auntxmagica · 4 years
 Lena fall into her Aunt’s arms hugging back as tightly. “I love you too Mom.” She basically was her Mom, her sister, herself. Lena was more than she knew. But exactly what she was always meant to be.
“Don’t forget me alright?” Lena questioned giving her Aunt a small squeeze and a kiss on her cheek. A bright pink mark left as Lena’s skin took on a pink glow. Glitter and shimmer surrounding the two women.
The wind picked up swirling around the two Lena’s hair kicking up into pink strands before she completely faded into the pink light whoosing out and back in toward Magica.
Magica wept. For the first time in her life, she was at a loss for words, because she couldn’t pick any that could make justice to what she was feeling.
The woman’s hands laid there on Lena’s back as she held the girl tight. Eventually, she felt as if the solid feeling of her body began to fade, and her fingers curled in desperation, attempting to keep her as she was. But Lena faded and, in just a few seconds, it was as if she was never there.
The memory faded. All around her was, once again, the town. All was the same, and nothing was amiss. Except for her girl. Magica was left clinging only to a broken locket and drenched in tears.
Lena as she knew her was gone.
Poe cawed and perched on her shoulder. The woman looked up at her cursed brother. “It’s time,” she mumbled even in her still-flowing tears. “We need to fix you.”
And so, Magica stood up. She extended her hand, and felt the magic course along her veins. Now all she had to do was set things right and go home. Her real home.
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
“Then you have to do it when you go back. First thing you do.” There wasn’t any question in Lena’s mind about this. After all of this, watching this for the first time Lena felt like she was at peace.
“I am not a better half either. But you have fix those mistakes. And I can be who I am meant to be.” Lena held out her hand to Magica the locket in her hand. “Plus now you have to remember me and make sure to do what you can.”
For the first time in years, Magica felt her eyes welling up. Lena was determined. And she was probably right. After all, she couldn’t well leave her brother like that forever, and life would be ever different now that the girl knew the truth.
“I’m going to miss you,” the woman admitted, her voice cracking a little. “I love you,” she added, and forced Lena into a hug - the first in a very long time, as well as the last in even longer.
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
What did Lena want, she wanted to live. But the last week was difficult, she had always felt tugs to nature, to Enchantra and lately that had been amplified. Look at where they were right now.
“You know sometimes I always felt like I belonged more to the forest. Maybe that was always telling to I should be back part of the magic involved in that.” She didn’t know how that was meant to be or how that even happened. “I think you should open the locket. I exist right? Even as magic, as your magic i’m still Lena, just in another form, part of regents and what not.”
“Do you truly mean it?” Magica asked, almost incredulously. “I would... miss you around the house,” she admitted. Then, to her head, came her other sibling: Poe. Lena had to know about Poe, too, before anything happened.
“Poe isn’t a bird,” she stated. “Poe, my brother... our brother. He’s cursed. He’s not truly a familiar, but a cursed man. I was about to help him, but my selfishness got the best of me and I figured I’d do it after I returned from avenging Lena.”
The woman looked at Lena. “It was all my fault, as you can see. Would you, even then, be willing to return to be one with me? I am not our better half.”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena didn’t know what she would do in Magica’s position. But she maybe understood her a little better. The reason the locket had been tucked away. The reason people had gone magic crazy around her recently.
That could be her life now wouldn’t it.
“You’ve always wanted your magic though. We’ve always wanted to get that back to you.”
“That’s very true,” the woman admitted, still staring at the frozen image of the two from more than a decade ago.
“But that does not matter, because you are a person now. The circumstances of your birth do not matter as much as what you have achieved. I know that very well,” she said, crossing her arms. “Though perhaps we are defying nature. In truth, I’m not able to tell what is more selfish: To forcefully keep you by my side or to forcefully return the balance to what it was at the beginning. Neither sounds particularly pleasing.”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena for once didn’t have a retort, a comeback, some stupid comment either. She was left thinking about everything. She had lived a life, she made friends, was going to university. She had done all that.
“What now then? You’ll never be whole if I’m here and you’ve always wanted your magic back. And I’m well it? Aren’t I.”
“A person prone to be romantic would now say that you make me whole,” Magica admitted. She looked at her younger self, frozen in time, and took a deep breath.
“What would you do? The essence of what you are... It would live on in me, for we are very much the same. You could say you’d be literally making us whole. I don’t know if I would earn your memories or your experiences. I’m not sure of what would truly happen to us.”
She took a seat next to the girl, on the frozen ground. “I think a part of me always hoped you’d grow up to be my sister. And another one assumed you would just be a temporary vessel until such time that I came across my magic again. Yet, it turns out I feel more like a mother than a sorceress nowadays, because you are neither my sister nor a simple vessel.”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena jumped at the touch, after not being heard this entire time, not being able to be able to interact with the world she hadn’t expected anything to interact with her. She thought she would just wake up and move on. Just like every other thing.
Opening her mouth to speak Lena closed it before just sitting on the ground with a sigh. “I’m not even really a person am I?” Lena questioned looking up at her Aunt. Those stupid little tears blurring her vision.
“It depends on how you define a person,” Magica responded. Her voice was now drained of the authority and imperativeness that was so common in it. “If you strictly want to define a person by the way they were born, then I suppose you are not.”
“However,” she continued, “if you define a person by them actually living a life, then you are, by all measures, a person. You could also say you and I are the same person. You look very much like myself when I was your age, and you will probably look like me when you are mine. However, we are split, if that makes sense, and will probably not achieve our full potential.”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
There was a baby, a baby made of nothing but Magica’s magic. Lena could feel the tug of magic. Pink energy bleeding from her skin as the energy bled from the baby’s skin but unlike Lena where it tugged in different directions it swirled around the baby.
Lena could have run to her Aunt. To check on her but she had already learned she couldn’t do anything. This baby though. This baby was her wasn’t it.
Lena wasn’t even human was she? She was magic. She was nothing. She was a mistake.
Rubbing the tears that streamed down her cheeks Lena walked over to the baby moving to pick her up and her hand went right through her. Tugging more at Lena’s magic. Leaving her so utterly breathless on the ground trying to stop the tug of energy from her own heart.
But there her Aunt was reaching out for the baby the way Lena hadn’t been able to.
But Aunt wasn’t the right word was it?
Lena wasn’t a niece. Lena wasn’t human. Lena was just magic. She wasn’t even a Magick.
Just like that, the memory stopped. It was as if time now stood still. The woman on the ground and the baby were both motionless, along with the snowflakes that drifted into the room.
“I suppose it had to come out at some point,” Magica’s familiar resonating voice echoed. She reached out to touch Lena’s shoulder. Except, Magica was still there on the ground, motionless. This was the real, present Magica, standing by Lena. She’d been watching, too, albeit somehow in hiding.
“You’re smart. You know what just happened, don’t you?”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Okay Lena needed to be smart about this. She had to. Something was up and even with her head twisting into spirals she couldn’t even read herself. She stopped mid run paying attention to the little details now.
The locket that was her Aunts. How young her Aunt was. Her name. It wasn’t her that had died. It was her Mom.
Lena walked closer to the pair of them though she stayed on her Aunt’s side. She didn’t mind watching Magica end them. Not if they were responsible for her Mom’s Death.
“You’d think a decade or so might make you forget,” Magica claimed, “but so far? All I’ve needed was this moment. You fools stand on stolen ground: My stolen ground. And you will not leave it alive!”
With that, the staff in the woman’s hand let out a spell filled with hatred, so powerful that she had to use both hands to hold on to her tool. The bolt hit the younger woman in the group that huddled together in fear, and with a painful yell, she fell unconscious. Whether she was dead or not, Magica would never find out, for the family’s guest had sprung into action: In between the girl and the spell he leapt, holding up the locket in his hand.
As if it were a vacuum, the ordinary piece of jewellery began sucking up the magic of the spell and, when that was done with, it reached into where it was coming from. In short, it began draining Magica through her very own spell, without her being able to stop it.
Realizing she’d been cornered at the moment she couldn’t stop the magic from flowing, she had to think quick and instead directed her magic elsewhere, putting her every effort into it.
Her eyes closed shut as she felt the incredible pain of her magic drifting away in two different directions, one of them entirely controlled by her own concentration. The effort was such that, at some point, she merely passed out.
As the family and their sorcerer ran away while they could, the woman was left alone in the large hall. and everything darkened around her.
When she came to herself, Magica saw she was not truly alone. Next to her, there was a baby. It looked like a newborn girl no less, and a simple touch of a finger was enough to realize: Her magic had manifested into this.
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Again her Aunt ignored her and the feeling deep in her stomach continued to twist. It was just a stupid Swynlake thing. It had to be. She just had to figure out what was happening. She just needed to react and go with it.
She just had to walk in front of her Aunt.
That brilliant plan was stopped the moment Magica mentioned her.
She wasn’t dead.
This time she ran down stumbling to get to her Aunt.
“I’m not dead. I’m right here. You’re not yourself!” Lena called out begging her Aunt to turn to her to look at her and maybe they could fix everything.
As far as Magica was concerned, nobody was talking to her. That was quite upsetting, because she expected the people in this house to, at the very least, put up a fight or beg for their lives.
It angered her that they did neither. And so, she marched forward, and pulled the large doors at the end of the hall open. Within, as expected, was the opulent family who’d ruined her life without blinking by ending her sister’s life. With them, however, was a stranger.
A powerful stranger.
“Your rampage ends here, witch!” the person exclaimed, and pulled out the familiar locket along with a wand. “Turn back and let go of this matter, or regret it forever.”
Magica frowned and then laughed at the man. “What are you going to do? I can tell your magic is mediocre, and you don’t even know who you’re helping,” she said, scoffing even though tears built up in her eyes. “I can feel your fear. I can feel all of it. And yet it seems there’s no regret lingering anywhere.”
The sorceress finally pointed the staff at the scared family. “This is how your story ends, fools.”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Her Aunt had magic, that didn’t make any sense. Unless she opened the locket without her. And maybe just maybe she opened it without her though Lena wanted to be part of it.
Wasn’t she allowed? She helped find it after all.
Lena ignored the snow, she ignored the details as she walked down a set of stairs. “1. Not a coward. 2. I’ve done nothing besides be my adorable self.”
Seconds after her calling out, a pair of guardsmen were basically shoved out the door at the end of the hall. They were private security of sorts, armed with guns that their scared expressions already knew wouldn’t do anything against a powerful sorceress on a rampage. The woman could literally see and smell their fear steaming off them like a powerful stench.
“You murder Lena and yet you hide behind closed doors! Have you no shame?!” the woman yelled, and once again pulled the crystals from the windows, this time the ones closer to the guards, so that the snow could bury them. Then she continued moving forth, her body not even reacting to the increasingly colder surroundings. “Come and do the same to me, if you’re so brave!”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Magica’s footsteps echoed through the enormous building. The windows made it evident that it was snowing heavily outside, but she didn’t feel cold at all. There was only one thing in her head: Retribution. It certainly drowned out Lena’s voice.
She walked along the vast hall and extended her arms to the side. The crystals of the windows collapsed upon themselves thanks to a whisper escaping her lips. In one hand, the young sorceress held a carefully crafted wooden staff, and her robes waved with the wind as the snow closed into what looked like a palace.
“Come out, cowards!” she exclaimed into the echo, tossing a lingering manservant into a pile of snow. “You know what you’ve done!”
Lena’s Locket {De Squared}
Lena’s head was spinning at first as looked around. The world had a dark but it was more than the lack of light. In fact it was like everything had a greyish tint to it.
Lena wasn’t afraid though. She never was. She explored haunted houses all the time.
Slipping through the door ways Lena followed the sound of voices spotting her Aunt? She looked a hell of a lot younger.
“Aunt Magica?” Lena called out. “Where are we? Why do you look like that?”
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auntxmagica · 4 years
At first, Magica thought she was having a nightmare. After all, it had happened before: Waking up in the middle of the night to the familiar smell and feeling of a fire. Because she could definitely feel it somehow.
As she sat up and rubbed her eyes, the woman slowly started to realize that it wasn’t stopping. It was then that she realized it could very well be happening again.
It took her only seconds to push through her bedroom door and run down the hall, spooking Poe who was already cawing while standing on the banister.
Then, Magica reached the other bedroom and her eyes focused on the girl, who was just staring. “Le- Lena? Lena! Come here!”
Shattered Nights {De Squared}
A Continuation from here X
Lena’s eyes snapped open, flipping from that of a forest to her room, to the spiders that were on the ground. This was her room and the blanket covering her was sparking up.
Keep reading
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena shook her head running her hand through her blonde hair. Because this made no sense. All that time all the effort. It frustrated her, it drove her crazy and she didn’t have the information she needed.
Suddenly sparks of light dipped off Lena’s finger tips and she glanced at the chair before turning her attention back to her Aunt. “Okay yeah sure whenever the time is right. Whatever that means.”
“Yes. Forget about it for now,” she ordered. Magica knew how much the curiosity must sting within Lena. Mostly because they were very much the same person, and they were both equally ambitious. But how could she manage to explain something like this?
She won’t.
“I have to go out now,” the woman announced, and grabbed her bag. “I have a meeting at school. Don’t stay up late! And don’t touch the locket. I promise we’ll take care of it eventually.”
Locket Me This. {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena rolled her eyes she didn’t mean to but come on. It was obvious. “When is the right time then?” She of course wouldn’t call Magica out on it even if she wanted to. Moving over to a chair Lena collasped onto it her eyes going back to where the locket was.
Magica remained silent. She moved over to her desk and reluctantly put the locket in the lockbox where she kept her reagents.
“I’ll know when it’s the right time,” she assured the girl. “Maybe it never quite will be. I’m... not sure yet.”
Locket Me This. {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena blinked at her Aunt for a good few moments.
“What?” After all that time, all the wanting and searching and hoping.”You’re just putting it away?” Lena questioned a rush of cold slipping over her as the locket moved and she visibly shivered.
But that wasn’t her main focus.
“Wait- are you okay? Why are you crying? I wasn’t expecting crying.” Lena did sarcasm and she wasn’t quite sure how to deal with a crying parent. well Aunt. But parent none the less.
In theory, it would be as simple as breaking the locket open. In theory, that would get Magica what was rightfully hers. But, in theory, that would turn Lena into what she truly was: A part of Magica. In other words, she would be gone.
“I’m not crying,” Magica defended herself terribly. “Being close to the magic makes my body react, that’s all. Ahem! Yes, I’m putting it away! It is not time.”
Locket Me This. {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
Lena could feel the magic within the locket the moment her hand had touched it, it was as if ice water had rushed through her veins and the locket was the only thing keeping her warm.
It clung to her, warmth spreading through her arm when Magica touched it and for a moment Lena held tightly before letting it go.
“It was left in some evil demon cave.”
At first, Magica didn’t even process Lena’s words. Her eyes felt like they were about to water and she was visibly trembling.
The woman’s focus was on the precious, magical locket. She wanted to open it right now. Crack it open, destroy it!
That’d make all her greatness come back. She could return to being one of the greatest sorceresses of the continent - no, the world! She could leave the pathetic life of a half-baked alchemist witch. She could remove herself from this town and move on to greater, grander things. Finally!
This meant she could get her revenge. It meant she could save her brother from his terrible, feathery fate! It meant...
...it meant her magic would return to her. It meant Lena, her girl, would cease to be.
“I... Thank you,” she mumbled. Now she didn’t know what to do. “I will just... put this away. For now.”
For the first time in years, Magica De Spell didn’t know what to do. And for the first time in years, Magica De Spell felt tears sliding down her cheeks.
Locket Me This. {De Squared}
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auntxmagica · 4 years
For so many years, Magica had been slowly losing hope of seeing her magic again. She had resigned herself to the pitiful life of an English schoolteacher with alchemy as a hobby.
By that point, the existence of her magic felt more like a myth than anything else. An unreachable goal.
And yet, Lena entered the study just like that, with the fabled locket hanging from her fingers. The woman’s eyes widened and she immediately dropped the vial in her hand. Poe cawed out in excitement just as Magica walked over to the girl.
“It’s the real thing!” the punished sorceress exclaimed, still without giving credit to her eyes. “I can... I can feel it,” she added, as she attempted to remove the locket from Lena’s hand.
Locket Me This. {De Squared}
Lena couldn’t believe after all these years she had the locket. All the time spent looking for it and it only took a trip down a steep and rocky cave wall to land and break her arm (which was noticeably not broken anymore) to find it.
That last part wasn’t something she was ready to explain.
She couldn’t without exposing Roo as well so Lena had gotten cleaned up without letting go of the locket pulsing in her hand.
Lena could feel the heat from it with every step forward to her Aunt. 
And only when she was face to face with her Aunt did she let the locket slip from her palm to hang from her finger tips.
“Lose something?” Lena quipped grinning brighter than ever.
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