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@wearethedescendants​ | Liked for Mirana (one of the Hearts)
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Seeing them was a gift, finding out she had nieces and nephews had been a shock. Albeit unsurprising given her history with her sister Veronica. Seeing them in the flesh was something different, they were her flesh and blood, even if they didn’t consider her to be so. “You’re here, I wasn’t expecting you for another hour - I haven’t even put the tea on to brew yet.”
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To the PEOPLE who look the STARS and wish.
A selective multifandom mumu blog with muses from Descendants, Disney, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, Teen Wolf, Night World and more.
Promo Credit: X
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Pax sighed lightly and shifted again, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to figure out an excuse that was good enough to not get into trouble with. Unfortunately, Pax took after his father with his anxiety so he had never been able to lie to anyone because he shifted or broke eye contact so they knew he was lying right away. 
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“Probably not” He admitted to his dad as he chewed his bottom lip and shivered lightly “I was curious"
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His son could shiver all night. It would teach him to disobey. “Curiosity is weakness. Curiosity kills. Do you understand that Pax? Do you understand that you are only half demon and can die?” he had half a mind to toss him to the Cerberus Pup’s for training. Calisto and Calix being as vicious as they come. Training would be brutal, painful and it would make his point.
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Pandora smirked lightly as the guy in question scurried away from the two demons and their words, she leaned against her father’s side as her smirk widened. “Aw, poor baby couldn’t handle a simple comment. I thought people of the Isle were supposed to be thick-skinned?”
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“Nothing in this world is thick skinned - except maybe the leviathan but that’s a story for another time. Point in matter, mortals are decidedly squishy. It’s disgusting frankly. But have their perks.” namely the female ones but that wasn’t a comment for his spawn to hear.
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Jane hummed lightly in thought, the only child that Evie would probably want to take in any way, without losing her independence, is Dizzy and Dizzy had already been accepted by the Charmings. “Mom, you may want to think about asking Mr. Hightopp about the Hearts anyway, even with the issues with Lady Kingsleigh, Ally told me what happened, it would not only keep them busy so they don’t allow their emotions to rule them but it may also be good for them all. The Hearts and the Kingsleigh-Hightopp clan seem to get on well”
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“Can’t you ask Mr. Emrys if he could teach the Remedial Goodness class in Camelot High? It gives you more options of housing children, and also allows the children to adapt to the area they will be staying in rather than making them get used to Auradon and then suddenly change the scenery and lose their friends” Jane suggested lightly, Merlin may not teach it to the best of his ability because of his belief about the children of the Isle needing a second chance without being patronizing, but it’s a better option.
“I said it wouldn’t fit Jane dear.” No there was already plans in place for the Heart children. With young Ben and Lucinda acting calmly and diligently as the monarchs and creating housing for the elder children from the isle. “Ben and Lucinda have designed apartments for the elder children, something which will include housing for the Heart children. The issue isn’t just with Alice’s mother, but in the fact that their home isn’t huge and there is well over twelve children from the Red Court from the Isle. If settling the Hearts with anyone, if should be with their Aunt Mirana. But I have a feeling the Hearts would not prefer that option. So the apartments it is. Valerian has been assisting Ben I believe and has selected the penthouse apartment for their family. It is the younger children we need to house, not the older ones particularly unless they have any burning desire.”
“Adam will not allow it. He tolerates Merlin, but he doesn’t trust him nor Camelot with how lax they are on the magic laws.” No, even if Ben tried, he would never get that motion through council with Adam still presiding there. “There are somethings even we cannot change sweetheart. The only reason Adam allowed Ben to do the transfers before his coronation was so that conditions could be put in place that were bound into Ben’s proclamation. If Ben had waited until after his coronation, then the children would have been bound by Ben’s conditions and not Adam’s.”
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     Jane swallowed back her tears. She had honestly been worried that her mother would just be upset with her. It was why, originally, she had planned to just… not tell her. Yet here she was, cracking under imagined pressures. After all, Jane loved her mother. It was hard to keep things from her. She didn’t want that. Even if they didn’t always see eye to eye on things. “I… I can learn?” Jane asked timidly.
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“Of course dear one, the only thing I ask if you do not tell anyone.” If it got back to Adam than she was training Jane, there was a chance the Fairy Godmother would be sent to the isle for insubordination. It was a dangerous game she would be playing, but one she would do so willingly for Jane. She just had to get Jane to the Moors. Borra and the dark fae would never turn away faeries wanting to learn and practice their magic.
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“Fairy Godmother, it’s so good to see you!” Moving into the room she moved to the seat that Janet had motioned to, sitting down elegantly before giving the older woman her undivided attention. Listening carefully to the question she then smiled warmly. “There’s an entire wing at the palace no longer used at the moment. They are after all my family, I wouldn’t see them living anywhere else. If they don’t want to live at the palace I’m sure Cedric would share my views and offer them rooms in the Manner.”
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She had hoped her goddaughter would say as such. There was no one that Janet trusted more with children than Ella. “Wonderful, Anastasia has two, Arlo you may remember, he was a toddler when Adam started the Isle.” that had stung. She had pleaded on the Charming’s behalf for the boy to be kept in Auradon. “Then there is Anthony, I believe he is the same age as dear Chad. Drizella on the other hand has a number of children ranging from twenty to fourteen. Lucifer’s children you may also remember as they are older than the isle, Lucian and Lilith.”
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If there was ever a righteous mate to keep him from too bloated of ego it was sh. Whether they were fighting roman’s, Amazon’s or barbarians the woman was a stern warrior to have at his side. So he scratched behind his head and shrugged, “ What she said. Never let appearances decisive you. Especially when it comes to magic.” 
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Amusement was clear across her features as he scratched behind his head and the young squires looking at her awkwardly. Clearly not trusting his backing off her words. Still she huffed a laugh leaning against the pillar watching the training. Arthur was of course correct. Appearances were certainly deception especially in terms of magic, a frail beggar man could be an assassin in disguise, One of the young squires at the back wasn’t paying close attention and the Queen whistled at the young man before nodding towards her husband. “Not paying attention will get you killed.”
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“I know mother, but you do realize that I’m not exactly a fighter? I do better with Uncle Varian in the labs” Cade grumbled with a tiny pout before he groaned and pushed himself up from the floor with a tired scowl at her. “I have no co-ordination, at least I can defend myself with a knife?”
“Being in the labs won’t help you should the city come under attack. Varian’s inventions have a knack for doing more harm than good.” She reminded her son. Especially with the barrier coming down and her mother being free. Which reminded her. “You have Aunt’s, and I don’t mean Raps.”
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Lily cocked her head to the side as she eyed him closely, she couldn’t imagine him looking like a squid but she remembered the stories her father would tell about him and also about how her Uncle Will survived being stabbed in the heart too. “The key part of that being ‘looked’, because obviously you don’t now so it shouldn’t be such a bad thing to be around you”
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“Eh” She shrugged “Dad may be angry but he’s never really been able to punish me because he doesn’t like seeing me upset… Not sure what Damien or Harriet would do though, they don’t exactly have any real control over me and my movements”
He scoffed, just because he didn’t look like the monster he was still inside, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t. His heart was damaged more than could ever be repaired. He looked after his son, but there was no true love for the boy in his heart.
“I would recommend learning what it means to be a part of a pirate crew.” Because a captain’s generosity with behaviour would only extend so far despite someone’s youth.  At some point, the Hook girl would need to snap to make an example if she wanted to keep control of her crew. “A captain owns your movements, and if other’s start following in your steps, examples must be made to avoid mutiny and your captain is particularly fond of torture.”
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“The locker was definitely quieter, although, this place does have better food and drink considering the Locker didn’t have either… or was that a way of tormenting the people there?” He questioned as he grabbed a drink of his own, he may be a drunk but since Harriet had taken his ship, he had calmed his drinking down so that he could look after his daughter more. “Aye, Hook’s lass has done a good job, while I wish my own lass had a crew, I am happy that she’s learning under Harriet’s teachings for now”
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“The locker had food if you knew where too look. The inhabitants of the island there knew how to find food.” But eating wasn’t a requirement there since being there technically meant you were dead. “If your in the locker, your dead, why would you need food?” he nodded as the other agreed about the kids doing a good job at running things on the docks. “How they managed to get Silver in line is a question for the ages. My boy is in her crew, Damian.” and also obsessed with a jabberwocky of all females. He huffed a sigh. No, Davy liked the Isle.
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“Figured you’d want to know about your ship?” Will shrugged lightly, he had real reason to be in the bar but he felt the need to tell the old Captain that his ship was safe the last time that Will had seen it. “I got dragged here, it was not fun to suddenly be pulled from the waters after just coming back from the Locker and then feeling my heart beating before being dumped here without explanation. If I’m right, then my father should be Captain of it since he’s not on the Isle and he should not be in Auradon either”
“Was never truly my ship after Calypso curse me to that darned position ferrying the dead with no chance to be on land except with her.” He’d given her his heart - literally - and she had left him to fester under the oceans. He watched the Turner before him before shrugging. “Calypso is here on the isle. She has no power to officially appoint someone to take the helm. We can only pray that Poseidon stepped in to appoint one.” Especially considering Will’s father did not have a beating heart as one of the crew and someone must give their heart to captain the old girl.
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He caught the little smirk and rolled his eyes at his wife before he tugged her closer to sit with him on his lap so that he could wrap his arms around her waist and hold her close; she was always the best at keeping his anxieties down, she was his common sense and positivity on days like today. “I hate that word… useful” Arthur grumbled to her before he listened to the news that she was giving him. He wanted to protest the idea of his son dating, but he wasn’t a little boy anymore and the fact that he found someone to keep up with him was a feat in itself “I hope she knows what she’s getting herself into” he teased lightly “Do you plan on having her here soon to meet her? Who is she?”
“Useful while irritating is what keeps him here with us. Do not fault it when it is our only way of keeping him and his son with you and Alaric.” She told him gently as her arms wrapped around his shoulders. “A pirate, the eldest daughter of Captain Hook.” She’d heard through Alainne, her daughter more than willing to give her all the details. “She’s already been here. She came with the Auradon children to the Winter Ball.” sending their son for a semester at Auradon Prep had certainly proved eventful it seemed. “From what I’ve heard though, it’s more along the lines of what have the boys got themselves into. She’s a warrior, and a leader.” if what she heard was correct, it was little wonder. Pendragon males had always been had a thing for strong women.
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With a clap to his shoulder, his father lead the rest of the crew off the ship to explore Auradon and see what they could buy on their one day off, he had a feeling that some of the crew also had families around Auradon who visited once a year. It was quite distressing to be the reason that they could only visit them once a year.
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Will caught his wife and spun her around, holding her tightly as she kissed him and moved his hand to her hair to gain as much comfort as he could from being able to hold his wife close again. “And I’ve missed you, I always do my love, how is everyone? how is Henry?”
“Henry has left home, away sailing the seas with Carina.” She told her husband with a sad smile. It was lonely without both her boys. So while he was at sea, she tended to throw herself into her work. She wished that she could be with him full time, and often wondered if there was a way to break the one day on land every ten years rule. He had missed out on so much of Henry’s life, and she would love to have another little one with him, but only if he got to be there for everything he missed out on before.
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“Hannah is Red, my love, it is rather easy to see, she will be understood by the Red Court when they finally get to come home, until then, we will keep an eye on her” Jefferson eased lightly, he had known what Court Hannah belonged to since she was young since his own fluctuated depending on what was happening during the day. “Alissa… Lis needs help from someone who understands Wonderland magic, ‘tair needs to some assistance with techniques”
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“Ally needs to be kept away from your mother, I know you love your mother little oyster, but she does not like how Wonderlandian our children are”
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It have been obvious since Hannah was a toddler that she was red. So Alice always assumed the madness that ran though her stepdaughter lay within the fact that with no red court existing in Wonderland that her magic couldn’t choose. “How long until the magic consumes her?” she queried lightly. Adam never listened, had dismissed Alice as as mad as the hatter for suggesting releasing the red court. “Chessur has tried, Absolem also, neither have been able to help Lissa adjust. I fear, like Hannah, she needs red.”
Alistair on the other hand, non magical and just an all around brat with attention span issues and some Wonderland madness running through him from living in the realm growing up. “Alistair needs a kick up the backside to start paying attention when we ask him to do something.” she told her husband, but she did adore her baby boy. She felt terrible at the idea of stopping Ally from seeing her grandmother. If only because she was the last grandchild who would actually visit her. Her mother had already lost the twins, what would losing Ally do on top of that? “I had hoped she would come around.”
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Harry frowned at the accusation, his temper flaring up a little, he kept his voice level though so that he wasn’t snarling or shouting at the King. “Sneaking around weren’t my choice sire, if ya must know, it was yer daughters wish ta keep it silent, she wanted ta be able ta go out and be a teenager rather than guarded day and night. I took her out and kept her safe, I let her have experiences of a teenager, but I kept her safe too, Viv and I did not expect this to become permanent, we expected a bit of fun for the both of us. Not that kind of fun. I love yer daughter sire, she understands me, she understands the madness that can appear on me own bad days, she knows when I try and hide injuries from me pa’s bad days… I would never hurt her, I would rather suffer years of torture at yer hands than have the thought that I had hurt her.”
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The threats of torture from the man terrified him, but he had known how dangerous the Heart family was from before he met them, he may be terrified but he would submit to anything the man deemed appropriate if he broke Viv’s heart, because he couldn’t live with himself if he hurt the woman he loved. “We have snuck around, but me pa couldn’t know because he’s always warned me away from yer family, something about the high possibility of me insulting yer wife on accident, as well as the risk of her finding out about the slight issue of me own mind having a madness to it?. Yer wife would have probably doubled the guards around Viv and that just ain’t fair for her, she should get the chance to live rather than being cooped up”
“Sneaking around to get to know each other and have fun is one thing… But sire, I have been waiting for ya ta find out, because I wanted ta ask ya a question, I want ta ask that one day in the future when ya can trust me more, that I have yer permission ta ask for yer daughter’s hand.”
The King caught the frown, an eyebrow raising. Somewhat impressed at the boy for keeping his temper in check, but that was the only thing he was impressed by. “That is where you are wrong, Vivian didn’t keep it quiet. Not from me.” she had just told him when it was too late for him to stop the song. The only reason the male still had his head. “She didn’t need you to keep her safe, that is why she had Jacala.” He truly didn’t care what the boy’s father did to him, it was up to the other parents on this forsaken rock to do with their children as they saw fit. However the young pirate was right that he would torture him if he thought he had hurt his daughter in any way. Though it wouldn’t be years, it would be decades.
“Your father trusted your elder sister around my wife.” though that had always been amusing watching his wife try to get the young woman to use proper english in those royalty classes. “She’s shattered some of the windows in our palace before too. My children were thrilled.” He knew his eldest daughters got along with the Hook girl because as Victoria often claimed, she had the same type of madness as their family. The boy seemed to determined to make him believe that they pair would have been banned from seeing one another, when his family had already embraced a pirate. “My wife may have indeed doubled the guard, but they are not the guards which would effectively stop Vivian. Only the Jabberwocky’s would have been able to stop her leaving.” and from what the boy was saying, Jacala was already abandoning her post for him. “I am not my wife, had I been approached in the proper way, without having to drag you here. I may have been able to help you get around my wife.”
“Waiting for me to find out, how delightful. A real man would have came to the girls father himself. Not let the man’s daughter come to him distraught.” the state his daughter was in while he’d had to explain she was in love. “You will be waiting a while, if ever.” he brought his tea to his lips. “You speak of my trusting you more, I do not trust you at all boy and clearly you don’t share the trust in me that my daughter has given she was the one to tell me.”
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Scarlette preferred him over her mother. There was no doubt that she would easily cast the Queen to the shadows if it wasn’t for her father. The two women have never gotten along. They were too much alike. “The cat is a temporary thing! I wouldn’t want that feline as my companion when I take over.” 
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He looked at his daughter amused. “I wouldn’t knock Cheshire’s, given the correct muchness, they can be exceedingly loyal and naughty little pets.” It had been a shame when Chessur switched alliances back in Wonderland. Then again, the cat had bordered the fence between the Red and White court. Never settling on one so he could always support the winner.
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