astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
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                                      『 ❝ do wh– whoa! ❞ 』
            before he had the chance to even finish his thought, Jim grabbed him by the waist and pressed lips to his, causing the alchemist’s eyes to widen, briefly, before settling to a close, Varian’s hands setting themselves on Jim’s shoulders.
jim held him there for a few seconds more before backing away and smiling at the boy in his arms. he gave him a smooch on his cheek just for good measure and grinned a bit. 
“so, still feel like being pouty about the day of hearts?”
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
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                                      『 ❝ …depends on what it is. ❞ 』
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“to do this.” he grabs him by the waist and plants a kiss on his mouth.
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astrolet · 5 years
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“...is  now a bad time?”
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astrolet · 5 years
jim lake jr is just a bi chub strong glutton who loves baking, eating, and his bf varian and gf bea
@darkchemy @perignotus
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
                                      『 ❝ I’ve spent so long being bitter… I forget what that                                              feels like. ❞ 』
            Varian knew this wouldn’t last. it never did with him. so, for as long as he could, he would take whatever time he had and just enjoy being here with his { very loving } boyfriend. it was the least he could do after all the stuff he made him put up with.             when Jim suddenly blew a raspberry on his cheek, it took Varian a moment to react. he simply blinked cluelessly for a moment before erupting into a small bout of soft laughter, nudging Jim with his shoulder a little and pressing a kiss to the other boy’s cheek.
                                      『 ❝ if you say so. ❞ 』
jim giggled in reply to varian’s laughter, happy that his boyfriend was feeling more happy than usual. 
“i love your laugh so much do you know that? it’s super cute, i wanna hear it more.”
his smile turned goofy as varian kissed him. no matter how long they were together he would always get flustered and blushy at varian’s shows of affection. they weren’t exactly rare, but they were special in their own little ways. 
“i should’ve gotten us snacks before i sat down. that would make this perfect. cuddles and food.”
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
            Varian hummed softly as he settled back against the other’s chest, making himself comfortable without limiting Jim from any comfort as well. a soft sigh escaped him, the alchemist’s eyes falling closed when Jim buried his face into his hair and brushed thumbs along his sides.
                                      『 ❝ figured you shouldn’t be the only one. ❞ 』
            he murmured, shrugging his shoulders and taking a sip from his tea, tipping his head a bit to give Jim access to kiss his cheek, neck, and collarbone. the affection felt nice and it sent pleasant tingles up his spine.
                                      『 ❝ just… worn down, I guess. ❞ 』
“well i’m glad to share the title of mushy boyfriend.” 
these moments with varian were nice. where neither was trying to do anything except be with each other. he sat his chin on the crook of varian’s shoulder and smiled. 
“you need rest sometimes you know. i’m glad you’re finally taking a moment to relax.” 
with a mischievous smirk on his face, jim leaned over and blew a raspberry onto varian’s cheek. 
“need to let loose.” 
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
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      ��     whilst Jim took off into the kitchen to make tea, Varian dropped himself down into the closest comfortable chair he could find, letting out a deep sigh as he settled back in his seat. it was true that it was rare for Varian to willingly want to cuddle or be in a genuinely sappy mood at all.             but, even someone like him had his breaking point.             when Jim returned and handed the alchemist his tea, Varian smiled thankfully and rolled his eyes, reaching out to tug the other closer so he could join him in his seat, shifting so that he could curl up on Jim’s lap.
                                      『 ❝ yeah, yeah. come here. ❞ 』
jim smiled wide at the invitation and wrapped his arms around varian as they curled up together on the seat. varian seemed a little cold to the touch, although jim normally ran hot so maybe that was for the best. 
he buried his face in varian’s dark locks and held him be his sides, rubbing his thumbs up and down against the fabric. 
“this is nice, i like it when you get all lovey dovey.” 
he kissed varian’s cheek and then his neck and collar bone. 
“anything in particular bring on this sudden cuddle fest?”
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
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                                      『 ❝ you’re right… I really am. I was thinking of a mint                                              tea. it helps relax me. ❞ 』
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“one mint tea coming up.”
varian was hardly ever in a willingly sappy mood. most of the time jim had to coax him out of his shell. so it was nice to see varian wanting to give and get a little attention. 
he went over to the kitchen and fixed some tea as fast as he could, handing it off to varian with a proud smile. 
“now, i believe i was promised a cuddle?”
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / baby.
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                                      『 ❝ …for the first time in my life… I actually feel like                                              I just want to curl up and cuddle someone. maybe                                              have a cup of tea… ❞ 』
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“you’re lucky that you have a very cuddly boyfriend always ready to go. what kind of tea do you want?”
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / babe.
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                                      『 ❝ you should be terrified. I’m a force to be reckoned                                              with, lover boy. ❞ 』
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“you’re less terrifying when you refer to me as a lover boy, baby.”
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astrolet · 5 years
this post is the bane of my existence, jim lake jr is canceled 
it physically pains me knowing that randy will willingly say crispy if jim asks him to 
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astrolet · 5 years
darkchemy‌ / babe.
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                                      『 ❝ ah, the sweet taste of success. I’ve read every                                              book in the library. Jim will be so proud. ❞ 』
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“i’m proud but also slightly terrified of the power you possess.”
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astrolet · 5 years
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❛ so that’s...really how you feel about love hm?? ❜ he looks like he’s about to cry.
* @darkchemy
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astrolet · 5 years
Collage is lawless, not in actuality, but in spirit
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astrolet · 5 years
i may not be an alchemist “officially” but i DO enjoy combining mysterious substances at random in the hopes that they’ll either turn into gold or explode so that has to count for something
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astrolet · 5 years
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astrolet · 5 years
Tumblr pls post my posts once thank u
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