as he was, but she worked hard to be where she was now. She was more than a pretty face and thankfully her own father valued her opinion in certain matters, even when her mother discussed with him that she was a lady. “Yes but she’s also a Black,” her husband would remind her. Bella put her hand on her cousin’s shoulder. “That was good, Sirius, but you need to be better.” With a movement of her wand, all the dummies were up again. “Look at me,” she asked. “If you notice, I’m not aiming at them.” She pointed to her eye with her index finger. “I’m looking a them,” she lowered her hand and kneeled in front of Sirius. “Want a good advice? Never aim.” Maybe it was weird to tell him that when you needed to see the target before casting a spell, but it was actually what he had to do. “When you stand there, looking at your target, wasting seconds to make sure your spell hits, your opponent already defeated you because you took too long.” Bella said. “That makes your muscles tense as well.” She moved up and faced the dummies. “Stupefy!” The spell hit them all at once, making them fall on the floor with a thud. “See?” she smiled. “Your eyes know where they want the spell to go, to one dummy or to all. Trust your eyes, Sirius.” 
Being the heir was never something he particularly wanted, but it was the life he was being given. The responsibility that was placed on his shoulders was enough to do him in sometimes. However, Sirius handled it with his head held high and his back straight. He knew better than to show an ounce of weakness with his family. Hearing her words, Sirius inwardly cringed. ‘Good, but not good enough’ and if those weren’t the words he was lulled to sleep with at night. Sirius knew they all just wanted him to live up to his potential, but sometimes Sirius worried that he would never meet their expectations. Most kids his age couldn’t even cast this charm, let alone hit several dummies. However, he knew better than to mention that. He was a Black, and Blacks were not most people. Sirius knew they expected better from him, always more. Looking at her when asked to, he listened carefully as she spoke. His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to figure out what she meant. She was looking at them, but she wasn’t aiming. Sirius had been told to make a quick and careful aim, and now he was being told he was wrong. Trying to piece together what she meant, he nodded, “Okay, look don’t aim” he repeated. A shiver ran through him at the reminder that the dummies were supposed to be figures that would fight back. It unnerved him, but he knew better than to outwardly show his nervousness. “Right,” he responded, showing that he understood her. There was just a split second between her facing the dummies and the spell being cast, and Sirius saw what she meant. “Yeah, I get it,” he answered. After a second he stated, “Let me try it again.”
Flashback || Summer 1967
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astrasirius · 4 years
As soon as things had minutely calmed down, Sirius had taken the time to drag Frank away for a drink. He knew Alice would go mad with their hovering, but he understood the absolute worry and fear that Frank was experiencing. Sure, he loved Alice in an entirely different way, but he loved her all the same. As her chosen little brother, he took it upon himself to look after both her and Frank during a time like this. It was still hard to believe that she had been poisoned. She had always seemed invincible to him, and despite the fact that it wasn’t true, it scared him to think that she wasn’t. Still, Alice had proven yet again just how much of a force she was to be reckoned with, and Sirius was going to take care of Frank in the mean time. 
Once they entered the bar, he dragged them up to sit at the stools. “Come on, you need a drink and to relax a bit. Besides, Alice could use some alone time, you know her,” Sirius spoke softly. 
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astrasirius · 4 years
“Impressive!” Bellatrix clapped when she saw what his little cousin could do. It was going to take some time to be sure. No one was as good with a wand in so little time, but all he had to do was to train and have a good partner for it. “And here I thought I was going to have to teach you everything from scratch,” she slowly patted his head and smiled. “Good job, Sirius.” Her own parents had been very strict with her and her sister, but almost all the weight of the family was in her shoulders. Sirius was the heir but she was also was in a lesser level. Her father had been blessed with three girls and they had to made respectable marriages. There was already talk about her own marriage and her future husband, but she wanted her mother to do that job. In the back of her mind, Bellatrix knew that she had to marry someone pureblood and would rather made that choice herself, but being pureblood did not mean that you came from a good family. Some of them were wealthy, some of them were just too low for a Black and she needed to have the best. Shaking her head, she went back to there she was and moving her wand she made the dummies stand up straight again. “Now, I want you to perform the same spell, but I need all the dummies in the floor,” she looked at him. “Do you think you could do that?” She possitioned herself behind him and put her hands on his shoulders. “Visualize the targets and concentrate your magic. Feel it inside you, Sirius, let it fill you” she whispered in French, a language all members of house Black mastered. 
Beaming, Sirius couldn’t help but soak up the praise. It was expected of him to be the best, and his parents certainly never rewarded him for meeting their expectations. Hearing her talk him up, Sirius wanted to impress her even further. “I’ve been reading about spells, but I haven’t gotten to try most of them yet,” he admitted, but his father had at least allowed him to try a couple before his lesson with Bellatrix. Sirius knew that as an heir his parents wanted to give him every advantage in the world. On some level he appreciated that, knowing that it would help him to live up to their expectations, but on the other side of that, the pressures threatened to suffocate him at times. The last thing he wanted to was to let anyone down, and yet, sometimes it felt like the standards he was held to were impossible. At nine years old, he was still trying to figure out how to gain love and attention within his family, and exceeding expectations seemed to work best. Nodding, Sirius answered, “Okay, I can do that” determination flashing in his eyes. Sirius would not disappoint her. It was the same spell he had just done, he just needed to channel it more. Nodding, he breathed in, and did as she said. Feeling the magic flow within him, Sirius worked to harness it as he kept the targets in his sights, guiding it through his wand as he cast, “Stupefy.” Only one target, the one furthest back, remained standing, to which Sirius braced himself for the disappointment.
Flashback || Summer 1967
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astrasirius · 4 years
Mary enjoyed sitting and eating with him. The soup was simple but delicious, and wasn’t anything too extreme that it upset her stomach more. And it was just comforting to be in his presence, away from all the craziness and chaos of the ball. Once finished, she’d followed him to his room: it had been decided that it would be better if she stayed with him, just in case any symptoms started back up. Plus, Mary felt much safer being by his side.
She’d felt groggy throughout dinner, and now laying on the bed she could really feel the tiredness start to set in. Still, she laid beside Sirius, smiling softly. He’d taken such good care of her, he always did and it made her heartbeat aflutter. “You’re so good to me Sirius.” she murmured. They’d been friends for years now, seen each other at their brightest and darkest moments, and been there through and through. “You make me feel safe.. You make me feel like I belong…” She could feel sleep taking her, her eyelids blinking rapidly, but she wanted to appreciate him just a little bit more. She’d always wondered if they could be something more.. “..but why risk ruining a good thing y’know? Still I think I’m just gonna… have to accept the fact that I’m kinda in love with you.” And with that, her eyelids shut.
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When he’d made the soup, he’d been careful to keep it relatively bland and easy to digest. The last thing he wanted was to upset her system any further, and given the fact that she’d been poisoned, he figured she needed the easiest food possible. In truth, he was grateful she had come home with him. Having her in his sights was comforting, and he couldn’t imagine how much more intense his worry would be if he couldn’t look over and see her there. Sirius knew it was reckless to share a bed with Mary, but Godric he needed to know she was safe, even if it did nothing to lessen the feelings he had for her. 
It took only a minute or so for them to find a comfortable position, and Sirius knew that it shouldn’t be this easy. Having her wrapped up in his arms shouldn’t feel this good, but Merlin it did, and Sirius knew he could fall asleep like this every night and always be happy. As she spoke, he brushed her hair back, “Sleep Mac, I’ve got you.” Her words continued, and Sirius gave her a smile as he gave in to the urge to kiss her head, “You always belong with me.” However, his entire body froze at her next words. He heard her breathing even out, but he couldn’t help be focus on the last words that she had uttered, ‘I’m kinda in love with you’. Never had he considered that she might feel the same way. His heartbeat grew loud in his ears as he tried to figure out what he was going to do with that information. Sirius allowed himself to ponder on it until his eyelids grew heavy, and he whispered a light, “I’m kinda in love with you too, Mac.”
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astrasirius · 4 years
Remus shook his head. “Hate that place,” he mumbled. He figured if anyone understood that notion it would be Sirius. How was he supposed to sleep peacefully in a place that gave him flashbacks to the most traumatic moment in his life? Sirius disappeared from the window and Remus moved round to the door to wait to be let in.
“I’m fine. It was nothing I’ve not dealt with before.” Or sort of, anyway. The symptoms had all been things he suffered regularly even if they were usually a side-effect of the curse running through his veins rather than a poison. He tried not to sway as he walked through the hallway, as if making it to the stairs without stumbling would prove he was no longer ill in much the same way as a drunk person tried to prove they were sober by putting one foot in front of the other in attempt to walk in a straight line. All at once, Sirius’ suggestion of him taking James’ bed and the realisation of why they were headed upstairs hit him. “No. I slept loads yesterday.” The Full Moon often threw off his routine for a few days with his need to sleep during the morning afterwards to recover and yesterday he had taken an extra nap in the afternoon so he would not be tired for the evening. “We need to figure out who did this.”
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While part of Sirius wanted to demand that Remus go back to the hospital to heal properly, he knew it was futile. Knowing his friend the way he did, he was well aware of the fact that Remus always relaxed more when he was away from any hospital setting and his body would heal much faster when he wasn’t dealing with that stress. “I know. You got yourself here, and you can get some proper rest here, so it should be okay,” he reassured. Once he was able to bring him into the house, Sirius set to work on getting him sorted out. 
Shaking his head, Sirius answered, “Not a good answer,” before taking a breath and continuing, “Have you eaten?” he asked. Sirius was not known as the caretaker of their group, but there were some older brother instincts he just couldn’t shake. After everything he’d seen Remus endure, the last thing he wanted was for the boy to suffer alone now. Knowing that he felt safe enough to come to him was a comforting fact. Rubbing a hand over his face, Sirius shook his head, “Moony, you still need rest, even if you slept loads yesterday. Come on mate, please. Let yourself rest” he answered. Nodding, Sirius gave a noncommittal hum, “We do, and we will, but it doesn’t need to be tonight. Right now you need to eat something, and let your body rest. Come into the kitchen, I’ll make some food and get us a cuppa.” 
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astrasirius · 4 years
“No, but I haven’t run out of fun places to take you yet,” she joked slightly. Though when they ran out of places she had been to, they could very easily just explore some places neither of them had been to before. It was still be the muggle exploration Sirius was after, and Lily had always been the type to enjoying trying new things. “Yeah, definitely,” she agreed with a nod. While Lily wasn’t particularly artsy herself, she loved going to museums and galleries and seeing what other people could do. It all seemed impossible to her so she was almost always left in awe at it all.
“I know, you would think I’d have caught on a long time ago,” she joked, shrugging lightly. She frowned slightly as he continued the story about his work, “People are cruel.” While Lily introduced Sirius to the muggle world, there were still things about the wizarding world that she learned from him. Despite how many years she had been in it, there were still so many things that people who were born into it knew that she didn’t. It was a disadvantage she hated, but one she did everything in her power to solve. “Good,” she agreed when he said the dragon was doing better, smiling once more. “Right? It’s ridiculous!” she cried incredulously, giving a small laugh. “We’re going to look at places tomorrow so wish us luck.” Lily laughed, shaking her head, “I hope so because it was so embarrassing.”
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Smiling, Sirius answered, “Good, because I still very much enjoy going on these adventures with you, Red.” It was no secret that when James started dating Lily, she had officially become apart of his family too. Sure, Sirius had become friends with her long before she and James started dating, but he had truly considered her to be one his people unconditionally when she and James had gotten together. Being able to bond with her over her over the things she loved meant a great deal to him. Grinning he replied, “Brilliant”. Sirius wasn’t skill in art by any means, but he loved to explore it. 
Unable to help himself, Sirius teased, “I mean, only slightly.” Shaking his head, Sirius gave her a much grimmer look as he nodded, “They are. It’d be unimaginable at times if I hadn’t seen it for myself.” That was the part of his job that Sirius hated the most. It was a double edged sword because he loved being on the rescue teams, but he hated seeing just how brutal people were capable of being. Sirius loved being able to explain parts of the wizarding world to Lily when he could. There were few things he knew that she didn’t, and he was more than happy to share his knowledge when at all possible. Nodding, he smiled, “It is good. I suspect he’ll end up being just fine,” he mused. Laughing, he nodded, “It’s just hateful,” he agreed, “Oh boy, I’m wishing you all the luck. Send us the same?” he teased.
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astrasirius · 4 years
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astrasirius · 4 years
It took everything James had to not scoff at Sirius’ words, his jaw clenched tightly in barely supressed anger; he suspected that if the roles were reversed then there would be very little that would stop Sirius from storming off to find his cousin, so he thought it ironic that Sirius was the one to now be the calming voice of reason. He knew that Sirius was right, Bellatrix bloody Lestrange wasn’t worth it, she wasn’t worth their energy or their time or the trouble but he knew damn well it would feel good to knock her down a peg or two.
But Sirius’ hand on his arm reminded James that it wasn’t about him or how much he’d like to take Bellatrix on, properly, this was about Sirius and if he didn’t want James to seek his cousin out then he would have to—begrudgingly—respect that. Right now his brother was the priority. “She can’t get away with this though Padfoot,” he replied quietly, shaking his head as an unpleasant feeling settled in his stomach. He felt sick. He wasn’t naïve enough to think that Sirius played no part in the fight, but he could also quite confidently say that he didn’t think he would have thrown the first spell, either. “Am I alright pulling your shirt up so I can have a look at the damage?” He asked as he crouched down beside the couch, sure that his mum must have something lying around somewhere to treat a burn, but he needed to see how bad it was first.
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It was a lot to ask of his friend not to go after her, Sirius knew that, but he couldn’t stomach the idea of James potentially getting hurt. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in James’ abilities, because Merlin he couldn’t believe in a person more than he did James, but that didn’t mean he wanted him going up against Bellatrix. He knew exactly what kind of person his cousin was, and the last thing he wanted was for her to unleash her unholy rage onto his brother. No, Sirius would do anything he could to protect James from her. Merlin, he wished he wouldn’t have felt so bad for knocking her out. 
A slight groan left his lips as they moved into the house, and Sirius tried to muffle it as much as he possibly could. “I know, but just - we’ll worry about it later” he answered. Begrudgingly, he wondered if maybe he ought to bring the situation up to Moody. As much as he ribbed the man, he had to admit that could count on him to help them sort it out. Once he was seated, he let the breath out between his gritted teeth. Nodding, Sirius moved just enough that James could get the shirt over his head. “Yeah, you’re good Prongs,” he answered verbally. Sirius was fairly used to burns, working with dragons and all, but this was a new level of pain. “Not great,” he admitted.
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astrasirius · 4 years
Rabastan Lestrange had never been one to turn down a drink. The wizard drank at the most inappropriate of times—through funerals, most of school, even his own brother’s wedding ( just the ceremony on account he didn’t make it through the reception ). So, it was only instinctual for him to accept the drink Sirius held up before gesturing for his old companion to take the empty seat next to him at the bar, however, it didn’t come without great difficulty. Clutching the drink white-knuckled, he tossed back a sip back as he attempted to wash down all the grief he had been avoiding for so long. Rabastan and Sirius had a vastly complicated relationship. It was hard for him not to dwell on both the good and the bad as he stared him in the face. “ Well, well, look at what the cat dragged in, ” he greeted with a taunting smirk before carefully setting the glass back down on the bar-top. “ What’re you doing ‘round these parts lad? ”
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Despite the fact that most of his upbringing had been one nightmare after another, it wasn’t all inherently bad. Sirius had a brother he loved (still loved, and that loved him still), cousins that he considered to be more like sisters, and friends that had truly meant the world to him. The divide between him and Rabastan hadn’t started until they went to Hogwarts, until Sirius had been sorted into the house that made him a pariah. Still, his care and affection for the other boy didn’t go away just because life had a funny way of pulling them apart. He had once considered Rabastan his closet friend, and while people didn’t always realize it, Sirius was as loyal as a dog. Which meant that despite Rabastan’s less than stellar behavior at times, he would always care for him in some capacity. Seeing the tight smile, an ache grew in his chest, and it was a reminder that there was one more person that would probably never fully forgive him. “Dunno how I feel about being called a mouse. Can’t I just be the stray dog that showed up?” he teased, a side smirk playing on his lips. Shrugging, he answered, “Long day, and you?”
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astrasirius · 4 years
Leaning over the table, Marlene held her cue upright. “Alright so, who’s being solid and who’s being stripes?” A bright grin on her features. It was no secret that Marlene loved nights with her friends more than anything, it reminded her of Hogwarts back when things didn’t seem so daunting. A quiet laugh at him mentioning how he liked his fire whiskey, “maybe next time but for now, I’d like to be rewarded with a Vodka Lemonade.” 
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“Perhaps I should take a class or something. I might discover new talents,” she quipped. 
Raising his eyebrow, he couldn’t help but grin, “After you break, you get to choose. So go on Marls, use the cue ball to break up the triangle,” he answered, “Then pick your side depending on which ones go in.” Sirius was beginning to wonder if he should have made the wager at all, but given her confidence, he figured it would be fine. Rolling his eyes, Sirius laughed, “Sure, I’ll keep that in mind”. For a moment, Sirius scrunched his nose up, as he immediately responded, “Why would you want to do more school?” before he continued with a much more supportive, “What would you want to learn?”.
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astrasirius · 4 years
    Ted was a soft touch in more ways than one. When ‘Dromeda brought back her younger cousin one evening, all he could do was welcome him with open arms. Since then Sirius has taken root in the Tonks residence and became a permanent fixture in the household. Ted often finds himself more confused when the teen isn’t somewhere in the house doing his own thing. “Exhausted.” He admitted. The events of the Ministry Ball had left him anxious and uncertain with the current affairs, even more so with how his wife was poisoned. Of course it would make a good story and he was trying his hardest to get the details but it was hard to do when you were taking care of both wife and child. “She’s doing better, thank God. She’ll want to see you soon I imagine, probably sick of my mug pestering her twenty-four seven.” Ted sighed dramatically and waved a  hand to encourage the other to take a seat. “My daughter is a demon” He continued with his dramatics, acting like a man who didn’t adore each second spent with his family ,”No child should have that much energy. How much would I have to pay you to take her off my hands?”
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After he’d been settled at the Potter’s, the first person Sirius had reached out to was Andy. It had been easy to talk to her about what had transpired, and he had found her to be the calming presence in his life that helped him see the light in all of it. However, Ted had also been there in a similar way, and Sirius couldn’t help that he had come to find the other man’s presence more familial than he ever had his other blood relatives, save for Regulus. Sirius had grown accustom to having a place in their home; in their lives. Nodding, Sirius gave a soft sigh, “I figured. I can’t imagine it’s been easy for any of you. If you guys need me to come and help out with Dora for a couple nights I’d be more than happy to do so,” he offered, knowing that she could be a handful, but one he loved. Shaking his head, Sirius couldn’t help but laugh a bit, “I’m sure she’s far from sick of you. Honestly, I think you’re one of the few people Andromeda can tolerate for extended amounts of time, aside from Dora of course” he teased. “I intend to come visit though, especially if it’s going to lift her spirits some.” Laughter spilled from his lips as he shook his head, “Oh come on, she’s not that bad,” he answered, but even as he said it, there was a mischievous grin on his face that spoke otherwise. “Okay, so she might be part demon, but that’s why we love her. She’s certainly an energetic little lady,” he laughed, before waving him off, “Seriously Ted, you know I’ll take her anytime. That’s what I’m here for.”
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