aurii24-blog · 3 years
“You don’t have to be perfect person, but you have to make YOURSELF perfect” - chi 2k21
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aurii24-blog · 3 years
MISTERious #3
(It's already 8 p.m)
(We still on the road and Tony's house so far from here maybe, we must through this about 30 minutes)
Me: "Are we arrive yet?
Anna: "Not yet, but in 25 minutes we'll arrive"
Me: "Ok, I want to rest right now, wake me if we're already arrive" (I close my eyes and fall asleep)
Anna: (i think she's still focus on the steer, she doesn't talk much)
After about 25 minutes..
Anna: "(she wakes me up by shake my body) "Hey, we arrive already" (she turn off the car and open the door)
Me: "Ok-ayy" (i'm still sleepy, with blurry looks, I see 3 boys standing in front of the house door from car)
Anna: "What are you waiting for?? c'mon!"(she says from outside the car)
Me: "Yeahhh.. (I hold car's handle door and open the door, I want to take my luggage in the backseat)
(When I want to take luggage)..
(There's a familiar voice from behind me)
???: "May I help you, My Lady?"
Me: "No." *with cold tone*(I know it, it's Tony as usual, even we're already broke up, I don't know why he's always want to help me out) *I turn back my body and see him*
Tony: (he looks at me so deeply) "Are you sure? you look tired, it's ok I can help you" (with smile)
Me: "No, thanks Tony I can handle it by myself" (bring my luggage alone and walk into the house, and Tony walk behind me then he disappear to the kitchen)
(Anna is already inside the house before I pick my luggage, she is talking with Matthew, her crush, I think because Matthew invites her to join this, huftt I want to sleep, I know I'm lazy person so I sleep all the time hehe)
(I put my luggage in the living room, I walk to Anna )
Me: "Anna, I want to talk"
Anna: (while she's talking with Matthew) "What is it?"
Me: "Where are we going to sleep?"
Anna: "Ohh.. we'll sleep at Tony's sister bedroom at 2nd floor on the left from stairs, because she doesn't live here anymore and Tony lives alone right now, so we can sleep there"
Me: "Oh okay.." ( I decides to pick my luggage and move to Tony's sister bedroom)
(At Tony's sister bedroom)
(It's like an ordinary bedroom with queen size bed, small desk besides it and desk lamp on top of it, there's medium size wardrobe, then there's make up table with a chair so yeah that's it)
Me: (I want to take a bath right now before I sleep)
(I take a bath, the bathroom is right besides Tony's sister bedroom)
After I take a bath..
(I see Anna is already sleep, she looks tired and she doesn't use blanket?? It's cold right now.. hmmm)
(I put her a blanket, I see her with a sleepy face)
(I think it's too late to do something with them, so yeah I think I more like sleep than I have to do something)
(I get to the bed and sleep besides Anna with share blanket)
(after a few minutes, I sleep fast than usual.. and deeply sleep)
(Tony's POV)
Tony: "Hey did you see her(Me)?"
Lois: "No, but I think she's already sleep"
Tony: (OHH I remember, Anna says that they use my sister bedroom, ok I'll look for them)
(Walks through the stairs)
(Open the door slowly and I see them already sleep, I just want to make sure their condition,I close the door)
Matthew: "What are you doing?" (suddenly he's right next to me)
Tony: "Nothing, I've just to make sure their condition"
Matthew: (with his curious face) "Are you sure? Just tell me that you want to f*** her already" (with laugh)
Tony: "HEEYY, watch your mouth, ofc not.. I've already broke up you know"
Matthew: "Yeahhh whatever.. (he walks pass me, whisper me something and walk down the stairs, he walks to the living room with Lois), before it, he says "If you want to get her back, just tell her already don't just be a loser"
Tony: (Yeah he's right, I'm a loser, why I don't straightfoward about my feeling that time)
(HUammm.. I'm sleepy right now, I'll sleep right now)
(I go to the bedroom and sleep while the others still in the living room watch TV)
Next Morning
(Part 4)
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aurii24-blog · 4 years
MISTERious #2
(Anna is still walking, until she walks into my bedroom and I follow her from behind)
(She's sitting on my bed)
(I see someone is sleeping besides her, i've just realise that's me) "HOW.. Can I..?!!She..??!!"
(Anna tries to choke my neck, I try to stop her but I can't so I decide to go back to my real body)
(I wake up and I see nothing there, it was just a dream.. i think...) "HOW.. That's feel soooo real holy SH*T.."
"OMG I haven't prepare yet, still half of them T.T, I hope she's late"
After 30 minutes..
(Car horn sounded)
"Oh it's Anna" (I prepare everything that I need and walk to the frontdoor)
1 minutes later..
(Knocked sounds and shout from behind the door)
Anna: "Hey, we're running late.. come on, I'll waiting in car"
Me: "Okay.. coming"
(I walk out and lock my front door)
(I walk to Anna's car and get into the car)
(Anna turn on the car and go to Tony's house)
(We don't talk much in the car, maybe we're too tired after we're getting mid-term last week and a competition yesterday)
Anna: "So, what happen with your face and why it looks so pace? Are you okay?"
Me: (Suddenly I remember that bad dream, but i don't know it's real/not because it was look so real)"Meh i'm ok, I'm too tired after doing some exercises for 1 hour hehe" (with a small laugh)
Anna: (She looks curious from what I said) "Hey, I know you're lying just tell me, it's ok but I don't force you to tell me if you don't want to tell it.. But I hope you're ok"
Me: "Yeah.."
To be continue..
(Part 3)
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aurii24-blog · 4 years
MISTERious #1
2 P.M
(my phone is ringing) *Iphone ringtone*
(I pick it up)
Me: "Hey, what's up?"
Anna: "Hey, I'm sorry if I bothering.. how 'bout we are going to Tony's house. could you join with us 'coz i'm the only girl , pleaseee..?
Me: (OH SH*T I hate this, 'coz Tony is my ex but also he's Anna's childhood friend, so) "Ok, i'm in" (even I don't feel want to join but I also don't want to hurt Anna's feeling, so yeahhh..)
Anna: "Ok, I will pick you up at 7 pm okay?"
Me: "Ok"
Anna: "See you baeee.."
Me: "see you soon baee.. byee"
Anna: "bye" (hang up the call)
AT 7 P.M
(someone knocked my house door, I looked out to know who is it, OH it's Anna)
(I open the door, I see Anna's face.. her face so pale, i don't what happen to her)
(Anna walks away like a zombie without noticing me right next to her)
What happen to her?..
Check the next part
Tomorrow (25/10/2020)
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aurii24-blog · 4 years
Don't give up, even you feel want to give up for your life. JUST WALK TO YOUR GOALS!
Chi 2k20
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