atoxin · 10 years
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            ' I musta overdid it with the painkillers                or something because last time I ch-               ecked you belonged in sega games. '
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atoxin · 10 years
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⊰†⊱;—— "I don’t know if they’re ever going to get out; probably not—" This subject always upset her, but she never showed it on the surface. “They did some pretty bad stuff.” Not that she hadn’t been involved. “We did some pretty bad stuff. The cops let me go though, well, sorta. Regardless, they refused to tell me how long they were going to jail for. Maybe because I was a kid—?” A shrug. "Yeah, I guess it was alright."
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             ' Really? Damn... ' Tread carefully Aiden,              you wouldn't want to overstep your boun-              daries. ' Musta been some really bad              stuff.... Do ya' ever visit 'em or----? '              Considering she was little when they got              arrested, she probably didn't know where              the prison was. ' They.. sorta let you go?              And your childhood was more eventful              than mine-- ' You add, shrugging your              shoulders as well. 
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atoxin · 10 years
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‘Well, yes, but that was nearly five years ago. Most people don’t really remember that book anymore.’
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              ' Five years? ' Damn, and he'd only just               read the book -- que the look of dumbfo-               und disbelief making it's way to his               features as he stared at the other.               ' Was it really that long ago!? ' 
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atoxin · 10 years
straight-outta-jeeha answered your question:theme.. updated. can i get some opinions? Also if...
{ woah bruh. WOAH. no but this theme is bangin’ and WHAT IS THAT SONG I NEED IT. oh and the text is a bit small but w/e— }
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thank u friendo!!  and i know the text is kinda small but i?? don't know how to change it crying tbh. && The song is Wicked Games by The Weeknd.
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atoxin · 10 years
theme.. updated. can i get some opinions? Also if someone wants a teeny starter give this a like??
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atoxin · 10 years
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atoxin · 10 years
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⊰†⊱;—— "You don’t look like a cop at all. I know all the cops in the area—" At least, almost all of them. She prided herself on that fact. "Besides, the gang went to jail a long time ago and the police got to meet me then. I was still pretty little." A shrug came from the female as she saw nothing wrong with completely sharing her past. Well, sort of. "That was…uh—" A pause. "—fun."
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            ' That's a convenient thing to know, must             have taken a long time to learn, though. '             What a skill to have though, damn. Dark             optics would glance over the girl as you hear             her next comment. ' Went to jail? How long             are they going to be locked up? Or were             they--- ' You cut yourself short before finishing             your last statement, figuring that it would be             wise not to continue it. ' It sounds like you             had quite the childhood, I'm jealous. '
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atoxin · 10 years
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                 ' Aren't you the person that....                 wrote that sy-fy story that...                                   ended in a tragedy? '
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atoxin · 10 years
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added a litle info to aiden's bio. also added another rule to the rules page.
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atoxin · 10 years
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⊰†⊱;—— Lottie was a big fan of people that sucked up to her, even if it was obvious that they were doing so. Her ego was incredibly large on it’s own, but she loved having people around her that would increase it whenever she needed.
"Mhm. My looks are really good for deceiving people, though, so I guess it comes in handy sometimes." She was incredibly good actor, and being able to act cute and innocent usually helped her lure in victims. "Yep; I grew up on the streets with a gang, so they taught me lots of useful things." Be careful Lottie; your Stockholm Syndrome is showing. 
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               You could easily tell that the girl had                a rather large ego -- but that only                made kissing up to her that much                easier. After all, those with ego's only                needed fuel added to their system,                and adding fuel to the fire was                                               oh, so simple. 
                     So simple it was almost boring.
               Que another nod of your head as you                heard the females first statement. ' I                can only assume how well a                charming face could be to deceive. '                You reply, said statement actually                holding some truth in it. ' ----You grew                up with a gang? Are you sure those                are the kinds of things you should                be telling strangers who's names                you don't even know? For all that                you know, I could be a cop. ' 
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atoxin · 10 years
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⊰†⊱;—— He definitely was good at telling her exactly what she wanted to hear, her ego inflating by the moment. Honestly, she was getting way too excited over such a subject. “Of course I am—!” She wasn’t as strong as she thought she was, but she was certainly a lot stronger than she looked. "I’ve been trained since I was a kid, so it’s only natural, yeah?" Even if it originally wasn’t by choice.
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                Naturally you picked up on the girls                 excitement of the current topic -- a                 smile curves onto your lips as you                 listen to the female. ' ----Really? '                 You first question ' I guess that                 would make you a prime example                 of the statement "looks can be                 deceiving," then! ' You chime with                 yet another small snicker. 
                Interest is then piqued at the females                 second statement. ' You've been                 training ever since you were a kid? '                 You question, a look of interest on                 your features as you speak.  ' ----I'd                 hate to get in a fight with you. ' You                 then add, while sure those words were                 partially a lie, she didn't need to know                 that.
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atoxin · 10 years
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⊰†⊱;—— “Exactly—!” Lottie wondered how he knew that, but decided it was irrelevant. She didn’t like to waste time thinking about things that didn’t seem important enough to her. “It’s hard being short and adorable. It’s okay though, they tend to shape up their attitudes when they’re bleeding on the ground at my feet—” Lottie.
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           To be frank--- you were a bit surprised               when you found out you were right on the               money with your assumption. You merely               responded with the words you'd assumed               the girl wanted to hear most based on her               previous response. Que dark optics               widening slightly at the girls comment                          . ' Bleeding on the ground at your                            feet? You must be pretty strong                               to be able to cause such an                                                                 i m p a c t. '
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atoxin · 10 years
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⊰†⊱;—— “Well, life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid.” Still, her expression is clearly pleased, almost excited in fact. "Finally, someone who gives me the respect I deserve—" Lottie, put that ego away.
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                  ' I know that. ' You first mutter, softly                   shrugging your shoulders as you                   stared at the girl, a small snicker                   escaping your lips as you heard the                   strangers arrogant comment. ' --Take                   it most people shrug you off, treat                   you like you're unimportant or...                                       something like that? '
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atoxin · 10 years
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atoxin · 10 years
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            ' You look like you've seen                               some shit.                       I can respect that. '
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atoxin · 10 years
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By: 10-colors
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atoxin · 10 years
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