atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“While I totally admitted that the food at fairs is amazing, I am the bomb at the games. I used to work at an arcade so I know how they works,” she said with a smile. “I could win you a stuffed bear, if you want?” she teased.
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“Well, I can’t say anyone’s ever won me a stuffed bear before,” he grinned at Charlie before he started to chuckle. 
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
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“My body and soul are not ready for the ‘g’ word anytime of the year. I dance, and spent long periods of time under stage lights, that as close to working out as I get. Exactly Cupid is a chubby little baby, that is what you should be striving to look like this holiday.” 
He laughed for a moment but then his eyebrows met when he tried to thinking about what the other meant. “I feel silly for asking, but what ‘g’ word?” He attempted at a smile but it came out sheepish. “Just like we follow Santa’s example when it’s Christmas?”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“That’s where they should’ve stayed, if you ask me,” she laughed along. “Look, it seems like they’re done now. We can get on with our lives, pretend that this never happened.”
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Originally posted by orphanblack
“I don’t think a crowd like that can fit in my living room,” he replied with a chuckle. “Yeah, but now I’ve lost my concentration.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“That you did. Although I’m not very hard to find on my busy nights. 8 times a week I can be found at the Broadhurst Theater.” She mused with a grin. “To be honest, the shows the carnival tries to bring really aren’t all that great so let’s hit up the rides. The question is, which ride should we do first? I’m going to let you pick.”
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“And now you’re saying that if I wanted to see you, I’d know where to find you.” Ara grinned widely, biting his lip lightly. Harmless flirting, he convinced himself. Just don’t get too attached, Ara, he reminded himself. “Hmm, let’s see,” Ara looked around trying to see what rides he could spot. “Ferris wheel, bumper cars, drop tower?”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Oh, there used to be dancing Maya in the past, just not this type of dancing, I guess,” she shrugged. Most of her dancing in the past was happening in clubs and she’d usually be high. She stopped dancing when she stopped doing drugs and never really missed it. “What about you, not big on dancing?”
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“I mean, not outside my own living room.” He laughed lightly. “I’d rather not ruin someone else’s day with my awful dancing.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“As per usual? Well that won’t do.” She replied, crossing her arms against her chest. “I’m more than okay with that. The only person you’d be hogging me from is me and well… I spend a lot of time with myself due to my ridiculous schedule. My understudy is going on tonight, I needed a break.” She ran a hand through her hair. “Now, sinfully delicious food aside… what do you want to do first?”
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“So I caught you on a rare free night.” He smiled. “Lucky me.” He finished the last two bites of his burger. He wiped the grease off of his face. He tossed the napkin on the nearest trash bin. “Not sure, but I think I’m quite done sampling this fine cuisine. We could maybe watch shows or get on rides. Whichever you prefer.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Then it seems like I was right to come over and say hello.” She stated with a grin. Mia blushed slightly as he complimented her, taking the napkin before wiping off her face. At the mention of a date, she crinkled her nose. “No, no date. I’m here solo. You?” She rather hoped his answer was similar. Although they barely knew one another, any day she ran into him was a good one.
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“Ahh-- nope.” Ara shook his head. The idea of being on a date scared the man a bit. Even years after his divorce, he still didn’t feel ready to get back out there. He wasn’t sure he ever would be. “Alone, as per usual.” He answered, attempting at a smile. “Not quite as alone now though.” He smiled at her. “You okay with hanging out for the rest of the night then? I wouldn’t want to hog you from your date-- so it kinda works out that you don’t have one.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Good because I was beginning to think “bumping” into you was a bad idea.” She teased with a grin. Mia took one look at his cheeseburger before pausing. “I don’t know… but okay. Just one bite.” She leaned forward, taking a quick bite, managing to get it all over her face. “How do I look?”
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“I was just saying I came here for the food. Running into you is just a bonus.” He smiled at her. Ara chuckled at the sight of her after she took a bite off of the burger. “You look nothing short of beautiful,” he answered with an amused grin. “But-- you might want to wipe that off.” He handed her some paper napkins to wipe off the powdered sugar on her nose and the grease that spilled to the corners of her mouth. “You out here on a date?” he inquired as he took another bite off of his burger.
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Well, just promise me you’ll go to a rescue. Breaks my heart,” Roger replied with a small shrug. “But I’m sure someone will take you home.” Roger laughed a bit. “Oh God. One of those quad bros? No one else calls it Ultimate.” He laughed. “Numbers. There’s a lot of magic in numbers, I’ll have you know. What made you get into accounting?” 
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Ara chuckled at the other man’s joke, although his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. Having to come home to someone was definitely not a happy notion to the man-- not anymore at least. “It’s an actual organized sport and not just throwing a disk around,” he maintained. An amused grin broke out when his companion said something about accounting being magic. It sure seemed like it from afar.  “I have no actual talents except for working my ass off.” He shrugged.
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Is that really the only reason you can stand them?” She mused with a grin, watching as he enjoyed his bite. “Come on. Live a little. Skip the gym and just have fun. No regrets necessary.”
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“Okay, fine,” he swayed his head lightly in mock defeat. “Maybe the company isn’t that bad too.” He grinned at Mia. “Would you like some?” He offered the triple-decker krispy-kreme cheese burger to the woman.
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
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“Working out, good joke mate.” Flynn mused. “I’m just going to pray to the gods, and do a little witchcraft to keep my metabolism burning at the same level of teenage boys.” 
“You’re right,” Ara nodded with a chuckle. “How dare I mention that in a sacred occasion like this. I should just eat to my hearts content as the gods would.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Honestly the only reason why I can stand fairs is that their food is sinfully delicious.” He hummed in satisfaction as he took a big bite of the treat he was having for himself. “I’m going to work twenty times as hard at the gym and regret my decisions in the morning. But damn.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
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“That’s certainly something I’ll work on.” She said with a grin. “Everyone likes the shiny ones. Although I’m rather partial to the cute little animals.” She stated before running a hand through her hair. “That’s actually something my grandmother would always say.” She paused. “That seems as good enough a segue as any. As for acting, it actually is pretty exciting. Getting to be people you’d never have thought you’d be. Like I get to be royalty 8 times a week. How cool is that? Although sometimes the acting hits a little too close to home.”
“So you act on Broadway?” Ara’s eyebrows arched slightly in both interest and curiosity. “That’s actually really cool.” He grinned. “I have no talent whatsoever-- so I’m usually twenty times more impressed than most people on the average.” He confessed with a sheepish grin.
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
She grinned at his remark, nodding her head. “What, a flashmob? Me? Have we met?” she snorted, glancing at him momentarily with an amused grin on her face. “Yeah, because I’m the embodiment of a flashmob fanatic.”
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He laughed at the thought of Maya dancing with the crowd. He shrugged, leaning back on his seat and finally turning to the woman. “I don’t know... You do strike me as a woman who likes to disprove people of whatever stereotypes they pin on you-- but then again that could be another stereotype you’re trying to disprove.” He chuckled. “Or I just like the thought that there was once a Maya who was into randomly bursting out into a dance routine.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“You have one or you are one? Good at Frisbee?” Roger let out a distant laugh, shaking his head. “It’s all kind of…Trick r’ Treat, isn’t it? It just kind of happened one day, I guess.” He examined his hand a moment, wrinkling his brow before looking up. “You don’t have to believe in something for it to be true. It’s fine, though. I can tell your sort of the skeptical sort. That’s fair enough. Goes with your job, doesn’t it?” 
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“I’m the Golden Retriever. And I should get me a Golden Retriever,” he smiled. “I used to play a bit of Ultimate back in college but it didn’t really become a thing for me.” He shrugged at the question about frisbee, but he let out a chuckle anyway. “I mean with the job, it’s the facts that make it not the theory. I’m an accountant.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
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“You sure? Because I talk a lot. Like an unreasonable amount of talking.” She said with a laugh. “I’ll make sure to bring the sticker packet.” Her laughter subsided and in its place was a grin. “I wouldn’t say that’s exactly true. One of my exes was a complete idiot when it came to numbers. Couldn’t even use a calculator. And I only figured it out because I’d pretty much taken it once… that and he gave a lot of extra credit points for those of us that came to class since it was 8am on Wednesdays and Fridays.”
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“As long as you give me time for a reasonable amount of responding, you’re fine,” he shrugged. “I like the shiny ones,” he suggested with a chuckle as he wrinkled his nose. “Well, ignorance is curable but stupidity is forever. Or so I’ve been told.” He tilted his head slightly. “But enough about math and numbers and ex’s and whys.” He shook his head, smiling. “Tell me about acting. I’m sure it’s a lot more exciting than math.”
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atcolbert-blog · 8 years
“Ah, there is a fine line between lucky and boring.” Winnie commented as she turned around to make the drink. “At least when it’s busy I can people watch.” She turned back around and handed him the drink. “I’m Winnie, what brings you here?” She questioned amiably.
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“Well, lucky for me that I don’t have to fight my way through a crowd to get a drink,” he corrected himself with a sheepish grin. “I was bored sitting at home as well so I figured I’d find something to do. Just so happened that I was inclined to walk into this bar.” He explained with a chuckle. “I’m Ara. Hopefully we can unbore each other?”
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