atomofmeaning · 10 years
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atomofmeaning · 10 years
my daiquiri queen lets run away now
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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“Freeing herself of the dust from her past was exhausting. Who knew dust could be so heavy? Who knew fresh air would be so exhilarating?” 
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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Is it raining?
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
"Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt."
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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Read Me*
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
A um passo do amor estarás a um passo do futuro e a duzentos mil anos do passado. O teu nome é o nome de todas as coisas-, quando todas as coisas respiram no teu nome. Entre o sofrimento e a felicidade, muito de ti se espalha pela vida, muita vida te aguarda, muita vida te procura. Um duplo coração bate dentro do peito e fora de ti. Tens a sabedoria das crianças e a sabedoria dos velhos. Sabes ferir e beijar e sentes o vento do orgulho. Pequeninos gestos, grandes pensamentos, constroem um dia excepcional, um amor excepcional, uma violência excepcional. Todas as noites são uma só noite, tanto desespero pode voltar a ser esperança. As tuas mãos são uma pátria. Os teus dedos são, umas vezes, o mais difícil dos rebanhos. E outras, os cães que o guardam, quando a verdade é triste e o amor tem a fome e a sede das estrelas. 
Joaquim Pessoa, in 'Ano Comum' 
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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"It’s dusk here. All around there is nothing" *
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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131 notes · View notes
atomofmeaning · 11 years
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
Dear Dave,
This is in memory of an anniversary — the anniversary of October 27th, 1943, when I first heard you singing in North Africa. That song brings memories of the happiest times I’ve ever known. Memories of a GI show troop — curtains made from barrage balloons — spotlights made from cocoa cans — rehearsals that ran late into the evenings — and a handsome boy with a wonderful tenor voice. Opening night at a theatre in Canastel — perhaps a bit too much muscatel, and someone who understood. Exciting days playing in the beautiful and stately Municipal Opera House in Oran — a misunderstanding — an understanding in the wings just before opening chorus. (...) The happiness when told we were going home — and the misery when we learned that we would not be going together. Fond goodbyes on a secluded beach beneath the star-studded velvet of an African night, and the tears that would not be stopped as I stood atop the sea-wall and watched your convoy disappear over the horizon.
We vowed we’d be together again “back home,” but fate knew better — you never got there. And so, Dave, I hope that wherever you are these memories are as precious to you as they are to me.
Goodnight, sleep well my love.
Brian Keith
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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176 notes · View notes
atomofmeaning · 11 years
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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Santtu Mustonen Hot Wet Summer Night (via Hugo & Marie - Santtu Mustonen)
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atomofmeaning · 11 years
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