auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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The following faceclaim(s) are free to be roleplayed again:
Matthew Daddario
Members please unfollow:
@dsdaehyun formerly @aualexious
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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The following hiatus expire today, you have 48 hours to get active again or you’ll be kicked out for unannounced activity:
PS. If you need a hiatus extension, feel free to message us.
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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The following members are in a 24 hour warning list, since the have been inactive over a month: 
The following members are in a 72 hour warning list, since the have been inactive for two weeks:
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Please notify the RP if you’re gonna leave, BEFORE YOU LEAVE, so we can keep our masterlist updated! Thank you!
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--Admin Mars!
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Hi! I'm curious about your activity level in the rp. I can't be on everyday, so I'm worried I might not be able to keep up well if everyone is very active.
Don’t worry, you can join, for now I’m not gonna lie, the activity is pretty low. But I encourage you to join anyway, the few that are active are very nice people.
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
hello this is skye, the mun of xera over here, and i was wondering if it was possible to apply for hiatus for two weeks? i will be leaving on a summer trip tomorrow and won't be back for a bit ;; thank you so much! ^-^
SURE SWEETIE!! Have fun on your vacations!
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--Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Would you rather have another big event or writing challenge with random prompts and randomly generated pairs (meaning you’ll be paired randomly with someone in the rp to have a para with) for it? 
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Do you love fantasy? The supernatural? Writing? Making new friends and writing partners? Then Monstrous RP is for you! When magic was deemed too dangerous, a bubble universe parallel to the Earth was created where all the magical creatures were banished to called the Prism, watched over by human guardians and overseers from Prism City in the center of a circle of cities. Each creature was sent to one of these nine cities to live in the environment that best suited them. Some cities build governments and established monarchies, others remained somewhat lawless. Now, things have changed. Generations have passed, new races have formed, and non-humans are being allowed into Prism City. But that doesn’t mean the danger is gone. When the darkness comes after you, will you fight it or join it? Whose side are you on?
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Arrow: League of Assassins
“It looks like I got a long night ahead of me” "You are trouble” "Did you hear that? It’s getting closer” “That’s not very scientific” "I happen to know a lot about science. I know fermentation. I know biology” "We’re going to be fine” "Hey, thanks for letting me stay here” "Thanks for understanding” “I don’t understand” "I know how hard it is to come home when you’ve been gone for so long” "This is a conflict of interest” “I think you’re overstating matters" “Sounds a lot like blackmail” “We both know what it’s like to lose someone” "Well, that’s the thing about forgiveness– you can’t get it until you ask for it” "This is quite the set-up that you got here” "You’re one of them” "They remade me into what I am. And I swore them my allegiance” “Why are they kicking down doors trying to find you now?” “You think that my family will be happy to see me?“ “What were you doing out there?” “Please, please! Please, no! Please, please! Please, no! No! You’ve made a mistake” “Please let me out” “Why won’t you let me– no, please, come back!” "Sorry if I upset you before” “We all join clubs we wish we hadn’t. It took me a year to get out of that gym membership” "Have you found somebody for me to hit yet?” “Like you, I am not that easy to get rid of” “This is my fight” “I’m not going back” "I have orders to return you; alive or dead” “You’re not going to kill me” “You overestimate your importance” "Pain and I came to a little understanding few years back” "I can keep a secret” "The more you struggle, the more it’ll hurt” "You don’t give me orders” "Since when did you start making house calls?” “It sounded a little less crazy in my head” "So I guess this means you’re not leaving town?” “You’ve had a rough couple of weeks” “You really going to tell me you couldn’t use a friend?” “Why did you lock the door?” “Please, come in. Have a seat” "I just wanted to make sure you were safe” "I’m really sorry if I was sending the wrong message” "What is so wrong with me that everybody leaves?” “I will never leave you” “I thought I locked that” "I was as far from home as you can get, but I never forgot where I came from” "You should be mindful of your surroundings” "I’m sorry you saw that” “I can’t imagine what you must think of me” "I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever known” “It’s time for you to come back home” “They are never going to stop looking for me” “I’ll protect you” "I can’t let you go” "I am not going to change my mind” "Can we– can we do this another time?” “Did something happen? Are you ok?“ "I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I’ve–I’ve had a really long week, and–and I’m tired” "An old friend gave this to me” “I don’t want to try so hard anymore”
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Activity check will take place at the end of this week, make sure to have replied to at least two paras or you’ll be put on the warning list! 
Also let us know, did you guys managed to recruit new AURORA members? If so, who joined the movement?
--Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Remember you only have 5 hrs and 40 minutes to post starters for the event, after today you can take your time to finish your threads, but can’t post nothing new related to the event!
I hope you liked our first event and had fun with it! Soon we’ll be posting our second event! Keep your eyes open!!
--Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Hey! Is there a maximum age limit for how old a Warlock or a witch can be? For example, a young adult witch who watched the witch hunts go on long ago in Salem to London could still be alive and thriving in 2017? Just trying to get a general idea of an age limit like can they be up to 900-1000 years old? 1000 and above?
Yes they could still be alive or reincarnated, etc… And yeah I would say witches can live up to 1000 years without a problem!
Hope to see you around soon!
–Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Muse types request! Let's get muses with jobs/lifestyles of all different sorts! Criminal muses ( hackers, thieves, gangsters please?) from the good guys ( cops, vigilante' type) to the 'apparently average student' or underground street racers or athletes omg so many ideas! Imagine a specie whose abilities help them in their occupation ^u^
YOU HEARD IT FROM THE CUTIE ANON! And I agree with them– let’s get all types of muses!
–Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
As for Familiars "A familiar (or familiar spirit or familiar animal) is an animal-shaped spirit or minor demon believed to serve a witch or magician as domestic servant, spy and companion, in addition to helping to bewitch enemies or to divine information." Checking out the movie Golden Compass would also help, though the idea of a Familiar in the movie is a tad bit different! :))
Oh I know what a familiar is honey, I just said it flew over my head to add them or mention them, but I know what they are. Thanks for the info though, for those who were not aware of what a “Familiar” is!
–Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
Hello! Are 'Familiars' allowed to be played here? As in the various small magical beings who take forms of animal and human and are 'bonded' magically with a witch or a warlock.
To be honest, that flew over my head, but I would be more than happy to see what cute character you come up with! So yeah, most definitely accepted! OMG YASSS! 
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–Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
For the event, does the Affiliated characters already have a list of people to recruit and/or a gist about them? (i.e. name, abilities, place frequently at)
Great question! 
In fact they do! Thanks to the seer, AURORA leaders and members are able to find other magical creatures easily. Not always members have access to this type of information unlike HQ Leaders, unless they are given the specific task to go after these creatures. OF COURSE for this event they are assisted by their leaders and have the info with them. But don’t limit yourself to that, you could also say your character casually spotted a creature that was not the one they were after, but decide to try and make them join too, for example.
I hope that cleared your doubt!
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--Admin Mars
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auroraxrp-blog1 · 7 years
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AURORA is pleased to introduce Alexious Maximilian DeAndre known as Alex, a Very Rare Wind Dragon not affiliated to AURORA. He is 114 years old, but looks around his mid twenties. Currently working as an Author, he likes Discipline, Charisma, Strong personalities, Writing, Protecting those who can’t protect themselves and The sense of freedom but is not very fond of Stubbornness, manipulative beings or ideas, being judged, bullies, mistrust. Wanna know more about him, make sure to pay a visit !!
name: His Highness the Prince, Alexious Maximilian DeAndre alias: Alex DeAndre used commonly during ‘human’ interactions. Alex is also used among people in his close circle. age: 114 + appears to be in his early to mid-twenties affiliated: yes or no if yes, headquarter: - years they have been part of AURORA: – are they a mentor within the headquarter they belong to: – race: Wind Dragon
race description: Wind Dragons specifically reside within high rising and ragged mountains. The extent to where their homes reach know no real limit, liking it better the closer they are to the sky. Wind Dragon much generally all look the same, apparently formed by an amalgamation of clouds, mist or what seems to be smoke. They have glowing blue eyes, more piercing than the sun rays and instead of a horn, have long, flexible ears, spikes go along their long necks and end upon their reptilian shaped body.
Their usual age span is 500-800 years, depending on their living circumstances and environment. Wind is their friend as well as their ultimate weapon, the skies their home . The more powerful and skilled the dragon, the more ways it can manipulate wind, even being able to create full blown storms for the wind to wreck everything in its path. An angry Wind Dragon is as lethal as any natural disaster.
Wind Dragons as unpredictable, much like the sporadic nature of wind itself, each Dragon has its own specific characteristics. Generally laid back and genuine they have a great love for adventure, to explore and greatly adore everything that shines.
occupation: Author of thriller crime series with a strong presence of the supernatural world that some humans consider purely ‘fictional’. Blending in with the humans comes easily, given that he’s been trained since an early age by his royal dragon parents how to maintain his human state by the help of ‘tattoo’ like Runes drawn into his skin, they were enchanted by several Witches and Warlocks and every so often he needs the enchanted Runes refreshed. Some of the Runes on his body act as protective and detective Runes while the rest help him change into Hybrid form swiftly and for a decent amount of time without necessarily wearing him out.
unique features: In his human form, exquisite ‘tattoos’ ( which are actually runes) of different shapes are scattered over his entire body, some on his arms, one on the side of his neck expanding down to his collar bone and the rest mark his torso. In his Hybrid-form his hands enlarge and grow into dragon – like hands. Claw, ragged scales creating a natural armor all in white while his eyes glue a bright Azure and his hair turns from dark brown to ashen white. His true form reveals a gigantic beast, as if formed by tremendous clouds and white smoke. His wings are wide and thin in texture, so thin that the sunlight passes through them since his full form is made in a way that he can easily 'hide’ among the clouds and have the sunrays pass right through him, rendering him 'camouflaged’ in a sense till it’s he’s upon his oppressors or enemies and it’s too late to flee. This gives him a stealth and tactical advantage which ofcourse gets taken away somewhat when the sky is dark and clear of clouds or mist.
class: Very Rare
main power: Elemental Dragon Physiology
magical abilities: He can transform into an Elemental Dragon. The full form differs from the “Hybrid form”, his normal or 'hybrid’ form where he is made of both the element and normal flesh, and “Full form”, a form where they are completely formed by the element in which case he seems to be formed by clouds and white smoke. As explained earlier the Hybrid form enables him to turn his hands into large dragon claws, scaled and white. This ability of either going Hybrid or Full form allows him to use the ever present wind as his main weapon, which then becomes the application of his main power: Elemental Dragon Physiology. While in Hybrid form he is only half as strong compared to his full form, his Hybrid form enables him to create violent gusts of the wind, sharp and swift like swords being flung forth While in his full form he is able to create an entire hurricane. And ofcoure the extended claws themselves are fatal to anyone wth whom they come in contact with.
non-magical abilities: In his human form, he is trained in hand-to-hand combat and long-range shooting, his weapons of choice: Bow&arrows. Skilled in several different forms of combat due to a number of mentors he had from different parts of the world to learn how to always hit his mark with precision and speed.
weaknesses: As Elements go, one element may defy the other. Water & fire, for example, cancel each other out. For the Wind element, abilities based on light, dust and paper manipulation are what render him 'weak’ so he is easily detectable and loses his 'stealth’ advantage. His hybrid form is only half as powerful as his full form. Moreover due to the impracticality or showing his hybrid form–and successfully exposing himself as a 'freak’ to any surrounding humans– he needs to be careful where and when he transforms.  Since in his Hybrid form he’s only half as strong as his full-on form and going full on dragon may not always be convenient, which leaves him to working with his hybrid form so naturally, limited amount of time to stay hybrid and keep using his wind manips because his stamina is running out– for 20 minutes or an hour to be more precise, it’s all going to depend on whether he went hybrid for the first time in the day, which means his stamina wasnt used up before hand and if he’s gone hybrid multiple time during the day that obviously drains him out faster.  Not only does he need to hold his hybrid form, he needs to make attacks/defenses count. With that is related is the quality of his wind manipulation, less time, lower stamina leads to weaker blows or shaky defenses.
likes: Discipline, Charisma, Strong personalities, Writing, Protecting those who can’t protect themselves and The sense of freedom. dislikes: Stubbornness, manipulative beings or ideas, being judged, bullies, mistrust positive traits: Kind-hearted, protective, courageous, pro-change, open-minded neutral traits: Brooding, unclear loyalties, secretive, negative traits: rebellious, moody, strong fear of being misunderstood, mental state: Ambiguphobia, a fear of being misunderstood
personality description: wind is light and pleasing to the senses when cool but feels heavy and exhausting and thick when it is hot and humid, likewise, he has his different moods, ever changing and easily affected by the atmosphere he would be present in.
He grows to trust people over time. His friendship and frankness are earned over time as well. Even though he considers himself a social being with an open heart and mind he at times finds it hard to warm up to certain individuals. In his case, the first impression isn’t necessarily the last impression. He would know, to meet Alexious for the first time is different, by the third time the entire experience changes.
He has a reserved and formal way of speaking, when it comes to courtship and actually having ‘fun’, the Prince might feel out of his comfort zone but still pushes on. Not entirely incapable of getting playful, he does know how to have fun. Several average human things still fascinate him from time to time so he is learning, adapting and grows into a new individual every day. Due to the history of his family, the legacy of Dragons hunting dragons for the sake of jewels and favors, Alexious is afraid of being misunderstood to be ‘one of them’. He believes every living creature has the right to live. Every innocent life needs protection and every villainous presence needs to be checked upon and taken actions against. He for one, is not a cold-hearted bounty hunter. He is not like his Father and most certainly not the pride of his Father’s eyes.
place/realm of birth: New York City date/year of birth: 1903 if half-breed, parents: Both parents are Wind Dragons if water being, nature: –
biography description: It was as if he was born to become that man who seemed to be on a mission to go against every law established by his Kingdom, by the King his very own Father. Alexious still wonders if he was born to the wrong kind of Wind Element Dragon family. His father and the entire Kingdom seemed to have lost their way at some point. While news of the war was brewing in different realms, His misguided and vicious Father had taken up ‘dragon hunting’.
As the saying goes, to hunt wolves you need wolves. Wind and certain other Elemental Dragons joined forces in these endeavors, ofcourse this gained the entire Kingdom a bad image. Other beings had every right to intently watch the Kingdom while certain hunters, human and non-human began to associate themselves with this Kingdom of dragons that even hunted their own kind—for what? The thrill of it, the’ favors’ it would bring upon them. Worst of all no one seemed to thnk this was entirely wrong.
Except for the young Prince, Alexious, a young man his Father had wished to groom into their mightiest Dragon Hunter. However, Alexious had no desire to do so, it was as if he wasn’t even his father’s son. His morality s different from the King’s that it earned him the displeasure of his Father. At his own home—the Palace atop rugged and treacherous mountain ranges of the Wind realm—he was suddenly a stranger, an outsider with new ideas and opinions that either fellow Dragons gawked at or glared at him for. After all one day this very Prince would be king? Was he even fit for the throne and to carry on the legacy of his Father? Perhaps if someone had asked him whether he wished to be King of such a Kingdom he might have answered ‘No’. T
hen again if a change was to be brought about, he knew one day he would need to take charge and set things right. Things that several Wind Dragons knew as tradition, as their established way of life. Alexious, still a young Dragon had no idea how to bring about a change that would quite literally shift several lives upside down. The Dragons needed to live in unity, no matter their elemental differences, they were one. Branches of the same tree, disunity meant the doom of their kind. The dragon hunting practices were leading to an unreasonable number of fatalities, the Kingdom had acquired more enemies than friends. The Palace began feeling like it stood of shaky basis, ready to crumble into dust.
Then there was the matter of the war, humans had grown notorious and the creatures of all kinds were defending their kin. War was in the air his father refused to send out any troops. They were to fend for themselves first, the knights and hunters and scouts were all to carry on as commanded. Delegates came to visit in peace, from independent peace organizations converse with the King, the Prince and the court of advisors and senators along with the High Knights. The King did not heed. The Prince felt a burning passion to change things. If the King was not going to help protect a world that was crumbling fast, a war that was spreading like wildfire then he Alexious would take matters into his own hands. So he does something drastic. Something similar to what a traitor’s action would seem like. Taking a handful of Knights, scouts, warriors and hunters loyal purely to him he spreads his wings and leads numbers of Dragons into the battle field, pushing away at the human battalions and continue to defend the win realm, much to the surprise to some who had thought the King didn’t mind fellow dragons being killed as long as his precious palace was kept out of it. Even though he knew humans from outside the Wind realm would not give him any favors, those, of course, he would kill. The King was blinded by pride and ambition but Alexious’s actions made the King and those loyal to him furious.
Alexious gets the news on his way back from the battlefield, he had a few brave Dragons back there and was in mourning when he hears of the attack on the Palace, his home. Rushing back in time to barely save his father he sends a clear message to the human kind: He won’t stand still nor continue alliances with those who wish to harm his family, home or anyone of the other creatures that existed. A rather ‘new’ statement from a kingdom so focused on earning golds, jewels and favors by killing their own kin. The King was ill but he would live. The atmosphere in the Palace clearly marked how it was not fit for Alexious to continue living there but he would still very much be calling the shots, still, the Prince had experienced the brutalities or war and it had changed him in ways. Humans could not be trusted. Humans still wanted them gone. Alexious travels back to the country and then the city of his birth—New York City where a whole other love story had begun.
His father and mother had met there, fallen in love and out of that love came Alexious. His father knew his little Dragon would become the pride of his eyes, young Alexious was Kept in NY for several years, the small family made trips around the world. Even though he was a child, his perceptive mind absorbs the details of different cultures of the different countries he visits. Cities like Seoul, Tokyo and London make great impressions on his growing, inquisitive mind. His last trip is int the Wind realm where he continues to live and train as the only son of the King. He doesn’t truly understand what for, but he along with the common knights receive intense and extensive training. He learns different languages, learns different arts, he paints at sunset and clashes swords at sunrise. Archery became a passion and magic, a fascination. His Father called upon different mentors from different parts of the world to educate and enlighten his son, Knowledge was the true power—after Alexious’s mighty combat skills. Allied Witches were called upon to enchant and burn ‘Runes’ into the milky white skin, each Rune granting him abilities.
Alexious grows, too wrapped up in his studies and training that it’s not till he’s a young adult when he truly learns of what an actual Monster his father was. Alexious now resides in New York, somewhere in a lavish loft by the suburbs he is watched over by his hand selected guards—royalty it seemed needed to be watched and protected no matter where he went—Writing, one of his passions become a ‘career’. He was fascinated by many mundane things humans did and so he writes, from being a ‘new author’ to becoming somewhat well known he wrote thriller crime series, a strong presence of the super natural creatures present there. He was cherished by the writing community and his fans for his vast imagination yet…little do they know, his writings were not all entirely fiction. Presently he has begun working out ways to reach Aurora, an organization he truly respects and appreciates. With a number of enemies his father gained for the entire Kingdom, it would do Alexious well to gain a larger number of allies.
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