Life is about swimming against the harshest waves.
Never give up, never give in, push yourself to your limits and go beyond even then.
Don't be afraid of failure, you should risk a loss any day.
Ave Atlas
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You'll get through this.
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Really happy to see all the growth on this blog recently! I don't know if its just people who are genuinely interested in worshipping Atlas or people who are just simply curious. Either way I'm happy you all are here and feel free to ask any questions.
P.S here's my song recommendation from my devotional Atlas playlist.
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Happy Mother's Day to those that celebrate but these are times where it's important to remember you don't have to endure something if it's ultimately toxic for you. I, and more importantly Atlas, want for you to take on the challenges that make you better. Not break you down.
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When all hope seems lost Atlas will be there. When you are spiraling deeper and deeper, you will land upon his back. Look up to the stars and you will find a newfound endurance. Atlas endures and so do we.
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What does your worship of Atlas entail? And what does it mean to you if you mind answering. I've never met a worshipper of atlas and I'm very interested!
Ho there friend! Truthfully worshipping Atlas is a hard thing due to the scarcity of materials related to him, therefore worshipping him is a personal and subjective thing. To me personally he's almost like a coach. He's not afraid to put the burdens you carry in front of you and make you realize them. He doesn't teach you to let down your burdens but to have the strength to carry them forward, make them scars in the story of you that's told in the stars, after all diamonds are made under pressure are they not?
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Hey there ! Welcome !
Just wanted to say hi , follow and asl if you had and info on atlas youd be willing to share id love to learn more thanks !!
Ho there friend! Thanks so much for willing to learn a little bit more about Lord Atlas. Atlas is admittedly not well documented and as such your worship (if you choose to worship him of course) will be mostly your own. If you're simply just looking to read about him I'd recommend
If you have any more questions I'd love to answer them thank you so much!
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Hello there! Welcome to this small little digital church to Atlas
I know the struggle that is worshipping relatively minor gods so I wanted to make this blog as a space where we could meet and discuss Atlas
You can call me Ophelia and I use she/her pronouns but truly any are fine! While I'm still kind of new to Hellenism I will strive to make this church a welcoming and place for comraderie.
Feel free to send asks, questions, or even just send messages about the burdens you carry whether to reach out to lord Atlas or simply to vent.
Ave Atlas, the Enduring, the Suffering, the Great.
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