atomograd · 42 minutes
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atomograd · 20 hours
This is one of those true, declassified government things that always sounds made up but one of the things Henry Kissinger did with his career was use the CIA to help turn small, prosperous socialist nations into fascist dictatorships just to keep those nations powerless and possibly to keep socialist systems *looking* doomed and futile to the American public, like maybe just to scare Americans out of demanding better infrastructure or universal income. Yes it sounds like an insane conspiracy theory a maniac would invent. It also happened multiple times and several generations of people around the world are still living in misery because of it.
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atomograd · 22 hours
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June 21, 2024 - Namibia's high court has declared the "sodomy law" that criminalised gay sex unconstitutional!
Namibia inherited the apartheid-era law banning “sodomy” and “unnatural offences” when it gained independence from South Africa in 1990. [link]
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atomograd · 1 day
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atomograd · 1 day
Had to explain to a friend today that any mention of "adrenochrome" in almost literally any context is a wildly concerning neo-Nazi dogwhistle, so uh... just in case anyone following me is part of today's lucky ("lucky") 10,000, here's the run down:
In the 1970s, some researchers theorized that the compound adrenochrome could maybe be the cause of schizophrenia and did some studies on it (spoiler alert: it was not actually the cause of schizophrenia). Separately, a close chemical relative and derivative compound is a hemostatic medication. These are pretty much the only things that adrenochrome has ever been used for in real life. A very small number of biotech companies still synthesize it, mostly for research into other derivatives of it that could maybe also be used in surgery or as hemorrhoid medications. But there's not any irl medical use for adrenochrome itself at this time.
SEPARATELY FROM ALL OF THAT IRL STUFF there is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews and/or Lizard People kidnap children, harvest their blood in order to make adrenochrome, and use it as an elixir of eternal youth.
Now you may be thinking, gosh, that sounds a lot like Blood Libel... and you would be correct! All adrenochrome conspiracy theories are at their core just repackaged Blood Libel with a vaguely sci-fi-esque coat of paint, and almost all of the ones were we know the exact origin of the conspiracy theory were created by literal neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
If you see any mention of "adrenochrome" and it's not in the context of "a small biotech company is researching it in the hope of developing new hemorrhoid meds", that is a MAJOR dogwhistle and red flag. It's a dogwhistle on about the same level as "1488", and no, I am not exaggerating when I say that. If you see someone making adrenochrome jokes, block, report, and don't touch anything of theirs with a ten foot pole. If they are not a neo-Nazi or white supremacist themselves, then at minimum they are someone who is deep enough into neo-Nazi and white supremacist social circles that they are making neo-Nazi and white supremacist in-jokes. Don't interact with them, and for fuck's sake, don't platform them; this is fundamentally not just some funny internet meme that you can laugh off.
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atomograd · 1 day
Market Bag Raffle for Youssef!
@birbs-in-space is raffling off crochet market bags! To be entered donate £5 to (and send the proof of donation to this account. £5 will get you one entry, £10 two entries, etc. Once you send proof of donation, your url will be entered to win a bag and three winners will be randomly chosen on July 31.
Please see below for details about the bags!
General Raffle Guidelines
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Materials: Cotton (Brown & Tan and Black & Rainbow), Cotton and Cotton Polyester Blend (Rainbow & White)
It will be first come first serve for the winners
*Will ship anywhere
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atomograd · 2 days
can we talk about how being so pants-shittingly terrified of Doing A Racism you freeze up or Get Weird around anyone a shade darker than the sugar in your cupboard or with an accent is effectively the same as being scared of brown people and doesn't make you much better than Sandra Lilly Smith from the suburbs who clings her purse when a black guy gets on the elevator with her
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atomograd · 2 days
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June 20, 2024 - Members of the University Workers & Students' Unions of Athens Agricultural University blocked a visit by the US ambassador, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and demanding an end to the USA sponsored Israeli genocide. [source]
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atomograd · 2 days
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atomograd · 2 days
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atomograd · 2 days
for juneteenth the innocence project sent out a collection of reading material on their mailing list that i thought i should share with all of you-- a reminder of how the us prison system is a continuation of slavery, and how we must keep fighting for justice and equality. they also are accepting donations if you have a few bucks to send their way: every dollar counts!
How the 13th Amendment Kept Slavery Alive: Perspectives From the Prison Where Slavery Never Ended
On Juneteenth, Here Are 5 Ways to Be a Better Ally
Race and Wrongful Conviction
How a Wrongly Incarcerated Person Became the ‘Most Brilliant Legal Mind’ in ‘America’s Bloodiest Prison’
A Mistaken Identification Sent Him to Prison for 38 Years, But He Never Gave Up Fighting for Freedom
‘The Dungeon Was the Last Place I Wanted to Go’: An Exoneree’s Story of Survival at Angola Prison
Book an Innocence Project Speaker This Month
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atomograd · 3 days
happy juneteenth but dont forget that prisoners are legally allowed to be subject to slave labor and also black people are disproportionately arrested and subjected to that legality. happy juneteenth but slavery still lives in america. america is still dependant on slave labor.
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atomograd · 3 days
Juneteenth is about Black people who were officially technically supposed to be freed from enslavement. Nobody else. Nothing else. It's not a POC day. It's not a "freedom for all" day. It's Black folk, Black culture, Black emancipation, SPECIFICALLY. Any other observation for Juneteenth is gentrification.
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atomograd · 3 days
For Juneteenth consider donating to the The National Bail Fund Network.
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atomograd · 3 days
just a friendly reminder that, just because slavery was formally "abolished" in the so-called united states* in 1865, enslavement itself is still ongoing in the form of incarceration, which disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous people
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(*i say "so-called" because the US is a settler-colonial construction founded on greed, extraction, and white supremacy) recommended readings/resources:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
"How the 13th Amendment Kept Slavery Alive: Perspectives From the Prison Where Slavery Never Ended" by Daniele Selby
"So You're Thinking About Becoming an Abolitionist" by Mariame Kaba
"The Case for Prison Abolition: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on COVID-19, Racial Capitalism & Decarceration" from Democracy Now! [VIDEO]
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atomograd · 3 days
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For any Black Trans/LGBT+ who needs some help!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤
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atomograd · 3 days
Sudan's representative at today's U.N. summit in response to the UAE's offer of 70 million in monetary support:
"We do not need the UAE's support, for Allah is supporting Sudan. When Sudan was supporting the [Arab] nations and their freedom movements, the UAE was not cited in history [as in it didn't yet exist] nor was it found in the world map. We know [the UAE]'s evil. [...] Sudan is richer than the UAE, and Sudan would become the richest nation in the world if the UAE would settle down. The UAE simply has to lift its hands off of Sudan. That is the first step towards Sudan's conflict settling down."
He goes on to explain that 6 UAE passports were found on RSF members in Khartoum during the civil war. The UAE has yet to answer for its support for the militias and terrorists it continues to fund that are major players in the devastation of Sudan and the genocide of Darfur.
If you're Sudanese and want to correct my translation or the context provided in brackets you are free to do so.
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