The Term “Dan Girls” Is stupid
I was watching some Dan Howell videos again, and I came across that whole “Adrian Howell” thing (I know that we don’t talk about it) But I just wanted to point out once again that this is probably in the top 3 reasons of “Why Dan doesn’t talk about his personal life much anymore with the Phandom” because a lot of the phandom and the fucking “Dan girls” feel the need to stalk them and get into their personal life and ruin everything. I know that we all love dan and care about him, along with phil, but they literally won’t tell us anything anymore if this is still an issues. They could have girlfriends right now and we wouldn’t even know because they don’t want us attacking their girlfriends like some of us simply did with his brother. Somebody that he is fucking related too. But no, the phandom feels as if they can disregard that and it’s not important. It is important and I know that this all happened a long time ago, but reading about it and hearing about it again just really pisses me off. The 12 and 13 year old girls in this phandom are making us look so bad sometimes and it’s not always them sadly. It can even be 19 years olds who are in love with them and feel the need to invade privacy. I’m not quite sure how often that one is relevant, but it can happen and I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. 2017 should be a good year. phan shippers, tone it down would you? I’ve kinda been noticing dans 2012 pattern repeating itself and it’s kinda scaring me because that it the last thing dan needs right now and none of us want that. He barely posts anymore and the phandom is growing at a rapid pace once again. That hashtag #Weloveyoudanandphil should spread tbh because they need to know how much we love and care about them. They are everything to us and we can’t let our selfish side get the best of us. It ruins it for everyone in the phandom.
Thank you, that’s all I wanted to say. Sorry it’s 2 am and my mind sinks into this deep dark hole where I actually think about life and every decision I have ever made. Love you all <3
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Phil Lester
So, two months ago I was sad, very sad. I hadn’t cut myself in three years, more or less, and was about to do it, that was a fucking bad day, but my computer was over my bed, I left it there before I went to school with a video playing, an AmazingPhil video, and sitting there one thought cross my mind, if he could do it, why can’t I? He is my inspiration and I would really appreciate that #GetPhilTo4Mil become real for Phil’s birthday. I know that this is not only me, we are lots of people who phil has helped through all these years. Spread the world phandom!
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#danisnotonfire #DanHowell #philisnotonfire #philisnotonfire8 #pinof #pinof8 #catwhiskers #cateyes #sharpie #makeup #girlstruggles
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