astudyingquinn · 4 years
I would actually study for once 
what if one day, for 24 hours, everyone on tumblr turned into whatever their url is
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
ah yes, words of comfort
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
💞 Spells dont have to be complex. Theres’s no like rule anywhere saying that your chants have to rhyme. There are no qualifications for being a witch.
✨Your spell can be just lighting a candle, and charging that candle with energy and intent.
🌱You can manifest intention without having to skip backwards and harvest dirt from a full moon on a friday in june (though that never hurt...)
🌟You can be magical without needing crystals or tarot cards.
✨None of these are a necessity. ✨
Witchcraft is a tool for you. It’s to help you. It’s your practice. Meant specifically for you. If your practice involves a single tea light and a cup of tea with deep meditation, then fuck yes that’s some hot magical shit right there.
If your spells are lengthy, 12 page poems, that are organized and specific and ritualistic and complicated then fuck yes thats fucking magical like hardcore respect
If your practice is smiling at a tree when you pass it, or wishing every dog you pass a good day, or remembering apollo when you think of the sun, and thats all, then fuck yeah bbq u go u lil magical witch, fuckin witchin it up all over the city
Do you practice magic? Then you’re magical. Do you practice witchcraft? Then you’re a witch. No one can tell you that you’re not except you.
You know it. The earth knows it. The spirits know it. That’s what matters.
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
Dionysus Offerings
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"Dionysus (or Dionysos) is the Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, and wild frenzy."
Large Altars:
Grape juice
Olive oil
Curved daggers
Pine incense or frankensince
Bull horns
Snake skin
Leopard or tiger print objects
Purple candles
Theatre masks
Sexual toys (He was sometimes worshipped as a giant phallus!)
Percussion instruments
Wine bottles
Small/Hidden Altars:
Fake/toy grapes
Leaves or curls from grapevines
Ivy leaves
Pine needles
Apple seeds
Toys, photos, or art of any big cats, snakes, and/or bulls
Songs you've written
Any art that you create
Any stories that you create
Art or pictures of the comedy and tragedy masks
Wine corks
Wine labels
Toy or miniature drums
Purple crystals like amethyst, grape agate, sugilite, etc.
Devotional Acts:
Make a playlist for Him
Dance and sing to your favorite songs or songs you'd think He would like
Throw a feast in His honor
Remembering to take your medication (if you have any) and taking care of your mental health
Support/donate to your local theatre in His name
Be a part of the theatre!
Stand up for those that are marginalized
Write stories/plays for Him
Invite Him to watch plays or movies with you, especially comedies or tragedies
Throw parties or attend them
Attend festivals
Attend a wine tasting
Go on wine tours
Attend parades
Masturbate or partake in sexual acts for Him (if you're comfortable doing so)
Drink alcohol or grape juice
Smoke pot (only if you want to)
Learn about winemaking
Support local vineyards
Wear wreaths made from ivy
Wear faux leopard or tiger print
Wear the color purple
Pray to Him for things such as protection while intoxicated/high, relaxation, improvement in your mental health, fertility, ecstasy, for everything going well in the theatre
Artwork from the game Hades
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
“If you really want to challenge your viewership, then you need to stop limiting me”
WARNING: In this post I will talk about Remus, so there will be swear words, mention of sex, blood and all sort of things. I don’t think humans should run away from those arguments because they’re all part of our nature, but if you don’t want to read about them, I respect your opinion and I’m warning you here.
Oh, Remus. Such wonderful chaos, such amazing character. There’s a lot to unpack from a single video, so let’s start. I will try to follow some order, but if I fail, I blame the trash boy.
PS. I won’t take his playlist into consideration, because it will have its own post. This is just what I found out from his first appearance.
​Why “the spectrum A to Z​” is absolutely necessary for Thomas (and for every artist in general)​
When I listened to The Forbidden Fruit for the first time and Remus explained who he was and what his role was, I remember I grinned like an idiot.
Oh, I thought, so that’s where we’re going.
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I​f you want the spectrum A to Z, then you’ll need a little help from me~!
The full spectrum means full creativity. It means do not restrict yourself with “what the censorship allows” or “what is acceptable for ​the general​ public” or “what religion/society/whatever may think about it”.
In my opinion, every good artist, no matter what artistic field they are pursuing, should have the freedom to choose from the full spectrum of creative possibilities. And yes, that means having​ also the freedom to choose (if necessary) the three “forbidden” aspects​ ​of human nature: sex, blood and death​​.
Usually, we banish those things because they​ remind us of our mortality. Humans are strong: we’re the strongest species of this planet​ and the more we evolve, the more we prefer to forget that our bodies are made of flesh and blood and that we have sexual urges like any other creature.​
But that’s still part of what we are. And having the freedom to choose among these things means expanding your creative horizons.
Keep reading
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
i’m going to the inescapable vöid of my inner mind y’all want anything
mmm bring back cheese fries
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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The Candlewing Spell~
(Something a bit different, based on requests from patrons Diana Bartosh, Jacy Stesney and Luis Graciano who all asked for some form of comforting comic and this little bird just popped to mind.  I’ve been thinking about not indulging blind optimism while still pushing back against feeling helpless/ overwhelmed, I hope this spellamthing gets at that, the words feel a bit earnest and embarrassing to share but maybe that’s alright! )
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
How do you (“how does one”) shop for a therapist?
Can you call up a therapist and be like “hi, I’m therapist shopping”? Can you schedule an appointment with a therapist and then be like “actually I have some questions and I want to spend part of this appointment talking about your practice and whether or not it is garbage?”? Are you expected to phone interview/screen your therapists if you are shopping around for a therapist?
If you’re seeing one therapist are you supposed to/not supposed to tell them if you start seeing another therapist? Is it possible to cheat on your therapist?
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
Astral Travel: a Quick Guide
First, what is astral travel? Astral travel is a form of visiting the metaphysical planes of the Astral. Unlike astral projection, however, you are still aware of your physical body, but not to the point of bilocation. Astral travel is easier to start astral adventures because you don’t have to worry about that itch on your head to distract you from sensing things in the astral. The cars out your window, or your family downstairs doesn’t mess with your sight. It’s also nice to wake up when someone opens your door, and not be totally unaware of your physical body. I have a handy chart to help point out the differences between bilocation, travel, and projecting.
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Okay that’s cool and all, but how do you get to the astral?
First, make sure you have wards, shields, protection, all of that good jazz. You’ll need these for all spirit work, astral work, astral travel/projection, even if you don’t wanna do any of that protection is always needed!
My first suggestion is to try guided meditation. When you listen to their words, and go to the places they describe, you are creating your own astral plane. (For a more thorough how to, click HERE).
If you don’t want to try a guided meditation, my biggest suggestion would be to get comfortable, play music if you want/need. I suggest sitting while you do this. Things can get confusing when your physical body’s gravity is pulling a different way than your astral bodies, and it can throw off concentration. Get into a meditative state. This just means that you have steadied your breathing and are aware of your blood flow. You feel the energy inside of you, outside of you, around you. You are just, aware. And then, stand up. Not physically. Just, imagine yourself standing up. Don’t be worried if things slip into 3rd person perspective, or if things get a cartoony look. Sometimes that’s just how you perceive the astral. Go to your bedroom door and open it. When you open it, picture the otherside to be a land you’ve never seen before, let it be whatever it wants to be. 
When you are done, head back to your body, just to be safe. Many astral bodies can travel back to the physical body on their own when there is no focus on them, but some don’t, and still others have an autopilot, and until you know what your body does, it’s best to make sure it’s safe with your physical.
Other ways to enter and leave the astral, as well as travel between planes:
Crawl through a mirror
Blink and you’re in a new place (this is teleportation)
Imagine the world swirling around you until it comes to a stop and you’re in a new place
Imagine a tear opening up in space that you can step through
Open a door to wherever you would like to go
Go out a window
Anything else you can think of!
So many things in the astral are only done if you believe in them, so try not to lose faith. If your senses aren’t 100% while you astral travel, don’t worry either! Trust your gut! What feels right? Does this tree feel brown, or blue? If your first thought is blue, don’t go “Oh great I’m making things up” because you might not be! Your astral body sees everything just as it should be, but when the information goes to your physical mind, it sometimes gets lost in the connection, and you don’t sense everything just as though it was physical. This is a skill that takes lots of time to hone in on, so just keep working at it and you’ll be fine. For extra practice you could always have a friend flash colours in your face, so that you have to guess them. I personally have a room that shows colours, shapes, numbers, and other images for new spirit workers to practice their senses!
It may take lots and lots of practice, but anyone can astral travel! If you really can’t you can always ask another spirit worker to take you out of your body and out on an adventure! Or ask a trusted spirit friend to help! You can have someone (or do it yourself) to enchant an object to help with your senses! If you know you’ve left your body but can’t see, you may want to clear blockages and cleanse!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask! Make sure you ward beforehand and stay safe!!!
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
★ Dangers of Astral Travel
I have been getting questions about astral traveling and I am going to answer them right here, right now. This is a serious matter that I would like to make sure you all understand.
You DO NOT have/need to astral travel.
I can’t stress this enough. This is not MANDATORY by any means. I do it because I WANT TO and I am well aware of the risks.
Some of these risks include:
Dying. Yes, you can die in the astral plane. I have heard it is the worse thing in the world. Spirits kill you all the time and you’re going to have to deal with that.
Getting hurt. Yes, you can get seriously hurt and let me tell you, it effects your physical body. That battle I was talking about during lucid dreaming? Yeah, I am sore from head to toe. My back is seriously killing me.
Possession. Spirits can try to possess you.I have heard of unpleasant spirits possessing others and you know, it’s not fun at all.
Being Followed. Spirits can follow you home and they will attack when you are weak enough. I recently had a spirit follow me from an astral plane and it came to kill me.
Beings can lie and betray you. Beings are known to lie to you to get something from you. Do you really want to deal with that kind of pain?
Loosing control. You can lose control real easily. The connection between your astral body and your physical body can get damaged.
Traveling alone. Traveling alone is not suggested ever. You can run into serious trouble and there will be no one to save you. 
I’m talking about these risks and I am sure there are a lot more that I haven’t encountered yet.
If you want to hear about an astral experience, look here. I had a being who tried to kill me three times. Not all experiences are rainbows.
If it seems like I am pushing you guys to astral travel, I am NOT. I am only speaking about my experiences.
I always use protection and I always cleanse before and after sessions. 
Yes, I know I astral travel a few times, but I make sure I am protected. I know how to put up a shield to protect myself.
You have to look at these risks and decide for yourself if YOU are willing to go through these things. Remember, you DO NOT need to Astral Travel!
Last edited on November 12th, 2014.
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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Sanders Sides + Planet Symbolism
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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Life, Death, Rebirth. Josh Tiessen.
“Can These Bones Live”.
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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Visualisation is incredibly useful in witchcraft as it is the base of energy work. From this, you can do all kinds of practices.
You can use visualisation for meditation, astral travel, sending energy into objects and many other things. These will all be covered in the future.
So, how do I start?
Here’s a basic exercise for you to practice. It’s very simple and many of you will probably be able to pick it up easily if you’ve already done visualition techniques!
1.  You’ll need a very quiet area where you’ll be comfortable. Even lying in bed and putting white noise in your headphones is useful. Get rid of all distractions, put your phone on silent etc.
2.  Close your eyes and empty your mind. Your mind might feel like a blank sheet of paper, and you’re going to create something in there.
3.  Picture an apple, any old apple. Zoom in and see its shape,  it’s colour. Does it have leaves, more than one colour? Look at every tiny detail of the apple you’ve created.
4.  Next, take a knife and cut this apple in half. Focus on the detail inside:  the colour, how many seeds there are etc. The more detail, the better.
5.  Now you use your senses. What the apple feels like, smells like. Bite into it and taste it. You’re using visualisation to not only see the apple but understand everything about it.
From this, you’re able to visualise and interact with objects in your mind. Practice often with anything you like!
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
*crawls from under the bed*
✨soup time!✨
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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Yves Olade, When Rome Falls
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astudyingquinn · 4 years
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please have this picture of dionysus from Overly Sarcastic Productions’ video about his history
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