aureliaptr-blog · 5 years
Pop vs Rock Music
Music is sound that is produced intentionally by a person or group . Even without music life felt colorless. Many people admire to music. Because music can create reassure to heart and the relaxed situation, and nice for hearing. Here I will discuss the differences and similarities between pop and rock music.
There are several things that different between pop and rock. The first is music pop music tends focus on the vocals. Because the pop music uses rhythm for more feel more free and mild to sing. Whereas rock music is more tends focus on the musical instrument. Because for become characteristic sound of rock.
The second is stream of pop music is softer. That's because pop music is more varied the theme of poem, from adolescent life and romance. In the other hand, stream of rock music beats is faster, musical instrument is hard, so noisy on the ear. And upbeat adrenaline to listeners.
The last is finding of the pop music singers which usually dressed more neat and interesting. However, the rock singer dressed impressed shambles. This is according to with musical instrumental is hard, which uses with rock music.
There are similarities from pop and rock music, such as: first of all are many use same musical instruments, such as: guitar, bass, and drum to produce rhythms music. The second is, equally able to be used to express feelings, and suggestions for his audiences. The third similarity is the pop and rock is the kind of music that favored by young people.
Can be concluded that pop and rock music have a difference that is: pop music more tends focus on vocals and the rock is more tends focus on its musical instrument. The stream of pop music is softer, however rock music is more hard and noisy. Performance pop singers neater than rock singers. Rock and pop music similarity is using same musical instruments, as a tool to express the expression of song writer and favored by young people.
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aureliaptr-blog · 5 years
My Mother is My Idol
Everyone must have their own idol. so am I. My mother is the one that I idolize. It is not easy to be a parent or to be a mother. There are many struggles experienced by mothers such as pregnant, giving birth, cooking, cleaning the house and others.
I'm the one who saw how my mother struggled to support me after my father died. My mother works as a teacher. see her wake up early in the morning, doing chores and the others make me think that I should be like her. My mother is now 59 years old, and it means next year she retired from her job.
seeing how my mother works hard, I want to be like her who is helpful and kind to everyone. I said to my mother that I would help her like cleaning the house. So when she comes home she can rest without clean the house first. Because what my mother do make me really idolize my mother.
That's why we should appreciate our mother. because everything she has done is very good and of course we must follow the good things that have been done by our mother.
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aureliaptr-blog · 6 years
How to gain a benefit from playing a game
If you want to gain a benefit from playing game, do this several order. First, you must to play a game not too much, play game just for killing time, not for addiction. Next, play a strategy game to improve your decision. A strategy game may need your decision to finish the game, it may help you to make a decision in real life. The last one, playing a war/shooter game. This kind of game may help your reflection to see the enemies. It may help you too in real life which is need your reflection. Although for most of people think that play a game have many negative effects, you can still gain a benefit from playing game if you keep the rule.
Aurelia Putri Marlina (18019004)
Rialdo Dwi Yesa (18019014)
@rifkiok @rialdosword
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aureliaptr-blog · 6 years
Memorable thing
Everyone has memorable thing. I have a bicycle,the bicycle was given to me by my father when I was in 5th grade of elementary school. he gave me a bicycle because I heard everything he said. the bike is black,every afternoon I keep playing bicycles. I really like that bike but now I can't use it because it's been sold. however it is an item that I cannot forget.
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aureliaptr-blog · 6 years
Linda is my bestfriend since i study at Padang State University. I met her when it's our first day on college ini august,she is from Curup, Bengkulu.
Linda is one of the few people who are tall in the class,she is thin and wearing feal. She always use skirt or long dress go to college and she has several cute shoes.
Linda is funny person,she always make me and other friends laugh because of her jokes. She has a low sense of humor,if she something father funny she will laugh and she is easygoing person and religious.
It’s a pleasure to be with her and I really enjoy her personality. I’m sure we’ll always be close friends.
Paragraph writing assignment
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aureliaptr-blog · 6 years
A Close Friend (example)
Amy has been my close friend for a year. I first met her in this college, University of Lampung. I asked her the way to the new class and we started talking. We’ve been friends ever since.
Amy is quite good-looking. She is very beautiful and smart, with white skin and she uses a veil. Like many Indonesian people, she has a great sense of style, so she always looks well-dressed even in casual clothes.
Amy is very outgoing. She is always friendly and loves to have fun. She has a fantastic sense of humour and she always makes me laugh. However, he can be a bit immature at times. For example, when she doesn’t get what she wants, he acts childishly and stamps his feet.
Amy is very diligent in her study. She likes to listen to a music and sometimes, she spends a lot of money to do some shopping.
It’s a pleasure to be with her and I really enjoy her personality. I’m sure we’ll always be close friends. Thank you.
Paragraph writing assignment
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