august-grace-hawke · 10 years
Um, yes.
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Oh fuck. I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. I’m kinda drunk right now. I guess I should pay more attention to my surroundings, shouldn’t I?
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august-grace-hawke · 10 years
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Geez, Ari, I'm getting it annulled. It's not a big deal.
"I wish I had more weed, because I’d really like to see him punch you again..:”
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"Were you ever going to tell me?"
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
So, little sis, I heard you skipped tour again. You snooze, you lose.
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Causally, Ariel slipped August’s attacker a dimebag. “Thanks, Mike.”
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"So, big bro, I heard you got married…"
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
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Ben Barnes and Robert Sheehan talk about Killing Bono
source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QUhbPsQ_bI
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
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August! Oh my god! Did you lose a bet or something?
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
He clutches his nose. Thanks, brother.
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Woah, woah hey, break it up!
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
You read my mind, brother. Let's go.
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I could really go for a burger…
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
I vote for big hats. I need something to laugh at and maybe they'll pick you up and carry you around the bar.
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Fern tugs on his arm and guides out of the hotel, immediately scrunching her nose as she tried to remember the nearest bar. Now, if we go this way, there’s a real, live cowboy bar where I’d reckon they sing country songs in their big hats, or if we go that way, there’s a dingy little place, but the drinks might be cheaper? Your call.
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
My underage sister joined the tour and began drinking everything in sight, my schizophrenic girlfriend escaped from the hospital, and I somehow managed to get married to a girl who doesn't even like me. It's just groovy.
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Ah, you mean aside from my publicized, crumbling marriage, or the fact that all of my Ossie dresses have stains on them now?
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It’s all a bit shit anyway. How about you? Is this just a brilliant tour for you?
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
I'm all for it.
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Come on, let’s just get really, really rip-roaringly drunk, hm?
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
Alright. He hands her a glass. Besides Texas, anything getting you down?
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Jackie fuckin’ O, darling. Now pour me a glass of bubbly, will you?
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
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Of course, I could always use a night out with you, Gus. Are you feeling any better today?
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
August. You?
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Grass is child’s play, it’s coke or nothing for me. Who are you again?
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
They've got...grass. 
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A man with no teeth and a ten-gallon cowboy hat just invited me to tip cows with him - bloody hell it is ‘that bad.’
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august-grace-hawke · 11 years
I can't tell her, I have no clue where she is!
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Gus… you should probably tell her this. I don’t know, it sounds really complicated, but you can’t let this weigh you down. You’re hardly sleeping, you’re turning into a recluse, and I’m worried.
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