athenamatthews · 1 year
Athena almost fell down the stairs running, the sound of the door opening announcing the arrival of the one she was waiting for. She had been looking forward to this moment for a whole year. When she found out she had gotten one of the starring roles in the theatre production her high school was putting up, she told him right away. Since he was travelling around a lot, she wanted to make sure he wrote it in his agenda. Still, she dreaded that phone call, thinking he was going to say it was too far away to know if he would be available. Then she was thinking how a work opportunity could come up, causing him to cancel despite his promises. For once, he didn’t let her down.
He beamed, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything, my little star. I keep my promises.”
Athena smiled, but it didn’t come as easy as she believed it would. After he missed her fourteenth birthday, her middle school graduation, as well as countless other smaller occasions — she wanted to trust him, but she knew she couldn’t be sure he would be there until he was in front of her. She tried to keep her expectations low for her first performance on stage. She knew he was trying his best, but sometimes that still didn’t feel like enough. Athena pushed the thoughts away, reminding herself he was here now.
“I start rehearsals this afternoon, but can we spend this morning together?” she asked, her heart anticipating the answer. She told herself not to have too high expectations — her dad was busy, after all. She wasn’t mad at him for missing all those events, just sad that every time Athena looked for him in a room, he wasn’t there. She still recalled the time her class decorated mugs in fourth grade for Father’s Day, then proceeded to ask what their dads thought of the gift the week after. Athena couldn’t start explaining that her dad didn’t live in the same country, let alone state, as her most of the time. Knowing her dad was already feeling guilty enough about not being able to be there for them in the way he wanted to, she hid the mug in her room, not wanting to make him feel bad about missing the day. She settled on a call where she caught him up on her latest activities.
Ten days after her last birthday, he had showed up for Christmas. She overheard her mom and him fighting through the door. Her older sister was catching up on sleep after having been to a party the night before and sneaking back in at dawn. She wondered if her dad knew how much Avery and her mom were fighting lately, if he could intervene before both of them said things they couldn’t take back. Avery was not the subject of their conversation then — Athena was. Her mom had called him out, asked him if he even cared about his daughter’s birthday. That he had been doing this with Avery, and he said once Athena came around, it would be different. He revealed then that he was trying, but he was struggling. That he couldn’t be there for them in the way he wanted to. Athena still remembered her mom’s words, ringing in her head — I can’t believe you.
Since that night, Athena dreaded their interactions. She didn’t think blaming him would make him want to be more present. She hadn’t seen him in five months, yet he had kept his promise. He was here to see her perform on stage. She could feel her mom’s eyes on them, a cup of coffee in her hands, a quiet greeting being the only words exchanged before her dad’s attention was back to her. Athena had never witnessed her parents be in a relationship, so it didn’t affect her much that they didn’t get along. She knew it was more complicated for her sister. “Where’s Avery?” he asked. Athena felt her heart beat faster. She couldn’t betray her sister’s trust, but this is was their dad. Maybe he could talk to her, he was much more reasonable than their mom, who had to be the one who looked out for them. The closeness between the two caused a lot of miscommunications, their dad had the advantage of being more distanced.
“She’s… she’ll join us later. I’ll text her.” Athena didn’t want to add more tension to Avery’s relationship to her mother. Avery hadn’t been home last night, but the woman didn’t notice. Athena told her that her sister had an early shift at the cafe she was working at. “Can we go?” she asked him, the air becoming more suffocating the more she was standing there. She hated being in the middle of everyone’s problems. She was too young to be the messenger between people who couldn’t put their pride aside to communicate with each other — and she was frankly exhausted with this role she didn’t choose. Her dad nodded and they said goodbye to her mom, closing the door behind them.
They had been walking in silence for a minute before he spoke again. “So. What’s going on with your sister?”
Athena chewed the inside of her cheek. She wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but she didn’t know who to call upon anymore. Her family was all she had, and she could feel it crumbling with each passing day. “Mom and her are fighting pretty much everyday. That is, when Avery is there. Most of the time she’s…” she hesitated, “… with her boyfriend. Mom thinks he’s to blame for her staying out late and arguing and not listening, but I think she’s just lonely.” Athena sighed, not wanting to see her dad’s reaction yet. She recognised the loneliness all too well. She wished she could help her sister more, but she was only turning fifteen. She didn’t know what she could say to make her dad more involved, or to make her mom understand, or to make her sister listen.
Her dad put his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer as they walked. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll talk to Avery. You don’t have to worry about me telling your mom.” Athena let out a breath, suddenly feeling lighter. “Sometimes, people who want the best for each other, end up getting lost in translation. That doesn’t mean they don’t love each other.”
Athena felt tears gather in her eyes. “I just want us to be happy again. Can you…” She stopped herself before she could say the last word. No, he wouldn’t stay. He never did. “Can you tell mom it hurts me to see them fighting all the time?” She knew her mom was trying her hardest for her to be happiness, maybe if she knew how much it was upsetting her they would stop.
He nodded his head. In the light, Athena could see all the ways in which they resembled each other. Athena had inherited her mom’s red hair, but she had his brown eyes and bone structure. Not the mention the characteristics she had mirrored as she was growing — his posture, his expression as he laughed, his reactions. She was the spitting image of her dad, and no one could doubt they were related. Sometimes, when she was thinking about the distance between them, she preferred focusing in all the ways they were closer. “Come on, let’s get breakfast,” he said.
Once they arrived at the cafe her sister worked at on the weekends, they chose their usual table in the corner. She wished Avery was working that day, then they would have an excuse to spend time together, but she was probably passed out at her boyfriend’s house. Athena knew why her mom was tense — she was worried history would repeat itself, with Avery getting pregnant before she was even eighteen. Her mom had Avery at sixteen, and Athena at eighteen. She had sacrificed her whole life for them, to give them the opportunities she didn’t have. However, Avery was more affected by their father’s absence, blaming it on their mom for him not sticking around. Although she was young, Athena could understand them better than they did, but there was nothing she could do. She didn’t understand why her dad would choose his career over them either, but she would rather focus on the moments they spent together, than the ones they didn’t.
“Athena,” her dad said halfway through their pancake breakfast. “I signed up with a new agency, which means that work will be more stable from now on.” Athena’s heart was threatening to escape her rib cage if he didn’t speak faster. Was this the part he would tell her they couldn’t see each other for another year? She tried to congratulate him, but she knew there would be no words if she attempted to speak. She waited for him to go on. “I’ve talked to your mom, about spending more time with you and Avery, starting with this summer.” This was not going the way Athena thought it would. “I got this opportunity to go to Norway for landscape photography during August. I was wondering if you and Avery wanted to come with.”
Athena attempted not to choke on her lemonade as she tried to respond. “Yes, yes, yes,” she replied, jumping out of her seat and over the table to hug her dad. She didn’t care that she probably stained her t-shirt with maple syrup, this was more than she could’ve asked for. She would have an entire month with her dad and sister, right after her vacation with her mom and sister. She would be around her family for the entire summer.
She was too excited to sit still, so they left the cafe, and walked around the park instead, Athena not letting go of her dad’s hand. “Did I tell you how proud I am of you? I’m the proudest dad there is. Don’t forget your old dad when they’re advertising your Broadway play on Times Square screens.” Athena beamed, thinking she couldn’t smile bigger if she tried. “Broadway is fine, but I’m headed for Hollywood.” It was the first time she was saying the words. Her mom’s financial concerns weren’t unknown to her, but she felt her dad was distanced enough that he would support her dreams, despite how complicated they seem.
“A Hollywood star, then,” he agreed, his eyes shining with pride, the same shine Athena’s eyes had when she smiled. “You’ll make it. I promise you’ll make it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself. Do you promise me?” He held up his pinky finger. Athena hesitated for a while. She was already doubtful, her mind too anchored in reality for her age. Still, her dad stopped in the middle of the trail, waiting for her. “I’m not moving until I hear you promise me.”
“Fine, I promise I won’t let anyone get in my way, not even myself,” she echoed, connecting her pinky finger with his in a promise she would keep with her for the rest of her life. She dragged him to a nearby bench so they sit next to each other.
“I wanted to give you this at the same time as Avery,” he started, “but I feel this is the right moment.” He reached into his pocket, getting out two bracelets adorned with small round crystals and seashells. There was a silent gasp on her lips. She recognised which one was hers instantly, the sea blue being her colour, the red her sister’s. “I got them in Hawaii. I wanted you to have something to remind you that I’m there — even when we’re far away from each other. I want you to remember what we talked about, and when you forget, I hope the bracelet will make you remember.“ Athena didn’t know what to say. Tears were blurring her vision as she held out her wrist, letting him put the bracelet on her. She wrapped her arms around him, staying in his warm embrace for a while. The sunlight was shining on the water of the lake, giving it a gorgeous reflection, but Athena closed her eyes. She knew she wanted to keep this feeling with her, for as long as she could.
Comfortable silence was all around them, Athena’s voice being heard a while later. “Dad?” she asked, her voice unused to speaking the word directly.
“Mhm?” he said, his attention focused on her, a smile on his face.
“I couldn’t forget you. You’re my favorite person in the whole wide world.” She hugged him tighter, wishing she could bottle this feeling up for when he was halfway across the world. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you, my little star,” he whispered, speaking the words as if they were the utmost truth.
Athena wanted time to stop right there — that was the moment she knew her life would change. This promise felt different. Suddenly, the future seemed brighter. She could see her sister coming back to them, realising their dad loved them. She could see her mom being less overwhelmed with raising two daughters, because she wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. Their family could be salvaged, and her dad was the solution.
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athenamatthews · 2 years
“Would you believe me if I told you no?” She bounced the question back, arms crossed in front of her chest as she raised an eyebrow in anticipation. It would almost be humorous if it wasn’t so sad. Even after she abandoned her old persona, living as much of an independent life that is possible when you’re trying to reach your dreams, making friends by being nice and not because she paid them off and yet, she still needs to hear she was self-absorbed. No matter what she did, what she tried, it always ended the same way, by someone thinking she was nothing but an arrogant rich girl. It truly makes one wonder if her sacrifices were worth it. Cursing internally, Catalina smoothly waved off her own concerns and focused on the conversation at hand, as it didn’t matter what her fucking ex-girlfriend thought of her. Either Athena forgot about her because she discovered she wasn’t actually into girls or there was some weird reason as to why she hated her from one minute to the next, so even if she doesn’t seem to remember their relationship, it makes her biased by default. Something about Catalina must trigger her fight or flight instincts — shit, how that also stings. After wasting months on her sorry ass to call back, desperately clinging on her ex-girlfriend’s forever. She had acted completely pathetic over someone that wouldn’t even recognize her once they meet again, who didn’t even saw the true Catalina behind the quips and throwaway banter? She wouldn’t have expected for it to hurt as much as it did, which in return angered her beyond belief. Catalina was supposed to be over Athena. She has worked so long on getting past what happened, past the depressive episode of being in the closet and feeling like the only person she bared her soul to didn’t want her. She wouldn’t let it mess with her head now, humor was the better strategy. “Another one? I never had a plan in any of this, honey. It’s just working. And believe it or not, I really don’t care about you. You’re not interesting and certainly not a risk to me. Why should I bother?” She asked, plastering on a fake pityingly smile on her lips.
“Babe, honestly, this whole conversation is boring me. I don’t get paid enough to explain how your responses to my sarcasm don’t make any sense. I don’t get paid at all, actually. So if you want to start a go fund me thing to raise enough money to explain that I just joked about being a nightmare then go right ahead. I bet you wouldn’t recognize a joke if it would do ballet on your stuck up ass.” Catalina bit back, feeling her heart pound hard in her chest after being called stupid. It practically threw her back during all the encounters she had with her parents and how they loved to point out how stupid she was acting. Oh, Catalina couldn’t tell the difference between these two designers? She’s so stupid, she really needs to study her stuff more. Catalina is experiencing her first heartbreak and doesn’t know how to handle the overwhelming sadness? It’s fucking stupid how she lets some boy mess with her head when there are more important matters. Catalina had been gay all along and is willing to abandon everything for a phase? Well, they always knew she was a disappointment and she was acting incredibly stupid for throwing everything away like that. Hot anger was clouding her vision, every cell in her being screaming at her to finally deck the girl that broke her heart, but she swallowed the desire down. Fuck this, she was above petty attacks like that. Catalina will show them by being successful. Anybody who doesn’t believe in her now, better watch out, she will do it, she knows she will. “You know what? I don’t care. How about you prove how talented and insightful you are for picking the play, you can even choose whatever role you want. Show me how easy it is to overthrow me, how arrogant I am by beating me at my own game so easily. I even give you a head start, you can pick out the role you’ve been practicing since you’re a little kid as all of us theater nerds do. Winner gets bragging rights and believe me, I’ll get out on top. So. Are you in? Or are you too scared?” Catalina stepped a little closer, staring directly into Athena’s eyes as she awaited her answer to her challenge.
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Athena huffed at Catalina‘a answer. She was right — she didn’t believe her. How could she, when Catalina was walking around like she owned the place? She probably never felt an ounce of doubt, whereas Athena was struggling to stay at the top of the list. It infuriated her to know that she was doing everything in her power to be the best, to prove to herself that she belonged where she was, that the thoughts that kept her awake at night were nothing but thoughts and not a reflection of reality, meanwhile Catalina seemed to be made for the role. Despite how alike they seemed on the outside, Catalina was nothing like Athena. Hearing her confirm that she didn’t even consider Athena as an equal, that she was not even a risk to her, made Athena’s heart sink. However, there was no way she would let her rival see through her facade. “Keep undermining me, Lopez. I’ll be sure to mention you in my speech when I graduate top of the class.” She knew she had chosen right her major when there wasn’t a hint of insecurity in her voice. She had spoken the words as if they were of the utmost evidence to her, hiding how she didn’t believe one word of what she just declared.  
Athena knew she had crossed the line when she implied that Catalina’s arrogance was making her look stupid, but she did not expect that talk back from her. She didn’t assume that Catalina would be the bigger person, but she would have lied if she said she expected the other to be that harsh. She didn’t know she had had hit right where it hurt her most. Her facade was blown now that Catalina saw right through her. She tried too much, and she thought that no one else would notice, that she seemed effortless in her efforts — but she didn’t. Athena wasn’t sure if Catalina believed her own insults, but it didn’t matter much to her. She had built a palace of cards that was falling down, destroying the progress she had made during the past months. “Maybe your jokes just aren’t that funny,” Athena replied. She took a step towards her opponent and leaned in. “You’re not as entertaining as you think you are. I know everything around here likes to kiss your ass, but that’s just because they’re hoping for an all-paid vacation to your holiday house. You’re not that charming to those who do not care about your heritage,” she whispered. She then took a step back, plastering a close-mouthed smile across her face. “Mhm, how kind of you. Takes all responsibility off your back to put in some work into this project.” Athena knew she was being unfair, but it wasn’t like Catalina was fairplay. “Well, contrary to you, I don’t have a predicament role. I‘ve dabbled in pretty much anything, but if it’ll keep on your high horse, sure, I’ll choose.” Athena hated how easy Catalina was making this for me. She would’ve much appreciated if she gave her a challenge, instead of a pity party. However, if that allowed  her to get back to being number one in her class, she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity.
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athenamatthews · 6 years
Catalina was used to getting everything she desired since the day she was born. Even just a blink was enough for her parents to bend over backwards to go whatever she wanted. That didn’t change until the day she attended the university of performing arts, even if her attitude had shifted much sooner. At one point she suddenly realized that she didn’t want to be known as the girl who got everything handed towards her. Or more precisely, she wanted to be known as the girl who very much could’ve get everything she wanted just for her money, but didn’t because she archived herself. Of course that didn’t necessarily mean that she distanced herself from her parents and their wealth — instead she simply chose to not bribe teachers to get her the grades she needed and attend university just as herself. At least that was how it used to be in the beginning. It had been so surprising how things still came easy to her. As clever as she was under all the money she used to own, she didn’t need to stay up all night studying to get through classes easily. Instead she could spend the time with her natural charm making friends. Even though Catalina was doomed to be the new girl as she only transferred halfway through the year, she managed to join a tightly knit group of friends after just a week of university and soon found herself getting along with mostly everyone. However there was one exception to the rule. One damn exception that seemed to change everything.
There was no way she expected to meet Athena again. The summer fling they shared had been intense and left her breathless for a couple of months, maybe even years afterwards. It was the time she finally explored her sexuality, a summer she found herself in. Catalina was still unsure if she had really loved the redhead or if she had been too caught up in the feeling. Drowning in the feeling of love and how completed she felt. It had been the first time in her entire life she felt like she was more than just the daughter of rich parents. More than just a spoiled brat, but exactly the clever and ambitious girl that she was. The two of them had shared their hopes and dreams and for once Catalina allowed herself to believe in a world where she could reach everything she wanted for her intellect and personality alone. A world where she doesn’t mention to her father that he needed to make a call at a certain school or job so she’d get it. A world where she was allowed to be herself, even if that person happened to be a lesbian. When their relationship ended with the season, she also lost the will to come out to her parents. They were definitely old-fashioned with their view on homosexuality and certainly didn’t want their only daughter to bring a different light on their fashion empire. However the day she saw Athena again, a day she got her first exams back and saw that she passed all of them with the best grades, she impulsively called her parents and told them everything. Every chance to ever take over what they build was gone with the wind as they disowned her with the blink of an eye. Catalina didn’t care much as they have already paid her entire university fees beforehand, believing it would be a fun activity for her daughter more than her whole future and she also hadn’t wanted to go into fashion anyways. Her heart had been into the acting industry from the beginning and she was sick to represent something she wasn’t for a long time now. Her aunt was still on her side to support her financially if everything went down the drain. That’s all she needed to finally free again.
Even when Athena was a reason for the eventual snowball to fall, she wasn’t the ultimate one. Catalina didn’t do it for her. For all she heard and figured it seemed like her ex-girlfriend doesn’t even recognize her. She had been disappointed for a maximum of a day until she found it absolutely hilarious. The irony that Athena had been pushed from her a little throne as the top of her classes from the girl she used to swear undying love to completely went over her head. She probably thought she was just another girl that ruined everything to her. That’s something that Catalina wanted to use for her advantage, leaving her to not move when they were paired as partners in a class up until their teacher glared at the two of them. When they met halfway, she expected a lot of remarks from the other, though Catalina still found herself surprised. An amused expression flickered across her features as she quickly placed a hand on her chin as if she was to think about it. “Hmm. I don’t think so. Believe it or not, you’re not the coolest shit to walk these halls. I’m good on my own, I don’t need you as a partner. I could even carry someone who doesn’t know how to read their lines properly. So no — I have nothing to do with it.” A small, fake innocent shrug followed her words. “And I’m here to be your worst nightmare obviously.” Her eyes widening as if she was a bad witch in a trashy movie, Catalina paused for dramatic effect before continuing. “I’m here to get my degree, dummy. I want to be an actress. I thought the second best in class should be clever enough to have figured that one out.”
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“And you think you are?” Athena responded, a huff leaving her lips. She knew Catalina was just attempting to get under her skin, which was working quite well, but she was shocked at how wrong her accusations were. Of course, the other knew nothing but Athena’s name. She couldn’t have known how much being the best meant to her. Athena didn’t care about proving she was superior to her peers — what she did care about was making her dream become reality. That was where her determination came from. She needed to have a better life. Her mother gave everything up to raise Athena and her sister, and her sister did the opposite of what her mother wished for her. Although Athena was still close to her sister, she understood her mother’s point of view. She agreed with her. Becoming an actress was what she desired since she was young. Being number one in all of her classes was Athena’s reassurance she would accomplish what she set her mind to. “I wasn’t referring to your capabilities to act. I thought you enjoyed a little too much being first place in all of our classes, and since you obviously appreciate to annoy me, you can figure out why I thought this was another one of your plans,” she added. Athena would never admit her thoughts to the one in front of her, but she would be lying to herself if she didn’t think Catalina was talented. There was a reason she was getting the highest grades in their classes, and she doubted that was because she was bribing the teachers. If the situation was different, Athena would have become friends with her. She was certain they could be the greatest duo in the university, considering how talented and motivated they both were — but Catalina’s attitude annoyed Athena too much, which explained why the current conversation was the longest they’ve had. Athena couldn’t stand seeing her, let alone interact with her. She didn’t understand what the teacher was thinking when he paired them together. 
A fake smile appearing on her lips as she heard her answer, Athena shook her head. “A nightmare by definition is supposed to be frightening, and you don’t scare me. On the opposite, I think you should be scared. You’re a little bit too sure about your status. Confidence is good, however too much of it makes you look stupid.” Although Athena was far from being unkind, listening to her conversations with Catalina would leave outsiders with the wrong impression. That was part of why she hated being around her competition. She managed to bring out the worst side of her, just because she was scared Catalina was standing in the way of her becoming an actress. Part of her knew her mindset was wrong, since one person couldn’t be at fault for her future career being ruined, but she needed someone to put the blame on. Otherwise she would have to face the fact that Catalina was better than her — at acting, at socializing, and everything Hollywood required — and accepting that would cause her to think less of herself. Athena had enough doubts about herself without someone else adding more reasons as to why her insecurities were right. The comebacks were her self-defense against her mind convincing her she was untalented, just because someone else had less difficulties than she did. “Anyway, we should start before the professor notices we’re not reading our lines,” Athena said, ignoring how the reason they hadn’t started yet was because she decided to confront Catalina. “What play would you like to work on?” The only requirement given by the professor was for the play to be part of the tragedy genre. The university’s extensive library would provide them with the book, and then they would decide on the rest. “Were you thinking a Shakespearean play or something else?” 
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athenamatthews · 7 years
When Athena moved across the country to attend the university of her dreams, the only factors she considered were reaching her dream. She hadn’t moved to California to make friends — she wanted to start her Hollywood career. Being raised by a single mother who gave up on her dreams to raise her little girls, ambition was the first trait she developed. Her mother had sacrificed everything for her to be here. She wasn’t going to let her down. The first day she moved to the campus, she encountered difficulties adapting to her new life. It was the first time she was away from her mother, the woman who had supported her through the different stages of her existence. She no longer had her mother or her sister around. She was on her own. Luckily, she stumbled upon a roommate who seemed to want to take care of her, despite Athena’s attempts to push her away. The beginning weeks sufficed to categorize Athena as someone you needed to either stay away from or become close friends with. She was the first in all of her classes, making people envious of her endless dedication and determination to become the best version of herself. Despite being known, Athena was a mystery to everyone. She would isolate herself from people, her high school experience having left a bad impression of people, but even she wasn’t immune to loneliness. One night while she was out late, she made a friend. Next day she was introduced to two other girls. She had gained a group of friends without even making the effort, and they were enough for her to consider herself lucky. 
Halfway through the year, she had the life of her dreams. Until the new student transferred to the university. At first, Athena didn’t care about her, though when she realized she was in most of her classes and taking her place as best student, she started getting upset. She wondered who this stranger was and why she wanted to ruin her career. On top of being a perfect student, her social life surpassed Athena’s. She didn’t understand how Catalina seemed to reach perfection effortlessly, when Athena dedicated her entire time to practicing and studying her lines. Although the rivalry between them was obvious, Athena hadn’t yet confronted the other about stealing what she had been working on for the past months. She was once again determined to regain the place she deserved. Having finished their previous project, Athena was impatient to discover what her drama class would focus on, but once the professor revealed the project, and she realized they had to work in groups, her enthusiasm faded a little bit. She didn’t like to depend on someone else. “However, this time I will be deciding the pairings,” he spoke. “Great,” Athena thought. Although she disliked group projects, being paired with someone she didn’t know worsened the situation. “Athena Matthews, you’re working with Catalina Lopez.” 
Athena thought she misheard the name. “Pardon me?” she inquired, trying to hide the surprise from her traits. “Catalina Lopez,” the professor repeated. “Is there a problem?” Athena shook her head, smiling politely at the authority. She tried to listen to what he spoke afterwards, but her mind was incapable of focusing on the precise instructions. Not after being told she would be stuck with her nemesis for the following month. She stared at her across the room, a resentful expression on her traits. Not only would she have to see her and talk to her every day, but considering she liked to rehearse outside of school, she would have to meet with her then too. She hated how her favorite class was ruined in a second. As the professor finished talking and commanded for the students to begin rehearsing, Athena stood up, though she didn’t advance towards her teammate. She raised her eyebrows, letting Catalina know she wasn’t going to come to her. When Athena noticed the professor was observing her, she stepped towards her, meeting with her halfway. “Did you have anything to do with this?” she asked, her arms folded across her chest as she maintained eye contact. She knew the possibility of Catalina influencing her teacher’s decision was unlikely, but she wouldn’t be surprised if she used her perfect score to convince him what a perfect team they would make. “Why are you even here?” she added, not being capable of stopping what she had been thinking of for months from being revealed. Turns out the time had arrived for the confrontation she had been delaying for the past weeks.
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