audacity-juice · 2 years
Im drawing again! Yaay!! These are just some D&D characters!
The bottom two are from a recent campaign. Gloriosa and Daridella ❤️❤️
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audacity-juice · 3 years
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poses/model sketch by @audacity-juice I just added the Great Negotiator™ and the angry Zabrak
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audacity-juice · 3 years
This is okay enough for Tumblr I guess.
I drew my oc Marilyn Young. I gave her a 1930s vibe.
Trying to practice drawing more again lolol.
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audacity-juice · 3 years
Ooo!! I finished my oriel pic!!!
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audacity-juice · 3 years
I hate coloring. I just do. I'm bad at it, but I'm having such a chill time with this so I wanted to share my progress ❤️
I'm drawing my oc oriel who's a ballet dancer.
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audacity-juice · 3 years
Tumblr appropriate sexy Hondo ohnaka ;)
Nsfw version here
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audacity-juice · 3 years
Very excited to show fellow Hondo ohnaka fans a very yummy digital sketch I did tonight.
Hopefully I'll have it up by tomorrow ❤️❤️
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audacity-juice · 3 years
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Teen angst Runt my sweet boy. I really want to develop his character more.
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audacity-juice · 3 years
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My oc Cinna in bobas old flight suit! ❤️❤️
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audacity-juice · 3 years
Maul x gn reader
He had been too engrossed in his work to notice them even enter the office. Its large stained glass windows now showed a distorted view of the setting moon. His lip twitched in irritation scoffing as he set down his holopad and leaned back in his chair resting his chin in one of his hands as the other mindlessly reached down to lightly scratch at their scalp which he found perched in his lap. He blinked at them in surprise, his body going rigid for a moment before he relaxed. His lips. He could feel his irritation slowly melt away as he looked over their sleeping features, a comfort he always silently treasured. He was almost disappointed when they started to stir. Sitting back and stretching their stiff shoulders and back before looking up at him, a silent question in their tired half awake gaze. “I still have much work to do.” He said, his voice a low gentle growl, as he caressed their face. He didn’t bother to ask if they would wait for him in bed. Being alone made them feel somewhat anxious and he would never dare admit it, but it made him feel anxious as well.
They patted his leg wordlessly telling him not to worry, as they shifted back into place. His lip twitched into a small brief smile and he gave a sigh before picking back up his holopad.
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audacity-juice · 3 years
5 sentence NSFW ficlet: Maul x reader
“MMM” He hummed in appreciation, his gloved hand ran over the expanse of your inner thigh, followed shortly by his mouth, teeth scraping your skin, as his fiery eyes drank in the sight of you bound and slick from his light touch. He reveled in the needy whimper that escaped from your throat, as you bucked your hips into nothing, only making his smirk grow wider. His fingers glided lightly over your folds dipping slightly inside only to gather your slick on the tips of his fingers, before pulling away to watch them gleam in the dimly lit room. “What a pretty sight” He chuckled darkly.
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audacity-juice · 3 years
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A funny random idea I had for a Jedi. What silly things would you use your lightsaber for?
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audacity-juice · 3 years
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I may redraw this one day, but for now enjoy mer! Kit Fisto <3 from my mermaul au!
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audacity-juice · 3 years
I wish I could scan my art, I'm sure my sketches would look a lot more professional lol
Some day ❤️❤️
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audacity-juice · 3 years
Just a gesture drawing for today! I used this pose I have been using senshistock for years <3
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audacity-juice · 3 years
For sure! Here's a link!
Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️Runt is absolutely one of my favorite child characters I ever made. I wanted maul to see parallels between himself and runt I guess as a way to rexperience his own trauma.
I've only written one chapter so far but I really want to write more!
Anyway! Again thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
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some more art from an x reader fic I have done! Maul finds a new little apprentice named Runt that seems attached at the hip to dear reader. He has to learn to co parent or risk losing a very powerful apprentice.
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audacity-juice · 3 years
Reconnect: Chapter 1
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He never thought he would see her again, much less in a place like this. In his world which, from the look of it, she seemed to be thriving in. A part of him always regretted abandoning her on that uncharted planet, alone. He could still remember the look on her face as she watched him power up his ship. Disappointment, betrayal, and the deep sorrow of loss filled her eyes, though her body stood strong. Her arms folded and face neutral. He thought about stopping, about turning back and explaining himself, but he knew that this was all for the best.
She wore a long sequined backless black dress with a gold detailed pattern that covered the entirety of the dress. Her hair, a midnight black, twisted back and fell elegantly over her round shoulders in thick full ringlets. Her skin was dotted with fading freckles like stars under her dark eyes which narrowed in amusement, a challenging smirk played at her lips as she spoke, angering the man in front of her. His lips pressed together making a displeased thin line. He never thought he would see her again, much less in a place like this. In his world which, from the look of it, she seemed to be thriving in. A part of him always regretted abandoning her on that uncharted planet, alone. He could still remember the look on her face as she watched him power up his ship. Disappointment, betrayal, and the deep sorrow of loss filled her eyes, though her body stood strong. Her arms folded and face neutral. He thought about stopping, about turning back and explaining himself, but he knew that this was all for the best. He was an entity made to bring misery and destruction to himself and everyone around him. His mind faltered a bit at the thought of his brother on Mandalore, Eldra whose kyber crystal he still held, and many others after her. He had hoped to spare her from the same fate, but it seems the force enjoyed making him suffer. He was drawn from his thoughts when his subordinate, one of the lesser territory leaders, grabbed hold of her jaw, whispering a threat into her ear, his fingers digging into her delicate skin. His fingers flexed, his eyes trained on the pair, but he did not move. Instead he watched as the woman whose smirk did not falter looked the man in the eye, responding softly before removing his hand and causing him to turn tail in an offended manner, migrating to another small group of leaders. She smiled in amusement before turning back to the bar and ordering herself another round. He took this time to move quietly through the room, to the bar where she sat. He could feel the prying eyes of the party look upon them in both surprise and fear, but they did not dare interfere. He loomed beside the woman, his shadow looming over her due to the harsh lighting. “Lady Estelle”, He greeted his voice low and stern avoiding any sign that they were at all familiar with each other. She turned looking unsurprised to see him. Of course, this was his party after all it would be strange if he wasn’t present to oversee the event. “Lord Maul” She greeted pleasantly, but he could sense the slight hiss in her voice. Anger crackled through the force, as she stared at him cooly. Had he really expected anything different after what he had done? “A pleasure to see you again, though I sense that the feeling may not be mutual” He mused. “No, it’s certainly not.” She said boldly “But it seems you have some business with me?” She said rising from the barstool, abandoning her freshly made drink and smoothing out her gown. He nodded, offering her his arm politely before leading her away from the party to a private room he kept usually for private meetings. The room was dim, the only light coming from the setting sun beyond the large viewport that covered one of the walls, allowing you to look out over the crashing waves of the nearby ocean. Maul escorted her into the room, before closing the door. She took the opportunity to make her way over to the wet bar located on the opposite side of the room beyond his desk as she poured herself a drink. Maul scowled slightly, but he said nothing of her rudeness and instead folded his arms behind him. “You're more resourceful than I first thought.” He began watching her as she poured a glass and gave a slight hum. “How did you find yourself in my company yet again?” She scowled slightly at the question “All this time, and that's what you have to say?” She scoffed, moving one of her thick banded gold bracelets to show his syndicate symbol burned into her skin. “I’m not here by choice.” She spat “ You think I am a threat to your operations, I assume.” She said. He took her wrist in his hand,
his scowl softening as he ran his fingers over the scar tissue, a deep pang of guilt shooting through his conscience. She didn’t pull away, letting him fester in his thoughts, as she took a long drink and watched the last flecks of sun dipped below the steady waves. “I know you are angry with me, but please try to understand, I was showing you mercy” Her head turned sharply towards him, her fiery gaze pinning him where he stood “Mercy?” She wrenched her arm away from him “ mercy” She repeated incredulously “You abandoned me maul.” Tears sprang to her eyes but she refused to let them fall. “ The galaxy is in ruin, everything that I worked for is gone, my family is dead, the planet I called home all those years I can never return to.” She spat “and the one person that I dared to care for after 13 years used me and discarded me like a tool.” His face hardened “I could have just as easily killed you” He said looming over her slightly , but she did not shrink back like the rest might, a quality he had found admirable at first, now only serving as a minor annoyance “But you were a great asset to me, and continue to be a great asset to my empire.” Her face did not fall. “I only needed to ensure that you were not planning on making a mess of things and that you understood the consequences you would face should you ever step out of line.” “Don’t you threaten me Maul” She spat his name like poison “ I don’t have anything to lose and I am the only one keeping the borders of your precious territories standing!” she said “ Betray you HAH, a better revenge would be becoming so integral to the structure of your empire that cutting me down will be like slitting your own throat.” “Good, good” He said “Then there's nothing more to discuss. Get out” He ordered sharply His voice lowering dangerously. She turned up her nose at him indignantly. Making her way out of the room she gave a pause daring to look back. “I know you maul.” She said watching as he leaned his fist on the viewport visibly seething “Just remember that” She said before disappearing behind a closed door. Mauls cup shattered in his hands There was a shriek of metal on metal as the furniture was shoved to the sides and glass shelves collapsed from the sheer weight of his rage. The light fixture crackling and sparking.
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