aurorainthesky1-blog · 23 hours
pre ANH au where Din and Luke meet on Tatooine, have their summer romance and all that, and when Din inevitably has to leave Luke gives him a japor snippet (“It’s a good luck charm,” Luke says with a smile. “I’ve seen how reckless you get on your bounties.”) and Din thinks it’s a little silly, but he lets Luke put it around his neck anyway.
It is only a few days later that Din hears about the Lars family, about the fire, about how they never found a third body.
And then Din just…never takes that japor snippet off.
For years he wears it, the sound of the japor clinking against the beskar of his mythosaur pendant becoming so familiar to him that he panics when it falls silent. He reaches for his neck when he cannot hear that ringing sound, reaches for the japor, desperate to make sure it’s still there, that he did not lose what he has left of the man he would never really stop loving. Even when Din is dying, when he takes off his mythosaur pendant to give to Cara, when he begs her to take it, to bring this child he knows nothing of to safety, he keeps the japor close to his slowing heart.
And somehow, Din lives.
(“It’s a good luck charm,” Luke says with a smile.)
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I have no idea who made this, I found this on google a long time ago and it’s been sitting as a screenshot on my phone but every time I see this it makes me so sad and I love it so much and this picture is definitely a huge inspiration for my fic
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I saw this reference image on Pinterest and I couldn’t help myself. Also please ignore the way that tumblr has absolutely OBLITERATED the image quality
Reference under the cut.
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Everything’s fine smooches
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My motivation has been through the roof but only for traditional art for some reason so here have some low quality photos with terrible lighting ✨✨✨
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showing off
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Insomniac_with_dreams's lovely fic and the arts I did for them
Hope you all will enjoy these works 💝
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blowing off some steam 💨
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Doesn’t draw for 2 months, comes back with DinLuke. Reminded me how much I HATE drawing armour but also refuse to draw him helmetless except in very specific circumstances.
I know, it’s a lazy background. I don’t care.
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Pablo Olivera - The Mandalorian (2020)
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smooch smooch <3
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I was commissioned to draw a scene from More Light Than Heat by Gluten_Full (url in the notes) as a surprise present! It's been a minute since I've drawn DinLuke and it was so nice to illustrate a happy little family ❤️
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aurorainthesky1-blog · 2 months
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aurorainthesky1-blog · 2 months
I need more!
Carida One
“Is… something wrong, Lord Vader?” Commandant Vex asked, trying very hard not to swallow.
Or sweat too loudly.
Or give off any other indication of guilt, laxity, or something that would lead Darth Vader to decide to terminate his employment – and him ��� with a single gesture.
Vader didn’t respond, all his attention on a screen, and Vex took a deep and steadying breath before checking what was on the screen.
It… was nothing, really. The input report of one of the recent cadets. Joined up two days ago as part of a group from the same Outer Rim world, high aptitude marks in proprioception and the highest reflex scores Vex had ever seen… but it didn’t look like anything was strange about it. Except that Vader was reading every single line of data, examining every photo, like he’d found some kind of hidden source of truth that had been concealed from the entire galaxy until now.
“This cadet,” Vader said, abruptly deigning to take notice of Vex again. “Cadet 421. What is your impression of him?”
“Well – he’s…” Vex began. “That is, Lord Vader… he’s talented? A little quick on some of the answers, I suppose, at least that’s the impression my interviewer had – the man thought that perhaps Cadet 421 was lying about specific details of his past.”
“Which details?” Vader asked.
“Principally, that he had permission to leave his home,” Vex said. “It’s not a major issue. We deal with worse all the time, and with incoming cadets from the Outer Rim-”
“Enough,” Vader interrupted, only it didn’t qualify as interruption when it was Vader. It was simply a declaration that your sentence had reached a conclusion, and he was not going to take any discussion on that point. “You took a DNA sample, I take it?”
“Yes, Lord Vader,” Vex confirmed, nodding nervously.
“I will be leaving with it,” he said. “For clarity, that means I will be leaving with the DNA sample. I will also be leaving with all records of the DNA sample; the academy will not be permitted to retain the sample.”
The blank black eyes of his visor stared at Commandant Vex.
“Cadet 421 is under my personal protection,” Vader said, evenly. “If he dies, so do you. If he is severely injured or otherwise harmed in any way for which you or anyone in the Academy can be blamed in any fashion, you die. So will anyone responsible. I recommend putting a note in his file that you will take care of all disciplinary interactions with Cadet 421. You will not appreciate the consequences if you fail in any way. Have I made myself clear?”
In a great many ways, he had not.
But in one specific way…
“Yes, Lord Vader,” Commandant Vex said, swallowing again.
“Good,” Vader said, turning to sweep out of the room.
Then he paused.
“Which cadets did he arrive with?”
“420 and 419,” Vex answered.
“Darklighter…” Vader said, out loud. “Interesting.”
Then, with a swish of his cape, he was gone.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Luke said, with a sigh. “You’d think if the Empire was so good they could just rely on us realizing it, rather than telling us three times a day.”
Biggs winced.
“Shavit, Luke,” he said, much more quietly than his friend. “You know the academy proctors will come down on us like a ton of duracrete if any of us talk like that.”
“They will?” Luke asked. “Really?”
“Yeah, you saw what happened to Yancit, right?” Biggs said. “He got put on hard physical training for three days just for moderately defeatist statements.”
He shook his head. “You’ve got some kind of charmed life, man. I’m just glad to stay close enough that some of it rubs off on me.”
Luke chuckled, a bit nervously.
“If you say so,” he said. “What do you think it is, anyway?”
“Could be your sim scores,” Biggs guessed. “You’re doing even better than me behind the stick, and we’re both way ahead of everyone else… it’d be a weird thing to give you some kind of pass on, though. Like they’d want future ace pilots to be down on the Empire?”
Luke shook his head.
“I mean that… I mean that the Empire should just be obviously better,” he said. “And I mean obviously – it shouldn’t even be a question about whether it’s the best option. You shouldn’t have to tell people. It should just be obvious. Right?”
Biggs looked distinctly worried.
“That would be dangerous enough to say on Tatooine, Luke,” he pointed out. “That’s getting towards the kind of thing that would earn a visit from some kind of enforcer. They’d say the Empire is already that, and if you’re complaining about it, that’s the problem.”
Several months later, Commandant Vex felt like biting through his tongue.
Cadet 421 – cadet Skywalker – and his associated group of friends like Darklighter and Klivian were causing a lot of trouble. It was trouble that was… not the kind of trouble he’d feel comfortable telling a HoloNews channel was trouble, because it was all to do with the cadets earnestly saying that the Empire should be doing things the Empire was supposed to be doing already.
Under normal circumstances, he’d have gone ahead and placed the troublemakers into solitary confinement already – if not disappeared them, remanding them into the custody of Imperial Intelligence or the Internal Security Bureau to never again see the light of day.
The problem was, if that happened, Vex would never see the light of day.
He practically jumped out of his suit as the door to his office swished open.
“Commandant,” Vader said, without preamble. “I am taking several of your cadets for my own personal squadron. Effective immediately.”
“Oh, no,” Vex said, then remembered who he’d said that to. “I mean – just as you say, Lord Vader? Who?”
“Cadet Skywalker,” Vader said. “And anyone who he is closely associated with. Any friends of his. I will look over their scores myself before their transfer is finalized.”
Vex felt like sighing in relief.
He would have been considerably less happy about the situation if he knew that Vader’s reason for the transfer was to get the various cadets out of the academy before Imperial Intelligence or the ISB made the same connection he had.
But he didn’t know that, and what he didn’t know wasn’t going to get him sent to a black site for at least another three days.
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aurorainthesky1-blog · 2 months
Beautiful man
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aurorainthesky1-blog · 2 months
Well, obviously.
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Is so right lfmao ( twitter post )
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