aswingandaprayer · 4 years
sometimes it takes a nudge
Thank you gamegirl503. Notification of you following me... woke my happy little (sure... we shall go with this 😛) tuckus up. Did not realize how long it had been. Actually ... still don't know 🙃 but it FEELS like for EV AH ❤ So thank you.
I hope your Christmas (insert holiday of choice) was merry and your NEW YEAR the brightest.
Just remember... do not let circumstances get ya down. They will pass... and YOU can take any proverbial bull... lol.. by the horns. Hugs wit much gratitude..... me ❤🕊❤🕊❤
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aswingandaprayer · 5 years
Confidence Born Of Reflection
          Sometimes I read my DailyOm Horoscope and think... this is just good stuff.  I am born on november 22nd... but don’t believe others should be excluded from good stuff <3 <3 <3
                                                May 1, 2019            
       You may have feelings or opinions you wish to express today but are a bit anxious as to how your thoughts will be received. Perhaps you are afraid that others will judge you or your beliefs. If this is the case, it may serve you well to think about the experiences or factors that inspired your ideas. If you spend some time examining the basis of your beliefs today, you may strengthen your convictions or feel more confident about your opinions. It may also be easier for you to communicate how you are feeling when you believe in yourself. And when you have a strong belief in yourself, you express your thoughts confidently, thereby making it easier for others to understand what you are trying to communicate.
When we take the time to fully comprehend our opinions or feelings, we can communicate them with confidence. We can then explain ourselves clearly to others. This level of self-understanding comes across in our voice, words, and body language. When others see the strength of our convictions, they are more inclined to listen, process, and appreciate what we share. Spend time reflecting on how you came to form your opinions before making them known today, embrace what you have to say, and the strength of your convictions will enable you to communicate your ideas more effectively to others.
Fill your glass... or don’t... tis your glass <3 have a brilliant day all.  love and hugs and happies (and all the other feels for balance) ... me
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aswingandaprayer · 5 years
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this is no longer a test lol.  well, yes and no <3 at 61 I officially claim artist.  the above piece, just for clarity, is not mine.  Though I have had no formal training, there have been many many many creations in my life... including this fabulous wonderful challenging briliant life of mine.  I have been jumping off of bridges for about 15 years now and it has been awhile since the last leap.  The leap of faith has brought me people, and bridges, and connections of all kinds.... now it is time for me to fly (song title... yeah... something else I must do more ofter.  Something all of us could consider :) doing more often)  Make a BEaUtiful day all.  love and hugs, me
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
Phenomenal Evening
And do you know how I know? I invested (my rationalization of spending way to much) many dollars on food... and did not take one pic of it :) I LOVE my son... where we are... where we are going... and every step we took (take) to get there 💖💓💖💓💖
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
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don't lose your spirit cuz ya lose your teeth. the good peeps will ALWAYS love ya 💖💖💖
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
Your homework...
should you choose to accept it. Keep loving yourself... and those you have chosen to love. Plant things that you wish to see grow. Water and weed daily. Be the change and hope and pray for things you cannot control. breathe deep and regularly. grow, swim, love.... yay.
This is part of my story and I 'm sticking to it. 💖💓💖💓💖
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
Madisyn Taylor
                   Practicing humility in life is important - while you may have a greater understanding in some areas, others will always be able to teach you something in other areas.                
                                                                    The notion of humility as a virtue brings numerous images to mind. We tend to envision those rare individuals who humbly bear life's struggles while downplaying their own strengths. Yet humility is also associated with people whose insecurities compel them to judge themselves unfavorably as a matter of course. The true definition of humility, however, does not correspond precisely with either of these images. Humility is not passivity. Rather, it is an utter lack of self-importance. The individuals who embody the concept of humility appreciate that each human being on the planet occupies a unique place on an infinite spectrum of development. Though they can take pride in their own accomplishments, they also understand that the people they interact with each day are as valuable and have as much to offer the world as they themselves do.
To be humble is to accept that while there will always be individuals more and less advanced than yourself, those on all parts of the spectrum of development can provide you with insights that further your personal evolution. Recognizing these insights is a matter of opening yourself to the fact that not only do others think and feel differently than you, but their life experiences have shaped them in a very different way than yours have shaped you. This means that while you may have a greater understanding in some areas, others will always be able to teach you something. When you cultivate a genuine yearning to know what skills and talents those you encounter have been blessed with, you cannot help but learn humility. You instinctively understand that emotions like envy breed resistance that prevents you from growing, and that being flexible in your interactions with others will help you connect with unexpected mentors.
When you practice humility, you want to become as accomplished and evolved as you can possibly be, yet you are willing to submit to the expertise of others to do so. You understand the scope of your aptitudes yet you choose to eradicate arrogance from your attitude, and you can distinguish the value you possess as an individual while still acting in the interests of your fellow human beings. Humility, simply put, is a form of balance in which you can celebrate your own worth while sincerely believing that every other person on the planet is just as worthy as you.                                
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
joy ... experience
day number sumpin sumpin. So far so mostly yay. When I start to get anxious.... I do something I know I need to do.... or something artistic.... and say this is exciting.... I am doing it. Breathe deep ... change the perspective of the energy. loooooooong.... excited 😜 exhale lol
have a brilliant beautiful day.
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
on a daily yay it would appear.... looooooooong exhale. no.... more waiting. 💖💖💖
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
When someone behaves poorly, your name here, it's always because they've forgotten how powerful they really are, how beautiful life is, and how much they're loved.
The Universe
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
hmmmmmmm 💖💖💖
I am running away but I prefer to call it a strategic retreat.
Tennessee Williams, The Selected Letters: 1920-1945
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
An experiment in JOY
the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Life is all of it... and I have definitely, in my 60 years seen sooooooooooooooooooo very much.  Through choices and “mistakes” I have landed in a place with no money and three weeks til a first pay check.  I am not complaining or blaming... I got me here... That being said I ... self proclaimed Pollyanna (and if you haven’t seen this ancient Disney flick, I would highly recommend it.  But, then, I am a self proclaimed Pollyanna ;)   that I am... I have been on edge for several months now.  
Just now... while watching Joan of Arcadia... I decided... to see how much JOY I can put in the next few weeks. For myself and others.  A Don Quixote quest as it were.  I shall be tilting at windmills... still not sure what that means.  
I am not saying I will not feel other things... cuz well... still HUMAN.  I will however sit with ... for a moment or two... then... let it go... There will be PLENTY of time for that after the three week experiment.  And as in any good experiment, we are in need of a hypothesis.  Will this end in AMAZING interesting developments because of the positivity?  Will I be even more anxious for not fully feeling the balance of life?  If you have a hypothesis, and or would like to join me in this quest.... please let me know.  Having more people involved would be a WONDERFUL thing.  Refocus, redirect, redesign and recreate your life energies to the “sunny side of the street”.  
hope to hear from somebody.  Hugs and happies on a brilliant three. (sumpin not 3 maybe? day perhaps)  <3 <3 <3 the me
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
it meets you in the all of it... but I get... and LOVE ... this. 💞💓💖💓💞
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
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no wonder I have never done therapy lol  Hugs and a happy holiday monday all.  And, I am mostly kidding, therapy does have it’s place.  Absolutely.  This just tickled me this a.m.  I hope you enjoyed it too.  Hugs and loves and pass it on <3 <3 <3
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aswingandaprayer · 6 years
I'm back... again... one more time... maybe more regulary.... maybe
Sooooooo life has taken many many turns lately. I want to talk about all of them. to be transparent. though i believe some things are not mine to share as much as they affect me. dilemma? who knows. I shall just share my angle of this.
I JUST learned that hitting the NEXT key on my phone keyboard gives me a new paragraph. Simple accomplishments can make me very happy 💞
So anyway.... I have been on the road (which means traveling full time, and working odd jobs at Renaissance Festivals and other venues) for approx 15 years. Someone I care for/love ... very very... is going through something... I decided to be here for him (after asking if he wanted this.... and yes... as a 60 year old woman who fully lives her life... I know i can do whatevah I choose. Again.. another person in this scenario) and myself. I have a few things that will be a bit easier to address sitting in one spot.... for now.
so what happens? I immediately get the worst cold I can remember... for longer than I remember ... at the most inopportune time. So I go to one of my FAV little books HEAL YOUR BODY (an entirely 'nother post to happen in its time) by Louise Haye (sp?) to see what thoughts lead to THE COLD. "too much is happening all at once" I laughed soooooooooo hard cuz.... well.... duh. So now... with all the things still happening... I am working on breathing, centering, relaxing during the "storm".... dancing in the rain, swim swim swimming, floating instead o drowning.... whatevah... I know this is no revelation to many.... many of you... but, it is a true revelation in my life (again... evidently... re remembering is a theme currently ;) ) but for those that needed to hear this ... YAY... tis nice to remember that no matter how alone I feel.... I Never REALLY am.
TBC. Time to plant some positive seeds in my yay.... and go find some work. Have whatever day you feel like making. and remember that gratitude is a lovely lovely thing. cheers till next.... the Michele 😜 hugs and hugs ... pass them on.
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aswingandaprayer · 7 years
simple miracle of the moment
phone charger fried... But didn't kill my phone in the process. Insert happy dance here :) brilliant day all.
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