astrometeora · 5 years
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🎄 How to start 2020 correctly? Great news for everyone who decided to change their lives in the new year. Today Mars will go from Scorpio to Sagittarius and will stay there until 16.02. This is a great time to start acting against the background of those who are just talking. The motto of the optimistic Mars in Sagittarius is “the sea is knee-deep, the mountains are shoulder-high”. 💪🏻 ⠀ 💃🏼  from 03.01 to 08.01 Mars in Trina with Chiron: now we will be everywhere in time and will be able to do several things at the same time. ⠀ 😡  from 20.01 to 03.02 Mars “swears” with Venus: in the literal sense, this is a conflict period between men and women. Squabbles over money are also likely. ⠀ 💤  from 24.01 to 02.02 Mars squared to Neptune: during this period we will be confused, we will start to be scattered on those things that are not priority. ⠀ ☀️  from 13.02 to 16.02 Mars meets the Sun: it’s time to present yourself, your plans, to act on the future, to make yourself known in society. ⠀ 💬 Have your plans changed after my #astroforecast?
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astrometeora · 5 years
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😵 I'm thinking about suicide... Please help...
🌓 I got this DM after previous post about the pros of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. Paradoxical? Not much. This is the same theme of this position of Mercury, the reverse side of the coin. How does this Scorpion sting us?
🤯 There is a looping and jamming on the same thoughts and experiences, it is difficult to switch. A good emotional memory – both for bad and good, vindictiveness in the worst case. In general, dramatization, self-eating, reflection, self-flagellation, exaggeration, constant experience and reflection of the same things, unpleasant and painful, as already mentioned above. Deep, strong, painful, vivid thoughts, emotions, experiences, internally and secretly again, not for the general public, not for everyone.
🤬 Mercury in Scorpio means also sarcasm, sharp language, slander, black humor, offensive and cruel statements and remarks, the desire to sting, bite, wound with a word. And often it is quite accurate, clear, correct definitions and formulations, thanks to the general insight, deep understanding, good intuition. The word that hits the target clearly, the word as a weapon, a sharp and dangerous tool. All this about mercury in Scorpio is quite possible to say.
🎯 How to pull yourself together in this period? Remember that Scorpio and Pluto as its ruler are also power, influence, possession, energy and material and power on a large scale, over a large number of people, things, money. Well, Mercury in Scorpio is also the power of words, power through the word, influence on others, on many through the word and speech, possession of something significant through the word and speech, the gift of persuasion, influence, submission through the word, speech and oratory skills. Energy power, the power of your words, magnetism, possession of attention, charismatic speech and the word as a weapon, as a tool, sharp and accurate.
👐🏻 Remember that such personal power is still impossible without preliminary periods of retrograde, periods of stop, delay, return, reinterpretation and reassessment, before a new movement forward. How are you going through this period of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio?
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astrometeora · 5 years
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📍 The most useful way to spend 12-14 November ⠀ 📡 How to multiply your resources in this time of miracles? ⠀ ▶️ I remind you that today is another #fullmoon on the #Taurus-#Scorpio axis. In a nutshell, this full moon will pose to you the following questions: ⠀ ⭐ to spend money or to save some? ⭐ to hold on to a stable salary or take a risk with the business to hit the jackpot? ⭐ to pay the debt or not? to throw away the old stuff or leave (on rags)? ⭐ to use your own resources or borrow some from others? ⭐ to continue the insane violence against yourself or become a creator, feel your body and soul? ⭐ to destroy or to create? ⭐ to accept yourself, your naturalness or cut everything that annoy you? ⠀ ❗ This period will act during 3 days – November 12-14. How can you personally use this time usefully? ⠀ 🔭 Build your #natalchart and find the Taurus-Scorpio axis (for example on slide 2 it fells on the 2-8 axis). Then read below your best way to spend your full moon: ⠀ 🎠 If the Taurus-Scorpio axis hits the 1-7 axis: 🔸️ change the annoying in your image or the nearest heart circle (get rid of partners-vampires, tyrants, despots, manipulators); 🔸️ discuss opportunities for common business with your partner or save together with your partner someone's lost soul, ask your partner for money for your desire. ⠀ 🎠 If the Taurus-Scorpio axis hits the 2-8 axis: 🔸️ give back if you owe something, or give up junk food in favor of health and naturalness; 🔸️ determine the amount you can invest, find the best deals at interest. ⠀ 🎠 If the Taurus-Scorpio axis hits the 3-9 axis: 🔸️ superfluous people, casual communications – this all came to an end, say goodbye yourself, clean subscriptions in Instagram and the phone book; 🔸️ the sphere of your interests, philosophical searches has to change. Issues that touched you long and long ago take away on the second plan. Doors are open to completely new information. ⠀ 💡 If you do not know where this axis is in your natal chart, write your date, exact time and place of birth in the comments or direct messages. I'll help you to find it!
🎠 If the Taurus-Scorpio axis hits the 4-10 axis: 🔸️ your house is your fortress, so take the first step and strengthen your home, give a start to repair, after which your hut will turn into a castle; 🔸️ normal bosses like strong and strong-willed, those who are ready to struggle in the rain and in blizzard, by the fact that "it is necessary". If your exploits are not appreciated, it's time to find a new job. ⠀ 🎠 If the Taurus-Scorpio axis hits the 5-11 axis: 🔸️ are your friends following you through your whole life? If yes, then help someone else together with them who suffers and is on the verge (financially, physically, informationally); 🔸️ go back to your old hobby and redo what you once started earlier. Moreover, talk to your kids on the following topics: a) fears, what worries them greatly, b) how to handle finances and resources of your body. ⠀ 🎠 If the Taurus-Scorpio axis hits the 6-12 axis: 🔸️ update the tools that you usually use in your work or present a new service to the people; 🔸️ identify the weaknesses of your body and start the process of healing. Additionally, do not forget about your little pets. ⠀ ✏ Write in comments, what you will choose?
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astrometeora · 5 years
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🌖 A powerful full moon is coming!
♏♉ It is supported by the most difficult planet, Pluto, and will touch the topic of resources (energy and material as it will be at 19°51 ' Taurus).
⚠️ WHEN?
12.11 , on Tuesday, 13-34 UTC
Such a transformable lunar cycle was not long ago. Thanks to #Pluto and #Uranus, who are always ready to kick us into a bright future.
💡 This #fullmoon is ready to expose everything we buried in our subconscious and tried to forget. #Retrogradely forced to float that was carefully hidden and not remembered.
🗡 This full moon is going to be psychologically difficult for some of us. A force is coming that can destroy everything that can no longer exist next to us in the future. It's about people, relationships, work, situations we're stuck in.
💨 But! Thanks to Pluto, we have a great chance to transform that, cut it off, heal and move on. To be honest Pluto likes to act through pain, losses and experiences. He ruthlessly takes away everything that prevents us from moving forward. But then he rewards us with limitless resources. It's about energy, about money and about power.
It is worth digging into your unconscious and working on what worries us, what pulls back and spoils life. The enemy must be known in person! Psychotherapy and energy practices in November are very effective.
💸 #Venus as ruler of this full moon is now defeated by #Neptune. It is not necessary to conduct important financial transactions. Do not lend, do not take loans, do not make deposits. Your expectations will not be met. In addition, we are now more than usual prone to love suffering and experiences. Try to see your illusions in the relationship.
👉🏻 Be especially careful now if you have in the Natal chart the following planets in 17-23 degrees: Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. You are now on the verge of deep transformation and stripping from everything unnecessary.
💪🏻 But all the released energy can permanently charge our way with confidence and give us strength. It's worth fighting for!
🎁 Bonus. #Mars and #Jupiter give us a good chance of success and achievement. But this is only possible in an already started project, especially if it lasts for a year and a half.
👇🏻 Which one of you is hooked as I am?
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astrometeora · 5 years
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👮🏻‍♂️The mysterious murder of the century has been solved.
🎰 I’m sure you will hear such news while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio till November 20. This position t frightens us actually gives us wonderful chances of total renewal. What treasure does Mercury retrograde carry in Scorpio?
🔍 Good for researchers in different areas - for scientists, detectives, investigators. For all those professions and occupations where it is important and necessary to get to the bottom, reach the bottom to understand situation completely, go to the end in your investigations and research.
♠️ Good at finding the exact answer, to seek and explore, solve puzzles, discover secrets, to decrypt anything. Especially if solving and finding the answer is associated with danger and risk, with something dark, scary, frightening, dangerous, forbidden.
♻️ Good for purification of the old, harmful and what lived out his time. To come something new in life, you need to get rid of the old. The same goes for the way of thinking. Mercury in Scorpio is also getting rid of the old way of thinking, from harmful thought forms, from wrong and destructive thoughts. It is the time of transformation of habitual type of thinking, a global change in the content of usual thoughts and reflections, cleansing and getting rid of outdated ways of thinking.
🆕️ Need an advice? Do not be afraid to go to the end, into the darkness and to descend into the depths. Use your mind and intuition at the same time. The death of the old way of thinking under the influence of Mercury in Scorpio is all the more possible and logical under the influence of retrograde, because with retrograde there is a stop, a return, a revision, a reassessment, a rethinking of all the topics and problems inherent and characteristic of mercury in Scorpio in general.
🆓️ Getting rid of old and habitual thoughts and meanings and the formation of new and useful thoughts is all the more possible and best obtained precisely during such a retrograde period, most effectively at this time.
✏ How you plan to use Mercury in Scorpio retrograde till November 20?
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astrometeora · 5 years
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I've been going the wrong way all my life. 🤯
I hear it every time I analyze another natal chart. I myself once told a similar story. I'm sorry to say, but for almost 30 years, 30 of the most active and effective years of my only life, (please note this important fact), I did what other people wanted me to do. 😔
Do you often do what your parents, friends, husband or wife, boss and society in general want you to do? Well, it's okay if you're asked to switch off the radio or make bacon and eggs instead of oatmeal. But what if the most important decisions in your life are not made by you? 😳
Everything starts small and usually comes from childhood. Once you have taken away a toy by older child and you were given a doll instead of Lego. There was not enough space in the math class at school and you devoted all your time to the Humanities. While your classmates are making careers as programmers in Silicon Valley, you dream of jumping out of the window of the local withering newspaper where you spend every working day in vain. 😫
The maximum that you allow yourself is an aircraft modeling club as a hobby. Only because you have to live this life for something. Why not for aeromodelling? 🤷🏼‍♂️
Astrology and natal chart analysis are the key in your hands. The key to the door that separates you from the life you actually dream of living. Take this key and turn it. Now the choice is really yours. Write to me in direct to get your key and finally start to live for real. 🗝
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