atriaxsortis · 4 years
• wake up at 5.30
• wash your face with water, put cream and serum on (basicly your skincare routine, whatever works for you) wash your teeth
• clothes on!
• put your mascara on (or full make up, depends on you, honestly I don't have that much time in the morning, and my skin usually looks pretty good so I don't feel need to put on my full face) do your hair and use mist/perfume
• around 5.50-6.10 eat your breakfast: eggs, yoghurt bowl, sandwitches (those my fav, and they don't take much time to prepare)
• take your lunch with you to school/buy some during your way (fruit, salad, smoothies)
• around 6.15 go out, and go to school
school usually from 8.00-14.30
16.00 home~
• prepare and eat your dinner (remember about protein!!)
• 16.40-18.00 do your homework the day it was given!! and study for your tests.
• 18.00 little snack if you're hungry
• 18.20-19.00 dance/cardio/workout (at least 3 times a week!!)
• the other two days: math or polish to prepare to matura exam!
• 19.00-20.00 do smth for yourself --> write/draw/sing or do something else to school
• 20.00-21.30 free time
• around 22.00 prepeare to sleep, shower and pick up clothes for the next day, pack your bag.
pt.1 saturday
• wake up at 10.30!
• wash your face and teeth, get comfty clothes
• 11.00 breakfast
• 11.30 plan what you have to do, do as much as you can ob saturday, so your sunday is free
• prepare for leading tests and material, rewise for matura exam (biology? english, but mostly math and polish)
• around 15.00 take a break, go for an 0.5 hour to 1 hour long walk with your dog
• 16.00 (prepare) and eat dinner
• 16.30-18 family time
• 18.00-19.00 dance/cardio
• 19.00 eat supper
• 19.20-22-23 school
• 23.00 go to bed
pt. 2 sunday
• wake up at 11.00 wash yourself up
• plan your day, decide whether you did everything yesterday or there are left tasks you have to do now.
• 11.30 breakfast
• free time/ending tasks
• spend time with family
• clean bathroom and do the ironing
• dance!!
• 16.00 prepare dinner for you and your family if they need it
• facetime your friends or meet with them!
• go for and 0.5 hour out to your dog
• make sure to write something!!
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
my ultimate masterpost
ed tw! its for me, 'm not pro
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wash your face with water in the morning, then apply all the stuff on your skincare routine (remember about suncream!!)
shower everyday
wash your teeth twice a day
always apply deodorant and a bit of perfume, so you'll smell pleasantly (people tend to be more attracted to the ones that smell nice, even if they don't see it)
keep your legs shaved (shave lile three-four times a week, less if it's winter/autumn)
wax your eyebrows and moustache area every two weeks
always put body lotion after showering
keep your nails not too long, nor too short, remmber to use condutioner or nude/colorlees polish, so it looks nice and neat
wash your hair on sunday, wednesday and friday (more if you need to!) > always put conditioner and oli on your ends, so it'll prevent damage
always carry with yourself: pads, tampons, hand sanitizer, mask, little perfumes, hair bands and pack of tissues
apply face mask every week
cut your hair every three months
brush your lips with toothbrush so they're softer
put on lip balm for night
keep your hair brushed
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always apply a little bit of make-up: either it's a mascara or concealer
keep your clothes ironed
always wear jewellery so it fills your outfit
always put on some gloss to your lips
smile a lot
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clean your bag every week (throw away all the old papers, etc)
clean your room every week (vaccume etc)
change your sheets every 10 days and change your pillow case every 2-3 days
clean your desk and warderobe every two weeks
always make your bed in the morning
try to stay as clean as possible during week days
water your flowers on every friday
take notes
do your homework the day it was given
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study hard for your tests
don't skip your classes, unless you have a reason to
keep important and useful things in your locker
always say good morning when yoy baypass teachera on the hallway
try to be as nice to your classmates as you can
don't be afraid to go and talk with others, try to mix with everyone and have a good contact with as many various groups as you can
be nice to people in school, whether it's your teacher or cleaning lady, show respect and gratefullnes
always go to your lessons prepared, don't let any unexpect short test ruin your day
try to keep up with your grades to others
rewise for exams regulary
be sistematic and organized; make a study schedule and stick to it
always find time for them, be there for them when they need you
try to be friendly to everyone, let people talk to you about their problems etc
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do small talk. a lot
ask if they need something when you see they're down
when they don't have much time make sure to reach out for them and ask how's going
don't stick to one subject, try to ask about various things then you'll know they much more
don't get involved into fights
text them and show affection
talk to you family everyday
help your parents - do at least in3 thing on every day of weekends when you have extra free time
always take lunch to school
always eat breakfast
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drink a lot of water
TW! stay between 900-1200
dance for at least 20min daily
take your vitamins and minerals every morning
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
You should just stop.
You should just stop.
I said okay, I'll do it, and it's not even a big deal, so stop saying unnecessary words. Stop treating me like a life loser, saying I'm a failure, when it's you who raised me. Stop asking "Oh, what would you do if we were dead?"
No offese, but do you even realise what have u said?
You think you know antyhing about me, mom? You think you know your child? You think that this 18-year old woman is the same person as your 5-yo baby girl?
You really fucking assumed that I wouldn't survive a day without you. You really fucking assumed that you know me well enough to say so.
You don't. You don't fucking know me.
You know my mask that I put on for you. The mask that is so perfectly painted, that you won't be able to see even a mere shadow of what I am. But you wanted that talk, and it's not me who in the end would be broken.
You think I wouldn't survive day without you, but where were you when I was starving myself day after day, huh? Where were you when I was freaking out because I drank a cup of water, and knew I would gain weight because of that? Where were you when I was crying myself to sleep for like two weeks in a row?
Where the fuck were you? Cause you def weren't with me. I survived all this shit all alone, so don't you ever dare to think I wouldn't fucking survive a dirty floor in kitchen without you.
I've been through shit you even wouldn't think about. And I'm still here, and you still don't fucking know anything, but boldly say you actually know your own daughter to state she's a failure, and needs you to live a day of life.
You don't fucking know your daughter. And you better pray you never would.
aka the things I'll never say out loud, but they mess up with my head, so I need to let them go.
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
so, a lil thread of workouts to loose weight!!
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so at first, some legendary workouts, u probably seen or tried before, therefore I just couldn't omitt them, so here they are
okay guys, so this workout burns. BURNS. it concenrtates on ur inner thighs, the part that most of us, obviously struggles with. It models it, burns fat, and builds muscels, and I know you’re waitin’ for it, but it also gives that thigh gap, we are insane for (please keep in mind, that not all of us have the same bone structure, and for some of us it is just biologically impossible to achive it, tho to what I mentioned before)
this arm workout is great and actually not that easy as the one I linked below, it’s great to burn fat and build that muscles
‘key, so this one I just adore and love. I saw effects really quickly, and after a while I added dumbbeels. It’s quite easy, and u can even do it two or three times a day, ‘cause it’s not that tirying and the effects are worth it
so that was the category of workouts that I saw, found, either on twitter, yt, or any other place that somehow creates ed communicty, and those workouts are so popular because they don’t build muscles and focus more on toning and longing, which gives more of a tiny and skinny look, rather than all muscular and bulky
so HIIT workouts, cardio, dances etc, here we go
so those two are just so cool, there’s music, you’ll sweat like crazy, and they’re just so intresting(?) the time just passes by, and u even don’t notice it
it’s fucking hard, and sweaty but 30min and 400 kcal? yup. I just adore her ‘cause somehow she manages to count the calories that u burn, so yeah. u get it. I highly recommened to see her other workouts, she has a lot of them, and some of them focus on butt, abs etc
hope, all my army and kpop fellas are here with me
okay so this 8 min burn around 80-100 kcals, so if u do it like three times, which is sweaty, and burns like hell, but still, I guess worth it’s price
30 min, sweat, tears, and 500 kcal
pure love, nothing else.
this literally vaccumes ur belly. like, it’s insane how fast it works, still keep in mind to do it at least three times!
this one is really low impact, and it just causes miracles
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
♡ some reasons i want to lose weight ♡
- to not be known as the one freakishly tall, freakishly obese girl
- to have complete model potential (tall, slim)
- to have boys & girls like me back, instead of being grossed out by the thought of me liking them
- to not sweat every 2 minutes while wearing a full face of makeup
- to not have to carry blotting sheets with me everywhere
- to spend much less time on applying foundation / concealer on my face because it’ll be small
- to easily fit into amusement park rides, without an employee helping me force my fat stomch under the ride lock
- to feel light and airy when i walk & run
- to be able to just grab whatever clothing item off the rack i wanted, knowing it’ll either fit perfectly or somewhat loosely
- to look amazing in all hairstyles, makeup styles & clothing styles and pull off every look possible because my body will be the ultimate accessory
- to take up much less space in public transportation, classrooms, hallways, my school chair, my bed, & everywhere else
- to have my grandparents be proud of me
- to come back to school one year after a successful summer, to overhear students & possibly teachers talking about my unbelievable transformation
- to look like i know how to manage myself
- to look intelligent, responsible, disciplined
- to have my friends just randomly stare at me in amazement & keep congratulating me
- to be able to wear expensive, attractive clothing without looking like a fat obnoxious rich girl
- to not have people look at me and automatically assume i’m annoying, mean or some other undesirable trait
- to have people look at me and instead think i must be kind, sweet, welcoming
- to not collect anymore stretchmarks
- to post before & after photos and have them blow up in the ed / ana community
- to not want to shoot myself for eating a whole egg
- to have random people think i’m cute
- to finally somewhat relate to other ppl in this community who weigh much, much less than me
these are from the perspective of an obese person. trust me, there’s a lot more. i just can’t think of that many atm but these are kinda some i think about often.
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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here’s my rule list!! trying my absolute hardest to stick to it
if i do, i should be at my ugw by my birthday 🌷
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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124 cal fried rice!
(only 54 cals if u don’t use egg!)
1 package of shirataki rice (~26)
broccolini stalks (9)
soy sauce (10)
baby bella mushrooms (6)
brown egg (70)
it makes a huge fucking portion. i’m probably gonna be eating on this all day. and for less than 150 cals. amazing
edit: without the egg it’s completely vegan!
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
Block. Don’t report.
You’re not saving me from any disorder by getting my blog terminated. You’re just making me have to start all over again.
When I got terminated I lost all conversations with my friends and I had to make a new blog and find them again, explain what happen. Some of them thought I had deleted the blog myself, and they were worried about me. I also lost all my posts and followers.
You are not at all helping me by reporting my blog. If you don’t want to see my content, just block me. That’s it.
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
✨ ED Songs✨
Akasian Peace - Anamia
Atmosphere - Vanity Sick
Angelspit - Skinny Little Bitch
Anorexia Nervosa - Mother Anorexia
Augustana - Coffee and Cigarettes
Batteries - Anorexia Poster Girls
Beach Bunny - Prom Queen
Beartooth - Ignorance Is Bliss
Birdy - Skinny Love
Black Bell - Anorexia
Blind Melon - Skinned
BMTH - Hospital For Souls
Boyinaband - Empty
Broken Social Scene - Anthems For a Seventeen Year Old Girl 
Cex - Stop Eating
Catatonia - Bulimic Beats
Carbon Carousel - Skinny
Cherry Glazerr - Ohio
Craft Spells - Nausea
CRIM3S - Stay Ugly
Daddy Issues - Ugly When I Cry
David Howard - Anorexic
Dead Celebrity Status - Somebody I Once Knew
De-La Wonk - Anorexia
Die Cheerleader Die - Anorexic Nation
Drag - Anorexic
Edith Backlund - Skinny
Eleanor McEvoy - Sophie
Elysiansoul - Dark Descent
Elysiansoul - Decadence and Disorder
Elysiansoul - Dysmorphia
Elysiansoul - Girl Within the Ghost
Elysiansoul - Immune
Elysiansoul - Midnight Run
Elysiansoul - Pull Me Under
Elysiansoul - Sticks and Stones and Bones
Elysiansoul - Sugar & Ice
Elysiansoul - The Smile Underneath
Elysiansoul - The Voice Of Anorexia
Elysiansoul - Waiting To Be Weightless
Emily Wells - Becomes The Color
ETHS - Détruit Moi
ETHS - Bulimiarexia
Evaline - a Protest In Lines Too Thin To Be Read
Fakebestfriend - Anorexia
Fakebestfriend - Skinny
Felicia Goodman - Ana Mia
FFUG - Alcoholic Anorexic
Fiona Apple - Paper Bag
Firewater - Caroline
Fireflight - He Weeps
Florence + the Machine - Hunger
Florence + the Machine - Leave My Body
Flyleaf - I’m So Sick
Foo Fighters - Skin and Bones
Garbage - Bleed Like Me
Gem Club - Spine
Geri Karlstrom - Starving For Attention
Haim- Let Me Go
Hole - Jennifer’s Body
Hole - She Walks On Me
Hole - Skinny Little Bitch
Huntingtons - Annie’s Anorexic
Iron Curtain - Anorexia
Katy Rose - Lemon
K.Flay - Rawks 
Kent - We Need To Eat
Kevin McCollough - Anorexic Beauty Queen
King Adora - Big Isn’t Beautiful
King Adora - Born To Lose
Kitten On The Catwalk - Pro Ana Party Slama
Kutless - Down
L7 - Diet Pill
Lady Gaga - Donatella
Lana Del Rey - Boarding School
Lil’ Bo Weep - Confined
Lil’ Bo Weep - Untitled 
Lisa Loeb - She’s Falling Apart
Los Campesinos! - The Sea is a Good Place to Think of the Future
Lorn - Until There Is No End
Lunachicks - Binge and Purge
Manic Street Preachers - 4st. 7lbs
Manic Street Preachers - Anorexic Rodin
Maria Mena - Cause and Effect
Maria Mena - Eyesore
Maria Mena - Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Marina and The Diamonds - Teen Idle
Melanie Martinez - Mrs. Potato Head
Melanie Martinez - Orange Juice
Melanie Martinez - Sippy Cup
MGMT - She Works Out Too Much
Mi - Weightless
Mickey Avalon - So Rich, So Pretty
MikelWJ - Dear Diary
Mother Mother - Body
Mother Mother - Fat Kids
Mother Mother - I Go Hungry
Mother Mother - Oh Ana
Myah Marie - Starve Bitch, It’s Hollywood
Mystery Jets - Someone Purer
Natalie McCool - Size Zero 
Nausea - Anorexia Nervosa
Nice Flaws - Thinspo
Nicole Dollanganger - Angels Of Porn II
Nicole Dollanganger - Please, Eat
Nicole Dollanganger - Ugly
Nirvana - Anorexorcist
No Frills Twins - Dying To Be Thin
Olivia O’Brien - Empty
One-Eyed Doll - Bulimia
Outcast Youth - Genevieve
Picture me Broken - Skin and Bones
Pompeii - Numbers
Portishead - Biscuit 
Pro - Beautiful 
Pulp - Anorexic Beauty
PurelyDef - Anorexic Queen
Radiohead - Creep 
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Porcelain
R00k - Eat
Rufus Wainright - Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk
Sadistik - Russian Roulette
Sainthood Reps - Run Like Hell
Sara Lov - My Body Is a Cage
Schoolyard Heroes - Battlestar Anorexia
Silver Chair - Ana’s Song
Skating Polly - Ugly
Sky Flows - Hollow Shell
Sonic Youth - Tunic (Song For Karen)
SPECTRA*paris - Size Zero
Squishy Squid - Anorexia
Stage - Live Happy, Live With Anorexia
Super Chick - Beauty From Pain
Super Chick - Courage
Svavar Knútur - Emotional Anorexic
Tamara Dearing - Bulimia
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Me and Mia
The Blue Violets - Anorexic 
The Blue Violets - Diet
The Dollyrots - Skinny
The Network - Hungry Hungry Models
The Trews - Ana & Mia
Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun - Old Monster
Tura Satana - Down
Unaloon - My Roots
Utero Ecuador - Anorexia
Wale - 90210
Where Angels Fall - Thinspiration
X-Fusion - Anorexia Nervosa
Zeeza Love - Anorexia
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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Sweatpants with tiny tummies ugh
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
Good Habits to Enforce in Yourself
I had a post like this on my old profile before it got deleted, so I’m kind of improving it and lengthening it for a repost. These are good ways to take care of yourself as best as you can, things that over time will help you develop more of a love and care for yourself.  By putting in extra effort to take care of your body you will subconsciously grow to love yourself a little more. Through this nurture, blooms love and care. 
1) Do some research to find out your skin type. Once you figure that out, research some tips to work with it. I have dry skin, so my routine involves a lot of moisture and brightening products, and I had to stop using products with acne medications because they dry the hell out of my skin. 
If you have oily skin, you’ll want to use your acne product and then add moisture, because if you don’t your skin will begin to dry and will try to overcompensate by creating too much oil. Be careful with the products you use as well, make sure you use products that are made with good ingredients. You don’t want to try a new product all over your face and have one of the ingredients cause a horrible flare up. This takes time, but once you figure out what products and routine works for you, it will really change how you feel about your complexion.
2) Invest in one of those big brushes and use it to gently brush your skin. This will help your blood circulation, and will not only brighten your skin, but it will also relax you.
3) Use SPF 30 or higher. You don’t need anything higher than SPF 50 because studies have shown that it really doesn’t do much for you after that, but do use sunscreen to protect from the harmful rays not just outside, but inside as well if you’re exposed to the rays. Sun damage not only causes melanoma, but also will accelerate your aging process, cause wrinkles, make your skin texture leathery, and all other kinds of issues. There’s sunscreen lotions for full body with coconut oil in it that don’t have that awful pool smell as well, and I’ve found it to be a pleasure to use. 
4) Drink good fluids. I’m sure all of you drink enough water to drown a fish, but don’t just drink water. Adding lemon will give it a nice taste, help you feel more satisfied, and the citrus is very good for your complexion. Drinking a cup of water when you wake up is a good way to flush out the gastric fluid buildup in your system, and will also help wake you up. Avoid drinks with lots of processed sugars like juice and soda. Calories in drinks are often overlooked, and are a huge part of gaining large amounts of weight.
5) Try to be asleep between 11 pm and 4 am. The cell turnover rate is highest during this time, so try to be asleep so your skin can renew itself properly.
6) Take collagen supplements and get plenty of Vitamin C. These are super nutrients for a glowing complexion. 
7) Never go to bed without removing makeup or taking a cloth with some micellar water and wiping your face. There is so much gunk that gets into your skin by not doing this it’s disgusting. Do your skin a favor and take the extra few to wash this stuff off. 
8) Eat more fatty foods like fish, nuts, and avocados. Lots of people don’t like fish, so taking fish oil tablets is perfectly fine as well. A half an avocado or a handful of almonds makes a great snack that will nourish your skin. These being high in fats, however, are also high in calories. Don’t gorge yourself or you’ll see some chub developing on you, despite how healthy it is. 
9) Work up a sweat. Sweating gets rid of toxins from your body and exercise is just healthy in general. Make sure you immediately remove the clothes you wore though or it’ll trap in the sweat and cause a rash or breakout. 
1) Refrain from using shampoo more than a few times a week, as this dries your scalp and can cause flaking and itchiness.
2) Use a hair mask weekly. Use one that is suited for your hair’s needs. Personally, I use hair masks with avocado or coconut because they bring in a lot of moisture which wavy hair requires. If you have a dandruff problem, use a mask with tea tree or eucalyptus, something that will clarify. Just experiment and find what works.
3) Braid your hair before sleeping or wear a cap. Cotton sheets not only absorb and suck out moisture in your skin and hair, but it also causes needless breakage and frizziness. 
4) Use a wet brush or wide toothed comb when your hair is wet. Your hair is very elastic and weak when wet, and these items bend better around knots and are more gentle than a regular brush.
5) Let conditioner sit for a few minutes before washing. 
6) Just as you would with your skin, research your hair and how to properly take care of it. Someone with very fine hair would never employ the same technique as someone with very tightly coiled hair. 
7) Use a leave in conditioner. A hair oil or cream to let sit after styling or while drying will leave your hair looking shiny and soft.
8) As with skin, fatty foods are incredibly beneficial for hair. Also eat plenty of dark leafy greens. 
9) If you use heat on your hair, make sure you use a heat protectant. This is very important for preventing spit ends and breakage. 
10) Use a scrunchie to tie your hair. Don’t use hair ties with those metal attachments and by God if you use a straight rubber band (not those tiny ones meant for your hair but I mean the office supply shit) I will smack you.
1) Make flossing and mouthwash your new best friends. Use a mouthwash that has no alcohol after a good floss. Protect those pearly whites.
2) Refrain from processed sugars and sodas. 
3) Don’t brush your teeth within an hour of eating. This rubs off your enamel.
4) Take calcium supplements if you don’t get much from your diet. Calcium is pretty important for building bones and teeth, helping your immunity, and binding different molecules in your body. Don’t skimp out on it. 
1) File once a week. This will keep them looking neat and you can shape them however you please.
2) Use vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is great for hangnails, and will give your nails a stronger, healthier appearance. Massaging it into your nails every night will make them look well kept and perfectly prepped for polish.
3) Wear gloves when cleaning. Household cleaners will eat away and weaken your nails.
4) Don’t bite them.
5) After removing nail polish, allow your nails a few days to recuperate without any polish. This will keep them from getting brittle and possibly breaking. 
1) Keep your body moving. You don’t have to exercise an hour a day to keep fit. By keeping your legs moving occasionally and going on walks outside every day, you can lower your stress and it’s low impact if you have health issues or have been restricting and insist on getting some kind of exercise.
2) Practice good posture. Practice walking with something on your head if you’d like. Sitting and standing with good posture will tighten your core, improve your focus, improve your spine health, and even burns more calories. You’ll appear more confident and feel more confident. 
3) Pay attention to your diet and what goes into your body. You don’t have to go vegetarian or vegan to eat clean. Just focus on putting nutritious food into your body and avoid greasy, processed junk. Proper nutrition is pretty important, and no matter how much you work out you can’t avoid the damage being done by eating junk all the time. 
4) Do stretches in the morning when you wake up. Loosen up your body and improve your flexibility while your at it. Just a few stretches, a couple minutes, very easy.
5) Make your bed when you wake up. A great way to start your day off right and just makes your room appear neater.
6) Reserve about a half hour to an hour before your planned bed time to destress. Stretch yourself, put on some music, dim the lights, etc. Get yourself in the mindset to sleep. Improve your quality of sleep to improve your overall health.
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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( not mine )
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
i literally just want to be hot so i can become an instagram influencer and never have to work again for money lol. the american dream
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
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I felt that
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atriaxsortis · 4 years
it’s so crazy how fucked my mind is rn. i literally ate guilt free from monday - thursday and now, because i feel guilty for doing that, i’m fasting from friday until monday.
let me say that again.
i ate like a normal human and i’m starving myself to ‘make up for it’. so i understand that what i’m doing is wrong and that there’s no need to punish myself for it, but i’m doing it anyway. and the most toxic thing of all is that even though i know what i’m doing is wrong, there’s still a small voice telling me “this is okay, this will cleanse you of all that food you’ve eaten, you’ll be clean and healthy afterwards.” no. what’s really going to happen is i’m going to force myself to workout at least once during these 3 days of fasting, drink at least 3+ litres of water, shut myself in my room all day, my body dysmorphia will be at an all time high and i’ll probably have at least 3 mental breakdowns all while the little voice at the back of my head says “this is good for you, you’re doing so well, this is okay, this is so healthy for you.”
no the fuck it is not. 
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