ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
How To Double Your Learning Speed
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How many of you have been the opposite, you read something, you get to the end of the page, and then you forgot what you just read? Look around. And you go back and you reread it and you still don't know what you just read, right? And that's a big problem, right?
Because you're wasting your most valuable asset which is your time and the reason why all the speakers here give 100% is because we know your time is valuable. Like, I want to make this session so valuable, when you leave you are like, "I would have came and paid just for this one talk." You know what I mean? Because I know what it's like when I first learned these skills, I traveled around the world, I bought every audio program, audio cassette...I'm dating myself, but it's like I bought all these programs because that's the thing that's going to help me be able to grow the most. And so on the right side, the three questions I obsess about to get the most out of my reading or listening to a podcast or anything else, I asked myself these three questions. I ask myself, "How can I use this?" Now, it's so basic but I like to make...the things that are going to give you the highest return, I want to make them as simple as possible so you do it. "How can I use this?" And this is your creativity. You're listening to me as I speak here and all the other speakers and just ask, "How can I use this?" Because you have a dominant question you ask all the time, it's been imprinted on you since you were a child, right? And so for me growing up as the boy with a broken brain, I would be very introverted, very shy, and I would just...my superpower back then was being invisible, right? Because I didn't want to be seen or heard because I didn't feel like I was enough and that's just what my reality was. But my imagination would kick in all the time because I would watch people and observe them and ask, "Why is that person so smart? Why do I have to work three times harder to do worse than this person, right?" And the question I would ask all the time was, "How can I make this better?" Because I was obsessed, and the key to reading comprehension is asking more questions. If you read a page in a book, get to the end, and not get anything out of it, it's because you're not asking questions, because questions are the answer. You can write that on the left side. Questions are the answer because ask and you shall receive. And so that's all the thinking is, when you really break down functionally what thought and thinking is, when you're in a corner thinking to yourself, you're asking questions and then you're answering them. And you probably are like, "Is that true?" Notice you had to ask a question to be able to think about that, right?
And so, on the right side, I'm thinking about questions like, "How can I use this?" and this is like, ""Oh, there's the one way I could use it, another way and another way." The second question that I obsess about...and I would capture on the right side, to be able to when you're taking notes throughout today and the rest of your life, on the right side I would say, "Why must I use this?" Because here's the thing, the biggest lie in the personal development industry is that knowledge is power. It is, it's just you feel like you got points because you think signed up for a seminar or a webinar, you bought a book and it sits on your shelf and it becomes shelf-help instead of self-help because it just sits there, right? But it doesn't become...the truth is what people don't tell you is all the podcasts, coaching, conferences, online programs, none of it works unless you work, right? Is that fair to say? Like, you can't read a book on doing, like, push-ups and get benefit from that, it just doesn't work, right? So, you have to do the work. So I'm asking myself, "How can I use this?" and I come up with all these ideas, that's the creativity part. And then I'm asking, "Why must I use this?" Because if it's not a must, you're not going to do it because you have plenty of other things to do, is that fair? Because there's the success formula, you capture on the left side of your page, head, heart, hands. You could think about things in your mind, set goals in your head and affirmations, KPIs, your objectives, but if you're not acting with your hands, and you're procrastinating. Raise your hand if you ever procrastinated before. Right, all of us. If there's a gap between your head and your hands, check in with the second H, which is your heart, right? The emotion, we do things emotionally, we are emotional creatures. We're not logical; we're biological. Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, we're this chemical soup and so we want to be able to activate that. So, head, heart, hands, another way of putting it are the I's. Information, that's good, great, but sometimes you can listen to a podcast that has lot of information but there's no inspiration to use it. Fair? But sometimes you can listen to a speaker or learn something and it's inspiring, but you don't know what to do, right? Is that fair? So you have information, you have inspiration, and then you have implementation where you're doing it. And I feel like when you get all three I's together, you have the most powerful I which is integration. That's my goal for all of you is that when you read something, you listen
to something, you know, you learn something, it becomes part of who you are. It's integrated here, here and, here and then you have an alignment and how it performs is it looks like magic to people. You know when somebody is aligned and they're in their element, it looks like it's effortless? You know, these flow states, it's powerful. There's three parts to it that I focus on. You know, how many of you have ever been in the zone? And that's how it is when I'm reading. Like, people think that just because our programs called Kwik Brain and Kwik Learning and Kwik Reading, it's frantic fast. It's not at all, it is a piece to it. It's like somebody who's fit and has strategies, if they have to climb a mountain, it looks like it's effortless because they've just done the work and they have strategy and they have tools to be able to do so and somebody who maybe doesn't have those resources, it's more effort, is that fair? So actually learning how to do these things, it's easier, like, when I read a book...I still read a book a day, it's just part of my practice, it's part of my mental hygiene and I feel like it's the number one exercise because reading is to your mind like exercise is to your body. And some of you are already doing this, I'm preaching to you so I'm going to show you how to do it better. But those of you who aren't, on the other spectrum, reading at all...the average person reads, like, two books a year, now if you're reading, like, more than that, that means somebody is reading a lot less, right, on the other side but it's the best exercise for your brain. People ask me all the time, "How do I keep my brain young and how do I keep it energetic as I grow older?" Reading, reading. But the problem is a lot of people don't indulge in it because they're not good at it and I wouldn't be playing a lot of golf if I was horrible at it all the time but in psychology, they have something called the confidence-competence loop. That the more competent you get at something, the more confident you get at it and then the confidence will make you do it more and then you get more competent and then it cycles through in the positive momentum, right? And you have examples of that in your own life. So what I'm asking about here, the second part, the inspiration is, "Why must I use this?" And you know what question I asked a lot of is like, "Who's counting on me to win today?" You know what I mean? Because some of you...and I bring this up because some of you really will do more for other people than you will for yourself. So knowing that about yourself, self-awareness is a superpower, then tap into that. You don't have to change it, tap into it, "Who's counting on me to, like, be at my best?"
And then you're more likely to do it. And the reason I know this is because when I was driven so much, it was really my family who I want to make proud. Like, we all have our reasons, right? And one of my favorite books, I probably give you 12 of them, you know, in this conversation, "Start With Why," it's a must read book by Simon Sinek. And you want to start with your why because reasons reap results, reasons reap results. And even remembering people's names, if you don't have a reason to remember their name, you don't. Like, how many of you have trouble remembering people's names, raise your hand. See, this is the thing, you don't remember everyone's name but you sure as heck don't forget everyone's name either, right? So, there's always...genius leaves clues...you can write that down, genius leaves clues, there's always a method behind the magic, and I bet you the names you remember are people that you have some kind of intention. You're attracted to that person, they could be good for your business, right? There's some kind of motivation that's there. So, find your motivation in your reading because if you're not motivated, you're not going to read very well. Is that fair?
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
What School Didn’t Teach You
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one third of your memory your intelligence is predetermined by genetics and biology that's the research 1/3 that means 2/3 is in your control you want to get into the best schools you want to have the best jobs you want to do the best research the greatest advantage that you have if there's one skill to master in 21st century it's
your ability to learn faster it's a must it's not even a nice-to-have you must be able to do that to keep ahead if knowledge is power learning is your superpower the challenge though there were no classes on how to learn there weren't a lot of classes you know what I mean a lot of classes and foreign classes on what to learn right math history chemistry Spanish right important class on what to learn but there are very little classes on how to learn how to listen right how to take notes how to study how to read faster how to focus and concentrate and how to remember and retain things I always thought this should have been the fourth or in school they teach you three hours right reading writing and what rithmetic but what about remembering right what about retention what about recall you know Socrates said learning is remembering I'm going to show you how to use your brain or how your brain works so you could work your brain and so you could have better focus you'd be able to read fast you could remember the things that you want to do.
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki: Summary
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Here’s little Robert Kiyosaki. He has two fathers. One of them has a Ph.D., the other never finished 8th grade. Both earn substantial incomes, yet one always struggles financially, while the other is going to become one of the richest men in Hawaii. One is going to die leaving tens of millions of dollars to his family. The other is going to leave bills to be paid.
The problem with financial education is that it isn’t taught in schools, so the family decides to teach it. Now, the problem with this is that unless your parents are in the top 1%, they are going to teach you how to be poor, not because they don’t love you, they just don’t know what they’re teaching, and they don’t read books like Rich Dad Poor Dad. My story is very similar. I was taught how to be poor. Then I went to the Air Force Academy and studied economics and took accounting and investing classes. I did complicated regressions on economic data and balanced complex balance sheets. Yet, I have received more pragmatic advice by reading a single book from Kiyosaki than I did by taking four years of complicated classes. I never had a rich dad, but I have many rich dads now. Clason, Kiyosaki, Hill, DeMarco, the list goes on. So if you weren’t born into the top 1%, let’s learn from Kiyosaki who learned from his rich dad. You have to know these two words: assets and liabilities. Now forget what you might have learned in your accounting classes, we are going to define them in very simple terms. An asset is anything that puts money in your pocket. A liability is anything that takes money away from your pocket. Anything can be an asset or a liability. If you own a house and it eats a $1000 a month then it’s a liability. If you own a house and it brings in a $1000 a month then it’s an asset. Assets are things like businesses, real estate, paper assets, things like stocks and bonds. Here is why knowing this distinction is so important. Really try to focus on this. The poor only have expenses, the rich buy assets, and the middle class buy liabilities that they think are assets. After graduating if I had followed everybody’s advice, I would have gotten a job which increases my income, but there are so many problems with that. As I got my job, my girlfriend and I would have moved into a bigger house, we would have gotten a BMW in addition to our Mustang. I would have bought the iPhone 6. The problem with all of this is that I would think I was acquiring assets while I was actually acquiring liabilities. I would have to pay every month for the house, for the car, for my expensive phone. In essence, unless you make a paradigm shift about what you do with your money, which is to buy actual assets, no matter how much income you earn from your job, you will just match it with your liabilities and expenses. Your friends might admire your iPhone 6, and you might look rich but you will never actually be rich. Now there is nothing wrong with having your job. I just don’t have one, because I’m operating from the assets quadrant. But, if you are following the standard narrative of going to school and getting a job, chances are you’re acquiring liabilities which you think are assets. That is the problem. So keep your job, but make sure what you earn goes mostly towards real assets, rather than liabilities that seem like assets. And yes, eventually when you acquire enough assets, you won’t need your job either. It absolutely blows my mind how people say, well what if I lose money with the business, or the real estate, or the paper assets. They don’t say the same thing about buying their second enormous TV which will be worthless in a year, and which creates a liability every
month. I would rather lose all of my money starting a business than lose it by buying yet another TV I don’t need. Even if I lost all my money, the lessons learned from starting a business would be infinitely more valuable than watching Dr. Phil. Here is another problem. It’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep. If I told you I was going to pay you a million dollars a month, but then I took away $999,999, you’d have to be an idiot if you said you were making a million. My dad told me become a doctor and you will be rich. Yet a doctor pays a half or even more of what he earns just to the government. You get taxed when you earn. You get taxed when you spend. You get taxed when you save. And guess what, you get taxed when you die. On the other hand, you can operate from the assets quadrant and pay sometimes 0% in taxes. I have doctor friends who are more financially anxious than my absolutely broke friends. Here is a short history of taxation. Years ago, there was no tax in Great Britain or the United States. It amazes me how so many people don’t realize this. The government would sometimes collect tax during civil wars and extreme cases, but there was no actual tax. Well, the government realized that the poor and the middle class were idiots. The masses looked up to the idiotic story of Robin Hood and actually admired it. So, the government decided it was going to leverage that. It said, hey guys let’s put a tax on the rich, so you idiots can get money from them. Well of course all the idiots agreed and voted for it. The problem is that the government’s greed grew bigger and bigger until the taxation trickled down to everyone including the poor. But the rich didn’t care. They were too smart for little Robin Hood. They easily found ways to avoid being robbed of their hard earned money. So it actually hurt the idiots in the end, the poor and the middle class. That is why Warren Buffett pays lower tax rate than his secretary. I was born in 1992, in the Republic of Georgia right after the breakup of the Soviet Union. If you think I worked my ass off in poverty for two decades, so one day I could come to another communist state, you must be out of your mind. You must be out of your mind if you think I’m going to share over half of what I earn with blood and sweat with people who want to sit on their ass and watch TV all day and collect the benefits the government hands out to them, so they can get reelected. The rich are too smart for this. Yes, I am going to buy my BMW, I’m just going to buy it for my corporation. A poor person thinks of a bunch of buildings when he thinks of a corporation when in reality, it’s really a folder full of papers, a folder full of papers that allows the rich to make all the expenses and then pay the taxes at the end. So the rich will never actually be affected by any of this. It will always come down to the middle and the upper middle class, the people who work the hardest, to pay for the benefits of the person with a bag of chips in one hand, and a remote in the other.
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
10 Things that Will Change Your Life Immediately
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I'm going to go through really quickly to ten different things But what I want you to do is be able to memorize these ten things And so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through and I'm gonna teach you this very quickly A way of putting it onto your body and we're gonna put it onto your body just for ease So I'm gonna give you the ten keys To having an ageless mind. Every single one of them, you've either heard me say or you intuitively know that these are important That's not the reason I'm saying it
The reason I'm saying it is to take knowledge and turn it into power and I want you to take those ideas and have them Have real impact and what I want you to do is when I'm going through it I want you to cycle through and on a piece of paper Rate yourself on a scale of zero to ten how well am I doing in that category? One third of your memory is Predetermined by genetics and biology. Let's say two-thirds is in your control. These are the ten things I would focus on So the first one is a good brain diet Good brain diet. So on a scale of zero to ten What's an honest assessment if you're honest and true to yourself? Where are you on your diet? So we talked about the the most important foods for your brain that are neurological like protecting, they're Neuroprotective. So we're talking about avocados. We're talking about blueberries or what I call brain berries, right? We're talking about broccoli We're talking about eggs. If this is allowed by your diet. We're talking about coconut oil or olive oil We're talking about green leafy dark vegetables wild salmon if you're allowed to if that's part of your your your diet also as well Turmeric I do every morning. I do like an almond turmeric like tea right all these things are neuro protective number two killing ANTs automatic negative thoughts how well are you controlling your self-talk On a scale of zero to ten honestly even have you done this with me How strong are you zero to ten do your thoughts make a difference? Yes, or yes If I say constantly I'm getting too old. Is that gonna be self-fulfilling? Yes for you? Yes, if I say I'm forgetful I have a bad memory if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them So your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk. That's number two number three Exercise and really what we're talking about here is movement You're the number one function of your brain is to control your movement All right That's why we know there's not just a brain body connection but a body brain connection that using your body in different ways stimulates neurogenesis, it stimulates neuroplasticity It stimulates brain derived nootropic factors, which is the fertilizer for making new connections So you have to move but we live in a very sedentary life, right?
I was reading this book talking about barefoot kids and how we're taking away seesaws and Sprint's, you know swings and all these things We're over protecting them and then we're putting them in a very sterile environment They're not moving as much right they're always on their devices and they're not getting the brain growth Right, and it's leaning to learning challenges so on but how much you're moving every single day? They say they say sitting is the new smoking Right, you do not want to sit eight hours a day and just and just study I'm gonna go through the rest fast number four brain nutrients brain vitamins Because we're at a...you know, we're traveling when I may even eat the best foods ever Are you supplementing with there are certain nutrients and I would just have I would make this a no-brainer I would just go to your functional medicine doctor and get like hormonal tests full-spectrum tests food Sensitivity and just see what your baseline is because I really do believe people are bio individual Like and I've seen all the research talk to so many Individuals find out what works for you because if you're the most important supplement is DHA for the brain All right, that's number four number five positive peer group so rate yourself zero to ten How inspired encouraged challenged Energized are you by your peer group and again peer is choice I'm not talking about your family, but although they may be or your peer but the people that you choose, right? So either get a new group or choose who you're gonna let effect you positive peer group Because it really affects your your brain zero to ten Really fast number six clean environment how clean is your environment? How organized is it? Zero to ten. And you know this right is your external world? Reflected by your internal world and vice versa because it's a feedback loop Have you ever cleaned your room clean your desktop clean your work area and all of a sudden you have clarity of thought? the reason why I brought up the Boxing match is this is because I go over there We watch this fight and afterwards I was like, you know, I was me sitting here Sylvester Stallone on the couch here and then to his left was Arnold Schwarzenegger And I swear if you took a picture that like they'd be like who photoshopped that Asian dude in had that photo? But I was like What does it take to be a champion like those guys? And then Arnold said Jim the difference between the amateur and a champion Is a champion's willing to push past the pain period just like for those who did the exercise over the past few days? It's that intensity and getting in is there a pain period in a relationship? Is there a pain period sometimes in the health crisis is there pain period also in your business? multiple pain periods Right the ability to push past that's where the period is now because you've just in days and days here you feel like your attention
Is wandering and going different places. This is the time when it counts just like with your workout, right? So if Lorenzo and his team's here, that would be that would be the goal. So that's number That's number six number seven sleep on On a scale of zero to ten. How good is your sleep? It's important for your brain three really simple reasons It's where you consolidate short to long-term memory. That's where you actually remember. You do not even when you're doing these workouts build your muscles when you're working out you build it when you rest Same thing with your mental muscles same thing with your memory So that's where you can solid a short to long-term memory the other reason why you sleep is it cleans plaque out that could lead to dementia and potentially brain aging challenges The last reason why is how you dream? Right your REM sleep your REM, your REM stages of your sleep That's very important because that's where your creativity that's where I'm telling you like We did a whole thing on super brain on how to remember your dreams But specifically why do you want to member your dreams because you learn all day your brain doesn't shut off at night It's it's more active at night. And so Elias Howe created a sewing machine in his dream You know Paul McCartney came out with the song "Yesterday" in his dream. Mary Shelley came up with Frankenstein in his dream periodic table came to a chemist in his dream What are you dreaming about at night that could solve a lot of the problems in your business in your life? But you forget it the next morning That's why the first thing I do in my morning routine is remember my dreams and six steps on how to do that We we talked about in Super brain. After that sleep eight brain protection. Are you protecting your brain? And I'm not just talking about about wearing a helmet in extreme sports. Yes, that's obvious I've had series of you know, traumatic brain injuries and concussions and all those challenges Yes, but I mean like things like EMFs like we did a podcast episode specifically talking about Electromagnetic fields and how it's affecting the brain. Is that affecting the brain you think do you think it's norm? Do you think we evolved or born to be able to be able to handle all the electricity that's coming out of these smart devices? You know, I read recently that over 90% of kids sleep with their phones underneath their pillows right? Not on airplane mode, right? So it's big big big challenge We just did two videos on that have four million views in just a matter of weeks. You should watch watch those videos EMFs protect your brain number nine new learnings new learnings Meaning that you might have seen the longevity This is a longevity conference on the cover of Time magazine where there was this study on nuns Who were living 80 90 and above. What was the secret to their longevity? First part part of it was their emotional faith gratitude the other half lifelong learners
These group of women were just learning everyday reading every day having deep conversations doing the work every single day It added years to their life and Life to their years. So always learning and I'm preaching the choir here But I know for a fact most of you could actually push it even more Alright, that's how you create neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. If you want to know the secret to having an ageless mine Neurogenesis says you could create new brain cells to the day you die Neuroplasticity is saying if you create new connections to the day you die The two most important factors outside of sleep that's going to promote neurogenesis neuroplasticity novelty and nutrition just like your body you have to give it novelty or Stimulus and you have to give it nutrition and feed that muscle. Does that make sense? Same thing with your mental muscles, so novelty of movement novelty of ideas But most people as we grow older and I mean chronological age we shut down because we feel like we know everything right? So there's no novelty that's there. There's a Rumi quote that says "Sell your cleverness for bewilderment" Like when's the last time you felt bewildered? remember You don't have creativity or have focus or have a memory or have bewilderment Or have love or have motivation or have energy you do those things You do energy you do creativity do focus you do bewilderment so we're taking nouns turning into verbs and we're taking a structure a process a strategy and now you can replicate that at will and finally the last thing number 10 stress management And this is the invisible one, right? nobody wants to talk about But you're under a how many people didn't realize how much stress they were under until they were like hanging out here on the beach Because because it's like fish they don't see the water because it's there all the time But we are under so much environmental stress pollutants, environment stress, emotional stress, work stress cognitive stress financial stress And we don't realize that but you don't get the best of the best out of that right? It's good for fight-or-flight sympathetic mode But when you in a code when you want to be about it's not good if you need to think if you're in stress It doesn't help you study, when you're stressed, it doesn't help you give a presentation, when you're stressed, it doesn't help you perform Cognitively because it shuts down cortisol. Adrenaline big parts of your brain. So stress management. So, how are you managing your stress?
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
Advice for young men from the richest man in China: JACK MA
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don't worry any mistake is that income is a wonderful revenue for you so I taught myself and told my young people before 20 years old be a good student wait to entrepreneur just to learn some experience before 30 years old follow somebody go to a small company normally in a big company it is good to learn processing you are a part of a big
machine but when go to small company you learn the passion you learn the dreams you learn how to do a lot of things that's what one time so before 30 years old it's not which company you go it's which boss you follow it's very important a good boss teach you differently and before from 30 to 40 years old you have to think very clearly were you working for yourself if you really want to be interpreting when you're 40 to 50 years old you have to do all the things that you are good at don't try to drop into the new area it's too late you may be successful but there the rate of dying is too big so forty to fifty think about how can focus on things that you are good at but when you are 50 to 60 years old work for the young people because young people can do better than you so rely on them invest on them making sure they're good so when us over 60 years old spend time for yourself on the beachside shine right it's too late afraid to change normally but this is my by a device to the young people 25 years old make enough mistakes don't worry you fall you stand up your for your stem enjoy it I'm actually five years so I enjoy the show enjoy the show ok thank you so time to remember kiss me that junior sir it was subtraction teams are vying against human reason simcha is Jaramillo Hank Rearden ago see watching IO Cree boxy Grover doc please yeah you're right normally I make other
people cry well I regret a lot of things I regret that I should never meet the media I regret I should not speak in the public because I could have my own privacy I regret that I working so hard spent so little time with my family and I regret that if I have another life I would never do things like this and my wife just have said you develop you do not belong to me you belong to the Ali Baba but you know life is so shot it's all bad experience people see people see different of you some people think you're rich you're successful but me not some people say you know this guy does not have money that there's a terrible guy maybe not so everybody chooses her own life I cry never sort of had a we had a lot of problems that people never thought because running a company for thirty four thousand people operate a company for more than five hundred million people if 500 million people if 1% I'm a bad guy you got a five minute bad guy oh it's hey but it's too late to regret forget about regret think about I have another 10 20 years to go so enjoy the show enjoy the right you are the same
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
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That was the idea so I came back to China and say I want to resign from my school you were teacher I was a teacher I've been teaching in the university for six years so I said I want to do it I invited 24 of my friends to my apartment after two hours of explain what I'm gonna do Internet and 23 of them say forget it you say this thing never worked because
there's no such thing called internet in the world you know nothing about a computer so why you want to do this and only one people he said Jack if you want to try it just to try it but if you're something wrong just to come back and after whole night thinking I say I still want to do it because most of the people they have a fancy ideas in the evening but in the date when they wake up in the evening or in the morning they go back to do the same job we have to do something different so from there problem is that we have to find a solution that how we can be a company can live and love and healthy as lies like a Mercedes Benz and Siemens if an industry cannot live more than three years if all the companies cannot live happily for three years this industry is never become the mainstream this industry can never become the deep economy so what we want to do is that how we can find this solution the world has changed so fast most people don't realize what is IT what is internet we are moving very very fast to date technology IT technology and data technology it's not a technology difference it's the difference of people the way people think the way people deal with the world we don't know what the world will look like in 30 years and we don't know what the data will look like but we are sure that the whole world in next 2 30 we'll be changed if the first and the second innovation and technology revolution relief or liberate the human stress the physical stress this revolution relieves a liberal the strength of a human brain the brain the innovation the future world we believe will be connected not by oil not by other things but by data's the future world the business is C to B not B to C C to B is consumer to business not business to consumer because you have a lot of data because of the data the manufacturer must do customized things otherwise manufacturer will be very difficult in the future all the manufacturers they make the machines the machines can not only produce the products the machines must talk the machine must have think and the machine is not going to be supported by oil by electricity the machine is going to be supported by theatres the future world business were not focusing on the size business will not focus of standardization and the power they were folks like focused on the flexibility nimbleness customization and user forensic friendliness and also I strongly believe the future world we are going to have a lot of women leaders because in the future people not only focus on the muscles powers they focus on wisdom they focus on Candice and responsibility and I think internet must have find the missing part this means in part is how the clicks and the motors can work it together and how we can making sure is the next two 30 years the Internet and the clicks or motors can work together only word clicks and motors can work together Internet companies can survive can live happily for next to 30 years and if daddy comes that they recalled the economy and it's gotten it's not a digital economy which I called data economy everything is going to be changed and I also believe the world is going to be beautiful but the world is very challenging Apple may not be the
future but Apple tells us what the future will look like that is something in the machine is moving that is data we are at a great time of innovation inspiration invention and creativity and I think everybody's working hard try to realize their dreams today you see here a real reward real-world workers truck drivers and and again players and also all these senior people everybody in the ocean aided ocean at times Asian times nobody can leverage the technology to realize the dreams today because of the data everything becomes the truth and I strongly believe it's not the technology that changed the world it's the dreams behind the technology that changed the world if the technology change of the world I will never be here I'm not trained to be a teacher but not trained to be technology I know nothing about a computer and I know very little about the Internet I have a strong dream that we want to help small business so 14 years ago we come here to sell  Chinese products to Europe that won't work fourteen years later we try to help the Europeans more business to China to the world by using the Internet it's the dreams that drive the world it's not only the technology so ladies and gentlemen let's work hard it's a fantastic world it's a world belongs to young people it's the world belongs to the future.
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
Ultimate advice for students and youth - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE
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My advice to the young people 25 years old Make  enough mistakes Don't worry You fall You stand up You fall, You stand up Enjoy it, I mean, if you have 25 years old enjoy
the show, just enjoy the show From 30 to 40 years old You have to think very clearly Were you working for yourself? if you really want to be entrepreneur So 40 to 50 think about how can focus on things that you are good at But when you have 50 to 60 years old work for the young people because young people can do it better than you So rely on them, invest on them making sure
they're good So 25 years old Don't worry Any mistake is an income Is a wonderful revenue for you In the future it's not about the competition of knowledge                         It's the competition of creativity It's a competition of imagination It's a competition of learning It's a competition of independent thinking If you think like a machine the problem will come In the past 20 years will make people like a machine In the next 20 years machine will look like a people                                            So in the future it's not knowledge driven It's the wisdom driven
It's the experience driven In the past is the knowledge driven and it's the manufacturing driven And in the future is the creativity driven I think next 30 years the world is going to change a lot The new technology is going to change every aspect of the world So this is what we think The world should be focusing on not only the IQ, EQ but also focus on LQ the Quotient of Love Because only when you cared the others only when you care the others that succeed and more successful than you are You have the chance 10 years ago internet was so good when nobody believed internet was so good
Now internet is so tough because all the smart people go to Internet So you should go to the off ground I fail for... Funny things that I fail, a key primary school tests for two times and I fail like three times for the middle school, to go middle schools No I tried... There is an examination that young people If you want to go University you have to take the examinations          So I fail the three times When I graduated from universities, and before I... for three years I tried and I failed in the universities. So I applied jobs for 30 times, got rejected.
I went for police They say: "No, you're not good" I went, even the KFC, when KFC came to China, come to our city 24 people went for the job 23 people were accepted I was the only guy And we went for police, 5 people, 4 of them accepted. I was the only guy they're not receiving. So to me, being turned down, rejected. Oh, by the way, I told you that I applied for Harvard for 10 times, rejected. I learned so much about the Hollywood movies especially Forrest Gump -You love Forrest Gump -I love Forrest Gump -Why do you like him? Simple  Never give up
People think's he's a dumb but he knows what he's doing And I was very depressed the day... a year 2002 or 2003 in the United States I was very depressed when I could not define out a way for the internet and then I watch the movie in my friend's home Forrest Gump when I see him I think This a guy we should learn from Believe what you're doing Love it Whether people like it or don't like it, be simple and like the word: "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you can get", right? I never know I would be here talking to you
I never know But today I made it I told to my people in my apartment 18, 15 years ago Guys we have to work hard Not for ourselves If we can be successful 80% of the young people in China can be successful                We don't have a rich father A powerful uncle We don't have one dollar from bank A someone from government Just work as a team I worry about it today young people A lot of young people lose hope Lose vision And start a complaint
We also have the same problem when I got... It's not a good feeling being rejected by so many people We also depressed but at least later we find that the world has a lot of opportunity How you see the world? How you catch the opportunity? So... Hollywood give me a lot of inspiration I at the beginning I never thought... I thought when I was young I said: "Everything is possible" Now I know not everything is possible We have something you have to think about You have to consider about the others You have to consider about the customer Society,
Your employees The Shareholders There are so many things that I think If you continue to work hard There's possibility It's not a mission If you don't do it Nothing is possible If you try to do it at least you have the hope Calm down There's always a way out And keep yourself balanced And meanwhile don't try to keep because business is a... Competition is a fun Business is like a battlefield You die or I win Business... even if you die there will be another
winner, right? So it's better fun Yeah, tell them the story and tell them that if Jack... I don't think in this world there's a lot of people be rejecting more than 30 times If we... you know, the only thing we never give up the only thing in we are like Forrest Gump We keep on fight We keep on change ourselves We don't complain Whether you are successful or not successful I find that one people when they finish the job If they make a mistake and they fail If they always complained the others This guy will never come back If the guy only check himself
Yeah, is something wrong with me here Something wrong me there This guy has a hope So many people I talked to at that time for Alipay, they said "This is the stupidest idea you have ever got" but I say: "I don't care if is a stupid clue as long as people use it" Now we have 800 million people using this Alipay 1999 year 2000 and even at the Yahoo time a lot of people say: "This Jack is crazy, he's doing something that we don't understand" a lot of venture capitals give you money because there is such a American model already there
but they say: "Alibaba? We don't see this kind of model", right? -They said: "Jack's crazy" -Yeah, this is crazy guy I mean, I remember my first time in Time magazine They call me "Crazy Jack" And I think crazy is good we are crazy but we're not stupid We know what we are doing But if everybody agreed with me If everybody believed that our idea is good We have no chance So that's... The money we raised we're very thankful So, when our investors makes a lot of money I feel proud and honored Everybody's made it a unique and different So, you must have a unique and different way
A lot of people today have a lot of complaints Say: "I don't have opportunity" I complain a lot when I was young and suddenly realized complaint is not solve any problem The opportunity is always in the place where people complain There are so many opportunities in the world In this world Because there are so many complaints If you can solve the complaint, one of the complaints That's the opportunity So this is what we made I think young people My advice to be an entrepreneur Don't be scared of failure Of setbacks And don't give up When we start the business
we had 18 founders including me 17 of them Now most of them are my students and most of them... Well, today people think: "These 18 people are the smarter people in China" We don't think we were smart Honestly, we all graduate from the very poor schools The only thing we did We're very united We all believe the future We are all optimistic And we learn through mistakes We never give up If you graduate from famous Universitys Please Respect the people who graduate from the poor schools
Those people like us graduate from a poor universities Please respect yourself We have chance We came today to down We made so many mistakes People say: "You are lucky" Yes, we are very lucky                                         We in only 19 years reach today's size But we gone through so many tough situations We made so many mistakes that people cannot even imagine in probably 19 years You have to gone through so many tough experience And that will make you different.
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ataoufiqmourtachou · 5 years
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if you want to be successful learn from the other people's mistakes don't learn from the successful stories don't hate your competitors respect your competitors learn from him I complain a lot when I was young because I think  Bill Gates took odd opportunities for the Microsoft and Steve Jobs all these guys there's no job there's no great big stuff left for us need motivation watch a top 10 would believe nation what's up at seven my one word is believe and I believe in you I believe you have an amazing gift inside you that I want to see explode out onto the world so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and chew on today's lessons from a man who
went from growing up in China and giving tours to tourists for free for nine years just to learn English to becoming one of the wealthiest people in the world with a net worth of over fifty billion dollars he's Jack Ma and here's my take on his top ten R was a success vol 3 enjoy alright let's kick things off with rule number one learn from the mistakes of others my thinking is that you guys remember if you want to be successful learn from the other people's mistakes don't learn from the successful stories successful stories they make don't listen to that there are a lot of reasons behind it just like god I remember the first time Harvard Business
School came to us say J we want to write a case study for you yes years 2001 a 2000 became the spend one week and they write a report and I read no I said this is not me and this is this is you as a no this is not us is that this is you so they make IV sign and the case study go up and they start to teaching love universities the next five years they invite to need to go to the case study and they always find a competitor of my company and F after every case that case study Ali Papa would die that company will succeed all the students are Greek and actually every five year all the competitive diet ways to survive so how can you study this kind of a success of a star
learn from the mistakes the other people no matter how smart you are you will encounter these mistakes you learn from mistakes not because you will be able to avoid mistakes you were able to when these mistakes come they suffer comes you know how to deal with it how to face it I like the book I want to write if I if I want if I can is a re Bubber 1001 mistake this is the most rational things that in my life in my life is not how much we achieved is how much we go through the tough days and mistakes and this is what you speak if you start to think now would be good rule number 2 focus on quality not size last a century the bigger the better this century the good abandon do the business not because
the size it is not necessary the big size you are the more profit you are you really believe that I believe that's a different we have you know we got a fortune 500 companies you you judge because of the size how many of them are really happy how many of them profit no small companies they're very profitable they're very happy because spend time was the wife and a husband and kids traveling around and first life rule number three be the first dog tried to beat the best be the first be the first to change be the first the chap take the challenge be the first one to overcome the difficulties because the best person there's only one Olympic champion I
don't think I'm lucky enough to be bad but I can always try the new things and don't give I believe it because you you are so unique everybody's unique be yourself is always the key rule number four prepare for the future people like me I was born in a very poor family I never got a great education and I failed all the examinations for what reason I don't know but later I realize I don't have money I don't have technology I don't have a lot of good backgrounds where we have a rich uncle or something no they only that competed with my people then young people is let's compete for ten years later this is what I believe ten years later will be happening so everything I do for that
goal I know 10 years later this thing is going to happen so prepare for that because I know if I compete with him for next Mouse no chance so this is how my message it's up it's a challenge but it's opportunity and it's the opportunity for people like us this world the most difficult of thing is to convincing a successful people wait tell him this is a great opportunity to nananananana forget it right I've been doing this for 30 years but for people like us we're looking for opportunities in order to survive so we will do anything to be creative so this is the message 30 years it's opportunity for us it's a challenge
for those people who are 60 years old if they're 60 years old not discrimination but it is tough for them rule number five respect your competitors who's your most dangerous competitor is it Amazon or is it ten-second well people always think compare us with Emma's Evers a great company I respect I've been seeing them from Al tiny to that big and I think they will continue to grow but we are different we Amazon is an e-commerce company we are not ecommerce company we enable other people to do ecommerce we want to making sure everybody can be Amazon so are you saying $0.10 is the greater course they are great company and you know it's it's
not easy to be that size within only such less than 20 years so innovative and so creative are so different on social technology and they're basting certainly in attention and they are almost every way in China or respect of course we compete but compete does not mean I have to hate them don't hate your competitors respect your competitors learn from him but you know pony and I we've been doing the charity together the Nature Conservancy and protected the or but we compete each other but when we compete each other we should respect each other I respect him I respect him same rule number six see challenges as opportunities this world today's of full of challenges and opportunities 2,000
years ago full of challenges and opportunities and I'm sure 2,000 years later                                            full of challenges and opportunities there's always it's depends on how you look at somebody look at this challenge as opportunity young people we say there's no opportunity I complain a lot when I was young because I think Bill Gates took odd opportunities for the Microsoft Steve Jobs all these guys there's no job there's no great big stuff left for us but I think opportunity always lies in the challenges always lies in the complaints if you can solve the challenge you have there you will be successful
the big challenge you solve the big problem of the the big opportunity you have rule number seven my personal favorite belief in the past 18 years when I do internet in China we got a criticism every day you know something will you believe it a lot of people criticize it but if you really believe continue to do it improve it we were rejected by more than 30 venture capitalists but we are very optimistic we believe in the future we believe in Internet and we believe that if we do not succeed somebody will rule number eight surround yourself with greatness how do I emote to by incentive unlock by by our colleagues you have to find the people
they can mobilize themselves it's impossible to find two to encourage an active person so the people your high that people work together they they have to be oh you cannot we have a 65,000 in price now you cannot hire all of them that positive but at least the people work with me my management leadership several areas they have to be positive they have to know the incentive the others because I cannot accept everybody and making sure the culture so I think it would be very painful for me to talk to my vice president and he need to be incentivized and mobilized every time right this won't work if he is not if he does not know how to incentivize or mobilize his people it's better I
don't think he will be the vice president they should be a good engineer good designer but not good leader a good leader should know how but not by only money                                        most of people incentive lies or move on not because you give them a lot of money you give the respect just appreciation and correct hard to fool advice when it come to my meetings internal meetings you have your shop because we we're not like a lot of other Chinese company the boss they ever listen take notes and going down we are like a war room we make this issue based on whose voice is louder early days you know spider the talk and then making sure everybody speak up right so this is also a way of
mobile life and incentives there are a lot of ways and different people have a different way to send incentive rule number nine live healthy I think life is a journey you come to this world is to enjoy the life to be happy and healthy so the day when you leave the world and say I'm happy in my life my health in this life because if you're not healthy you will not be happy so I believe happy and healthy are the things the human being always looking for and I think next to 30 years because of the technology people the life size is gonna change a lot and people is gonna live longer but we can live longer does not necessarily live healthy so if you're not healthy how can you be happy
if you live longer if you're not happy why you live there and we'll number 10 the last one before the bonus clips have fun                                                now I've got some special jakmob bonus clips for you but before that the  question of the day is do you have enough fun in your business should entrepreneurs have fun in their business yes or no and why I'd love to hear from you leave it down the comments below thank you guys so much for watching I believe in you I hope we continue to believe in yourself and whatever you're one where it is much love I'll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clips I found some great leaders in the world they are always positive they never
complained others and never complain and they they look at the things in a different view like normal people so I think people a my company they at the beginning they don't like me because I'll always think about ten years five years and then after we working together for three or five years they find out who you are right then we got the credit rating and as a CEO one of the jobs  where everybody's happy you have to see the unhappy things when everybody's unhappy you have to see the happy things so leadership is nature but you have to have a train and learn and I got my leadership sub upgraded in Davos I see so many well you know on the end to financing how many people here know
about Ally pay Thank You Ally pace decision was made here I was thinking about Ally paid you know but I was not a dare to launch a leap it because in China if you do financing with unlicensed you were being jailed at that time so I say I went to the banks can't help us do the e-commerce of transaction no no no no banks would accept it so if there will be no a leap in no financing the e-commerce to go nowhere so I was year 2004 I was here listen to a speech by two state leaders about leadership and this guy's leadership is about responsibility you believe it but don't be that people don't believe it but if you think is so critical you should pay any price to do it so that day change to
my mind I had a call back to my team say let's launch it within one month if somebody else go to the Jill I go to the gym who would be the second we'll follow me if I go you continue and you go to the Jill you go continue that was the called the leadership determination and year 2004 I made a decision here I called back and now today the a leap a launched and it's so big over you know 800 million people today using a leap a bullet this is called I was born a very normal family and poor family six people sure $7 a mouth we can only eat one chicken a year was terrible Nixon visit to my city 1972 China USA signed Mao Zedong Nixon signed the
agreement so China become opened oh my city Hauser was one of the first cities that opened to the west we got a lot of American tourists to visit my city what he would do is he would befriend foreign visitors who came to Hangzhou to walk around the west lake there and I learned English by being the free guide for tour guide you know more than the language Jack was learning about the culture the things I learned from books from China are so different from the things I learned from the American visitors so I start to think differently raise your standard Apple at the core its core value is that we believe that people need passion not one drop of myself work depends on
your it's suppose to mean I don't ever give up I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated hey believe nation if you want to see my all-time favorite top ten most of success I have a very special secret video for you these are the individual clips that I have personally learned the most from and applied to my life and my business.
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