atikabecker · 6 years
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atikabecker · 6 years
Day 04: Presentation/Reflections.
For my presentation, I will be talking about the soundtrack that I have mixed and basically the whole process of recording the pieces of audio from the start. The rest of my group mates will talk about how we came about crafting the artefact.
Oh my goodness. I can’t believe this week is already coming to an end! It has been an awesome first-experience Interdisciplinary Project experience, collaborating with the rest from other faculties. I’ve learned a lot of things throughout this journey and I’ve definitely enjoyed myself. For sure, the project that I’m doing isn’t similar to what others are doing but I personally feel lucky to be /coincidentally/ attached to this group as this is something that I have done similarly, back when I was doing Interaction Design in my diploma days. All the memories just rushed in and I am so relieved that it is a familiar feeling, and that I know what I am expected to do in this project. I’m pretty sure I haven’t mentioned the three other mates in my group. My bad! We have Nikki, Amber and Edmund and they are all Design Communication, Interior Design and Fine Arts students respectively. I am very thankful to have groupies whom I can communicate and work well with, despite all of us coming from different courses.
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atikabecker · 6 years
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atikabecker · 6 years
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atikabecker · 6 years
Day 03: Concept Changes
✧ Yesterday’s artefact idea: Transcribed graphics to be sketched onto tracing paper, using different shades of blue to represent emotions. ✧ Today’s updated artefact idea: We sat with Andreas and consulted the plan that we’ve decided on Tuesday. However, the execution that we wanted was too basic and literal (I think I could at least agree on that) so, we were “challenged” to improve on it and that maybe we could try to come up with a 3D object. 
Edmund sketching out the music score, as said in our initial idea.
I am well aware that we only have ourselves about three to four days to get this project complete but I am constantly torn between wanting to do something nice simple, so that it would be easy for everyone, and doing something that is challenging but worth it at the end of the day. 
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After further discussions with Andreas, I took on the role of editing the audio files and combining them into a single track while Nikki, Amber and Edmund think of a way to come up with a 3D artefact ⏤ in relation to what our concept is all about. 
Since Amber is an Interior Design student, she gave us a few ideas on how our concept could flow nicely with a certain structure and here are the pictures that inspired us to visualise our path.
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The flow and curves of this structure might just be the key to represent the main visualisation of our concept ⏤ which is to interpret the colour blue through its emotions and feelings. 
We collected around a total of seven different audio recordings in total, branching out from different parts of Singapore. There were one or two audio files that couldn’t be used as they didn’t fit the theme quite right. So what I did was to layer the different audio carefully, in a way that creates some sort of melody. Here is what we have come up with so far.
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P.S: Low-key hoping we could finalise this piece of tragic but decent masterpiece by tomorrow! 
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atikabecker · 6 years
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Ideas, ideas and more ideas.
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atikabecker · 6 years
Day 02: Research/Ideation
From the information and research that we have gathered yesterday, we were able to expand our concept and build on an idea of what our final artefact would roughly look like. 
A typical busy Monday
Emotions that represent this colour ⏤ Sadness, tranquility, peace, silence.
Transcribing the audio files onto paper using sketches/doodles, with our own rough interpretation or imagination on what the sound makes us feel. (Dibs on John Cage for this inspiration!)
After sketching them out on pieces of paper, we will then combine our ideas and sketch them permanently onto a roll of tracing paper, as we would like our artefact to be a long landscape piece instead of a portrait.
Using a mixed medium with various sketching tools, we have decided to select different shades of blue to highlight the main focus of our artefact. Andreas had advised us that it was not necessary to use the colour blue onto our final piece, just because this whole project is called ‘BLUE’. However, after further discussions within the group itself, we have decided to stick with the plan as there is a fair reason to why we intended to use various shades of blue in the first place. ♡
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atikabecker · 6 years
Day 01: D501.
The start to the IP week has been a great kick-off, although having to be in school by nine in the morning was a real struggle. Having to be split into our individual groupings, I initially felt nervous about being the only music student in the bunch, but I guess that’s just a normal thing!  I am happy with the people that I’m working with and I hope to achieve the best out of this 5-day project.
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My group and I have discussed the brief idea of what we’re going to attempt and we have decided to use music, emotions and people as a path to mark our starting point. We would also be doing a lot of sketching and listening (obviously) to execute our project.  We have decided to transcribe music onto paper, in an abstract way, using graphics to express what BLUE means to us. In order to do so, we would be doing our research by recording music/sound movements in different places and at various timings of the day. 
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atikabecker · 6 years
Urban Fieldworks Blue 2019.
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