audreyroget · 22 hours
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audreyroget · 2 days
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audreyroget · 3 days
So…I see that someone (not the author) added a classic XF fic to AO3. Is this okay, are we doing this now?
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audreyroget · 5 days
@denynothing1 @alwaysaddled
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went to the library today and got this super cute tote! for free!
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audreyroget · 5 days
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audreyroget · 7 days
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the West Wing would have been even better if they'd had a White House cat. Some headcanons bc I was thinking about it today:
Jed gave the cat a very grand, biblical name. Everyone else has shortened it to something very stupid.
Obviously all of the press and the public adore the cat. There's a minor upset in a polling themed episode when Joey confirms that once again the cat has higher approval ratings than the president. Josh is cross that they are polling on this at all.
There is one chair in the Oval Office that is The Cat's Chair. The staff know not to sit there as you'll get a. covered in fur and b. screamed at by an irate cat trying to force you off. They never warn any of their least favourite congresspeople about this.
The cat wanders around in the background of episodes, often being chased or petted by the extras.
The cat is not allowed in the situation room. The cat is always in the situation room. They had to come up with a special bug detecting protocol for the cat in case anyone tried to take advantage of this.
Ripped from the headlines plot about a congressional investigation into something related to the cat, based on the incident about Clinton's cat's postage.
The cat LOVES Air Force One. The Secret Service do not love having to get him on board or captured to get back off.
Leo and the cat are best friends. They're basically this meme. Leo's the grandma. Jed is the mom.
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Aside from Leo, the cat loves the secretaries best. They always have lots of treats for him in their desks. Debbie is the only one he doesn't get on with; she has resorted to using a plant mister to spray him when he tries to get on her desk.
Josh thinks he and the cat are archenemies. The cat hasn't paid more than 2 seconds notice to Josh in his life.
CJ and the cat are archenemies. CJ was very pro-cat until she caught it fishing in Gail's bowl one day. Now she's at war to keep it out of her office. She's still trying to convince Danny to write a piece exposing the cat's dark side to its adoring public. Carol is very tired.
Sam wants so badly to be best friends with the cat. The cat thinks he's trying too hard. Will ends up exactly the same way.
Toby and the cat have never properly interacted and both are very happy to leave it that way.
The cat is supposed to stay in the residence during big events. Abbey stopped enforcing that after he got out and scratched Lord John Marbury when he picked him up against his will.
The cat has a secret service code name. One time, the code names are changed and an overenthusiatic reporter tries to break a story on the first lady's 'unusual activity' by following what he thinks is her code name. It's the cat's. CJ dines out on this for weeks.
The cat occasionally goes missing. The secretaries and Charlie have a recurring B-plot where they have to go and recover him. Somehow, the cat has always ended up somewhere relevant to the A-plot.
The cat properly goes missing after the incidents with the Thanksgiving turkeys and the goat in CJ's office (aka prime cat territory). Each time she claims she'll be nicer to the cat when it returns. Each time it lasts about two days.
Margaret thinks the cat has psychic powers and frequently provides warnings based on her interpretations of 'the signs'. Usually she's right.
The cat somehow makes off with the final edits for the state of the union one time (of course they were only handwritten on one piece of paper). Chaos ensues.
Jed tries to send the cat to Manchester partway through the series. After large-scale outcry from the staff, press and public he is returned to the White House. Unfortunately, after a couple of months as a barn cat he is even more badly behaved than before.
The cat is in both Jed and Abbey's official portraits.
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audreyroget · 9 days
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Josep Maria Armengol i Bas. La Rambla de Barcelona, 1905.
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audreyroget · 9 days
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Alex Dellow. Ballroom Dancing. Winter Gardens, Blackpool, England. 1955
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audreyroget · 10 days
Way overdue for a rewatch
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Film & TV I Think About A Lot » Much Ado About Nothing (1993) dir. Kenneth Branagh
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more. Men were deceivers ever, One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never. Then sigh notso, but let them go
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audreyroget · 11 days
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Dick’s lost-in-dirty-thoughts face.
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audreyroget · 12 days
the "new normal" couldve been respirators & rapid tests & hepa filters & universal basic income & accessibility & caring about other people.........
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audreyroget · 14 days
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The New York Times Photo Archives. The Zeppelin ZR-3 skims the tops of skyscrapers above foggy Manhattan on its way to Lakehurst, N.J. 1924
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audreyroget · 19 days
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audreyroget · 19 days
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a handy guide.
companion piece for the "it's both" crew who better make their own posts damnit
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audreyroget · 19 days
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audreyroget · 19 days
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audreyroget · 20 days
"average president is convicted of .74 felonies" factoid actualy just statistical error. average president is convicted of 0 felonies. Felonies Georg, who lives in Mar-a-Lago & was convicted of 34 felonies, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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