atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Sceptile
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Hp: 70
Atk: 110
Def: 75
SpAtk: 145
SpDef: 85
Speed: 145
145 Base Speed? wow ok I wouldn't want this Christmas tree coming at me. Special Attack on this thing would make it its primary type of attacks however 110 base attack would give you an option to run it as a mixed attacker. 
Grass Dragon as it's typing is also an interesting choice the only issue is that it now has a 4 time weakness to Ice, but it's unique offensive typing makes up for it. 
Dragon Pulse and Leaf Storm would be at the center of its Moves to take advantage of its typing. However due to it's lower defenses than some other pokemon it might be worth considering running substitute somewhere on there as well. 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Swampert
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Hp: 100
Atk: 150
Def: 110
SpAtk: 95
SpDef: 110
Speed: 70
Look at the attack on this thing! seriously what?
Swamperts natural Bulk paired with that pure physical power makes it a threat. I feel that it will be appearing more in VGC and doubles than anything else, with moves like Rock Slide and surf. However in singles moves like Waterfall and Ice Punch are more likely to be seen on it. 
Place this in a rain team to take advantage of swift swim and it will be unstoppable. bear in mind these are just guesses but I seriously can't wait to get my hand on this! 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Slowbro
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Hp: 95
Atk: 75
Def: 180
SpAtk: 130
SpDef: 80
Speed: 30
Slowbro man what have they done to you?
As much as I am not a fan of the design I cannot deny that it makes sense from its original form especially with how its STATs are effected. However if a Mega Slowking comes our way please dear God make sure its not just the opposite of this. 
Anyway enough on the design onto STATS.... It's what I expected, boost in Def, boost in SpAtk and Speed remaining about the same. This thing is bulkier than ever able to take physical hits for days, loosing Regenerator as an ability is a price to pay for Shell Armor which guarantees it won't be Crited. Good news is Slack Off is still the greatest way for health to be recovered since item recovery is also gone with this set. 
Personally I think I will still just use normal Slowbro instead of Mega Slowbro, However I feel like Slack Off, Psyshock, Scald and Ice Beam are probably going to become common moves on this thing. Moves like Thunder Wave or Toxic will also be quite common I feel just as it is clearly designed to Stall an opponent. Other options could be to sett up Calm Minds for a slow sweeper which would work well in a Trick Room team in my opinion. 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
I can't be the only person who thinks Mega Hariyama is coming
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Lopunny
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Hp: 65
Atk: 136
Def: 94
SpAtk: 54
SpDef: 96
Speed: 135
Lopunny becomes Normal Fighting when it Mega evolves .... Normal Fighting? Whaaaaaa. 
This opens up a few different options for it I feel that as a Fake Out lead will be it's niche, especially with Scrappy as its ability being able to hit ghost types which would normally just switch in to avoid damage. 
Return would be a great STAB to go with it as well off a base power of 136 it will dent anything that gets in its way. 
From what I can see Lopunny can't learn High Jump Kick but I do feel that it will in ORAS and I feel that it will be the staple fighting STAB of Mega Lopunny. 
Honestly time will tell if this will be great or not, it looks like a Glass Cannon right now, capable of hitting hard but then not being able to take them in return. 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Salamance
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Atk: 145
Def: 130
SpAtk: 120
SpDef: 90
Speed: 120
Aerilate is the ability for Mega Salamance giving all of it's normal type moves a boost and then STAB. Headbutt and Double Edge are the only offensive Normal type moves it learns through level up. That's it. 
Not the greatest moves to take advantage of the ability especially with the recoil from Double Edge. However when you look at it's base STATS it still has the capability to be an impressive mixed attacker, or even just a pure physical sweeper if that's what your team needs. Dragon Dance Mega Salamance with Dragon Claw anyone? 
Yes it still has the same 4 times ice weakness, and the fairy types can  still switch in on dragon moves and threaten it out but overall I think this one will be used a lot. 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Gallade
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Hp: 68
Atk: 165
Def: 95
SpAtk: 65
SpDef: 115
Speed: 110
Ok this thing looks amazing, complete opposite of Mega Gardivoir Which has insane Special attack, however doesn't have the fairy typing so no more switching in on dragon moves without taking damage. 
Inner Focus was a bit of an odd choice for Gallades ability I feel, however with the abundance of flinching moves and Fake Out Mega Kanga I feel that it will work quite well. 
I personally feel that all this needs is a Bulk Up under its belt with a couple of STAB moves (Psycho Cut, Close Combat) and Shadow Sneak for priority. However if move tutors come back and I can get my hands on Drain Punch Mega Gallade instead of Close Combat then it can get some recovery I feel it could be lacking in the Metagame. 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Glalie
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Atk: 120
Def: 80
SpAtk: 120
SpDef: 80
Speed: 100
Seriously loved the idea of this thing purely because it means Mega Frosslass might not be far behind (yes I'm that guy)
Stats wise I'm just glad they didn't throw 20 in everything across the board, they gave it a boost in it's attack stats and it's speed giving it a bit more of an offensive feel. Refrigerate is quite a nice ability giving normal moves the ability to STAB.... however his only normal offensive mood is Headbutt (through level up at least) so unless it learns some new moves via level up in ORAS you might not be relying on TMs to get the full use of the ability. You could always use Giga Impact or Hyper Beam, I mean it was a joke but 120 base attack stats with 150 power moves and STAB pretty impressive if you ask me, although not quite practical. 
Now all we need is it to learn how to close its mouth again. 
Refrigerate Headbutt anyone?
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Camerupt
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Hp: 70
Atk: 120
Def: 100
SpAtk: 145
SpDef: 105
Speed: 20
Look at this mop, clearly it is Team Magma and proud! 
In all seriousness though this thing is now slow as hell. Yeah it has the defenses to take a couple of hits and hit back but it is never going to out speed anything that threatens it. Put it in a trick room team though and things are completely different, anything that threatens it will be hit very hard with the thanks of Sheer Force. 
I feel like with 145 base special attack all this thing needs to use is Overheat as thanks to Sheer Force it's special attack won't drop (at least I think that is correct)
Personally I will run a mixed attacker for a Trick Room team. with moves like Rock Slide, and Overheat which will be boosted by it's new ability. 
I don't think Mega Camerupt will be used an awful lot if I'm honest, although I have a feeling weather wars will happen again and I feel like Mega Camerupt might fit in quite well in a sandstorm team . 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Sharpedo
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Atk: 140
Def: 70
SpAtk: 110
SpDef: 65
Speed: 105
First things first I was not a fan of the design at first but it really has grown on me. Strong Jaw replaces the fantastic ability Speed Boost, however with the speed boost it gets when it Mega Evolves it isn't a big deal that it was replaced. 
I think the most common thing people will run with this is protect before Mega Evolving just to make sure it will out speed everything. 
140 Attack is nothing to laugh at with it's access Ice Fang and Crunch. I think that this thing is going to be more of a threat than people think. 
I would imagine it's main moves would be Protect, Ice Fang, Crunch, and Waterfall. That's just what I feel will be more common but Ice Beam may also be on there to throw people off. 
What do you guys think? 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Metagross
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HP: 80
Atk: 145
Def: 150
SpAtk: 105
SpDef: 110
Speed: 110
Now that that is out of my system. Mega Metagross was kind of expected when I heard ORAS was announced, but jesus christ look at that attack Stat. Bye Bye Special Attacking Metagross. You are no longer needed. 
Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, maybe even pursuit, all with an attack boost from Tough Claws? nothing shall stand in it's way. I feel that this thing is easily going to be the new Mega Kangaskhan.
All I feel this thing would need to make it even more over powered would be Knock Off.... please let there be a way for this to get knock off. 
We always thought Metagross needed a speed boost, now that Game Freak has done this it is evil. I mean pure pure evil.
Seriously this thing will be floating all over the metagame early on so people best start finding their counters for it now. Good Luck.
(Also the Shiny version of it looks soooooo good!)
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atrainersguide · 10 years
Mega Beedrill
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Base Stats
HP: 65
Atk: 150
SpAtk: 15
SpDef: 80
Speed: 145
Ok I know the Games aren't out yet but the apparent base stats have been leaked so I will take a look at some of them. 
150 base Attack with Adaptability? fantastic yeah?
Shame that it has a small move pool to take advantage of it. Bug Moves it learns through level up aren't that impressive at the moment. Twin Needle, Pin Missile, and Fell stinger aren't to impressive on their own. However it can learn X-Scissor and U-turn via TM which with the adaptability boost would be impressive. 
Poison side of things though I believe the only move worth running is Poison Jab purely for any fairies that appear in it's way. 
Overall I love the design of this thing, this is how Beedrill should have always looked. I don't think it is going to be the greatest of Mega Evolutions but I do think it needed to be done. Only time will tell but I have high hopes Game Freak so hopefully don't crush them. 
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atrainersguide · 10 years
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Am I the only one who thought Mega Camerupt looks like those Robot Roomba vaccum cleaners?
I mean it’d burn the the floors but at least they are clean????
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atrainersguide · 10 years
I seriously think this wasn't needed. Slowbro was a beast with regenerator  
Mega Slowbro has a face that says “Oh god I didn’t sign up for this… Send help.”
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atrainersguide · 11 years
When are they going to launch Pokebank again? #sickofwaiting
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atrainersguide · 11 years
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Samurai Jack Promotional piece by Andy Suriano
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atrainersguide · 11 years
Wonder traded my destiny knot and everstone away by accident. Well fuck.
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