atlaslbooth · 15 days
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Hannibal and Will smiling at each other
Hannibal 1.01 Apéritif | 1.02 Amuse-bouche | 2.10 Naka-choko | 3.06 Dolce | 3.13 The Wrath of the Lamb
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atlaslbooth · 15 days
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they matched each other’s freak fr
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atlaslbooth · 16 days
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atlaslbooth · 16 days
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I got bored and made a uquiz inspired by all the things I’ve been consuming lately and their themes of divinity and worship.  It’s not the greatest but it’s my first attempt at one of these so I hope you like it!
“What do you worship?”
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atlaslbooth · 16 days
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atlaslbooth · 16 days
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atlaslbooth · 25 days
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atlaslbooth · 25 days
There's just something about this man being stressed and sweaty
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atlaslbooth · 25 days
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atlaslbooth · 25 days
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atlaslbooth · 26 days
normalize shipping two characters just because you like them both. “they never interacted” they interact in my brain when I think about them constantly. get fucked. they’re making out rn.
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atlaslbooth · 3 months
Hi!! You're really cool :D I was wondering if maybe (if you're comfortable) you could write a Penelope Garcia x Ftm! Reader? Maybe the reader is very strong and "macho" and he is maybe a suspect in a case? None of the team knows it, but when Reader's alibi is his girlfriend (or best friend if that works) Penelope Garcia, the team is like what- Idk just a silly idea I had. Feel free to ignore this <3
Hi! Thanks aha! Also this is a super cute idea! :)
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Warnings: needles, injections, testosterone shots, sheriff’s an ass, mentions of past arrests, mentions an attack, hate crime, mentions of broken bones, mentions of being attacked because of gender identity
Word Count: 2342
Penelope’s heart sank when your name popped up your screen. She forced it aside. There were plenty of other names on the list. Just because your name was on it, didn’t make you the killer. But she kept refining the list and your name sat, unmoving at the top. Eventually, she ran out of filters to put through the mass spec, and so, she had to turn the list over to Mr Bossman. She wasn’t even allowed to warn you. She huffed as she hit send on the email. Hotch immediately replied, asking for a deep-dive into your history. Guilt swarmed through Garcia’s stomach. She couldn’t not do it. And so, reluctantly, she began to gather the information. Twenty minutes later she received a message from Morgan that they had arrested the suspect. Garcia needed a coffee. 
You were confused to say the least when they arrested you. It made no sense, you hadn’t done anything, you had no clue who ‘Andrew Macey’ was. You were just working out at your gym when they strolled in and arrested you! You didn’t even get to finish your session - or change clothes! 
You gave a small huff, shifting in your chair. They could have at least given you a comfy chair. You knew their tactics, you weren’t an idiot, you noticed the drop in temperature, that they were leaving you on your own to make you feel nervous, intimidated. It wasn’t working, if anything, you were just bored out of your skull. You looked at the two-way mirror, standing up, and walked towards it. Breathing lightly onto it, you drew a smiley face in the condensation and gave them a grin.
Morgan huffed a laugh, “Is he for real?”
“He seems too relaxed,” Spencer noted, Aaron found himself agreeing.
“Let’s go talk to him,”
“I thought we were leaving him to stew?” The Sheriff asked.
“There’s no point,” Rossi said, “He’s relaxed, that tactic’s not going to work with him,”
You sat back down, resorting to counting the tiles on the wall opposite you. 
The door opened and closed, revealing a tall man in a suit (who introduced himself as Agent Hotchner) and the Sheriff (who’s name you couldn’t be bothered to remember).
“Where were you Thursday night?” Agent Hotchner’s voice stern. You stared at him.
“I was at my girlfriend’s apartment,” You answered. 
“Somehow I doubt that,” The Sheriff snorted.
“I was! You can ask her!” You argued, folding your arms. This was ridiculous!
“What’s her name?”
“Penelope Garcia,” You really didn’t have time for this. You looked at the time, it was 7pm, nearly time for your testosterone shot. If you missed it, it would screw up the whole routine. You shut your eyes as you sighed.
“I’m sorry, have you got other places to be?”
“Yeah, I do actually,” You snapped at the Sheriff. This man was simply an idiot, you decided. “So if we could just speed this along-”
You watched as Agent Hotchner looked at the mirror and sighed, before exiting the room, to watch from behind the glass. The Sheriff hung back, “You’re not fooling anybody. I know you did it,” He snarled, “I’ll get you for it,”
“Respectfully, I did absolutely nothing,” You stated. 
“You’ve been arrested on multiple occasions,” 
You rolled your eyes, “If you look closely you’ll see that those occasions were self defence,”
“And what exactly would you be defending yourself from?” 
“Other people? What sort of question is that?” 
Aaron turned to Morgan, “Call Garcia,” He said, “I want her on the next plane here,” Derek gave a nod, rushing out of the room. 
“I know these men,” The Sheriff said, looking the file over, “They are good people. I do not believe for a second that they would attack someone without good reason,”
“I’m sure they thought it was a good reason, doesn’t mean it was though,” You answered with a shrug, “Besides, why are you so caught up on that arrest? It was declared self-defence and I ended up in the hospital after that with multiple fractures. If you’re going on past arrests, you should really be speaking to the men that started it,”
“He does have a point,” Rossi stated. 
“And what, exactly, was the reason for attacking you?”
“They recognised me from school,” You said, vaguely. “Only I looked a lot different back then,”
“And what does this have to do with anything?”
You don’t answer immediately, weighing up whether you think the information is important enough to disclose. For whatever reason, they didn’t know you were trans. “I’m transgender. They disagreed with ‘how I live my life’ or whatever. Really, they just had a crush on me when we were teens and they got insecure that it made them gay,” The Sheriff scoffed in disbelief. “Scoff all you want, it doesn’t change what happened,”
Seeing the anger in the Sheriff’s eyes, Aaron joined you both back in the room. “Am I free to go, yet?”
“Not just yet, we’re confirming your alibi,” He said and you gave him a nod. “Is there anything I can get you?”
“I, er, need my testosterone,” You said, “It’s in the bathroom cabinet,” 
“Alright, I’ll have someone pick that up for you,”
“Thank you,” 
The team (and Sheriff) gathered on the other side of the glass. “He’s dating Garcia?” Morgan found himself asking.
“Apparently,” JJ said, “That’s not who I thought her boyfriend was,”
“Me neither,” Emily chimed.
“You knew she had a boyfriend?” Spencer asked. 
“Yeah, came up at girls' night,” JJ shrugged.
“I just didn’t imagine him being so… Macho,”
Hotch shook his head slightly, "While we're waiting for Garcia, we should continue to go over evidence with the basis that (Y/N)'s innocent," He said, "How far out is she?"
"She boarded the plane, so should be here within the hour," Morgan said, Hotch nodded. 
“Okay, Morgan, Rossi, revisit the crime scenes, see if we missed anything,” Hotch said, “JJ, Emily, retrace the victims’ footsteps, Spencer, work more on the geographical profile, Sheriff - maybe take a break, you’ve been going non-stop for days. I’m going to head to the airport and pick Garcia up.” The team nodded and split up.  
Garcia knew she was in deep shit when she saw Hotch at the terminal to pick her up. “Sir,” She said, Hotch nodded and they silently began their journey to the car. They got in and buckled up, still silent. “I know I should have told you but-”
“Yes, you should have,” Hotch said, looking at Garcia briefly before turning back to the road. 
“But then I would have been taken off the case,” Garcia finished, “And I knew that (Y/N) didn’t do it so I thought there wasn’t any harm in me not saying anything.”
“You left out that he was transgender,”
“It’s not my place to out it,”
“Except it’s your job,”
“Well, yes, but-”
“I understand why you did it,” Hotch said, “I do, just… Don’t do it again,” Penelope nodded.
“You got it, you’re the boss,” She replied.
“We need to go to (Y/N)’s apartment,” Hotch said, “He needs his testosterone,” 
Penelope’s eyes widened, “I completely forgot it was Monday!” She exclaimed, face palming, “He takes it at nine. I will also be grabbing him some clothes,”
Hotch nodded, not questioning it - he knew Penelope would have her reasons. “How is the team taking it?” She asked as Aaron pulled into a parking spot.
“Good, just shocked,”
“Shocked? Why shocked?”
“He’s very… The word Emily used was ‘macho’,” Hotch said, Garcia gave a laugh as she nodded.
“He is, isn’t he?” She smiled. “He’s sweet though,”
“And treating you well?” When Garcia nodded, Hotch smiled, “Good.”
Fishing the key out of her purse, Penelope unlocked the door, walking in - Hotch following her. “I’ll let you grab whatever he needs,” Hotch said.
“Won’t be two ticks,” Penelope said as she began to faff about, gathering bits and pieces you would need. Ten minutes, she approached Hotch again. She had grabbed a spare change of clothes (jogging bottoms, t-shirt, and a large hoodie), a tight fitting sports bra and a binder (she knew that you didn’t bind whilst working out, but that you might want to later), she also grabbed some TransTape just in case you didn’t want to wear the binder but still wanted to bind. She had also grabbed your hormones and a small plush turtle about the size of her hand. “Alright, I am good to go,”
On the drive back, Hotch had asked Penelope what she had been doing on Thursday. “I was with (Y/N),” 
“Until what time?” When Penelope glared at him, he huffed slightly, “Just to eliminate him as a suspect,”
“Until ten that night, then he had to catch a flight back,” Hotch nodded. They would have to check with the airport and then they would be able to release him. Unfortunately, he would have to ask someone else to check now that they knew Penelope was dating the suspect. Which would take at least an hour. 
You blew out a puff of air. This was dull as fuck. You turned your head, looking at the mirror, “Anyone there?”
“Yes?” A timid voice asked. 
“Huh, I was just expecting to be speaking to myself,” You said with a laugh, “What are you up to?”
“A geographical profile,”
“Cool,” You said, “How does that work?”
“I mark down each crime on the map in hopes of narrowing down where the unsub lives,” Spencer explained.
“That’s cool,” There was a small pause, “Please don’t tell me I live in that narrowed down area - that’s the last thing I need,” Spencer gave a chuckle.
“No comment,”
The door squeaked open, you turned towards it, half expecting to see the Sheriff. Your face lit up when Penelope walked in, you felt like your brain cells were dying off one by one whilst stuck in this room. “There she is,” You cheered, causing Penelope to roll her eyes, cheeks blushing a light pink. “I would have gotten you flowers if I knew I was going to see you today,” You joked, Penelope rolled her eyes yet again. 
“They’re just checking flight records and you should be good to go,” She said, placing a bag in front of you. “I brought reinforcements,”
“Should I be scared?” You teased.
“You’re such a tease,” Penelope laughed, “I brought clothes, meds - except Bossman has that incase you are the killer, which we all know you aren’t, and try and stab me with the needle or something-” You opened your mouth to argue how ridiculous that was but Penelope continued, “and Gregory,”
You grinned, previous statements forgotten, “You brought Gregory?!” 
“Who’s Gregory?” Morgan whispered on the other side of the mirror, Spencer, JJ, and Emily all gave a shrug.
Penelope reached into the bag, pulling out the plush toy, “Oh yeah,” Penelope said, “I couldn’t not bring Gregory,”
“Ayy, Gregory!” You cheered. Penelope set him down on the table as the door opened, the Sheriff, Hotch and Rossi walking in.
“Er, Garcia, why’s there a turtle on the table?” Rossi asked.
“It’s Gregory,” You answered.
“It’s the Turtle of Testosterone,” Garcia responded. 
“Speaking of which,” Hotch said, placing another bag on the table, “Testosterone,”
“Thank you,” You looked at the time, “I should probably get started on that. Do you guys have a sink?” 
“You can’t do it yourself,” The Sheriff said. “You’re a suspect - our main suspect - until the records come back. Someone else will have to do it for you.”
Your jaw dropped, “Is he for real?” You asked Penelope, who turned to Hotch (who gave a subtle nod).
“Yep,” Penelope sighed, “It’s alright, I’ll do it, right sir?”
“Yes,” Hotch answered, turning to the Sheriff when he began to protest, “Garcia’s a valuable member of the team, despite dating the Mr (L/N), she still gave us the information needed. She’s more than trustworthy enough to do this.”
“How do we know she’s not in on it? That it’s not their plan?”
You snorted loudly, “Oh yeah, I became trans, faked it for years, so that if I committed a murder it would be the perfect escape,” You said sarcastically. “You’re honestly ridiculous,”
“We will be here while she administers the hormone,” Hotch said. 
“Fine,” The Sheriff muttered before leaving the room.
“He’s a real charmer,” Penelope muttered.
“Do I have competition?” You laughed. 
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” 
Garcia was motioned out of the room by Hotch to wash her hands and find a pair of gloves, leaving you and Rossi alone.
“You holding up okay, Kid?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
Rossi shrugged, “Sheriff’s a bit of a jerk,”
“Oh, yeah,” You answered, “Met a lot of people like him, he’s not that bad,”  
Penelope and Hotch returned moments later, Penelope putting on a pair of gloves. “Bit lucky I’m wearing shorts, huh?” 
Penelope chuckled, “Come on, get your thighs out,”
You gasped, “Right here in public?”
“Oh shut up,” She grinned as she sat down opposite you, wiping an alcohol pad over the (now exposed) area. You stared at her as she concentrated, a small smile painted on your face. She filled the syringe with the dose, making sure there were no bubbles before positioning the needle. 
“I love you,” Penelope grinned, looking up at you. 
“I love you too- Ow!” You hissed, “Sorry, sorry, I’m fine, caught me off guard,”
Penelope chuckled, “That’s the whole idea.” She paused, “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” You replied, “Yesterday was leg day,”
“Oh get over it,” Penelope poked, handing you Gregory.
“Ay, Greg, my man!” You laughed. 
Spencer poked his head through the door, “Flight records came back, he’s clear,”
“You’re free to go,” Hotch stated. 
You smirked, turning to the Sheriff, “Ha,”
Penelope sighed deeply, “My sweet Muffin, you’re not supposed to antagonise the Sheriff,”
“Ugh, fine,” You said, standing up with a groan. Penelope looked at you with an exasperated look, “It was a hard leg day!”
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atlaslbooth · 4 months
so i'm currently first time watching Angel, and i need to address one thing
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atlaslbooth · 4 months
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“Gonna be a pretty short ride. They have vampire detectors!”
2.06 Guise Will Be Guise ∟ Angel [1999-2004]
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atlaslbooth · 4 months
Thinking (prompted by a Facebook post) about how many characters in the Buffyverse properly blossomed on Angel, and that people who just watch BTVS only get half of their arc, if even that.
Not just the way they took their originally quite dull protagonist (sorry, Bangel fans!) and went, well, what this guy needs is to be roasted mercilessly. But the growth of everyone else around him!
Wesley, an actor's dream of a journey! Cordelia (for the first three seasons, anyway). Jesus, Faith, a character who hardly lacked powerful scenes in the mother show, got her best ones on Angel! Darla and the whole vamp family. Harmony! And oh, Anne... I know she was only in five episodes over both shows, but what she ended up being considering where she started out is just... *chef's kiss*
There may be more I don't even remember. Angel is where Buffy characters go to grow. And the fact that there are people who go, "well, I'm not into that Angel guy" and thus miss out on all of that (not to mention all the new characters) makes me sad.
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atlaslbooth · 4 months
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wesley & lilah + text
angel script "tomorrow" written by david greenwalt │ she drives me crazy by kelly quindlen │ d. h. lawrence, "the rainbow" │ emily palermo "love in the time of monsters" & josé saramago "cain" │love poem by megan fernandes │ if beale street could talk by james baldwin │ alexis denisoff, slayercon │angel script "home" written by tim minear │le cid by pierre corneille, tr. a.s. kline (edited) │ alexis denisoff, slayercon │insp
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atlaslbooth · 4 months
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