ateneawrites · 1 year
🦇 pepbers (your choice 😊)
Hopefully you like this spooky spacey fic!! 😊😊
The signal projector battery was at 11%.
Peppa growled, shoving it into the dashboard of their spacecraft and flicking it on for just enough time to send a beam into space, then tugging it back out.
10% now. It flashed for critically low battery.
For the hundredth time they pinched their fingers into the bridge of their nose, cursing not having just picked up the charger in Jo's room that morning when they'd both left. Now they were left with a signal indicator, the only one that matched Jo's, with such a low battery that they didn't have much time left to find her.
But there it was again. A flash on the screen in the exact same placement.
Another signal. Is it Jo this time?
Hastily Peppa put in the coordinates, plotted the quickest and safest path across the universes, and shoved the accelerator joystick forwards. 
The tiny craft shuddered, low on power herself. Peppa growled again - of course they had managed to steal only the biggest lump of shit from the spacecraft docking bay, the night they had finally left the ship and gone to search for Jo -
"Come on, come on!"
They slammed their fist into the control panel and that seemed to wake it up; with a roar the craft blasted through several hundred layers of time and space, hundreds of universes, their heart lifting when the signal grew stronger on the screen -
This is it this is it I've found her finally -
But when they arrived, all they found was a microwave. 
An antique, twenty-first century microwave that someone had probably thrown out on an escape from the burning planet humans had fled from centuries ago. Floating in a sea of rubbish that hadn't been destroyed or disintegrated. 
They took it into the spacecraft, wondering if it had any way to charge the signal projector she had already, but it didn't.
Peppa lay back in the pilot seat, hundreds of millions of miles from home, too exhausted to cry any more than they had this past … however much time had passed since they'd lost her… 
Even if time actually mattered now. 
What was the use in measuring things in time, anyway? They'd lost Jo at some point over the last few million miles, in between the layers of a few hundred different universes, but it had happened in the blink of an eye.
It wasn't my fault.
Peppa had had to put the craft into overdrive, to outrun the space pirates on their tail, but at some point the tether connecting Jo to the craft outside had disintegrated, hurling her away into a darkness so complete that it swallowed her whole.
They had returned, reported her missing, but there had been no suggestion of a search by their superiors. 
Just an almost casual resignation to her being lost. A resignation that Peppa refused to acknowledge. 
Leading to them stealing this tiny, shitty craft from the dockyard and running away.
Maybe there was still time to turn back. Bring the ship home with their tail between their legs. They'd probably have to spend a bit of time in the intergalactic prison for theft, not to mention the various lifeforms they'd struck a bargain with in return for news about Jo, and a promise to call them if anyone saw her - they had made so many alliances it would attract attention.
Maybe they could still stop this.
There was still plenty of food and water for them, and the oxygen converter meant they would always be able to breathe; but the engine capacity for these old model spacecrafts was incredibly small. 
Even smaller than the signal power they had left.
Jo's signal transmitter might gave even run out by now.
Peppa could be just chasing signals that would never come from her.
She might even be …
They closed their eyes, reclined in the chair.
Peppa could still hear their name in her voice. They knew her laugh even though it couldn't be real, still echoing in their ears.
They heard her laugh in a memory from - a week ago? - as she had looked for an earring she'd dropped on the floor of her room. She'd taken far too long to find that earring, laughing at Peppa teasing her, until she'd found it, straightening up and kissing their cheek.
"Thanks for waiting for me."
"I'll always wait for you, Jojo."
And they'd gone down to the coffee house in F-deck and Jo had ordered her usual caramel latte and paid for Peppa's mocha and the slice of cake they liked, and they'd picked up another fork for her to share with them and -
And they had wanted to tell her then. 
"Love you."
Jo looked up, her fork frozen in mid-air. "Pep?"
"I love you. I do, I - I don't know why I didn't tell you before."
She was silent, and the rest of the coffee shop faded around them as the stars of the universe were creeping back in at the edges of their vision.
"You wanted to tell me when I was there. Did you?"
Peppa put their face in their hands. "I'm sorry. I - I should have -"
"I knew. I promise."
They raised their head to look at her, see her eyes, even though their own clouded over. "I thought I could save you. I'm failing." 
The fork in Jo's hand vanished.
"You haven't failed."
She reached towards them.
"Maybe it's my time to save you."
When she grabbed their shoulders, they jolted awake from that usual nightmare, just in time to raise the seat and grasp at the joystick.
Where did that planet come from -
By the skin of their teeth, the craft raised above the planet, narrowly escaping its gravity, and lifted back towards the endless stars.
Once the craft had stabilised they clutched their chest, heart pounding. 
If she hadn't woke me up …
She had to be still alive.
They grabbed the projector again.
It said 9%.
Peppa swallowed. There wasn't much time left to find Jo. 
What if her signal ran out? What if she can't project it to me, and she's lost forever?
But they shook their head.
They couldn't think that.
So they flashed another signal into the endless darkness, hoping to find Jo like Jo had found her earring, in a macrocosm far larger than their old room.
They had to keep going.
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ateneawrites · 1 year
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Euphoria (1/10)
Summary: Singing hopeful Veronica Green meets her idol, the retired pop sensation Tia Kofi at a Eurovision party; and her throwaway remark about entering Eurovision 2023 starts her on a journey into what she hopes will be music superstardom. But like her agent Divina says, it's all about the friends you make along the way.
Rating: T
Ships: mainly greentia, bgk, and some background ships in later chapters
There is a bit of bonus content alongside this chapter (not the fic itself but some little additional bits) behind this cut!!
Inspiration for their party outfits:
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Tia gets their listeners to send in questions.
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Veronica is happy!!
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More to come with ch2 😊
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ateneawrites · 1 year
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The Stars Look Very Different Today (1/9)
Summary: In the not-too-distant future, New Years Eve celebrations are not just being held on Earth, but all across the Solar System. Jaida and Nicky can’t wait to share a surprise with each other when Nicky is back on Earth, Anetra comes across a mysterious distraction on Mars, and in Europe, Dakota is intrigued by her physio, while a certain translator is oddly absent from the celebrations. But whether they're making new friends or pining for old ones, it will definitely be a New Years Eve to remember for everyone.
This chapter: In Houston, Jaida doesn't want to join the party just yet.
Next chapter: Jackie hasn't seen Jan since her trip to Neptune, but their meeting is interrupted.
Notes: this whole fic will be the first part (of five) of space au, with nine chapters. Hoping to update one POV daily for this part. First is Jaida's. Hope you enjoy!!
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ateneawrites · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Here's a bit more from space au, from the first part - hope you like!!
It was Raja’s voice, Raja’s delicate footsteps coming towards her between the computer screens, somehow dainty and light even in the thinnest stilettos that she normally wore.
“Jaida, what are you doing here? On your own, in the dark, just these - dorks for company?”
Raja was motioning to the screen above them, where the party was in full swing over at the ESA headquarters. On the screen, Divina had pressed their cheek against Dakota's and the two of them were loudly singing some song, both of them bleary-eyed and tripping over the words, while behind them the rest of the department were far further into their new year celebrations than here in Houston.
Jaida smiled fondly at them, and then up at Raja. “Just doing my duty, boss. Keeping an eye on Mission Control, making sure nothing bad happens at the ESA, or anywhere else. It’s not as if anyone in Europe is gonna be monitoring things online now.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Raja’s cryptic response was accompanied by a point of her finger, and sure enough, one of the lights was up on the screen, and hovering over the dot, Jaida saw that Powell, P was online too, from the ESA headquarters.
“Why aren’t they at the party?”
“Maybe,” Raja gave a small shrug, “maybe this person is here for the same reason you are. Maybe they're waiting for a signal from someone who's out of this world.”
Raja tilted her head, and Jaida saw the light from the corridor revealed the slice of a knowing smile on her face. 
“They can’t see you, you know, from Paris or from Pytheas -“
“I know, I know, I just …” the words trailed off, and the sigh from Jaida’s lips was more of a shudder. 
Raja’s expression softened, and she reached over to squeeze Jaida’s shoulder. 
“Nicky will be back on Earth before you know it.”
And Jaida knew that. She knew that she was over halfway through being without Nicky. But the three months that remained stretched before her like a desert, to the end of the horizon with no respite. 
“Anyway, Hall, I am relieving you of your duties for the night.” Raja gave Jaida a nudge. “You’re gonna come and drink mimosas with me and Monet so we can all complain about being alone on New Years.”
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ateneawrites · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
I had most votes for greentia so!! Here is the space au adjacent one shot. CW: This is just smut at this point so please do not read if you don't want smut.
Veronica's speed was almost torturous at first, moving her fingers slowly, shallowly, but her tongue in the same circles made pleasure wash up their body in waves and their hips start to chase her. Their back arched, breath becoming sighs and gasps, and their chest heaved as suddenly all the oxygen in the space station didn't feel like enough.
They felt her smile, heard her little hum against them.
"You're so …"
But Tia didn't find out exactly what they were, because her tongue switched to flicks as her fingers curled and sped up just a little, dragging a long moan from their throat.
"Fuck, Veronica -" Her name was too big, too beautiful to be kept in their mouth and dropped over and over again from their lips at her ministrations. Her name was the only thing in Tia's mind, fogging over as if with condensation at the steady rhythm Veronica had built, a rhythm that was starting to not feel like enough -
They let go of the seatbelt and instinctively reached for Veronica's hair, for the knot at the crown until she let go of their thigh and grasped for their hand, twisting her fingers into theirs and bringing it back to their thigh.
A shiver danced through their skin at the realisation that she was holding their hand and they moaned, far louder this time, hearing Veronica hum against them in turn, her fingers speeding up.
"No aliens out here, no one," Veronica's murmur was breathless, an octave lower than usual, and her eyes were hungry as they met her gaze. "You can be as loud as you want for me -"
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ateneawrites · 2 years
jaura for whichever prompt you like best 😊
Admittedly I'm a bit soft for 45 🥰
45. Kissing on the corner of their mouth
Oh and it may or may not be kind of inspired by the film related to this look:
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Jax cupped her hand under the faucet and took another mouthful of water.
It was midnight. Technically her curfew but who gave a shit.
Her reflection in the bathroom mirror, a perfect shade of red earlier in her own bedroom, was worried at the edges with time and music and hands that had dislodged her carefully-assembled vision. She adjusted her dress, wiped away the echoes of - fuck, she couldn't even remember his name - his hands where they'd stroked her hips and arms and face, met her own eyes.
Staring coldly back at her.
Scared she'll reject you?
Jax narrowed her gaze, but the voice carried on.
You're in here thinking about her again aren't you, you already know these college guys aren't going to stop you thinking of her -
She spat the water out at the reflection, and it shut up.
Her jaw ached from fake smiling. She reapplied lipstick, thinking of her car outside, wondering if she should leave them all to it, hightail it home -
Aura burst into the bathroom as if a closed door wasn't enough of a cautionary symbol.
"Oh. Jax." She shuffled her dress down over her hips. "Hey."
"Aura Mayari, in the flesh."
Jax had been admiring Aura since she'd gotten into her car this evening, if she was honest with herself. Effortlessly elegant, she seemed to have an eye for fashion and always looked so good in blue.
Clumsiness was taking hold now though, probably not helped by the tequila she'd seen Aura shooting earlier, stumbling to the sink next to Jax, slamming her palm into the porcelain and then wringing her hand with the pain.
"This party sucks ass."
Jax's chest thumped. "What's your damage, Aura?"
"All these people want is to down punch that tastes like shit and talk about themselves and how very they are," Aura whined, leaning with her back against the wall. "When they're more boring than sports commentators my dad watches on Sundays."
She watched Aura screw her eyes shut, huff and shuffle her dress down.
"You'd rather go back to being a bluebird? A brownie? A girl scout cookie?"
"You're beautiful." Aura rolled her eyes.
Baby," Jax emphasised the point with her lipstick, "this is the tip top. You want to go back to keggies? I got you into the most exclusive college party in Remmington -"
"Yeah, and they're all dumb as fuck." Aura sighed. "They have the same number of braincells as my GPA. And that guy you left me with? He just wanted to fuck me."
Jax's mind froze. "He did?"
"He wasn't even worth my rejection speech." Aura's groan disguised Jax's relieved sigh. "Goddamn, I can't believe you actually like these people."
Jax rolled her eyes. "Look, Aura. High school guys are so … immature."
"Oh." Aura quirked an eyebrow. "Right. Well. What about girls? Are they immature too?"
The smirk, the slightly forced nonchalance in her voice, made Jax pause, wonder how much of what Aura said was in jest.
She contemplated her next words for half a second more than usual. Then she shrugged, the same nonchalance in her tone.
"They all want me as a friend or a fuck."
"Yeah. Or both."
Aura's eyes widened as she realised what she'd said, covering her mouth with her hand, erupting into a wheeze of laughter.
Jax stepped towards her, waited for Aura to stop.
A silence built in a tower between them while they tried to form an understanding with their eyes.
Then Aura leaned down.
Her lips found the corner of Jax's mouth as if too frightened to try any further, her eyelashes fluttered against Jax's cheek as her eyes closed.
Aura was so gentle. Soft but so warm, and her hair was gentle on Jax's chin and she smelled like peach and tequila and Jax's skull tingled in a way that it hadn't when she'd been making out with that guy earlier -
It lasted a second but started a fire inside her in the split second Aura pulled away. It had been everything Jax had imagined and more.
Aura started to giggle again, her hand in front of her mouth and Jax caught it - reputation be damned - and brought it down to her side.
"I - Jax -"
Aura was still giggling, peering at Jax, but Jax had no idea what to say, or even if she should say much before Aura had sobered up.
"Let's get out of here," Jax said finally, giving her hand a squeeze, "before you get too drunk not to spew in my car."
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ateneawrites · 2 years
your fic recs. hand em over /lh (no smut pls !!)
waaa this ask got me so excited!! hope u find something to enjoy here 💕 some of my faves that immediately came to mind and/or i had saved in my bookmarks:
love, love, go ahead and have another plate of it, it doesn't run out - multi ship but mainly jan sport/jackie cox, jaida essence hall/nicky doll and lemon/priyanka (by @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney)
i'm going to build us a table - lemon/priyanka (by @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney)
crush phase - jaida essence hall/jan sport (by @uwusunflower)
you and I were fireworks - icesis couture/pythia
the only exception - icesis couture/pythia (both by @hannahlovesdance07 )
i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead) - icesis couture/pythia (by @stillgoode /goodeforyou in ao3)
single mom au - jasmine kennedie/daya betty (by @fuckyeah-dragrace )
academia au - multi ship: jan/jackie/nicky , denali/rosé, gigi/crystal (by @sweetestberryofthebunch)
neighbors au - pythia/icesis couture. (by @goodemethyd)
blossoming - jackie cox/jan sport (by @junosjukebox)
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ateneawrites · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day 💞
I'm celebrating with some self promotion. Here's the most lovey dovey fics I've posted so far to keep the vibe sugary sweet:
Established relationships, warm like baked bread:
💟 All shades of pink (Denali x Olivia, Rosenali, 2k) ~ Denali and Olivia spend Valentine's day together while Rosé is on tour. Rosé sends Denali a gift, and it changes Olivia's perspective about her own place in their little world.
💟 Love, love, go ahead and have another plate of it, it doesn't run out (Jankie parenthood au, 3.5k) ~ Jan and Jackie host their (loud, blended, growing) family at the first place they've had together. Love in its many forms.
💟 Steady by your side, keep me in the light (Halldoll, 1.5k) ~ Highschool darlings help each other through the stress of life.
Do you prefer the sugar rush of getting-together fics? Me too!
💟 Baby, don't make me spell it out for you (Jankie, 3.5k) ~ Baby Jan takes a risk and writes Baby Jackie a love letter, and has a full day to overthink the consequences of her actions before she sees Jackie in school again.
💟 I'll be yours (when it rains, it pours) (Halldoll, 1k) ~ Nicky and Jaida have been dating for a short time. They never let their hands touch the other's skin, in fear of the soulmate marks that may or may not appear at first contact.
💟 She smells like honey and looks like lace (Camgeria, 7k) ~ Bakery au. What more can I say?
💟 Me gustas tanto, quisiera aprenderme tu nombre (Lemyanka, 6k) ~ Meet cute turned study date turned super secret ninja mission ft my favorite idiots.
💟 I'm going to build us a table ch 1 (Lemyanka, 6k) ~ My baby, also warm like baked bread. Roommates and best friends to lovers, food as the ultimate love language.
Sick of sap and romance? Want to see characters suffer? I've got you:
💔 I had been lost to you, sunlight (Lemyanka, 7.5k) ~ Hanahaki, flower symbolism and depression
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ateneawrites · 2 years
you are a beacon of light and support, such a gorgeous soul
oh this is so sweet 🥺 thank you anon🥰
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ateneawrites · 2 years
*coughs, slides over a credit card* greentia palm kiss please
*slides credit card back* this one’s on the house, my friend
greentia + palm kiss
“Tia!” their father hissed, grabbing at their wrist. “Please tell me you did not forget your gloves-”
Tia dipped their head a little lower, bare hands clasped in front of them. Their father sighed.
“Well, there’s nothing we can do about that now. Please, please try to make a good impression. The family’s reputation is relying on you.”
“Yes, father,” Tia said quietly. Their father paused, looking down at the floor, then shifted as if he were about to say something else, but he snapped back to formality when the door at the head of the room opened and the herald began to speak.
“Crown Princess Veronica Green.”
Tia’s father tapped them subtly on the arm as he bowed and Tia fell into a curtsy next to him. They couldn’t help but peek through their eyelashes at the young woman entering the room, clad in a rich moss-coloured gown befitting of the wearer’s namesake. Her head was held high, her red hair secured in an intricate bun away from her face. Her cheekbones were high, skin seemingly soft and unblemished, framed by a deceptively sharp jawline.
She was beautiful.
So beautiful that as she approached, Tia forgot to avert their gaze until Veronica had already made eye contact with them, ice blue meeting warm brown. Tia’s face flushed with warmth and they looked at the ground.
“Please, rise.”
A satin-gloved hand slipped into their own, encouraging them upright. Tia blinked and allowed themself to look at the woman before them.
Crown Princess Veronica, Tia noted, was quite short.
She smiled gently at Tia. “I’m sure we don’t need such formalities. We are to be wed, after all.” She moved as if to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, a useless gesture with her hair so neatly tied back, looking up at Tia.
Tia’s mouth felt suddenly very dry and they licked their lips as subtly as they could. “I- yes, your Royal Highness.”
“Call me Veronica. Please.”
Veronica gently pulled Tia’s hand towards her, lifting it to her face. Softly, so softly it barely felt real, she brushed her lips against Tia’s knuckles.
“It’s a delight to meet you,” she murmured.
Tia’s skin tingled where Veronica had kissed. In a sudden rush of boldness they twisted their hand slightly, interlocking their fingers with Veronica’s own, the soft satin gliding over Tia’s skin. Veronica looked down at their joined hands then glanced up into Tia’s eyes.
She wasn’t nearly so intimidating up close. Veronica’s eyes seemed less like ice and more like the sky above a meadow. Her jawline was no longer dangerously sharp, but the outline Tia had an urge to trace their fingertips down. But even without the intimidation, she managed to keep Tia’s heart beating fast, their skin growing warmer, their tongue tying into knots when they tried to think of something to say while Veronica looked up at them, and Tia wondered if she was feeling the same way.
Tia lifted Veronica’s own gloved hand towards their face. They weren’t quite brave enough to keep Veronica’s gaze, but they pressed a tiny kiss to the base of her palm, feeling the muscles in her hand shift slightly.
Veronica’s thumb brushed against their cheek and Tia finally braved looking up into Veronica’s eyes. There was a pink blush creeping across her face, a bashful smile on her lips, and her eyes sparkled softly.
She truly was beautiful.
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ateneawrites · 2 years
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The Lucky One - Greentia
Read here on ao3
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ateneawrites · 2 years
34 for whichever ship you want to 😊
34. glancing at lips
Ok I wrote some relatively ✨️spicy✨️ Tiawhora - please don't read if you don't want spicy stuff - behind the cut!!
Aurora always made them look and feel incredible.
"Okay, you're done." Aurora’s voice dragged Tia back into the room as she wriggled off them to grab the mirror.
Immediately they missed her weight on their lap, that perfume she always wore that had surrounded them, penetrating every pore of their body as she'd worked, rendering every thought a daydream about her.
Aurora always did their makeup as well as her own for events; powders and creams that all blended together in a sheen on their skin to create their red carpet look, ready for the awards ceremony tonight.
How she always managed to find time to make them both up was a mystery to Tia, but they admired how the dress she wore fitted her like a glove, how her blonde hair shone, how her cat-like eyes had only been emphasised by the eyeliner. She turned back to them, smiling shyly.
"Okay, Tia, remember what I said for this time?" Aurora held the hand mirror to her chest, and Tia groaned, holding back a smile.
"I can look at the masterpiece, but not touch it."
"Correct. Last time you dislodged your whole eyelash poking at your eyes." Aurora whipped the mirror around, holding it up and beaming. "Well? What d'you think? D'you like the colour?"
Much as they knew how talented Aurora was, she always left them speechless at the end result. The meticulous care, the sharp lines, the angles that made them sparkle, made them stand out, made them feel like they could take on any interview or any paps. Their eyes looked dazzling, their lips perfect.
"Stunning." They nodded up at her.
Aurora giggled, and Tia couldn't help but notice her eyes darting down and then back up. "Yes, you are."
Oh. Her voice was a definite purr, and their chest had filled with butterflies at the mere sound. They couldn't help but glance down at her lips, wanting to be attached to them again, wanting them to do more than just drop one-liners into their ears -
"What's the matter Tia?" Aurora murmured, silvery glee lining every word. "Cat got your tongue?"
Her laugh was husky, more of a cackle, and when she put the mirror back down and locked eyes back on Tia's, they shivered with a sudden tingle down their spine. They reached forwards, trying to take her hands to join them back on their lap, but she shook her head.
"Not yet. Remember, you can look at the masterpiece, but not touch it!"
This time her laugh was deep in her throat, and Tia fought the magnetic pull of Aurora to sink back into the chair, planting their hands firmly on the arms and taking a deep breath.
Aurora's slow walk to them was torturous as always; delightful torture that made their mouth go completely dry and their mind conjure up plenty of images, but slow, slow torture nonetheless. She smirked, leaning on the arms and kneeling on the chair, clasping their thighs with her knees, her face inches from theirs.
"If you behave for me, babe," Aurora purred, while the back of Tia's skull tingled, "you might get a reward."
"What sort of reward?" Their tongue was heavy in their mouth even as every nerve in their body was hyper-alert in anticipation. Tia had learned over their various liaisons that Aurora could be very patient, but as Aurora glanced back at their lips, they knew she was chasing release too.
"You might get to touch this masterpiece."
Their knuckles were blanching at the arms of the chair as Aurora's perfume consumed their thoughts again, but when she moved, straddling their lap and swaying her hips, running her hands up her body and into her hair, they thought they would melt.
But she closed the distance, resting her chest against theirs and rolling against them, her weight and warmth making their heart race, but they still didn't move their hands, even as Aurora pressed herself against them, cupping their face in her hands.
Tia's breath hitched. Her eyes were dark, pupils blown out, but her smirk was mischievous and she glanced back at Tia’s lips taking her own lip between her teeth.
"Do you really want to ruin my lipstick?" Tia teased, but their own voice was breathless with creeping lust.
Aurora leaned closer still, her hair falling around them both, centimetres away. "Depends what time you called the taxi for."
Their breath mingled with hers, electricity pulsing in the air, and Aurora was edging closer, closing the distance -
The doorbell jolted them both upright, launching them from the chair. Aurora smoothing her hair and pulling the dress back further down over her hips, while Tia caught their breath, pushing their feet into their shoes.
"Guess we'll have to wait until after the awards," Aurora mused, picking up her clutch from the couch, "and pick up where we left off then."
Tia mumbled a yes before following her to the door.
The awards would be done by midnight. That wasn't that long to wait.
After all, Aurora was very patient.
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ateneawrites · 2 years
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Drag or Die: Part One
In a world where being queer can cost you your life, you either drag…or you die.
When Brian Firkus’ secret boyfriend breaks up with him out of the blue, he meets the enigmatic drag queen named Katya Zamolodchikova, and this bitch shows him a world he never thought possible for him.
Meet different groups of queens, just trying to stay out of society’s way and survive in the country’s many ghost towns. But is there something bigger awaiting for them on the outside world?
[1] // [2] // [3] // [4] // [5] // [6] // [7] // [8]
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ateneawrites · 2 years
six sentence sunday (part 1)
so I decided to post a bit of greentia and a bit of blackkofi, mostly because I couldn’t decide lmao. this is the greentia one (some sweet tooth au) and is entirely tooth-rotting fluff
When Veronica awoke it was still dark outside. The hotel room was slightly on the wrong side of chilled and she sank further into the mattress, tugging the duvet up with one hand. Her other was currently rather incapacitated, given it was gently resting on Tia’s back as they curled up against her side, making quiet snuffling sounds against Veronica’s shoulder. Veronica turned her head to the side to face them.
Tia’s face was peaceful. Their nose twitching slightly at the cold in the air was the only movement beyond the slow rise and fall of their chest and the way their fingertips clung a little tighter to Veronica’s side. Their freckles dusted their face like stars in the sky, and Veronica could sit there for hours drawing constellations on their skin. For now, however, she contented herself with brushing her lips against their jawline.
She would go back to sleep soon, she promised herself. Soon, but not yet. This moment was too perfect to ignore. This beautiful person too perfect. She braved the cold on her arm to trace her fingertip down the edge of Tia’s face and marvelled at the fact she was privileged enough to be here right now, that she could touch them, could brush the pink hair from their face and tuck it securely behind their ear.
Tia was hers. And she was theirs, that she was more certain about than anything in her life.
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ateneawrites · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Diamondchaney christmas, don't mind if i do lads
She parks her car in between the Methodist church and the primary school that they both attended. She watches the children that stick their middle fingers up as they pass it, strings of obscenities following.
“Weans.” Lawrence throws open the door to her car and gets in, a plastic bag on their lap. “A think Miss Trunchball was right all along.”
“I don’t think we were ever that small.” Ellie muses, her acrylics tapping on the steering wheel.
Lawrence barks a laugh, bag rustling as they open it to survey their harvest. “I couldny remember if you prefer the strawberry or the apple laces so I got both.”
“Anything festive in there?” She pokes her head between Lawrence and the bag only to be pushed away. “Hey!”
“Of course I’ve got festive snacks, despite yer apparent trust issues. Mince pies and chocolate orange, and here I even got us an advent calendar each.”
Ellie grins at Lawrence’s eyes lighting up with excitement. “Headcase.” She switches the radio on, confronted by Michael Bublé’s voice streaming out and hitting her ears at a volume previously unknown to man. Lawrence cackles as she hurriedly turns it down.
“Love a bit of boobs.” And they laugh again at their own double entendre. The sound, dulled only slightly by the Christmas music blaring from the speakers, opens back the ache in her heart. Once upon a time she would’ve been able to pick out Lawrence’s laugh in a crowd of thousands.
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ateneawrites · 2 years
“That isn’t true. Not everyone forgets. They won’t.”
Here Every Yesterday (3/4) is now on AO3!! Read it here.
Chapter summary: Dakota must either stay awake or bargain with the woman in yellow. If she loses, the stakes are high. Meanwhile, Baby dreams.
Rating: M
Ships: Babekota, Lefinty, Pepbers
Notes: yes it's still spooky season
Yes you read right it's now four chapters. The fourth should be ready soon!! I hope you enjoy.
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ateneawrites · 2 years
51 for pepbers lefinty bebekota evarina greenday and gorgeous beard (if you want to ofc 😊)
Is this one of my faves off the list maybe 🥰
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Let's put this behind a very soft read more because this got LONG oops hope you don't mind 💕
Pepbers are both very cute. Jo is all about acts of service, she likes to make Peppa a cup of tea if they're in the music-making zone, or she drives them to their performances and gets them a drink or a snack and makes sure they're calm. Peppa meanwhile is very attentive, they notice small things and details in what Jo watches and chats about passionately (and Jo loves to chat lol) and they use that information to surprise Jo on her birthday or whenever they think she needs a surprise lol. If they are apart, they are likely to send the other "Good morning/night" messages at the same time as the other and then believe the other is psychic lol and maybe knowing each others routine so well to know to do that is a little bit psychic you know? 😊
Lefinty are all about small moments. They're both the life and soul of the party, they like to be flamboyant among all their friends (and they have loads of mutual friends because they keep meeting each others lol) but in big crowds they do this thing where they keep glancing at the other to make sure they are alright, normally simultaneously lol. It's just a quick glance, and a smile, and then they carry on. But also they love new experiences together. If they go somewhere new they both want the other there to share their joy, whether it's a sunset or a ride or something else, if that's impossible then they're sending the other photos and videos and they both just want to share happiness with the other. 🥰
Babekota have so much in touch. They can't help themselves. They've always got at least their pinkies together when they walk, or rest together, the forehead smushes when they are both enjoying something and the hugs and hair stroking if something is worrying them. For Baby it's a physical connection, the fact they exist with another being with them as love in a physical sense. For Dakota, it can be wearing one of Baby's jackets or shirts, she gets that connection and closeness to them through that physical sense as well. It's easier for them to be physically distanced with a keepsake to touch that can remind the other that they love them.
With Evarina, Eva is a gifter. She likes to come home with flowers for Marina because she was just passing a florist and thought of her. When Marina is worried because she admits she loves flowers but finds them difficult to care for, Eva buys her silk flowers instead. And Marina is also a gifter, she loves to cook for Eva. She likes to cook with her too but she adores nothing more than making something elaborate and seeing Eva light up when given it. They always make an effort to eat together in the evenings, or better still cook together, even if a day has been had it's impossible for them to put anything but love into a meal made with the other.
Greenday are both shy but chatty, they both think of themselves as a bit awkward, but they both love to hear the other speak and talk about their opinions. It's a kind of vulnerability that is both of them slowly introducing the other to their worlds. They like to take time just to sit just the two of them and have ridiculously long and deep conversations that don't stop until one of them notices the sun is rising and their cups of tea went cold hours ago. It's that delving into the other that gives them both more understanding of the other, it's wanting to never stop learning about the other person, to know them as completely as they can. And they say they love each other by letting the other be open, by trusting them, and by being respectful and honest.
And Gorgeousbeard is similar but for them it's showing and encouraging their nerd (affectionate) sides lol. For them showing they love someone else is letting them experience their wildest creative imagination, because that's something important to them. They're both honoured that the other shares it with them!! Danny has HUGE ideas but often doesn't think of detail, while Cheddar is more of a realist and plans meticulously, but they both encourage the other to dream big and to let themselves go and be free, and they both love to celebrate the other when they reach their goals. So they love each other in letting them be their best authentic selves basically, oops that got long winded lmao 🤣
Ahhh as you can tell I liked this question lmao
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