audreyoftheroses · 4 years
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Wendigo Swapfell Papyrus, coddled and spoiled by his Sans, who glued antlers to his head because he wanted him to look more intimidating.
I like 'em a lot lmao
Supposed to just be put on Twitter, but it got some decent attention, so here it is for the tumblr too-
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audreyoftheroses · 4 years
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Fell Sans - Designed in accordance to how I cosplay him.
I think it's really cute, so I think I'm gonna keep this little design unique to me down here lol
Gotta keep them layers to stay warm in the harsh Snowdin winters (even though he's wearing shorts???)
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audreyoftheroses · 4 years
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Edge doesn't land, he crashes. He thinks it looks cool and he looks all big and buff and strong when he walks out of the brush all fine and tall... But sometimes he can't walk out of the brush because he crashed on his legs wrong and thus broke them.
Blue is not appreciative of Edge's nasty habit. He doesn't like being confined to the nest healing his mate, so he runs to and fro, between the beach where Dream lives and sells his herbs, to the cabin where Alphys the dragonborn lives with his mermaid wife, constantly trying to impress her so that he can go out and steal from the human villages for shiny things more often. Then he runs back around to Edge to heal him, and sleep at night, and then the cycle continues.
Does Edge enjoy this set-up? No, not at all. Is he willing to learn to land much softer? Yes. But is he too shy to ask because he's worried about being weak and potentially running Blue off? Yep.
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audreyoftheroses · 4 years
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audreyoftheroses · 4 years
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It's lust sans with some heavily implied Lustberry, because yeah lmao
I don't know what posessed me, I guess I just thought Lust being in blueberry-print was a good idea? 😂
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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A doodle of the harpies I drew a while ago ❤
Slim catches the snakes, Black skins the scales amd decorates the den, then they eat it. Multipurpose snake corpses lol
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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This has zero reason to take as long as it did to draw. Yay, fontcest for my sinful soul ❤❤Also, experimental lineless ppractice don't judge me too hard haha
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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Ah, yes, harpies. Skeleton harpies. A dream 🙌🏻
So like... I only put color into the thought of the birds I drew the babes after, but... I did in fact, put thought into Slim being a Secretary Bird And Edge being an angry canadian goose. Slim: tall baby, long legs. He hunts snakes and brings them as offering to Black because he's a considerate boy. Edge is... Well, Edge. Angry man.
I'll probably give them their own uinique quirks soepcific to their bird types. I've already thought of Edge honking when he's agrivated.
I'll add to them later, I really like the idea, lol
I'll probably make an entire thing of side notes also, just gotta get around to it haa
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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Anybody ask for terrible watercolor on a cute pic of cuddling skellies? Just the cuddling skeleton part? Sweet, me too, but I'm terrible at watercolors so this will just have to do for now :D I tried, I really did, but hecc. At least it's still kinda cute haha Kustard for the soul.
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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This is just to put here in case anyone is interested in commissioning me. Please DM me on Instagram or Twitter, as I have no idea about Tumblr's messaging system (if it has one? I'm sorry I'm new at this)
I don't necessarily need money right now, I'm a high school student, but having my own money and not having to ask my parents for money would be nice.
This is my first commission call, I've done it once before on my two instagram accs, but I didn't get anyone, so here's to hoping lol anyway, please bear with me, I'm incredibly sorry if I mess up with something.
My watermark MUST be present if you wish to share my artwork, but feel free to ask me to remove or add it. I will warn you however, a stolen piece will result in public callout.
Please don't ghost me, if I don't have a direct answer within 24 hours, your commission will be called off.
Pay me before I work. I do not wish to work only for money to be stolen out from under me from a ghost. Of course, during the drawing process (and once I'm finished I'll let you know, but until that point in the process) you can request a refund, but after that, no.
Suggestive content is: Content that only suggests nsfw happenings, not outright showing it.
I do draw most ships, but I will NOT draw pedophilia. No way in hell.
Gore rulings: Torture is off limits, anything considered a prolonged happening of pain for the one-sided enjoyment of an another character, is off limits. Though, if you would like to plead a case, feel free, I can be leniant.
No fetishes. No vore, guro, feet, none o' that.
Reference poses are appreciated, but not required.
Paypal only, or if it's a sketch, my Ko-Fi is a fine place to pay.
Please for the love of god, don't try to widdle down my prices.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask or DM me :)
I have extra tidbits of random information if you're interested in them, on my instagram page.
Instagram: Wheezing_Corgi (personal) or Skelly_Corgi (Undertale acc) either one works
Twitter: CorgiSkeleton (An Operatic Skeleton)
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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I put antlers on Swapfell(?) Papyrus and called him "Wendigo Papyrus" for short. Is that okay? I'm sorry I'm just a tiny creacher with wierd ideas, it spawned from a failed fanfic 😣 Oh the terrifying things I've sketched with this baby
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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Fell Pap with cats makes me s o f t
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audreyoftheroses · 5 years
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Ayy first post*finger guns* I have zero clue what I'm doing 😂 I'm catching tumblr on the tail-end of it's possible death so don't mind me Swapfell? Fellswap? I'm just calling these two swapfell until I'm corrected :D
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