astroinreality-blog · 6 years
Girl : Gemini Sun and Gemini Moon Boy : Cancer Sun and Aquarius Moon Emotional Feelings : The Gemini woman Aquarius man relationship is an ideal one. Both of them understand what the other wants. But are they willing to do more than that. The Gemini woman enjoys her independence, and he requires freedom to roam, making them an understanding pair. Her creativity matches his quirky nature, and they always have plenty to talk about. The Gemini woman and Aquarius man compatibility is a match made in heaven with wonderful understanding. Real Self ,Strength , Personality, traits, vital force experienced in real life : Gemini’s mental agility and wit appeals to Cancer, Cancer’s sensitivity and depth of feeling is attractive to Gemini, and you both have much to learn from one another.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Hey, let's switch to Telegram:
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : Libra Sun and Gemini moon
Boy : Aquarius Sun and Capricorn Moon Emotional Feelings : This is a match with great chemistry! You both prefer light and fun over the emotionally intense or dramatic. Your Libra is romantic, while you're experimental in this area, making for a great long term match! You're both fun loving, rational, objective and excellent communicators. Both of you are very sociable, exciting and carefree. You both want a lover who is your best friend first and foremost, and this will be a partner who you can always find fun and interesting conversation with.
Marriage is often a very important facet of a Libras life, whereas you tend to be much more hesitant and cautious to give up your independence. It's likely that your partner will be ready long before you're comfortable with the idea. Some compromise may be need on each side here - but overall that's a small price to pay!
Real Self ,Strength , Personality, traits, vital force experienced in real life :  the Capricorn man may find the Gemini woman childish, capricious and shallow. But he will also find her exciting, communicative, expressive verbally, imaginative and able to bring some sparkle to his life. works best when each partner recognizes the other’s strengths. Capricorn wise and able to help her focus her scattered energies into something worthwhile.  Capricorn man Gemini woman compatibility is quirky, but has potential.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : Aquarius Sun and Libra moon
Boy : Gemini Sun and Cancer Moon Emotional Feelings : Librans enjoy social gatherings and adventures whereas Cancerians love to be at home and need privacy. The love and romance between a Cancerian and a Libran may not be intense as Cancers are very emotional and expect caring and cuddling from their counterpart but Librans are practical and may not understand the concern of a Cancerian. Real Self ,Strength , Personality, traits, vital force experienced in real life : An Aquarian is fond of a Gemini’s sense of humor. The compatibility of this relationship is strengthened by their similar outlook in life. A Geminian will adore the creativity of an Aquarian, who will in turn revere a Geminian’s independence. But, their unpredictable nature can invite some problems in the compatibility arena. An Aquarian will have to master the art of romance to keep up Geminian’s passion up to the brim.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : pisces Sun and cancer Moon
Boy : Gemini Sun and scorpio Moon 
Real Self, strength, personality, vital force experienced life long :                                                  Their only trouble is the communication breakdowns that can result if Pisces feels Gemini isn't understanding enough or if Gemini feels hampered by Pisces's emotional sensitivity. The good thing is, both try to get over their own hurt feelings quickly. Gemini and Pisces are both Mutable Signs, thus quite compatible.
 Emotional feeling needed, satisfied and enjoyed at each moment :                                            Both signs are adept at psychological manipulation, and Scorpio in particular will use Cancer's weaknesses against him or her at times. However, Cancer and Scorpio compatibility is held together by an almost psychic link and should these two decide to end their relationship, it will be very painful for both of them.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : Aries Sun and Aries Moon
Boy : Gemini Sun and Cancer Moon 
Real Self, strength, personality, vital force experienced life long :                                                           When life is flowing smoothly, this fire and air combination can set the pulse racing. Gemini’s intellect and intelligence turns Aries on, while Aries brings passion and enthusisam to Gemini’s slightly aloof emotional demeanour. Gemini loves to argue; Aries loves to win. compatibility is helped only by a mutual understanding. A couple who are constantly arguing but who seem to really get one another on a deeper level
Emotional feeling needed, satisfied and enjoyed at each moment :                                                                When Aries and Cancer come together in a love affair, it's a case of opposites attracting. Aries is rash and brash while Cancer is sensitive and emotional. Aries can certainly be emotional in a fiery, impetuous way that can completely overwhelm Cancer.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
  Girl : Sagittarius Sun and Virgo Moon
  Boy : Capricorn Sun and Scorpio Moon 
Real Self, strength, personality, vital force experienced life long :                            Capricorn is a sober, serious, responsible sign, whereas Sagittarius is reckless, unconventional and at times, utterly irresponsible. Yet star sign compatibility is never as simple as it might seem, and this surprising pair can create a quirky and offbeat yet successful relationship with a little effort. you can see this happening of transformation in the video from middle. Upset capricorn gets enthusisum from sagittarius. in exchange sagittarius learns responsible from and for capricorn. 
 Emotional feeling needed, satisfied and enjoyed at each moment :                         When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together. Their placement gives the relationship an intense karmic bond. The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties. Due to this karma both are attached to each other. 
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
It belongs to blarg and capricornianswrath
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : Taurus Sun and Sagittarius Moon
Boy : Capricorn Sun and  Gemini Moon
Real Self, strength, personality, vital force experienced life long  :  Taurus woman and Capricorn man have the ever lasting love which makes their match the best pair on the compatibility chart. Both of them will enjoy each other's company. A Capricorn man finds his perfect soul mate in a Taurus woman.
Emotional feeling needed, satisfied and enjoyed at each moment : This “newness” is vital to Sagittarius, and Gemini compatibility works better with constant renewal too. Air signs and fire sign generally are a good match for one another, but usually the fire sign needs the air sign more than the other way round.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : capricorn moon and scorpio sun.
Boy : virgo moon and leo sun
When Virgo and Capricorn join together in a love match, theirs is a pragmatic, smart relationship. Both Signs are highly rational, and both expect a lot of themselves and others. Virgo adores Capricorn’s dedication and intensity, whileCapricorn admires Virgo’s intuition and attention to detail.
Sexual, heated, steamy and filled with drama, it’s not a relationship for the faint hearted, but both Scorpio and Leo are strong enough to cope. Whether they come together for a few weeks or a lifetime, Leo and Scorpio compatibility is raw, but so irresistible for both partners
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Girl : capricorn moon and scorpio sun.
Boy : virgo moon and leo sun
When Virgo and Capricorn join together in a love match, theirs is a pragmatic, smart relationship. Both Signs are highly rational, and both expect a lot of themselves and others. Virgo adores Capricorn's dedication and intensity, whileCapricorn admires Virgo's intuition and attention to detail.
Sexual, heated, steamy and filled with drama, it's not a relationship for the faint hearted, but both Scorpio and Leo are strong enough to cope. Whether they come together for a few weeks or a lifetime, Leo and Scorpio compatibility is raw, but so irresistible for both partners
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Those who like me see this song once
Shows a love of music and emotion between two ever loving pair
( Capricorn male and Taurus girl)
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Rising Signs !
Aries: You’re bold, and tend to speak loudly. You usually stick out and make your presence unforgettable. You speak the truth, whether it’s good or bad. I admire how you’re not afraid to stand up to someone. You’re also very funny too.
Taurus: You’re seen as someone easy to approach. You have a calming aura around you, which tends to attract people to you. You also have this studious presence. At times, you may be awkward at socializing, but you warm up quickly.
Gemini: It’s all about the talking to you. You’re very talkative, and able to adapt in the environment quickly. People love you because you have this ability to make it seem like you and the other person were old friends that just met. You also have a witty sense of humor.
Cancer: You’re very quiet around strangers. You have a tendency to fade in the background and observe the people around you. Because of this, many people may not notice you. Once they get to actually know you, you’re very sweet and caring.
Leo: Like Aries, you’re very bold, and you make people laugh. You stand out and shine brightly, which makes a lot of people attracted to you and envy you. You can hit up a conversation with anyone, and make them feel special.
Virgo: Like Cancer, you tend to not speak and observe instead. You love helping people out, and try to make them realize their own potential. People flock to you when they need your assistance on something important because you always seem like you know what you’re doing.
Libra: People adore you because of your sweet and generous personality. You make everyone feel like they’re home, and that you’re always ready to take care of them. Libra risings attract a lot of people because their habit of giving. Though be careful because people will most likely try to take advantage of you!
Scorpio: You’re seen as someone eccentric. You can be super closed off at times, and maybe even mysterious. But beneath that cold exterior, you’re so kind and pleasant to be around with. People may find you a hassle at first, but in the end, it’s worth it when you get to warm up to them.
Sagittarius: You have such a charismatic personality. You’re funny, easy to socialize with, and most of all, such fun to be around with. You make everyone feel like they were originally friends with you. Because of this, a lot of people want to talk to you and hang out with you. Though you can be a tad annoying, you’re the best one to have around when everyone needs a little cheer up.
Capricorn: You give off such a mature aura to people. You know how to overcome your obstacles, and you don’t like it when things are in the way of achieving your goal. People see you as someone very logical and ready to accomplish anything.
Aquarius: Because of your hilarious and popular personality, you draw so much attention to you. People love you because of you’re ability to stand out without even trying to. You’re so amusing to talk to because you always have something to say. You’re also able to make a joke out of anything.
Pisces: You have such a warm and delightful personality. Many people go to you because of you’re ability to make everything feel right. You’re like a cute animal that everyone wants to pet because you just make everything feel so dreamy and ideal.
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
How To Tell When Someone Is Attracted To You
1. Aries: Happy
When Aries are attracted to you, they are more likely to act happy when they are around you. They will smile and almost laugh at everything you say. When Aries feel attraction, they feel that life is better and that you’re the reason for it.
2. Taurus: Changes Personality
When around you, they don’t act like their usual selves. They might be more extroverted compared to their introverted usual self. They might be more talkative for example.
3. Gemini: Become More Agreeable
Despite their own different views on things, when they are attracted to you, they tend to agree with you more with the frequent ‘me too.’ They also side more with you on views on things.
4. Cancer: Become More Like You
When a cancer likes you, they try to compare with you by being like you. So they might start dressing in the same fashion sense that you do or they might speak in a way like you do. They might even start taking similar courses as you.
5. Leo: Becomes More Touchy
They seek physical closeness with you. When Leo are attracted, they try to get what ever chance to get close to your personal space. Even if they don’t have the chance, they will still imagine or think about it.
6. Virgo: Pays Very Close Attention To You
When Virgo are attracted, they pay very close attention to everything you do, say or not say. They want to get to know you more and as a result, every detail about yourself that you wouldn’t expect a Virgo to notice, they do. For example, they know your time table even when you don’t tell them, because they paid attention.
7. Libra: Asks You A lot of Questions
When a Libra likes you, they want to get to know you more. The tend to ask a lot of questions about you. They might even ask their friends or other people about you if they know you.
8. Scorpio: Becomes A little Possessive
When a Scorpio likes you, they can easily get jealous or discouraged when your attention is elsewhere. They would express that by either not talking to you or trying to get your attention to focus on them.
9. Sagittarius: Flirts With You
They flirt with you. When they are attracted to you, they’re confident and they like to argue with you in a flirtatious or friendly way. They might tease you, but they’re actually really interested in you and trying to get a reaction.
10. Capricorn: Wants To Be Around You More
When a Capricorn is attracted, they find ways to get to spend more time with you. For example, they might ask you to hang out with you or subtlety ask you to some event.
11. Aquarius: Mirrors Your Body Language
When they like you, they tend to copy your body language a bit more. This helps get you to like them more.
12. Pisces: Tries To Impress You
When a Pisces is attracted to you, they try very hard to get your attention and you to notice them. They might start dressing nicer or doing really well at something.
Source: Unknown
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astroinreality-blog · 7 years
Bianca if your interested furthur reply?
Hi Bianca .Hats off for the videos. It is nice . Your zodiac sign is Aquarius . Your moon sign in Sagittarius . Jupiter in Capricorn. Mars in vigro . Mercury and venus in Aquarius . Saturn in Pisces . North node is in vigro and south node is in pisces.
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