athenasboyishkid · 7 years
Can't stop laughing coz of this convo
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So I was chatting on fb with @athenasboyishkid about this new AMAZING BODY OIL from @victoriassecret that you HAVE to try. (Seriously it has a nice light scent and doesn’t make your skin feel oily.) This is the result of that convo. Thought I’d share. I’m the one in purple. Warning. #nsfw (I do not work for VS or am I being given any incentive to promote thier stuff.)
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athenasboyishkid · 7 years
Guys, I am currently having my OJT as an elementary teacher for 3 months now and I'm having this urge to John-Watson-when-Sherlock-came-back-from-the-dead the kids when I see them. Help!
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athenasboyishkid · 7 years
13-year old bro: *does air violin with feelings and stuff*
 Mom: *faces palms* All I want is a normal child. Is that too much to ask?
Bro: Well, we ARE your kids. I, therefore, conclude that you must be nuts too.
Mom: nope. you got it from you fathers.
Bro: Mom, 4 kids. 2 different dads. Do the math. You’re the crazy one.
Mom: No. You definitely got it from your dads.
Me: Well, I think if our dads were crazy, then you must be nuts to marry them in the first place.
Bro: Alright! Children - 1. Mom - 0
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Being the eldest
Growing up as the eldest (eldest child, eldest grandchild, eldest niece), I grew up being blamed for everything. 13-year old brother got in trouble? "You should have been watching him." Cousin broke a glass while doing the dishes? "You should have been doing that job." Sister skinned her knee while playing? "You should have done something." Mom forgot to buy what she needed? "You should have reminded me!" Cousins got each other bloodied? "You should have stopped them!" Screamed at siblings and/or cousins to stop them from fighting? "You shouldn't scream at them. You're the eldest. You should know better." Am I the only one who have this problem? Please tell me I'm not the only one.
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Well... I thought I was the only one who had this problem. XD
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Awesome grandpa
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(via b_flex14)
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
support trans kids with “cool names” or unique and different names
support trans kids with common names
support trans kids with names that relate to their culture and/or heritage
support trans kids who can’t change their birth name
support trans kids that don’t want to change their birth name
support trans kids with their names by calling then whatever they have chosen
support trans kids by not deadnaming them 
support whatever decision trans kids make about their names because our names mean something to us and don’t dismiss it because you don’t think it’s important.
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Reblog if you think Donald Trump should be the first man on the Sun.
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Mom: Almost all of my kids are either idiots or not normal
Me: almost? Just almost?
Bro: I think it’s hereditary, mom.
Mom: maybe you got it from your dad.
Bro: mom, you and your sibs aren’t normal either.
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Rules: first tag the person who tagged you and basically answer 20 questions about yourself and then tag 20 people. You don’t have to answer any questions you are uncomfortable with answering and you can change the questions if you like!
Thanks for tagging me @ninjanessie :D! You’re wonderful! let’s have a little chat sometime. :-)
1. Favorite color: Blue, black, white
2. Favorite songs: Right now, it’s Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas
3. Favorite band: Nada. I don’t really just pay attention to one band. But if there is one band whose songs I’ve listened to a lot, it’s Simple Plan.
4. Country: Philippines
5. Gender: Female
6. Hogwarts house: Probably Slytherin
7. Constellation: Libra
8. Birthday: October 17
9. Places I want to go: London, France, USA, Italy, Greece, Canada... okay, to make it easier, i’ll just say “TRAVEL THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD”
10. Favorite places I’ve been to: Negros (haven’t been outside of the Philippines)
11. Currently studying in/ working in/ doing: Currently taking up Bachelor in Elementary Education. 4th year.
12. Game you really enjoyed playing but apparently no one knows about it: there’s this Filipino game called Shatong. You play it with two sticks--1 long and 1 short. It’s a complicated game and it’s fun.
13. Current phone lock screen/wallpaper: My lock screen was Dean Winchester (my iphone broke. Darn it)
14. Why did you choose your url?: It’s my admin name to the pages i manage. :-)
15. Are there people from this website you’d like to meet?: YA lot but I’m a weird freak so... hmmm...
16. Are you the kind of person who talks to a former classmate when you see them in public or do you avoid them?: I talk to them if they’re by themselves. I don’t hide. If they smile at me, I smile back or vice versa.
17. Last book you read: "Me Before You” and my current book is “The Last Juror”
18. Favorite movie: I guess it’s Bridge to Terabithia
19. What did you want to be when you grew up?: an astronaut, a doctor, a cop, a freaking scientist, an owl and an author
20. Favorite online shopping site?: I don’t shop online
@fangirlingoverdemigods@amortentiasmellslikebooks@danlster @orange-bat7 @jumpingjakeflash
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
Overheard my mom talking to her best friend.
Mom: Are you sure you want to take care of them while I’m at the seminar (which lasts for a week). Elle is already 20. She can take care of her siblings
Best friend: Gee, don’t worry about it. Why hassle Elle if they can stay with me?
Mom: They’re a bit MALFUNCTIONING, you know.
Best friend: What? What do you mean?
Mom: They usually forget how to human.
I’m dying!
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
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HEADCANON ABK: Hades and Nico had a big fight and to show his rebellion, Nico ignored his father even though he was in the Underworld. He'd send a cold look towards his father and then look at the floor."That won't work on me, young man," Hades said angrily while they were dining together.But the silence grew as the hours passed. "He really is ignoring me, isn't he?" Hades asked Persephone."You think?" Persephone threw back.Nico just sat on the floor by the door to his father's den for hours until Hades finally crumbled. "Okay, fine, you win," Hades grumbled. "You can go to that date with the Apollo boy."Nico looked up at his father. "Really?""Yes! Yes! So enough with the silent treatment already!"
It’s from https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=hades+and+nico&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwino9Szk8PNAhWDkZQKHYGYCjsQ_AUICCgB&biw=1280&bih=668#imgrc=AfCCiEPUO4j6JM%3A
~Athena's Boyish Kid
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
“At least you’re not sparkly. I’d really hate it if the vampire who’s gonna drink my blood is sparkly,” says the willing victim.
but what if a vampire drank the blood of someone who was anemic like would they be seriously grossed out
“what the fuck is this”
“i have anemia”
“can you take something for that you should probably take something for that this shit is nasty to drink let alone have running through your body i’m setting up a doctor’s appointment for you”
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
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Me: *sees Nutella*
Me: Mom, Nut--
Mom: *pulls me away from it* No, Elle.
Me: But mom, there’s Nut--
Needless to say, I lost. But to compensate with the Nutella, she bought me this. i love my mom. :-)
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
*Claps but still watches Uncle Rick* Hurt Nico and I’ll find you
can we have a round of applause for Rick Riordan, the man who single handedly provided representation for Muslims, HoH people, lgbtq+ people, PoC, kids who live in abusive environments, homeless kids, and so many more people?
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athenasboyishkid · 8 years
If you think I’m going to watch a whole season just to see Dean Winchester again and again then you’re hella right.
If you think that I am going to watch a whole show just to see a few moments of my otp then you’re goddamn right.
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