audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Most people don't know me for my parent or cabin, but yeah. (More known here as the girl who always cleans the kitchen, but oh well. Gods damn it.)
And you're... Nike.
Audrey Winters. Camper for a few years now. I may have seen you around camp a few times…
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Audrey Winters. Camper for a few years now. I may have seen you around camp a few times...
audreywinters liked your post: Hi, campers. I’m Pheles, your friendly cabin…
You are?
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
"Maybe if you'd just be less uptight, I wouldn't hate having to show up in my classes every time." Audrey got the arrows from Ria and rolled her eyes. She then tilted her head and smirked, mocking the other brunette's expression. The problem with me is that I hate trying, even in front of people like you who revel in the idea that you're so much better. The thought was running through Audrey's mind as she shot five bullseyes hastily again. After three more, -- she was on eight now -- a more desirous thought entered the head of Nemesis' daughter. This calls for payback.
Audrey shot two more, and then three, before stepping closer to the counselor of Cabin 1. "Seriously though. You know what you need? A little loosening up."
“Nice try.” Ria said with a raised eyebrow. She threw another quiver loaded with arrows at Audrey and said, “But you’ll have to try harder.” Ironically, Ria would’ve cut her some slack if she hadn’t requested for it. The thought of it made her laugh to herself. It made her realize that she was just as obstinate, but she showed it in quite a different way. “Maybe if you’d just show up in time for your classes, you wouldn’t have to start over.” She teased as one end of her lips curled to form a smirk.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
"I know." Audrey sighed and gauged the mock sympathy in Ria's eyes. She lowered her bow, looking tiredly at the targets. It wasn't that such a few minutes wore her down, it was more of the fact that she knew the camper was going to make her start over, and her defiant side was whispering for her not to do so anymore. Frankly, she enjoyed archery classes. She enjoyed archery. Patience was just never one of her strongest suits and neither was responsibility. "Maybe close enough for me not to start over?"
Ria was slightly surprised that she obeyed so easily. She was expecting some sort of resistance, even just the slightest, from the infamous daughter of Nemesis, but she was slightly relieved that the other girl chose not to make it harder for Ria and herself.
Ria observed carefully Audrey’s almost impeccable shooting skills. Ria would hate to admit it out loud and maybe even to herself, but Audrey’s skills were certainly laudable. One might even say that she was better than half of the class. For a second, Ria thought Audrey would make it, but just when she was down to five shots, Audrey’s hand shook a bit and her aim titled the slightest bit to the left - a fatal mistake - and missed. “Ooooh. So close.” Ria said with feint sympathy.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Certain moments that begin to sound interesting although something I particularly don't care about. Do whatever the fuck you want to. I hope you don't disappoint by involving quests, swordfights, heroes and whatnot.
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Oh, Himeros - is that how I should call you? I wasn't trying to belittle them. Also, I leave the classifying to other people. Let them (or you) classify me.
audreywinters started following you
Mm. And who said anything about messing up? Contrary to popular belief, we Erotes don’t think about sexual intercourse all the time. It’s what we do, yes, and we do it with everyone we can but we can also have our… Certain moments if we wanted to.
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Oh? And what are you classified under then, if not among those you seem to belittle.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Props for confessing, lord. Oh, if you can change my life by coercing me into one night stands and the like... Please. As if it's not that way already. I can mess up my life on my own, thank you very much. And it still won't be enough.
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Do away with the innocent ones or the goody-two-shoes though. The gods would love it.
audreywinters started following you
That is a task I find myself unable to do. Gods and goddesses deny it, but I’m pretty sure everyone knows it’s true. It’s the sad, sad truth, that we enjoy toying with your lives, they just don’t have the backbone to admit it. But once they’ve learned to accept it, they’ll feel much better. Lighter. I know I do. Besides, denial is a bitch. Hopping on to you though, you seem like one who lacks.. Excitement in her life. Bet I could change that.
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Depends, really. Sometimes we ca tell if something’ll happen to you in the near future, and observe you from the beginning to see how it goes.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Well, pardon us for our generalization of you. Name one god who does not find our lives a television series, albeit redundant and boring from your description. If you're starting to find it all boring though, why bother to interact? Truth be told, I find everyone uninteresting as well. Even myself. The world's just... the world. That's all there is to it.
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I must be so fucking lucky not to have been a hero or not to have undergone any sort of drama that might serve remotely observable in Olympus. Ha. 
audreywinters started following you
As expected. You demigods all have the same thing to say these days. And well, I can’t take all the credit for that one either. News comes here and there among gods and you can’t help but listen in; Hear about the newest hero, the newest death. The newest demigod who’s gone mad from everything. Or sometimes it’s because of something incredibly childish. Sometimes it’s so redundant it even gets boring.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
My creative opinion about you extends as far as the fact that you're a god. And the amusement demigods bring you. Wow, for once, I actually have to consent. You seem to know an awful deal about our being self-destructive. Impressive.
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audreywinters started following you
Really now? And because you seem to have a lot of creative opinions. Just wondering if you had them about me, too. Most of you demigods have interesting yet easily destroyed and fooled minds, you see. 
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Why would I think such a thing? Oh dear, if you should know anything about me, it's that I never try. I never want to. What makes you think I'd want to figure you out anyway?
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audreywinters started following you
Big girls deal with a lot of things, love. I’m not sure it’d be good for that face of yours. And of course you haven’t. Was merely wondering if you thought you have. Because trust me, better people have tried. 
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
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Guess I'd agree to the sharp tongue but not necessarily to pretty and little. I like to believe I'm a big girl now. And have I figured you out? Because if so, you're not being complicated at all.
audreywinters started following you
Ooooh. Harsh. It’s okay though.
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Is that so? Well then I guess you have me all figured out, now, haven’t you?
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
"Fine then. I'd rather do it myself than have you make me. Or have anyone make me, for this matter." The thing with Audrey is that despite her initial resistance to punishment, she always obeyed. As a form of defiance. How ironic could that be? There was a time she had to clean up the basement of the Big House for all the weekends of a whole month, and then there was another time she was tasked to feed all the pegasi for six weeks. Plus many other times. And she kept up with them simply because she could.
She heard the other girl scoff as she shot all the targets at her respective area. Ten down. Fifteen more to go. Audrey moved to the next person's place (since everyone else was on water break) and grabbed a new set of arrows. She couldn't very well distinguish her feelings but she supposed the fact that Ria was acting all arrogant and superior didn't bode well with her. She was down to the last five shots when, as she should've expected early on, the arrow missed. "Well, fuck."
“I didn’t say you said you were. I said you showed by your lack of interest to actually improve your skills, therefore we can assume that you are, in fact, better than most of us.” Ria retorted as she focused her attention back to Audrey. She could feel the other campers watching Audrey as she begrudgingly obeyed. At least she’s accepting the punishment, she thought to herself. 
Ria raised an eyebrow at the abrupt question. “Do you seriously want to know the answer to that question?” She asked, and stopped momentarily. She was surprised that Audrey even had the guts to ask about that. Just when she was starting to change her opinion of Audrey, she comes back and quickly disproves whatever theory was starting to form inside Ria’s head. “The best I could do is make you, and the worst… Well, let’s just not talk about the worst.” She said, keeping a straight face.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
My bad. Should've known about you lot and your infallible ego. (Oh, about the flirting. As if no one sees what makes demigods entertaining to you.)
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audreywinters started following you
Your life lesson only applies to you mortals and demigods, love. We gods are special. More so than your lot anyway. And whoa, now, who said anything about flirting?
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
"I don't remember ever actually saying I was good at this." Audrey raised an eyebrow but started gathering the arrows she can get her hands on, anyway. She could see how passionate Ria was about all these and she felt a pang of... jealousy? She was never passionate about anything. Or maybe she used to be but she just wasn't anymore. Either way, the determination Ria showed since the beginning of her advanced archery classes was now starting to take its toll on her. Why couldn't she just let it go? "But fine. If this will make you happy, Zeus kid."
She shot about seven bulls-eyes in a row and sighed. Why was she doing this again? Audrey decided to try her luck at infuriating Ria to the point of maybe abandoning today's class. She faced the other brunette and kept an expressionless face. "Now that I've thought of it... what happens if I don't want to go back to square one?"
Ria rolled her eyes at Audrey’s immaturity. She disliked Audrey’s insincerity and lack of concern for, if not all, most everything. But that wasn’t any of Ria’s concerns. Audrey could skip all of her classes for all Ria cared, but not on Ria’s watch.
“That sorry could’ve been just a little more believable if you actually meant it.” She snapped as she waved at the other campers, signalling for them to continue their training. “Well, since you’ve gallantly showed us that you don’t need to attend these advanced archery classes, why don’t you show us all how good you are. 25 consecutive bulls-eyes, miss one then you’re back to square one.” She said as she walked towards the other with her arms folded over her chest, as she slightly narrowed her eyes and glared at Audrey. She stopped a few inches from Audrey and turned around. “Everyone else, water break.” She announced with a smirk.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Life lesson # 1: Nobody ever is. Really.
Life lesson # 2: If that is how you flirt with demigods, you kind of suck as the god of sexual desire.
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audreywinters started following you
Ouch. And I thought I was special.
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
Now, now. Don't flatter yourself too much. It's not just you.
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audreywinters started following you
Really now? Observed that much, have you?
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
"Uh, sorry?" Audrey was meant to cough out a simple, one-worded apology but her tone made it sound more like a question. As if she wasn't certain whether she really was sorry or not. She picked up her bow and a set of arrows, settling in place before looking her fellow camper right in the eye. "Ms. Ria dela Cruz, reprimanding me for the nth time. I guess letting me go would work to your and my advantage."
She began to warm up, shot two or three dummy chests and waited for her trainer to react. She honestly hoped Ria wasn't that angry because she herself was never fond of confrontations. They were a waste of time. That doesn't necessarily mean she avoided them though. "Really, just woke up late, that's all."
Ria observed everybody in the archery range carefully, taking note of even the pettiest mistake, as she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. It’s been 30 minutes since their class started, yet there was still one unoccupied space at the rear left of the archery range.
She heard footsteps from a few feet away and she tell that everyone else had heard it as well, judging from their reaction. She stood still, and waited for the latecomer to take her place. Ria knew who it was, after all, only one student had the guts to be 30 minutes for this class, especially when Chiron put her in charge.
“Ms. Audrey Winters, late for the 5th time.” She said, maintaining her stature, as Audrey walked towards the unoccupied spot. Ria clucked her tongue. ”What should we do to you?” She asked, shaking her head in disappointment. 
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audreywinters-blog · 12 years
I suggest you maintain such energetic sarcasm. Suits you really well, if I do say so myself.
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audreywinters started following you
That makes two of us.
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