athenes-owl · 9 months
it always makes me smile when scholars in academic writing refer to the hypothetical reader with she/her. "let the reader experience the battle as if it was unfolding right before her eyes". "a reader accepting her own historicity". "gives the reader the impression that she is following the events". "when a student is asked to write an essay on the aeneid she will normally be encouraged to read some modern criticism". like yeah i see you. i know you did that for me.
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athenes-owl · 11 months
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what studying literature feels like
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athenes-owl · 2 years
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athenes-owl · 3 years
Grad student life is having 30 academic articles open at once, 4 word documents, and the library search tab still open as you trawl through page 24 of search results
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athenes-owl · 3 years
Personally I love books that put the footnotes at the bottom of the page instead of at the end of the book so that I don’t have to keep flipping back and forth like an absolute barbarian
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athenes-owl · 3 years
Im an esteemed scholar (Just opened my laptop)
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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12|07|21 - 3/100 Days of productivity
As always weekends are a rather big setback for me productivity as posting wise … so I allowed myself to cheat with the counting by technically not cheating.
Today I managed to write roughly 3 pages. I’m now at 15 of 80. Yesssss. It’s going rather smoothly and I’m surprised in a very positive way.
In two weeks I’ll be done with my final final exam - then I’ll be at least one step closer to my degree. I’m not yet sure how to prepare, after wendsday I’ll know more when I have talked with my professor about it. But I’m confident I’ll succeed.
Tomorrow I’ll need to do some more writing; finally transcribe the first and second interview and I need to work for my student job. Maybe I manage to get up early again and seize the day.
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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210716 || spending time in nature
i got tired of the stuffy heat of my apartment so i packed my book, some iced oolong tea, and a bedsheet i never use and walked to a nearby park to escape it. there's some screaming children and construction going on but it's still miles better than being home right now
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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Part of an Instagram story from today ✨
There was an umbrella that perfectly kept the exact area I needed dry to be able to work in the rain, it was lovely
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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Rereading The Picture of Dorian Grey with an equally moody ocean out my back window - not feeling terribly motivated to study so I’ve resorted to the cursed Duolingo Japanese course and I’m in pain
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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Kinda terrified because tomorrow is a big day for my research project, fingers crossed all goes well!!
I’m also just a little out of it because I just finished Song of Achilles and- I am wrecked. It’s a fun week!
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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07.18.21. i've realized that i'm most productive in the morning, but i have to be at work at 9am sharp. solution: waking up early, dragging my limp, uncaffeinated body to the library, and trying to work on postbacc apps for an hour before work. being an adult... wouldn't recommend.
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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summer break means uncontrollable amount of online history/archeology courses, spending time at the library and making sure you know exactly where every book is placed, tons of notes and highlighting textbooks like a maniac, dirty porcelain cups because there is no time for anything else beside studying. sorry I can’t calm down. studying is much better with no pressure pushing you from every corner of the academic life. 🕰🏛☕️
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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04.07.2021 Beautiful libraries, plenty of books, quiet studying, and a spiral staircase are my mood.
Instagram: @phdoingmydamnbest
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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here’s a quick guide on how i proofread and edit my essays as an humanities undergrad! i tend to spend more time on research and editing and much less time on writing and my first drafts are often horrendous, so editing is really important for me :^)
i’ve also created guides on essay preparation, the 5-paragraph essay, how to research, and how to write essays. you can find all my other masterposts here.
transcript below:
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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prompt: 5th & 6th july - do you have any special plans or activities for this summer? what do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?
as far as plans go, at the start of the summer i was so keen on moving to Kaliningrad. having visited just in may! some places just grow on you, you know? though the cards are, as always, fickle and lie against those expectations. at least for now.
usually my summers are all about the little things, like wearing aviator sunglasses, eating watermelon and getting back into reading. maybe it’s time to add something special to the mix and see if i there is a good fencing club in our neck of the woods!
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athenes-owl · 3 years
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Day 8 of 30 days of productivity
Today's been exhausting and the day was fully packed with lectures so it was really hard to sit to study when I was so tired but I did it!
I'm just finishing up for the day, and there's nothing better than chamomile tea to help you wind down 💕
Gonna study for a lil bit more and crash. Goodnight! Much love and good wishes sent your way ❤️
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