Someone today will read Shakespeare's hamlet and say omg he's just like me fr. Another person will read moby dick and proclaim Ishmael as an adhd king.
A person grieving for their recently deceased lover reads the iliad and they watch as Achilles rages and rages and god how righteous anger fueld by love is so devastating that it's ramifications still affect the world several thousand years later.
We might one day settle down and read the epic of gilgamesh and watch as a king has to accept the death of the person he loved the most. One of the very first stories ever written and it was about coping with death, and how to grieve.
We don't read classics because they're old, we read them because they remind us that we are never alone. That a character created over 500 years ago struggled with the exact same problems we all still have today. That even a king from centuries past had to deal with death just like me. That's what makes stories so powerful--they prove to us that we are never truly alone in what we are feeling.
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idk I just personally think that getting chills from music is the best part of being alive. like when a song is so good you can feel it in your whole body. that's why I'm here.
123K notes · View notes
Tangerine finding out he's going to be a dad
Pairing: Tangerine x f!reader
Warnings: 16+; no use of (Y/N); mention of pregnancy; fluff; Tangerine working out his emotions
Words: 694
Reading time: 2m 46s
Notes: I have watch Bullet Train two months ago and I can't believe I am only now starting to write for our dear Tangerine. He has bewitched me body and soul. I hope you all enjoy it. English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any possible mistake. Feel free to correct me. Thank you!!!
When Tangerine discovers he's going to be a dad, he's speechless.
He needs time to process everything.
"That wasn't in our plans" is mumbled with a shaky breath.
Even though Tangerine is a lot quieter than usual and his mind is distant, never for a moment does he think of leaving your side.
He's not mad or scared of the pregnancy but more of himself.
"What if I'm not good enough of a father?" is a constant thought in his mind.
Tangerine knows of his anger issues and work derivated problems.
What if he lashed out at the kid because of his temper?
What if he somehow put the baby in danger?
What if he ended up being an absent father?
What if something happened to Tangerine, and you had to raise the baby on your own?
You and Tangerine had discussed having kids before. Both acknowledged that you weren't getting younger, opting, either way, to wait until a point in your lives when Tan had enough money for early retirement.
Maybe he would start an ordinary business. Invest his money and open a restaurant, something like that. 
Two days after telling Tangerine about the pregnancy, you came home to a candle-lit dinner and a fresh bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
"Baby, what is all this?" you questioned, still shocked by the sudden action.
"Both an apology and a celebration, my love."
That night during dinner, Tangerine voiced out all of his concerns.
By the end of the meal, you had decided that Tan would find a mental care professional to help with the issues and give him better coping mechanisms. 
"Parenting is not going to be easy. Unfortunately, nobody teaches you how to do it correctly. We will find it out together, make mistakes and learn from them. Everything at its own pace."
You spent the rest of the night wrapped in the arms of the other talking about baby stuff. 
Tangerine had a smile on his mind for the totality of the night. He couldn't feel more proud of you. You were carrying his baby and already handling the situation so well.
"You are going to be an amazing mother, love. You already are."
That comment and the look on Tan's face make you tear up. Damned pregnancy hormones! 
"You too, honey! I know it."
The next day Tangerine had a heated argument with his contractor to find him a trustworthy person for Tan to visit.
Right after scheduling the first appointment, Tangerine calls Lemon inviting him for dinner.
He wanted his brother to know in person, he was going to be an uncle.
"I can't wait to find out which Thomas the Tank Engine the baby will be!" are the first words pronounced by Lemon.
To which follows an incredulous look and long sign courtesy of Tangerine.
"I'm so delighted to hear that! Congratulations! That is what you should have said. Gosh, you're getting on my tits!" yells Tangerine, making you put your hand on his shoulder, embracing his arm after, and resting your head on his shoulder. That should soothe him.
"I'm sure that was Lemon's way of congratulating us, honey." you say softly sending Tan's brother an apologetic look.
The waters calmed down. Tangerine and Lemon engaged in a conversation, remembering all the fun they had during childhood and how they wanted to experience some of those when the baby became older. 
You sat on Tangerines's lap on the couch, listening to their voices while tracing patterns on your lover's chest.
You knew that you and Tangerine had a long path to walk and that he would need a lot of reassurance.
Even though he rarely demonstrated, it was written between the lines how he could get insecure sometimes.
You would do everything to let him know he's doing alright.
"I will never leave your side or this baby's life. I want you to understand that I will always be by your side." is mumbled into your hair when you are already in bed.
Tangerine doesn't know if you heard him having into consideration that you appear to be soundly sleeping. He just had to say it out loud. 
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Falling in love like in a Jane Austen's novel - part 2
Pairing: Benny Miller x f!reader
Warnings: 16+; no use of (Y/N); mention of drinking; one cuss word
Words: 1485
Reading time: 5m 56s
Summary: Benny and you just met. See how each one of you reacted to the other.
Part 1
Notes: Hi I'm back! Later than what I would like, but back! What was going to be a 2 piece fic has become more. This chapter is more of a transition from what was chapter 1 and what will be chapter 3. Should I start tagging whoever is interested in my Benny fics? Let me know if you're interested. English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any possible mistake. Feel free to correct me. Thank you!!!
Benny watched you dance with your friends with a smile on his face. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but you sure had captured his attention.
A hand fell on his shoulder. Will's hand. "Are you alright? You've been standing here for a while." Has he? Benny's eyes stayed on you while he acknowledged his brother's question. "More than ever. You like those historical movies, don't you? Have you ever seen a Jane Austen adaptation?" Will had a skeptical look on his face. Why was his brother asking him about Regency Era movies in the middle of a bar during a bachelor's party? "Yeah…Why?" Benny finally met his brother's eyes. "Can you tell me what happens with a Mr. Darcy and a dancing scene?" Will wanted to laugh, but the look on Benny's face was almost desperate like he needed to know at that exact moment what happened in the movie. "It's the scene where the main characters meet each other. At first, things don't go too well, Mr. Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth, says some unpleasant things, bla bla bla, and they gradually fall in love with each other. Why?" Benny took the beer from his brother's hand and took a sip. "Just something I heard somebody talk about." Benjamin kept his eyes fixated on you giving William an idea of who that someone was. "If you want my sincere opinion, Mr. Darcy should have danced with Lizzy. He shouldn't have been so proud, even though that's the whole plot of the book. Who knows how the story would have gone from there?" The upbeat song changed into a slower one. You didn't leave the dance floor, opting to sway with your friends. Benny took this as his opportunity. "Good thing I have no pride." With this, Benjamin left a laughing Will behind.
The change of music felt good for your fast-beating heart. It sure was thanking the DJ for the break.
Slow dancing aloud your thoughts to flow freely. You were glad the night had turned out better than foreseen. The drunk comments of your friends made you laugh and question if the night could become even better. The universe decided it could.
A tipsy Mateo made his way to you. "Don't look now, your gentleman is making his way to us!" With that Mateo dissipated the dance floor leaving you shocked, only half brain working and not properly. Was the gentleman who you were thinking it was? Was he making his way to you?
"Hey! Would you mind giving me the honor of this dance?" You turned to the man behind you and gosh, he was even more beautiful up close. His blond hair looked soft to the touch and you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about what it would be like to run your fingers through it. Just a look into his eyes and you could already tell they held a lot of emotions. They were like a pit of everything he has ever seen, good or bad. The small smile in the corner of his mouth showed his laidback nature, but not in a cocky or arrogant way. You had thought he was handsome before, now up close you realized how gorgeous he was.
He started stroking the back of his neck making you realize he must have gone without a response for too long. "Sorry, of course, you can." Taking the hand he offered and resting the other on his shoulder, you were surprised by the gentleness of his movements and touch. After a while, he spoke. "I'm Benny." You offered your name, quickly looking into his eyes when he repeated it. How could such a small gesture affect you so much?
You stayed looking into the other's orbs, not saying anything. Nonetheless, you were both thinking the same thing, "I've got to know you better." You just didn't realize you had said it out loud. "I'm glad you feel the same. Not to be creepy or anything, but I noticed you walking in and thought the same thing." Benny had a soft smile on his face. Slow dancing with you made him feel like he was on cloud nine. He wished this moment would never end. "You did?" Your voice was filled with pure shock. "How could I not?" Benjamin's implication made a shy smile form on your face. Face that you hid in his chest. At that moment he thought he was going to explode or that his heart would rip through his chest with the intensity it was beating. You were so cute! Looking up, face still nested on his soft cotton shirt, you bit your lip. "I noticed you too. I was wishing you would come to talk to me."
The song changed again making Benny internally growl out of displeasure. He didn't want to let you go just yet. Until you suggested getting a drink.
Sunshine made its way through your bedroom's curtains, waking you up. Memories of last night flooded your brain while you stretched, making you smile.
You had spent the majority of the night talking to Benny at the bar, and when your friends started going home, neither of you wanted the night to end. Benny had suggested grabbing something to eat at a nearby diner. Not wanting to let go just yet of his presence, you agreed.
He had driven you there and insisted on paying for everything. Part of you was still acknowledging the fact that you had gotten in a stranger's car. You couldn't quite decipher what it was about Benny that made you feel so calm and safe. Maybe his aura? Okay, that Benny had told you about being in the Special Ops, but it still wasn't a guarantee that he would be a nice guy. You knew a lot of stories about guys in the military that weren't that good.
He had been delightful! When Benny noticed you were starting to doze off, he took you home and walked you to your apartment door. "I just want to make sure you get in alright. I won't even come in." Had been his answer to your skeptical look. Only a few hours of knowing each other and you already knew Benjamin Miller was a man of his word.
Looking in the mirror after washing your face made you sigh, smile, and think "Could he be thinking of me?"
Benny hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night, but it had been for a good reason. A reason that made him smile and forget all about the constant yawning.
A little after 7 am, Benny had called William to know if they still could get their coffee. He needed it to push it through the day without falling asleep and also because of the brotherly advice he was so desperate for.
They met at this local coffee shop that Will declared was the best in town. Benny loved to mess with his brother about him being a coffee snob.
"Didn't get a lot of sleep last night?" Will had a mischievous look that made something inside of Benny get a little bit angry. He somehow felt like he had to defend your honor. "Not like that. We just grabbed a bite, talked and then I dropped her off. Didn't even pass the door." The barista called their names, interrupting Benny's speech. After sitting down at a corner table, Benny proceeded. "She's different. The way she talks and holds herself. She wasn't just flirting, she genuinely wanted to know about me and what my interests are. You should have seen how her eyes lighted up when she talked about something she's passionate about, or when we found a topic of common interest. Remember what I was telling you yesterday?" William nodded. "With her, I felt like I had all the time in the world. It was like watching a show that is so pleasing, you don't want it to ever end! I think I even felt butterflies." Benny mumbled the last part, more talking to himself than to Will.
Will smiled a bit. He had never seen his brother in such a state. Benny was learning new things about himself, and from what William heard, you were good for him. "Will, is it weird that even though we have only met a couple of hours ago, I feel like I've known her all my life, and somehow still feel that there is a lot about her that I want to know?" Will looked into his brother's eyes, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's normal. It's a sign to ask her on a date and see how things turn out. Even if she isn't the one, you'll have learned something new. Why don't you send her a text?" At that moment Benny's eyes shot wide. "Shit!! I forgot to ask for her number!"
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I feel bad for people who’ve never experienced a corn maze bc it’s not even fun but you just have to do it
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Falling in love like in a Jane Austen's novel - part 1
Pairing: Benny Miller x f!reader
Warnings: 16+; no use of (Y/N)
Words: 2050
Reading time: 8 min 11 sec
Summary: Benny is sick of partying and interactions that come and go. You want old-fashion love. What happens when two strangers see each other and realize what they always wanted.
Notes: Hi! It's me again. I've been meaning to post for a long time, but I was lacking inspiration. This is part 1 of a two pieces fic, maybe more. I hope you all enjoy it. English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any possible mistake. Feel free to correct me. Thank you!!!
The neon lights illuminated the faces of the people in the crowded bar. The music playing was upbeat, people were either dancing or drowning shots like there was no tomorrow.
This was not the type of bar the Delta Squad usually chose for their hangouts, due to Will and Frankie's quiet nature and everybody's preference for casual attire over dressing up. Now with Benny and Santi… that was a different story. Those two also liked to go out, get wasted, and to put it in a light tone, flirt.
Why was the whole squad in such a populated bar with two members feeling slightly uncomfortable? Honestly, nobody did fully know why. Benjamin guessed that some sort of planet disarrangement happened for his brother and his best friend agreed to tag along.
The group decided to sit down first and get acquainted with the place. Soon they discovered that making small talk would be impossible over the bar's vivacious noise.
Santiago's eyes observed the space around him, too eager to find somebody to spend the night with. That's when he noticed a bachelor's party on the opposite side of the room. Nudging Benny's arm he pointed to the group of girls. "What do you think?" After a moment of consideration, Benjamin was about to speak when Frankie anticipated him. "Why not? I've been on a dry spell for too long. What do you say, Ironman?" Will ran a hand through his beard and signed. "Fine. But only if I get to be your wingman! I'm not really in the mood for anything more tonight."
Right after approaching the party, each one went their own way. Benjamin was getting shots with a group of women and the soon-to-be bride, Santiago was already on the dance floor, praying his knees wouldn't start aching and blowing out the chance of taking the beautiful human being he was dancing with, home. Frankie was sitting by the counter talking to a girl and playing all his cards, while Will quietly sat next to him just giving him moral support and hyping Fish up when needed.
After telling the girls he would be back with more drinks, Benny made his way to his brother. "Are you having fun?" Inquired Will after Benny told the bartender his order. "Yeah, kind of." The look Benjamin had, told a different story. "Come on man, I know your tells. What's up?" Truth be told not even Benny knew. "I just feel like something is missing. These kinds of events aren't as fun as they used to be, I just do it because it's the only thing I know." He started to trail off in his thoughts. "Maybe it's a sign to settle down. Have you ever thought about-" Before Will could finish, the bartender delivered the other man's order. Starting to make his way over to the girls, Benjamin told his brother "I think this is a conversation to have some other time. Do you wanna grab lunch tomorrow? I need brotherly advice." Will nodded with a reassuring smile and watched his little brother turn around, putting his entertainer persona back on. And that was the moment Benjamin laid eyes on the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
She looked like an angel to him. Her smile shined, and her features looked like they had been sculpted by the most talented renaissance artist. All of her was beautiful. The way she moved, the way she acted! Benny was mesmerized. He watched as the girl embraced the soon-to-be bride in her arms and the way her smile got even bigger. With every passing second, she became more beautiful. She was more than that, she was gorgeous. Benjamin was sure he was looking at her with what you would call heart eyes. He saw how she got a little bit awkward when greeting some people and how she let all of her defenses down when meeting who he assumed were her friends. He found her adorable. The only thing that bothered him a little was that she hadn't noticed him. He wanted to look into her eyes, see if the inside beauty matched the exterior one. He believed it would.
Work had been hectic. Once again you had to stay later than usual to finish up some reports, that had, once again, been handed out later than they should have. The workspace you shared with a few coworkers was filled with grunts and complaints. "How can they fail to deliver these papers every week?" Said, somebody. "Especially on a Friday!" These were some of the comments running around. Next to you, you heard the rolling of wheels and saw a chair enter your eyesight. It was your best friend from work, or as she liked to call you, her work sister. "Hey Boo, wanna have dinner at my place? Tyler's cooking and the kids would love to see you." Even though it was a great offer and you wanted nothing more after a busy week, you already had plans. "Sorry babe, I would love to, but do you remember about me telling you of Rebeca's engagement? I have her bachelor's party tonight." Emily just smiled and grabbed your cheeks with her hands. "No problemo! You can come next week if you feel like it, no pressure. Now… have you picked out what to wear?", "Not really, can you help me with that?" your tone must have been pleading because Emily grabbed the paperwork from her desk and scooted over to you.
"I'm going to want to hear all about tonight!" Yelled Emily, waving at you from the other side of the parking lot. You held a thumb up and after blowing each other kisses, you got in your respective cars. Now that you had your outfit picked by the fashion expert that your best friend was, you just had to go home, get ready, and hope that the night wouldn't be half as bad as you expected.
The loud music filled your ears, you had never been to this establishment but from what you could see it was well decorated and the music was good. Really good. That alone turned your mood into a better and less apprehensive one. Checking your phone you read the message one of your friends sent you, informing you of where they were inside. Quickly spotting the loudest group present you made your way toward them with a bright smile on your face. A chorus of your name was heard and the bachelorette ran to hug you. You didn't know your smile could get bigger. "I was almost thinking you wouldn't come. I know this is not your thing. Thank you so much for coming!"
After reassuring your friend that you were comfortable and you would never miss such an important moment of her life, and saying awkward greetings to people you didn't know that well or had never met, you went to mingle with your friends.
You were sipping your drink, friends casually talking, in better words, trying to be heard over the music, next to you, when Mateo started to hit your arm without letting his eyes tear from what he was watching. "Look and tell me that isn't the finest man you have ever seen?" Your eyes averted the crowd but you couldn't quite decipher what man Mateo was referring to. "Who? Where?" With your contacts on for more than 8 hours and the bar lights messing with your perception of the surroundings, it took a while to find a tall man drinking with some girls from the party. "He's handsome isn't he?" Asked you, Mateo. "He's more than that. He's beautiful, almost sublime!" He looked like a greek god, and not one of those from Baroque paintings. No, he looked like an authentic greek impersonation of a god. He was making the group around him laugh which made a little smile form on your face. He ran a hand through his hair and grinned at something he heard. You were sure that if you saw one more of those you would combust. Then for a brief moment, he looked your way, you just weren't positively sure it was directed at you.
Your tone had been dreamy and no more than a low whisper, you're not sure how Mateo caught on to what had been said. "Don't you sound like a romantic? Go make your way over there and talk to him." Panic grew in you and you turned to face your friend. "How could I?! I wouldn't fit in the group. It would be a joke if I joined them. Who even says that he would notice me?" Mateo gave you a look and you decided to cut him off before he told you anything. "Before you ask, no I'm not being insecure. What I mean is that he and I seem to live different kinds of lives, but I'm not gonna make any assumptions about him. Me not going there has two reasons. One, it's not my element that kind of party, second, I'm in a phase of my life where I want to be dating to marry or share a life, not dating casually." Before Mateo could stop you, the typical rambling of a hopeless romantic had started. "I want to find a warm love, you know? I want to slowly fall in love with the person. But not too slowly, just take the time to feel every emotion and be sure of the relationship. I want my lover to be my best friend. I want to discover new things with them, and share and celebrate our achievements together. Build a home and get to know everything about them." You stated matter of factly, not really knowing why you were pouring your heart out. "The thing is that I want old-fashioned love. The longing stares, brief touches, standing in the rain while declaring our love… All that cliches we hear about. I don't want somebody to text me because they found me cute or whatever, and start a relationship from there. No shame on who does that and is happy, it's just not something that I want." By now Mateo was looking at you with intriguing eyes. "Don't you ever feel that some people act differently through messages? I feel that I can't communicate quite as well that way. That I'm not being myself. I want the live human interaction." Lowering your head you finally end your love philosophy. "With all this what I'm trying to say is that I want a Jane Austen novel type of love. Even if I have never read the books." You lazily waved your hand. "How can you want that if you never read the books?!" He asked in an inquiring tone. "Has that been the only thing you acknowledge of my outburst?"You asked shocked. "Of course not, just don't know what to say other than that guy must have had some effect for you to be pouring your heart out."
Looking at the group again and not seeing the guy that looked like the man of your dreams, you signed. "Yeah maybe, which is weird, but there are a lot of things in life that I can't explain!" After a pause you said. "I'm good, you know? Single?" Mateo looked at you with a smile on the corner of his mouth. "I know. I also know that you wouldn't mind if that man came up here and talked to you like Edward Ferrars talks to Elinor Dashwood. But you wouldn't know who those are." He said the last part with a snarky smile. "You are right, my friend. And for your information, I watched the movies!" He barked a laugh and set his beer down. Grabbing you by the hand, Mateo started to lead you to the dance floor and yelled "Maybe if we dance like we are in Pride and Prejudice he will be your Mr. Darcy!"
Unbeknownst to you, Benny had come closer to try and strike up a conversation with you, ending up hearing everything you said. He made a promise to himself at that moment. He would read all of Jane Austen's books, watch all the movies, find out who the characters you mentioned were, and be that to you.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I promise a lot more of Benny in the second part of the story. I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment if you feel like doing so! Thank youuu!
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Being Best Friends with Benny Headcanons
Pairing: Benny Miller x Best Friend! Reader
Warnings: 16+, very fluffy, brief mention of getting drunk and kissing, just tooth rooting fluff, no use of (Y/N).
Words: 747
Reading time: 3m
Notes: I think Benny would be the best best friend a human could ask for (I love our golden retriever of a man). English isn't my primary language, so I apologize for any possible mistake. Feel free to correct me. Thank you!!!
I fully believe Benjamin Miller is a Pink Floyd hardcore fan and will make you listen to all their albums;
If you were already acquainted with the band's discography it would only strengthen your bond. If not, he would present you with valid arguments about how they are one of the best bands to have ever existed;
"Babycakes, you don't understand their geniality!" - proceeds to ramble about every album;
Calls you "babycakes" most definitely;
At first, it annoyed you, being the primary reason why he kept calling you that;
With time the nickname grew on you, and to get him back, you now call him Benji;
Which he hates;
He doesn't hate it, but god forbid any soul tells you that;
Benjamin is the type of friend who always has your back;
He will cheer you on when you're working on a big project, and will gladly give his opinion and advice, but only if you ask for it;
He's the friend who has your happiness listed as a top priority;
If you need life advice, be it something new you wanna try but are scared of, or you need to decide something concerning a relationship, he is the type of friend who reminds you of how powerful you are and that your happiness & well-being come first to anything;
Benjamin will also defend you when he sees that an argument you're having with someone is gonna become physical;
He knows you can hold yourself, but he doesn't want to see you hurt. Especially when he knows he could have prevented it;
In the case of you switching roles, he's struggling with his words and becoming agitated, you are stepping in and putting the person who dared yell at your best friend in their place;
Benjamin is just a big teddy bear. You need to hold him after encounters like the one mentioned before;
He deals with a lot of PTSD, and throughout the years, you learned to calm him down and avoid episodes;
Being best friends with Benny means spending a lot of time with the boys;
They all love you and see how you are exactly what Benny needed;
Benny spends more time at your apartment than at his own house;
"You see babycakes, why would I prefer to spend time alone, all by myself, when I could be in the presence of the most amazing and interesting person in the whole wide world?!" - he will tell you that with the smuggest grin his face could perform;
To which you respond, "You just didn't want to cook isn't it?";
"Why bother when you do it so well?";
Because of the countless times, you had this talk, dinners in each other's houses become regular. You cook, and he chooses the movie;
You never watch the movie in its entirety, becoming distracted by whatever drama you decide to gossip about, or the philosophical dilemma Benny comes up with;
"Do you think it should be sock, sock, shoe, shoe or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?";
As I mentioned before, Benny is hopeless when it comes to fixing stuff around the house;
Still, he will volunteer if you need anything repaired;
You made the mistake of letting him fix a cupboard's door once, and let's just say you call somebody other than Benny to help you fix it before you tell him;
Back to those nights you spend at each other's houses, you fall asleep cuddling most of the time;
There might have been a drunk night where you two were feeling lonely and ended up making out;
You don't speak of it;
At any point in your life, if one of you is in a relationship, the dinners will still be a constant occurrence, just less frequent;
Explaining to your partners the relationship dynamic you have with Benny, is also something you have discussed;
You're not changing the way you act around each other for somebody who might not be permanent;
You don't cross any lines, and even though you are very physical, it never leaves the friend zone;
You and Benny have agreed that if you become 40 and are still single, you're marrying the other;
Now to wrap up, I just want to say that your friendship with Benny is the kind people dream and wish for themselves;
You complete each other and you can not imagine life without Benjamin Miller in it;
He feels the same way about you.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my work! I hope you enjoyed it!
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Star-crossed lovers we are (drabble)
Pairing: Cassian Andor x Gn Reader
Warnings: 16+, mild angst, quick mention of death, no use of (Y/N).
Words: 342
Reading time: 1 min 22 sec
Note: This is my first time writing for Star Wars or any other fandom. I'm so excited! I've been postponing sharing my work, but finally got the courage to do so. English isn't my primary language, so I apologize for any possible mistake. Feel free to correct me. Thank you!!!
Home. He was home. All he made you feel loved, safe, happy… He made you feel every emotion you could think of. Even the nasty ones. It wasn't his fault, it was the world's fault. A world of war, where a soldier couldn't bare to love. But he did.
He loved you with every fiber of his being. You were his rock, his home, his everything. Just like he was yours.
When the nightmares took over him, you were the one to reassure him everything would be all right and that he was safe. He did the same for you. Kissing all your wounds, even the tiniest scratch.
Whenever one of you left for a mission, the other would be left a nervous wreck. When together, you would be joined at the hip. The hangar would be filled with your laughter and giggles apart from the sound of the mechanics, troops, and other personnel.
Some missions were harder than others and took a toll on you, but none had been difficult or dangerous enough for one of you two not to come home.
When you agreed to go to an island occupied by the enemy and steal information together you knew it was suicide, but at least you would die in each other arms.
Things didn't go as planned.
When the end came near, Cassian shoved you inside a pod and kissed you goodbye. "Live and don't lose hope. When the time comes, I'll be waiting for you, my love." With that he sent you off the planet, waving with tears on the verge of spilling from his eyes while watching you go away. Everything happened so fast. You didn't even get a chance to fight back. Oceans spilled from your eyes, you knew this was the last time you saw Cassian.
You both knew a love in the Rebellion would be impossible, but still tried to make it work. Some part of you would never forgive him for leaving you behind. After all your love was doomed. You were star-crossed lovers.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my work! I hope you enjoyed it!
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Maverick and Goose's relationship dinamic is basically Grumpy and Sunshine. Everybody loves Goose... not everyone likes Maverick that much
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“I am thankful for the difficult people in my life. They have shown me exactly who I don’t want to be.”
— Unknown
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she’s a 10 but she rots in her room all day listening to music and making up scenarios in her head
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looking at the line “help me obi-wan kenobi you’re my only hope” so differently now it’s not just leia going off her trusting her father and her father’s trust of obi-wan she met him and she trusts and knows that he would help her again i love knowing that in those 19 years obi-wan was looking out for both luke and leia whenever he was needed
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Hot take but praise is a good tool for encouraging healthy behavior. Positive reinforcement is good. Relying exclusively on punishment to change people's behavior is both cruel and ineffective. If someone does better than they did yesterday, let them know you appreciate it, let them know that they're improving!
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I feel like Benny has a degree in engineering, or something like that, but when it comes to fixing things around the house... He's completely hopeless
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the fact that we need 8 hours of sleep is ridiculous we should only need 4 and the other 4 should be used to be cozy in your bed and rub your legs together like a cricket and listen to music and think about your little scenarios
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