audramh · 21 days
If there's one post of mine that merits making the rounds again, I still believe it is this one.
Applied Lip Reading: 5x01
I love lip reading. I owe my interest in it to my late mother, who took American Sign Language classes in the mid 80s. Just for fun. I remember her practicing all the time, even signing to TV shows with the sound on mute: lip reading.
I was maybe 13 when I realized I could do it, too: take context into account when you can, filter out distractions, and listen... to the lip movements. Do it enough, and you'll hear individual words, the syllables that form them, and even the breaks between.
Recently, the gif below* has come up via DM.
Sam says... something:
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First guess in the discussion was: "I need you."
Say them while Sam's lips are moving. They don't line up. The first and last words are right, but there are more syllables in between them than just one.
Second guess was: "I need to kiss you."
Same as the first time, say the words with Sam's lips. I think it's a closer fit: the number of syllables is correct. But is he really saying "need to"?
To make an "n", the tip of the tongue has to make contact with the roof of the mouth. His mouth is pretty much wide open; we'd see that.
Third and final guess: "I gotta kiss you."
That's it! I...gotta...kiss...you. Try it: your lower jaw will dip slightly at "gotta", exactly when his does.
🚨 Sam to Cait: "I gotta kiss you." 🚨
Here's what I think happened: there are several shots of this scene where they are holding their mouths open, likely the director's choice. Drama, passion, connectedness, yada yada yada. 🙄 Yeah. It's season 5. We. Get. It.
They likely shot it over and over, mouths open... and at some point, it became too much for Sam. Inertia? Maybe. Jaw ache? Could be. Or it just might be the plea of a man (in a Jamie Fraser wig) to his real-life love (in a Claire Fraser wig) during an intimate scene that was driving him a little bit mad with desire.
Whatever it is, enjoy it. He. Said. That.
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"I gotta kiss you."
*Credit to the gif maker: I tried to find your name in an exhaustive search, but failed. I'm so sorry.
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audramh · 1 month
Anon is DELULU 😵‍💫🤪🥴. One day, she'll have to confront it... bless her heart.
Lauren Lyle doesn't have crazy shippers trashing her and her boyfriend, hiring private investigators to prove she and he aren't actually together or creating fiction about her and her co-star Cesar. Plus, not every celebrity is into promoting and sharing their private lives on line with million of strangers. And in spite of all the garbage shippers thrown Cait's way for 10 years, she's managed to be with Tony, who she married and had a child with. By the end of 2024 OL will be just a memory. She will finally leave it behind and rarely see Sam who will continue on the same path making B movies and shilling his booze to whatever is left of OL mommies.
First of all: we are coming from an Easter holiday, I don't know if you celebrate it in a religious sense, but we usually leave these holidays lighter and happier, so why so much bitterness? Second: why are you hurting yourself by reading shippers' blogs, where you will find opinions contrary to yours, which will make you angry and cause you suffering? Now to answer: no one can take away from Lauren and Cesar the merit of having been light and open from the beginning. And this has always been easy for them because they have nothing to hide. Nobody ships them, because from the beginning the friendship between them is something that can be seen, in fact. From the beginning they post photos together with their respective partners, from the beginning they don't create mysteries when they meet. Everything we see from the two (and from anyone who has social media) is what they want to show us and Cesar and Lauren have shown us all these years how spontaneous they are. They just act like normal friends who have nothing to hide. About Stalkers you forgot to mention the fans who travel (and even move) to Glasgow to try to meet and get a glimpse of C's home life (unsuccessfully). He also forgot to mention the fan who went to an awards show and screamed T's name as if he were a celebrity, making him practically run away from the venue in mortification. Well, these people are not shippers, you don't have to complain about them here on my blog. And about celebrities and social media: anyone who really doesn't want people/fans to know anything about their life acts like Tobias Menzies. You don't know what his garden looks like, his dishes, his sheets, the walls of his house, his relatives, where he was possibly last week, not even the last female friendship he made, simply because he doesn't post anything of this and doesn't even talk about it in interviews. Posting about personal life and then complaining about privacy is contradictory to say the least. And lastly: based on your bitterness and the fact that you try to read things that hurt you: have you ever thought about going to therapy? I know you'll take this as an insult, but I'm serious. Sometimes destructive behaviors are in small nuances of our lives and we don't realize it.
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audramh · 3 months
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This sister does NOT want to be tagged in pictures of her actor brother's love scenes. Think about that for a second. #brothersister #siblings , thebursin and melisbursin Those two are REAL brother and sister and are repulsed at the thought of anything sexy about each other.
And there are these two who pretend they are not married because they are so good at ACTing. 👇
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I wonder if this "brother and sister" couple 👆🏼 get tired of pretending to have sex on film?
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.... like this? 👇
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You could see after working like this for 7 years together how they would become as close as brother and sister. 
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Does it turn their stomachs to act out or rewatch those scenes? Or does it turn them on? 
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Caitríona wants to take this stallion for a ride!
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It's time for story time with the Heughans. The truth this time. Not all of us are simpletons.
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audramh · 5 months
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We've lost our family.
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audramh · 9 months
My gay husband (whom I've had in my life for 31 years) and I hold hands like this. I AM NOT JOKING. We've done it when someone he's not interested looks at him. And I'm sure the clasp is the same if he was trying real hard to be MY beard.
Hold my thumb and never let it go 🦇
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audramh · 9 months
Dear Cait’s PR,
Thank you so much for the lovely picture of Cait and her husband-by-proxy from the last night. She was smiling as if she really enjoyed his support. The right hand placement? Hmmm, nice touch. Nice touch indeed.
The picture does finally add credibility to the pretend and deeply secret wedlock that is so secret that if it wouldn’t be for the redacted copy of the marriage certificate, nobody would believe its existence, not to mention the validity. As for the guy who plays the husband, fake-it-‘till-you-make-it method seems to be working for him. He still does look slightly uncomfortable but we can’t say we understand this particular casting choice on your part, so it is what it is. You have done it once before but we all make mistakes.
We hope he feels encouraged by the large number of brain numb people who swallowed the hand-to-hip picture with the hook. He is becoming increasingly more and more convincing with his quiet presence in the background of Cait’s pictures. His photobombing skills are gradually improving, which we greatly appreciate.
Seeing as how some of his hidden talents may still remain dormant, we would like to inspire him to get out of his comfort zone and try - slowly, step-by-step - show a sign of public affection. Any sign will do. He can start with a full smile. Simple, easy to remember.
Next he could explore pulling his wife closer to his crotch - just like Sam does it. Or used to. Well, anyway. He doesn’t need to be afraid, if he feels insecure or doesn’t know what to do. Cait has plenty of practice with her costar brother so please assure him that she can help him navigate in the unfamiliar waters.
Later, he can add other elements of DPA such as gently taking 4 of Cait’s hair away from her face or share a dessert or a beverage with her in public. Using only a single piece of cutlery or a glass/cup is essential. Nobody will find it suspicious. If he, however, finds this progress too abrupt or assesses the suggested steps as too advanced, consider holding the door of a car or a building/room. Alternatively, holding a purse will not require extra effort and may be received as a sign of gallantry.
Thank you again for your continuous attention to our modest requests in our posts and comments. We feel terribly humbled and flattered in equal measure.
We are very much looking forward to all future public appearances of the happy couple.
Yours sincerely,
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audramh · 9 months
Holy crap, this is amazing. It's one type of "fan" that makes me tired of this fandom and keeps me at arm's length. THEY ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST.
Just so stories: Specialization
Let's imagine this fandom as a shopping arcade, where one can find, in no particular order: the cheesemonger, the tearoom, the haberdasher, the baker, the milliner - sky is the limit, really.
In fandom terms, that would roughly translate like that, perhaps:
I draw sketches. I post gifs. I post quotes.
I write fanfic.
I gently monitor the socials.
I am endlessly inspired by, and wittily comment on, The Books.
I post a bit of anything and everything that catches my eye, but try to keep it intelligent, interesting and light.
I mainly reblog, but have a couple of very good friends I always chat with, if I have a bit of spare time.
I rarely post nowadays, but usually substantially weigh in when I do so.
I am here for The Love and have no problem celebrating it as I see fit.
I insult completely unknown people in perpetuity.
I often post baseless innuendos for shits, giggles and clicks.
I consistently bitch on cast. Or leads. Or male lead, to be honest.
It's all about my fetish. Sources on top.
I am only here for the Anon snooping and hate posting. Go me (and my 4567 sock accounts)!
I debunk at length, but somehow fail to consistently prove anything.
I draw timelines.
As for all shops this side of the galaxy, some see long lines in front of their doors and others are deserted.
It's nothing personal: it's called competition.
Fair's fair.
Next time you spew hate or victimize yourself at length, think about your 3 likes/notes (or 15... or 26...) vs. the consistent double, even triple digits scores on other pages.
Surely they do something very different and dare I say, it works for them?
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audramh · 11 months
Did you catch this gem from Jon Bell , S+C we’re already in bed when he popped in to check how they were doing 😉
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audramh · 11 months
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audramh · 1 year
RB. These two are so in sync.
One of my favorite parts of the panel. And I don't even know what they're saying lol. I just love when these two are so giggly with each other, in their own bubble 😂🥰
It was so fun seeing the chaos of this cast in person!!
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audramh · 1 year
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sam & caitríona + watching their screen test
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audramh · 1 year
Anon curious...
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audramh · 2 years
Holy crap. It's been a while, but that just made me feel things. 😳
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audramh · 2 years
Fandome in 4 pictures
Shippers: Those heart eyes, that chemistry, nothing has changed between them in the last 9 years.
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SC haters: They are so uncomfortable with each other, they have nothing more to say to each other and nothing more in common.
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Sam stans: Sam is so hot, the fulfillment of all my dreams. Without him OL would never be so successful. It's about time he gets the same critical acclaim as Cait.
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Cait stans: She‘s so wonderful, OL would be nothing without her. But now it‘s time to move on to new, more sucessful HW movies
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audramh · 2 years
If you don't hear it, block me.
@odessa-2 not sure if I’m late but I think you were looking for the video? couldn’t add it to your post (sorry not a tumblr expect) hope it helps! 🤍
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audramh · 2 years
“Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.”
Pam Leo
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audramh · 2 years
😍 Spot the difference? 🤪
When one vision on screen…
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reminds you of another off screen…
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🧐All believers can see there is No ACTing involved.🤪🤫
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(JMHO ) 😍
Thanks to gif makers named and unnamed.
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