Book a talk
If you are interested in booking a talk considering Augmented Reality you have come to the right place. This is not your regular talk though, we focus on live demo’s and best practices. Further more we will dive into specific use cases, challenges and opportunities for your company when it comes to the rise of Augmented Reality. We have got an array of our own crafted demo’s to illustrate use cases specifically for you. 
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Pool of speakers
Jacob van Kokswijk is a user experience expert, with a special focus on digital interactive media, user controlled technologies, virtuality, crossmedia development and human behavior in virtual environments.
Visiting professor at the School of Business of the Yonsei University in Seoul (South Korea) , professor in "virtualisation" at the leading Medical Faculty of the University of Leuven. core lecturer at the MBA Cross Media in Utrecht (NL). Since 2008 Professor Van Kokswijk is member of the Advisory Board of the Creative Technology Programme of the Twente University in The Netherlands, and Scientific Advisor of the Games for Health Organisation. Jacob defined 2017 as a year to spread the word on practical solutions for business and consumers. http://www.kokswijk.nl/aboutjacob.htm Robert Overweg is an Artist, explorer of digital worlds and creative director at a 140 people tech company. He guides some of the most leading international companies in making the digital transformation. (Heineken, Liberty Global, Vodafone) Robert also gives lectures at companies and conferences like SXSW, MIT and Next Conference.Robert has been working with AR since 2012, he has set up two successful VR companies. Beyond Sports and Beyondcare. He knows how to find the added value in AR (and VR) and wants others to find their own added value through AR as well. 
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sources of video
All examples from the video are from individuals or corporations. (credit due where credit is due)
Navigation / Andrew Hart https://twitter.com/AndrewProjDent/status/888380207962443777
Makeup Genius https://www.mccannworldgroup.com/work/makeup-genius
Car repair / Maintenance http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7506058-hyundai-virtual-guide-app/
Houzz app https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKdS9xyj6co
Snapchat / Taco Bell https://twitter.com/tacobell/status/728393892475723776
Car shopping / Jelmer Verhoog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KOTJT6A_V0 If you want to together with us experience what AR could do for your company send us an e-mail on notyet @ mail . com 
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