What is confusing you?
But does anyone actually know how to play minesweeper
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Family problems
Turning up to a family gathering… Nan: *pokes my stomach* Ooh still growing I see. Me: Thanks nan. Nan: You know, you just need to walk and that weight will fall right off. Me (the non driver): Yeah, ok thanks. Nan: Just walk places instead of taking the car. Honestly if you just try you'll lose it easy. Me: Yeah ok nan, whatever you say. -An hour later- Nan: I was just telling everyone about how you've put on loads of weight. Me: *mutters* oh good. -Another hour passes- Nan: Hey, come and have some food. Me: No thanks nan, I'm not hungry. Nan: You must eat, you don't want to be hungry. Me: I ate before I came, honestly I'm fine. Nan: Look we have bread and quiche, or there's some pizza. Salad? Come on have a look. There's cakes. Me: Nan, I'll be ok. Nan: You have to eat. Here let me fix you a plate. Me: Nan, I ate like 2 hours ago! Nan: * hands me a huge plate overflowing with food* Here you go. Eat up. You need to eat.
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The T-TEAM turn up almost instantly and flog you until you learn to drink correctly, my dear.
I wonder what will happen if I don’t drink my tea right in England
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People always talk about how difficult minesweeper is and how no one actually knows how to play. I’m confused. Like seriously, what don’t you get? I genuinely want to know what part is confusing people.
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I seriously cannot be the only person who closes their mouth when applying mascara, can I?!
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When your day starts like this, you just know you’re in for a tough day :(
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Why the hell is my future self having a random memory of me sitting on the toilet?
Your future self is watching you right now through memories.
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