To Whom It May Concern,
I hope this letter finds you all well. It’s been so long, but I haven’t forgotten any of you and miss you all quite a bit. This is the first chance I’ve gotten a chance to safely write to you without putting myself or my family at risk.
Emi and I slipped into the night a little more than two years ago because we feared for the safety of my daughter Samantha as well as our then unborn child due to being exposed to a dangerous group of criminals by the company. I’m afraid I cannot speak of this group, just simply wish for those who read this to know why we could not say our proper goodbyes.
So much has happened, but we are safe and we are well. Samantha is three years old and healthy and happy as a little girl can be. I cannot state where we are living, but it is a place with rolling hills for her to play in the grass and pick flowers. She’s a joy to be around and often finds stray animals when we aren’t looking. We have significantly more cats now than we started with, but I’m hardly complaining.
Emi’s and my little one is two. His name is Riley and he’s much shyer than his sister. He’s a kind soul and is often led around by Sam even if she has no idea where she’s going. She had enough confidence for the both of them.
Emi and I are well. We got married rather quickly and on short notice, but we’re happy. I’ve taken up at the local library and Emi has opened a bakery. I think he’s happier now. He smiles more.
I miss you all terribly and it saddens me that I might not get another chance to write in quite some time. I wish I didn’t have to keep things so brief. This has been a rare opportunity and I am unsure of when I will get the chance again. 
But until then, my best wishes,
Percival J. Monroe
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To Whom It May Concern,
I hope this letter finds you all well. It’s been so long, but I haven’t forgotten any of you and miss you all quite a bit. This is the first chance I’ve gotten a chance to safely write to you without putting myself or my family at risk.
Emi and I slipped into the night a little more than two years ago because we feared for the safety of my daughter Samantha as well as our then unborn child due to being exposed to a dangerous group of criminals by the company. I’m afraid I cannot speak of this group, just simply wish for those who read this to know why we could not say our proper goodbyes.
So much has happened, but we are safe and we are well. Samantha is three years old and healthy and happy as a little girl can be. I cannot state where we are living, but it is a place with rolling hills for her to play in the grass and pick flowers. She’s a joy to be around and often finds stray animals when we aren’t looking. We have significantly more cats now than we started with, but I’m hardly complaining.
Emi’s and my little one is two. His name is Riley and he’s much shyer than his sister. He’s a kind soul and is often led around by Sam even if she has no idea where she’s going. She had enough confidence for the both of them.
Emi and I are well. We got married rather quickly and on short notice, but we’re happy. I’ve taken up at the local library and Emi has opened a bakery. I think he’s happier now. He smiles more.
I miss you all terribly and it saddens me that I might not get another chance to write in quite some time. I wish I didn’t have to keep things so brief. This has been a rare opportunity and I am unsure of when I will get the chance again. 
But until then, my best wishes,
Percival J. Monroe
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//Hey y’all, my mostly unscheduled hiatus is over, I apologize for my absence. How is everyone?
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"Lord I feel numb. These last two weeks have just felt like mindless work. Have I missed much?"
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"And now I'm behind on my wedding planning.. You'd think a simple wedding would be easier to get together."
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"Lord it's been an exhausting week. I apologize for keeping low-key lately. I just haven't had much energy."
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//I apologize for my absence lately, I just started working full time and it takes up most of my hours. I'll be trying to get on Percy and Ed this weekend.
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Send me a "✔" if i'm one of your favorite blogs
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"Hrm.." Percy was taking a break, scribbling a list of something as he sipped his coffee in the rec room. He looked focused and a little preplexed.
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"Cake, flowers, catering.. the witnesses and officiate... Tux.. Still need to get our rings sized.."
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There was a knock at Percy's door. On the doorstep was a blender with a big bow stuck to it and a card that read only "Congratulations". The giver seemed to be long gone.
Percy came to the door, blinking when no one was there. The blender caught his attention however and he smiled. It was nice to be thought of. Perhaps someone who knew about the wedding or the baby had left it.
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“So that’s where it went. I was going to get it fixed on my own you know.” Percy hesitantly took the watch, turning it over in his hand. It seemed to be in working order. With a shrug, he slipped back around his left wrist where it belonged.
“A lot has happened since you’ve been gone, both good and bad. You’ve been gone a while. But things seem to be on the up and up lately, if a bit stressful. I’m getting married soon.” He sniffed slightly, adjusting his rather tight shirt.
╳ With at-the-desk-of-mann-co, con. from here: 
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“Your watch.” The small wristwatch lay limp in his palm, waiting to be picked up by the other. It had taken only minor tinkering to fix the issue, something the spy hoped would finally let the other cease on the subject. 
“Yes, it is me.” He had expected a certain amount of shock and surprise at his return; he had disappeared from the public eye for quite some time. But Spy had not expected the amount of contentment others had expressed upon seeing him. Perhaps he had been missed after all. 
“I was away on business, and have returned for now.” When his next mission was, Spy couldn’t tell. Hopefully he would be allowed to stay at the fort for a period. “Everything has been going smoothly, I trust?” 
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“I’ve actually read that sharing a room when they’re young is good for them and sibling bonding. It can even help them get to sleep faster being together. So we will need a bigger place eventually, but not before he comes, no.. probably just another crib. Maybe once Sam upgrades to a big girl bed.” He moved his hand on top of Émile’s.
“Oh, you told me to tell you when the baby is developed enough to hear. Well.. he’s supposedly at that point. And kicking at the moment. Can you feel it yet? It’s supposed to be anywhere between now and 22 weeks.”
"Émi, come quick!" Percy rushed to the door when the Spy came in, the blond beaming. He took his fiancé's hand and pulled him to the living room where Sam was sitting and playing with Munch and Gabriel. "Sam said Munch's name! That's her first word!"
Émile was startled at first, jogging to follow Percy without even taking his mask off. The new information brought a grin to his face, though it was a bit confused–”Munch’s name? Not daddy or papa or something?” There was a laugh in his voice, and when they came to a stop he pulled off his mask, plopping down onto the floor by the cats and the baby.
“Hi Sam! Who’s this, hm? Daddy says you know who this is.” He played with Munch’s paw as he spoke. If it had been Gabriel he would’ve pulled the cat into his lap, but Munch was… a lot of cat to be moving around.
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“Pappthhpt.” She almost had it but it ended in a raspberry and a wide giggling grin. Percy grinned as well, gently rubbing his stomach where the baby was kicking.
“Don’t worry, I tried to get her to say daddy and she just said doota.” He shook his head, scooting over to Émile to kiss his cheek. “She is the most adorable thing. And here we are, about to have another. I’m excited for her to have a little brother.”
"Émi, come quick!" Percy rushed to the door when the Spy came in, the blond beaming. He took his fiancé's hand and pulled him to the living room where Sam was sitting and playing with Munch and Gabriel. "Sam said Munch's name! That's her first word!"
Émile was startled at first, jogging to follow Percy without even taking his mask off. The new information brought a grin to his face, though it was a bit confused–”Munch’s name? Not daddy or papa or something?” There was a laugh in his voice, and when they came to a stop he pulled off his mask, plopping down onto the floor by the cats and the baby.
“Hi Sam! Who’s this, hm? Daddy says you know who this is.” He played with Munch’s paw as he spoke. If it had been Gabriel he would’ve pulled the cat into his lap, but Munch was… a lot of cat to be moving around.
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“ you kept complaining about your broken watch … so i figured you know? ”
“I beg your pardo- Hold up.. Spy? Is that you? Lord, I haven’t seen you around for a while. Been off somewhere important I expect?
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Sam giggled when her parents returned, crawling over and patting Munch’s fur. The cat didn’t move a muscle. “Moosh! Moosh!”
Percy snorted, sitting beside them, a hand on his belly. “I never said she was one hundred percent accurate. That’s right sweetheart, you’re Papa is playing with Munch’s paw.”
“Pa pla nama Moosh!” She patted the cat again with a squeal. Munch’s ears flattened.
"Émi, come quick!" Percy rushed to the door when the Spy came in, the blond beaming. He took his fiancé's hand and pulled him to the living room where Sam was sitting and playing with Munch and Gabriel. "Sam said Munch's name! That's her first word!"
Émile was startled at first, jogging to follow Percy without even taking his mask off. The new information brought a grin to his face, though it was a bit confused–”Munch’s name? Not daddy or papa or something?” There was a laugh in his voice, and when they came to a stop he pulled off his mask, plopping down onto the floor by the cats and the baby.
“Hi Sam! Who’s this, hm? Daddy says you know who this is.” He played with Munch’s paw as he spoke. If it had been Gabriel he would’ve pulled the cat into his lap, but Munch was… a lot of cat to be moving around.
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