audreypparker · 9 years
Audrey watched Rose leave hoping that Duke will show her around the town! However first she needed to figure out what she was going to do about these choices that she apparently had to make sure was the right ones. She spoke her head and just continued on the latest case that she and Nathan had.
Duke was leaning up against his car not really wanting to be there. He had things to do, people to see. If it wasn't for that damn blonde and her cuteness. He looked over at the woman he was suppose to be taking out around the town and heard her introduce herself to him.
"Yes I am Duke. Duke Crocker. Just so we can get this over with, what in Haven have you seen so far besides the police station?" He didn't mean to come off rude but he needed to do this fast.
Not Alone || audreypparker
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audreypparker · 9 years
I need more people to role play with lol
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audreypparker · 9 years
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Get to know me meme:  favourite female characters [1/?] » Audrey Parker [Haven]
↳ “Okay, you know what, I admit it. This weird stuff, it kind of does turn me on.”
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audreypparker · 9 years
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It’s definitely not like every town | Haven rewatch project - 1x12
So you’re saying we’re not gonna find any answers? I think you won’t like the ones you find.
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audreypparker · 9 years
Audrey was speechless. Not much did that anymore. "Well uh, um. Honestly, not sure what to say to that but thanks for sharing." Audrey rubbed her neck awkwardly and turned back and walked back to her desk and grabbed her phone.
Nathan got up and walked over next to Rose. "Well, seems as though you have made the famous 'can't keep my mouth shut' Audrey Parker speechless." Nathan laughed and then looked over at Rose, "I think I am going to like you Rose Tyler." Nathan walked out and went to go talk to the rookie cops about a precious case, shutting the door behind him, leaving Rose and Audrey alone.
"Ha, ya know, that man is an awesome, kick ass officer. However, I hate it when he his right. Makes his ego grow and A Wuronos with a big head and ego is an annoying one." Audrey grabbed her phone once she heard that a text came through. From Duke.
"I am here. This better be worth it." The text said.
"Well looks like your ride is here." Audrey grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down her cell then handed it to Rose. "Contact me when you're ready to, in a lack of a better term, follow me."
Not Alone || audreypparker
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audreypparker · 9 years
"Duke come on, just this once. To make it better, she's a pretty blonde herself and she needs help! Please Duke, for me?" Audrey asked
Duke rolled his eyes and breathed a sigh on the phone, "Fine Audrey but you owe me one." Duke told him. Duke continued to speak but Audrey tuned him out as she looked over and noticed that Rose was now next to Nathan, whispering to each other.
Nathan looked at Rose and then he looked down at his desk. "Duke is trouble. No matter the situation, no matter if it's minor or not, Duke finds a way to screw it up and get someone hurt. It's who he is." Nathan looked at Audrey who had brought her attention back to Duke on the phone. "It's who he will always be."
"Thank you Duke. Can you come by and pick her up? I promise you will like her. Maybe not at first but you will." Audrey said.
" I better. Remember, you owe me one." Duke repeated.
"Of course Duke. Bye" and with that, Audrey hung up and walked over to Nathan's desk. "Okay well, Duke will be here soon. So besides what you have already told me with the whole time thing, and creatures stuff, tell us about yourself."
Not Alone || audreypparker
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audreypparker · 9 years
I need more RP people
I am only role playing with one person and am finding that I'm quite enjoying it however I'm still pretty new at this and want to learn. But I need tips and people to help! If you are a Haven RP blog and would like to RP with me, please don't hesitate to contact me! :)
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audreypparker · 9 years
So I recently hit 700 followers which is amazing, I can’t believe it, and I’m nearly at 200 on Laurel so again I’m just in complete awe so I’m going to do a give away, and probably a bias list today before I start replies because I love doing those things! I’ve had this blog for 4 months and already 700 of you? Not to mention I’ve made some amazing friends that just brighten my day daily. This is an icon giveaway. It will end June 1st 10:00 PM MST 
1st place - 100 icons of a fc of their choice.
2nd place - 50 icons of a fc of their choice.
3rd place - 25 icons of a fc of their choice.
must be following me; don’t unfollow after you’ll lose your prize
reblogs only; reblog as many times as you want.
must be an rp blog 
i prefer to make the icons my way as i’m no pro; i’ve developed something that works for me; but i can alter it a bit like if you don’t want a boarder or something. 
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audreypparker · 9 years
Audrey was shocked and although she would never admit it out loud, impressed. No one has ever told her how it was and so she liked this woman for it. Everyone in this town is either too nice or too quiet so it was pleasantly relaxing to have someone who wasn't afraid to say how it is. Audrey smiled at Rose, this time genuine and looked over at Nathan who had the goofiest grin on his face. Sometimes she wishes she could smack that grin off his face.
"Alright well Ms. Tyler, there is a small bed and breakfast not too far from here that is weirdly inexpensive for guests who stay a while. Officer Wuornos can take you there soon. As for that tour...I think I know just the person." Audrey smiled as she picked up her office phone and dialed the persons phone number she was referring to.
Nathan went from laughing to serious as he watched Audrey wait for the person to pick up. "Oh you can not be serious? He is not going to help. Law enforcement is somewhat involved and you know how much he hates helping." Nathan reminded her.
Audrey looked over at Nathan and said, "Oh come on. You and I both know he wouldn't want some strange pretty woman wondering the streets without a clue. He will help." Audrey told him. Nathan just rolled his eyes and picked up a file. Audrey giggled to herself. It may not be a literal smack to the face but it sure did the trick.
Audrey sat up straighter as the man on the other end finally answered, "Officer Audrey Parker. Now what on earth could you be calling me for at such a strange hour?" Audrey just shook her head.
"Duke it's nearly one in the afternoon, not that strange to get a call." Audrey looked up at the woman in front of her and smiled as she said, "I need a favor."
Not Alone || audreypparker
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audreypparker · 9 years
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Audrey slowly turned her head away from the woman in front of her and glanced at Nathan who was trying to hold in his laughter.
"Oh come on! I have been in Haven long enough to know there will be things that will shake me up a bit but that does not mean I need a watcher..."
"I believe the term was, fairy godmother." Nathan interrupted. With that, Audrey glared at Nathan and threw her pin at him which he caught.
"Okay, Ms. Tyler." Audrey smiled the most smartass smile she could muster and continued, "With all due respect. I am not sure I need someone watching me. I am a former FBI agent. So I know how to handle weird situations. Much appreciated but I do not think we will be needing you."
"Hey, she is not here for me." Nathan corrected.
Audrey blew out a breath and looked down at her desk and then slowly looked back up at rose. "I...won't be needing you."
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audreypparker · 9 years
Audrey was taken back by the answer. She hasn't needed anyone to basically be her follower since, well since ever.
"I'm sorry what?! So basically you will be following my every move until you know I've made the right choice? Oh you have got to be kidding me."
As soon as Audrey said that, her partner, Nathan Wuornos, walked through the door. He looked in between the mysterious woman and Audrey and just cocked an eyebrow and walked over to his desk, sitting in his chair. "What I miss?" Nathan asked.
"We'll just Ms...we'll I never got her name. But Ms. Blonde chick here basically just told me that she will be following me for the next few weeks."
"So like your watcher?"
"Basically yeah." Audrey blew out a breath and slumped in her chair. She didn't want to push her away. But she already has Nathan watching her every move now she has a stranger also doing it. Just to make sure she makes the right choice. What in the sam hell is she to do?
Not Alone || audreypparker
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audreypparker · 9 years
Audrey looked at this woman with squinted eyes. She has been in Haven for a bit to know that people are special in this town. Troubled is the word for it and this woman is either that or as she said, a 'nutter'.
"Uh, well, what exactly do you mean by a defender of time? and what right choice?"
Audrey put her hair up in bun and placed a pencil in the middle, holding it there. She leaned on her forearms on her desk and studied the woman. She's a former FBI agent, its what she does.
Not Alone || audreypparker
As soon as she saw the woman’s face the Bad Wolf began singing in the back of her mind. Good this was where she was meant to be and she assumed who she was supposed to be talking to.
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“Well, you might think I’m a nutter when I explain this to you but I’ll give it a go. You see I’m a defender of time, if you will, and I’ve been told that something is going to happen here that, while is a flexible point in time, there are some consequences to every choice and I need to make sure that those consequences are understood so the right choice can be made."
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audreypparker · 9 years
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because i’ve been getting a lot of questions on how i make my icons, i wanted to give you guys a tutorial. though it would be easier if i recorded everything on my screen, unfortunately i’m on a school laptop and can’t download anything. but oh well, i hope you enjoy. c: if you have any other questions feel free to send me an ask.
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audreypparker · 9 years
Audrey Parker, big city FBI agent turned local small town police officer. She looked around her and her partners office and just let out a sigh. Nathan was currently working a case of the non-weird type and Audrey was typing up case files hiding the weirdness that is Haven to make sure it is kept a secret from everyone else. Sometimes she wishes she could just write it in. It would make her and Nathan's life easier. She has only been here in Haven for four months and has done more paper work here than she was doing in the FBI.
Knee deep in the current case she heard someone as for an officer then before she knew it, that person was at the door asking to talk.
"Sort of. I am Detective Audrey Parker, what do you need help with?"
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Not Alone || audreypparker
There was a point in time where Rose Tyler would walk into a new city, new environment, new world and look at it with wide, curious eyes. That girl seemed to have been a whole other life, life times away and that assumption would be accurate. She still had the Bad Wolf inside her, causing her to out live all of her loved ones. Now instead of being a defender of earth she was a defender of time. 
The latest place the Bad Wolf had brought her was Haven, Maine. Something was going on that could change time forever for this small town and she needed to let the people know just exactly what their choices meant. Rose figured the best place to start figuring out who exactly was causing trouble would be the police station. If she could talk to one of the cops, she would be able to figure out the reasoning behind her appearance in this town.
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“Hello, can I speak to the chief or a detective?” She asked the man at the front desk. He pointed her in the direction of an office. Rose read the name Audrey Parker on the desk as she knocked on the open door. “Hello, do you have a minute to talk?”
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audreypparker · 9 years
One may never know
Audrey looked at the building in front of her. “The Gray Gull”. A bar she gathered from the locals. She’s not from around here and being a small town with only two bars is quite amusing to her. Being from Boston., she’s used to the city feel. People constantly going. Sort of like New York City but a little bit smaller scale. Everyone knew everyone in the town and sometimes it was annoying. She’s only been in town a week and people pretty much knew her every move. However, if she was trying to figure things out, people would turn and look away, double standard I guess you could call it.
She blew out a breath and walked in. Pretty crowned for a small town bar. People loved their drinks I guess. She looked around at the places around her. Being an FBI agent she has leaned to be very observant and sometimes she would do the whole observing thing without realizing it. This was one of those times. She surveyed and watched as some of the locals played darts in the far corner or the semi loud conversations she could only somewhat hear from where she was standing. She walked over to one of the stools at the bar and sat down.
“Martini Please.” Audrey mumbled. She looked down and started to play with her finger nails then looked up at the person next to her. Obviously not someone she knew; not that she knew many in this town. “Hey. Is it always this crowded? Im Audrey by the way.” Audrey asked.
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