aurorasinistrax · 3 days
A smile tugs on Aurora's lips glancing over at Hestia. The witch had always been sweet and thoughtful, and she appreciated that. It was odd for her to celebrate when she didn't have much to celebrate for. The good things in her life had been taken away, perhaps both her own fault, but she was stubborn.
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"Thank you," that was the best way to start it, though instinct was to tell her it wasn't necessary. "I would never refuse your company, Hestia. You know that." Her body turns towards the other. "I would love to have a drink with you."
With the way the world was going it seemed almost too important not to forget such days, especially birthdays. Aurora’s had seemingly almost come and gone by the time Hestia had been able to leave the ministry and pick up one cupcake from a batch she’d made that morning before heading off into the auror office. “Nonsense. It is your birthday. Of course I had.” The witch smiled, sliding carefully into the seat next to the other witch. “If you want to celebrate in peace, fine. I’ll let you have that, but in that case, I’ll simply have to sit here in silence with you.”
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Hestia Jones was too dedicated to let things happen in such ways. She had a need to make Aurora feel as special as she was. “If not, I’ll be here to listen or to celebrate. Or both. Whatever you need.” With a quick turn she motioned to have a drink sent her way as well. “What will it be?” - @aurorasinistrax
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aurorasinistrax · 13 days
It was hard to miss the awkwardness that filled the air between them and she hated that. That moment in the hospital played inside her head, that the reality that came outside of it was hard to swallow. All she wanted was the wizard standing in front of her. It was on him to put trust and faith in her, and let her make her own decisions and stand beside her, like she had for him.
"I ran into Lily and Rosmerta at the three broomsticks. A few people came by the shop." It was nothing special and she was fine with that. Aurora didn't need big. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself for personal reasons.
A deep part of her wanted to say those words back. If she was being honest with herself, she never did stop loving him. In her eyes, it would always be him and that was why it made it harder being a part from him. Not knowing what to say, she leans in to kiss his cheek. "I always love anything you bring to me." The witch leads him into the living room.
"What do you think we should get?" They might have to pop out shortly to grab it, but it wouldn't take much time. Picking a movie would be easy between the two of them. The thought of cuddling with Remus on the couch did make her smile briefly.
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It was one of her favorites. After all the fights, betrayal and heartache a sweater of his was still a favorite of hers. Remus was over the moon. She must have still felt something. Anything was enough at that point.
“I’m glad to hear some people had the privilege to spend time with you on your special day. Would have been wrong for you to be alone the whole day. Who did you catch up with?” He was hoping there wouldn’t be another person she was interested in. Though if that were the case wouldn’t that person be there with her? Remus wanted Aurora to be happy whether it was with or without him but wasn’t some jealousy human nature?
He coughed when she repeated the word. “Yes. Love.” He coughed again. “I’m glad you love the cake.” Though he wished she was saying I love you. He took what he could get. And for her to love his gestures meant the world. She was allowing him into her life, even if it was on a small scale.
“I would love to stay for food and a movie,” his heart fluttered. Such good memories of them curled up together watching whatever she had picked out, laughing at the screen and one another’s reactions. But he highly doubted they would be cuddling this time. He hoped they would. Merlin, he hoped. “Wouldn’t want to break tradition.”
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aurorasinistrax · 18 days
where: training room of Order hq who: @battle-scvrs
Aurora wasn't sure why she felt nervous. Her duelling skills were fine, but until Kingsley was satisfied with her abilities, she would be kept within the walls whilst everyone else was out making a difference. She pulled her hair up into a pony, dressed in a paire of tights and tank top, her robes in hand when she walked out on the mat to where he was standing.
"Hello Kingsley," a smile on her lips.
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aurorasinistrax · 18 days
Aurora didn't know how Marlene was going to react. There might have been some truth of why she was recommended to train more, but it was heart that made her jump in front of him, not sure she would have survived if anything bad at happened to Remus. She nods her head, looking down at her lap. "Edgar's." There was a small pause. "I know Remus went to him. And I'm sure he's only doing it because he wants to make sure I can handle my emotions." A small shrug to her shoulders, letting out a sigh. "Kingsley is going to be training me."
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Keen on keeping a smile on her face, Marlene was finding it ever more difficult with the passing days. As she met with friends here and there, or even at Order meetings or work, she was faced with the cruel reality that no one was really doing good at all. The grin faded from her lips as Aurora shared what had been going on with her, unable to believe the witch’s words. “That can’t be true.” The blonde exclaimed, furrowing her brows, confusing and annoyance clear on her features. “Whose decision was this? We need as many people as we can get on duty, it’s ridiculous!” No time to answer the question regarding her, it was better left unanswered.
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aurorasinistrax · 20 days
It had been too long since she had last seen Sade, considering they were both in the order, and both had those that liked to keep them safe. Her head shakes at the other. "You really have nothing to be sorry about. I'm glad we are meeting like this. It has been too long." Aurora really had to stop and start making more time for her friends.
She let out a small laugh. "I am sure Kingsley is going to spoil him and bring him home all on sugar." Aurora had a high respect for the wizard.
"I am doing better." Slowly accepting she would have to train more to get back on missions. "Are you free to get some lunch?"
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Sade's arms extended to steady Aurora, she chuckled breathlessly. Sade needed to learn how to slow down, her mind always seemed to be racing, jumping between one task to another. Relieved that her bag from Magic Neeps remained in tight grasp following the collision.
"Don't worry about me," Sade smiled, bringing her arms back to her side. "It's my fault - I always tend to be in a bit of a rush.
"Jasper is with Kingsley, Kingsley reckoned that it was time to take Jasper to London Zoo. But Jasper made it very clear that it's strictly an Uncle Kingsley day, I didn't get an invite. " Sade laughed, "How are you, Aurora?"
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aurorasinistrax · 25 days
Aurora could feel the apples of her cheeks start to burn at his comment. She wasn't expecting him to show up and if she did, she would have still worn his sweater. It brought her a comfort. "It's one of my favourites." The door is closed behind him, trying not to let any awkwardness sink in. This was all she wanted, was to spend her birthday with him, that she didn't want to say something that would make him leave.
"I ran into a couple people." Big celebrations were really never her thing. Over the years, she had always been excited to spend it with Remus, that she was a little caught off this year, not that it mattered now. He was standing in her flat.
"Love?" That word didn't slip passed her, bring a flutter to her stomach, and a smile to her lips. "I love it." She reaches out to take the cake from him, making her way to the kitchen. "Did you want to stay for food and watch a movie?" He didn't have to, but she would have liked if he did.
Aurora places the cake on the counter, turning to look at him, trying not to get too caught up in her emotions. "I'd really like if you did. It sort of became our tradition on my birthday."
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Just the sight of Aurora was enough to soften Remus. She was wearing his sweatshirt. It was an old one he’d lost so long ago. He had seen it on her plenty of times but when they split up it was one of the few things he couldn’t find. She’d kept it. And now, on her birthday, after everything that could go wrong having gone wrong, she was wearing it. He smiled softly. “It still looks good on you.” After saying that he hoped she wouldn’t take offense and slam the door. Instead she did the opposite. She welcomed him in.
He lowered his head as he had hit it on the doorframe too many times before and walked in, legs still wobbly. He couldn’t believe she was making this so easy on him. He didn’t deserve it. He deserved a slammed door with no words spoken.
Remus looked down at her. “I’m surprised I caught you alone. Or home at all. Thought your calendar would be full — or, at least, it should be.” He shook his head and wiped his face. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say.
“Of course I remembered. Hard to forget someone you love’s birthday. Twenty-five is a big year, yeah?” He cleared his throat. “I made you this,” he handed her the cake, one she had taught him to make. “It’s not as good as when you make it but I did my best.”
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aurorasinistrax · 25 days
This was what she needed at the moment. Time with her friends where she could find a distraction in them and not let her mind wander to a place where it shouldn't go. "I am glad that you were. I have been missing you." A smile on her lips. "Things have been....interesting." She gives a small sign. "I've been taken off active duty for, you know." It was a cause they both believed in. "Apparently I need more training before going back out." She knew this was all because of Remus. "How are you?"
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There was nothing Marlene enjoyed more than finding one of her friend’s owls by her window, instantly writing back a reply to meet up with an old friend. They’d agree to meet right after her shift, so the witch apparated to Diagon Alley and went into the cafe where Aurora was already waiting for her. A smile took over her lips when she saw the other witch, walking over to give her a quick hug before taking the seat across from her. “It’s actually been too long since we last met, I was so excited to get your letter.” The blonde said cheerfully, relaxing on her seat as she looked at the other witch. “How’re things going for you, darling?”
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aurorasinistrax · 25 days
Aurora was not surprised to see that Lily had found her for her birthday. She was one of her closest friends, that was not one of the boys, and it was the distraction she needed not to think about Remus and how they spent last year together celebrating.
"That is very kind of you. Thank you Lil." She reaches out to take the cupcake. "I can't believe I'm twenty-five. I feel ancient." The witch teases. "How are you doing? You've been so busy lately."
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It had been a long day at the Ministry, then again every day felt long anymore with the ongoing war. But since her argument with James, she'd sworn to herself that she wasn't going to let it run her life. She needed to start taking more time for the people she cared about and stop letting work and the order take over. She knew it was Aurora's birthday, though she hadn't been able to reach her.
She had gone to see her at her new job to no avail, though it seemed pure luck that someone else at the shop suggested The Three Broomsticks. Cupcake in hand she headed to the pub, happy to find her friend was in fact there. She made her way up to the bar, sliding the cupcake across the bar with a smile on her lips. "I did. You're just lucky I'm an awful singer, otherwise I would have done that as well. Happy Birthday..."
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aurorasinistrax · 25 days
A smile crosses her face glancing up at Rosmerta. "That is very kind of you." She takes a moment to make a wish before blowing the candle out. It was obvious what she wanted for her birthday, but she didn't think he would show up.
"I didn't want to make a big fuss of my birthday." She was certain that her friends would have done something for her and who knows if they hadn't. There was one she was missing. "I never did like big birthday parties."
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Ros had no idea how she managed. Dates on which people died that were closest to her... She did not remember those. Birthdays, however, from the most random people or just anyone she knew... Those she did remember. Sometimes she needed some help, but often she remembered. So that was the exact reason why she placed a cupcake with a lit candle in front of the woman who was sitting at the bar alone.
"Of course I had to do that." It was something she used to do a lot but with more and more people coming in... That was not an option anymore. But the fact that Aurora was sitting at the bar alone on her birthday was a good enough reason to do it today.
"Your birthday you are supposed to celebrate with others. Is someone else coming to do that?"
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aurorasinistrax · 28 days
After her time at the bar, Aurora made her way home, which was the long way. First her feet carried her over to Remus' place, where she stood outside, contemplating if she should go see him, but with everything that happened the last couple weeks, she felt torn. Was there enough hope and faith to fix them? She missed him. Her heart ached for him. Yet, there was this unknown hesitation.
She made her way home after standing there for five minutes, noticing a few letters left for her, and changed out of her clothes and into something for comfortable; one of his sweatshirts that was like a dress on her. Aurora opened a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass when she heard a knock on the door. She wasn't expecting company.
Her brows knit together, placing her glass down before going to open the door. Shock hit her, catching sight of Remus standing there with a cake in hand, homemade and her favourite. "Rem..." She could feel the tears prick in the corner of her eyes, happy to see him. "Come in." She opens the door wider for him, closing it behind her. "You remembered."
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where: aurora’s flat. who: @aurorasinistrax; aurora.
It was a special day, one Remus always remembered. Aurora’s birthday. This year she was turning twenty-five, a milestone of sorts. It was the first birthday he hadn’t shared with her since the break up. He felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to celebrate with her but the last time they saw each other wasn’t under the best of terms. She left him a note saying she needed time. He doubted there was enough time between then and the present but he had to try.
Remus carefully wrapped the gift he bought for her and finished the cake he baked with care. Aurora could have baked her own cake but that should never be the case for anyone. Someone else should always bring it. He wanted to do it as right as he possibly could.
He carried the gift in his pants pocket and the cake with care. He could have apparated to her flat but didn’t want to ruin the baked good. When he got to the door he was nervous to knock but there was no turning back. He had to do it.
With a knock on the door came a lump in his throat waiting for it to open and hoping she would let him in.
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aurorasinistrax · 29 days
where: the three broomsticks who: open
Twenty-five. It was hard that another year had come and she felt confused on the turns her life was taking. She had thought that at this point in her life, it would have looked differently, and here she sat single and a day she should be celebrating with her friends, she had this need to be alone.
Fingers curled around her glass of wine, looking down at the liquid contents when she caught a cupcake being slid across the bar top in her direction, a candle lit. "You didn't have to do that." Her head turns to see who it was.
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aurorasinistrax · 29 days
Aurora was running a few errands before she had to make it back to her shop. She hated leaving it closed, but sometimes it was easier to do what she needed in the middle of the afternoon. She found she was busier closer to dusk, most people stumbling in and curious what she did. It was happy place.
She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, looking down at her parchment, scribbled notes, when a body came colliding into her. Her hands coming up to hold onto them to not fall over.
"Sade?" At least it wasn't that of someone who does not like her company. Being almost knocked over by a friend was okay. "I'm fine. Are you okay?" Instantly, her eyes scan for Jasper. "Where is little man?"
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who : @aurorasinistrax
where : Hogsmeade
A small extendable bag from the Magic Neep tucked under her arm. Sade scrunched her grocery list in the palm of her hand, shoving it hastily into her pocket. Her eyes scanning the shop windows as she walked, looking out for a small toy to buy Jasper. She never liked going back to see him empty-handed. Even if was a small sweet. Something about how his face lit up made her world spin.
Something clicked, he had been previously eyeing up a small bundle of light up marbles in Zonkos just a few days ago. But she would have to check them, wary incase they were in some way a prank marble. Sade reckoned he was still a bit young for that.
Turning on her heel to head towards Zonkos. Sade gasped as she slammed into a passerby on the street. In her own world, she had almost knocked Aurora over.
"Oh! I'm so sorry." Sade exclaimed, steadying the other woman with her free hand. "Are you alright?"
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aurorasinistrax · 1 month
There was something refreshing about Rabastan Lestrange. He piqued her interest, more in the notion that he was curious about her powers. Most feared her, for what she could do, to the extreme of killing her kind, and others, used her as a fortune teller, when she had no control when these visions or prophecies made their appearance. Aurora was at their mercy. "Some do not like what I can do." It was an obvious statement, though, with the times changing, some wished for more from her. "I don't know what I will see, or say, to rely on me cause any benefit from this war would be foolish."
She takes a sip of her drink, a hand pressed into the middle of her back, causing her to stumble forward, a hand reaching out to brace on his forearm, darkness taking over, the amber hues now turned white, her voice low and eary. "What trouble ails, ends in blood; a winter's night brings anew." The words spilling from her lips, the second she finishes, Aurora is pulled back to reality, quickly letting go of his arm and stepping back. There was something about the wizard that called to her powers. "I'm so sorry." She glances over to see if she could find her date.
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aurorasinistrax · 1 month
where: cafe in diagon alley who: @mkmarlene
Aurora needed a friend with everything she was going through. It was out of anger and hurt that she went to the wedding with Jeff, yet most times, a certain one slipped into her mind. She had no idea how to process them, finding it hard to trust that Remus would be true to his words.
That is why she asked Marlene to meet with her. They had all grown up around each other, all part of that group, and knowing how close she was with Remus, at least maybe she could get a better insight to the situation.
She stood up from the seat on the patio when she saw the blonde coming towards her. "Mar," a smile on her face, giving her friend a hug. "It's so nice to see you."
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aurorasinistrax · 1 month
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LAURA HARRIER via instagram
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aurorasinistrax · 1 month
Why did he have to say all the right words now? After everything they had been through, communication was the one key component of their relationship that was lacking, and now brought them back to what felt like déjà vu. It was too much for her heart to handle, when all she craved, needed, was him. "This was your chance Remus." Aurora had to stand her ground, or she would continue to keep him chances, and nothing would be fixed.
"The thing is, you didn't think." Her fingers tug at his shirt, taking a deep breath, before she finally did pull away from him, wiping at the tears that streamed down her eyes. "How do we fix this? I feel like I can't trust you, if I can't trust you, what will our relationship be like?" Those words coming out of her mouth, made her sick to her stomach.
"I need time Remus. You need time to accept that I'm going to be part of the Order, regardless of how hard you try to push me out. You need to be able to fully accept who I am and love me, for me." Were they coming to an end, again, before they could even start their second chance.
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She didn't pull away. That had to be a good sign, right?
"I should have talked to you," he said, leaning into her. "I didn't think it would turn into this." He did know it wouldn't be good but he honestly didn't think it would rip them apart again -- for good. The option seemed, not harmless but out of good intentions. He needed to stop acting out of good intentions and start truly listening to her. Stop asking for favors and start talking to her about his concerns. "I want to do better. Please give me a chance to do better. What can I do?" Remus begged, clinging to her so tightly he could break her.
He wanted to carry her to his room and lay her on his bed just so he could curl his body against hers as he did in the hospital. He could recreate the time they had there and realize that everything could be okay again. It didn't have to be over. They could start anew. He could start fresh and give her what she wanted and needed. In that moment he was wishing he could erase asking the favor from Edgar but it was too late.
"No," he pleaded, gripping the back of her shirt, "please don't go. Don't go, Aurora. Let me fix this. Please."
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aurorasinistrax · 1 month
Her arms wrap around his waist being pulled close to him, ready to leave at any point. "I would not be opposed to that." A hand reaching one an unopened champagne bottle. "I do think we should take this with us." Having already indulged in a couple, she would like to continue the party.
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He smirked at her, pulling her close when she told him she would be alright with leaving early. Being here at this wedding, surrounded by death eaters, his supposed friends or colleagues, he didn't feel at ease. "Well then, what do you say we skip the reception and have our own little party at my place?"
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