where: who knows?
who: Tig ( @antigoneawake  )
Some evenings, Atlas let himself get lost to the streets. Not like that, but... but it was just so freeing, getting on his skateboard and going wherever he wanted. The breeze would blow through his hair, the cold air would nip at his cheeks, and he didn’t have to worry about a thing. 
Sure, he’d get a weird look or two from a witch or wizard if he skated through Hogsmeade (which he did, often) - but that was their problem, not his.
On one such night, when he really wasn’t expecting to bump into any other people - it was late, the moon was high, the crickets were chirping - he did, in fact, cross paths with someone. He didn’t recognise her, but as she got closer, he realised that she was skating, too - though she was on rollerskates as opposed to his skateboard. He paused on his board when she got close enough, smiling at her when she did the same. 
“Don’t usually run into anyone on this route, at this time,” he said conversationally. 
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One of Atlas’s favourite past-times was to simply spend hours in the Quidditch shop, taking his time to look at all the new broom models. He’d admire every curve, every small grain in the wood - leaning in as close as possible without touching it.
He was just admiring one of the newer models when he heard someone calling him a dumbass. Atlas turned, mouth already open to make a retort - and stopped short.
“Xavier?” His face split into a grin, “Mate, it’s been too long!” 
He wasn’t even sure if Xavier would recognise him. Atlas knew he looked a lot different - the hair, the beard, the general maleness. 
He leaned in and said in a low voice, “It’s St. Clare - from school, remember? I don’t go by my old name anymore - it’s Atlas, now.” 
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open starter where: diagon alley - quidditch shop
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“You actually want to buy that? There’s going to be a new model in weeks, don’t be a dumbass.”
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Sohan Pague
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