austin-rapp · 3 months
"You think your nipples could cut glass right now because I think we should try it." Austin laughed as he looked him over. "You look fucking great though. If that helps. I would offer you my jacket but I am shirtless literally all of pride but I have a very, very heavy beer jacket on right now," he joked though he had managed to reach a very nice level of high and slightly tipsy. "Also means you gotta dance more, dude. You need to get your sweat on. Not stand over here shivering like a baby deer."
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"I get that like the ocean is cold ... probably ... I think. Actually, I'm not sure because global warming is happening so technically the sea levels are rising now, and ... well anyway, I get the ocean is cold but whoever cranked up the AC I just wanna have a word." Patton's outfit was on theme but truly at what cost. He did his best not to shiver while pouring himself a drink. At this point, it was almost embarrassing.
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"That's the thing, knowing it was real just makes it feel worse," she admitted and rubbed at her forehead as she thought about it. "And I'd rather bang my head against a wall then have a conversation where the result will kind of be the same. Closure is overrated," she admitted, puffing out her cheeks for a moment. It was helpful just to say it out loud to Otis and have it validated and now she just wanted to find a way to move on. It was clear Lyrica and Jimi were really into each other and she just wanted to be happy for them. She smiled as she leaned into his touch, grateful for him in so many ways and grateful that she had friendships that held her so tenderly. "Well yes, you are blessed in that way for sure. And yes, that is so. I met with the curator yesterday. It's a gallery space downtown. I showed her some of the painting stuff I've been exploring lately so I'm hopeful we can settle on one of those pieces. Mostly because they're just easier to carry. Remember when you guys had to all help me get my marble statue to Ravenwood in one piece? That was a successful disaster."
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"Or perhaps you didn't imagine it?" Otis suggested, with a shrug. "Perhaps, and this is just an assumption, my brother just pulled one of those moves. You know, the one guys typical tend to make. They moved onto the next thing without much thought or consideration for the other person. The fellow members of my gender tend to do that." He let Mae know with a sigh. "Have you thought about maybe talking to him about it? Because as much as we can speculate, I think you'll get answers straight from the source." Otis let her know, before reaching over to rub at Mae's back. "You can't imagine how happy I would be if I got stuck with you." Otis agreed with her, the smile on his face only growing. "Well, you know not everyone was graced with two musically inclined parents and I feel for those who weren't." He nodded, as that was no even a matter of conversation. Mae had always managed to see him, and he was happy to do that same for her. "Is that so? Where will I be catching sight of your newest work, now?"
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austin-rapp · 4 months
Mae's smile turned up at the compliment, not sure if Eve meant it but it was nice to hear either way. She took a seat before thanking her for the bottle of water, laughing at the question. "Fuck, I hope so. I spent enough time on it," she offered, coughing as she caught herself cursing. "Shit, sorry, I mean, yeah, anyway, it's a mix of stuff. I tend to explore all sorts of mediums for periods at a time so," she shrugged it off her shoulder and opened it before handing it over to Eve. "Knock yourself out. I started out with sculpting, moved more from marble to clay, then wood and then recently I just said, hey, why not try painting. I never thought I was..gentle enough for it but I get the hype, I really do."
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"The feeling's mutual." She did have some air of professionalism when it came to these things, but just while she felt it out first, and of course with an emphasis on some.' "Yeah well I like your stuff and I've always got time for cool people. You wanna take a seat? I don't have an office, per-say, so just here is fine," she told her, motioning to the small seating area in the gallery. While Mae sat, she grabbed two bottles of water then joined her. "What do you got in there, anything good?," she joked, pointing to her portfolio.
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austin-rapp · 4 months
She puffed out her cheeks as Otis put a name to what she had been saying. Two names actually. "Yeah, like that," she admitted and rubbed at her forehead for a moment. "I'm happy for them, I just..I don't know. It's like Jimi and I had this moment and sometimes I'm sure I must have imagined it because the way they are together, it feels silly to think I was even in consideration." She shrugged, wanting desperately for it to just roll off her back like it was nothing. She adored Lyrica and at one point had a crush on her too so overall it was just not great for her. She'd rather avoid it but that would mean not hanging out with her friends and that was the last thing she wanted to do. She was grateful for his reassurance though and leaned her head against his shoulder, giving his arm a squeeze. "Well I'm pretty okay with being stuck with you. You're always great on the aux and you always remember my favorite snacks," she teased but really she was grateful for how solid of a friend Otis had always been. "Thanks for seeing me," she told him and nudged him lightly. "In nicer new, I'm entering my work into a new gallery."
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"More likely than you think," Otis let her know with a small smile. "Okay... perhaps not entirely. I still am employed at TRAXS so I'm bound to run into something weird at my next shift but as of right now, no more weirdness." He said, shaking his hands out in front of him as if to wade off bad juju. "People... like Jimi and Lyrica, huh?" Otis asked, as he was never one to not be blunt. Plus, he'd had to shoo them off from behind the merch stand as things were about to get a bit X rated on some valuable shirts. "I still don't know how to survived an entire summer of that." Otis laughed, as he'd been fortunate enough to tour with his father, Adrian come summers in his youth so he didn't have to play boy scout. "Nah, you're more than valid in feeling however you feel." Otis let her know with a shrug. "It sucks to not be that person for someone you want... but it does get better eventually. Trust me, I know." Otis let her know, pointing at himself with a bigger smile. "And who knows? Maybe we'll find someone who likes us even more than those people we wanted someday. And if not, you're stuck with me." Otis suggested, with a light nudge to Mae's shoulder. "Totally just girl who's alive and breathing, if you ask me.'
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austin-rapp · 4 months
He thought about it for a moment, "Yeah, I can totally see the vibe. You totally give me 'i didn't have to deal with a sibling annoying me growing up' vibes," he told her with a laugh as he thought about it. "Ohhh, a beret! That's genius. Very sophisticated. What if you combine them? Butterfly riding a dolphin. Or the other way around, that would be something. Alright, let's do it." He gently got her back to her feet before he laid down on his stomach for the tattoo artist and told them what he wanted. It was a fake tattoo so he doubt it was actually gonna hurt but as he lay there, he still reached out for Gemma's hand. "I think I'll name the stingray Ed, or Sal or Stacey. Or something else."
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"That's cool. I'm an only child- do I give that vibe? I need you to be honest with me," she joked, though she wondered what it'd be like to have that kind of relationship with someone else. The closest she had was Walt and the rest of her friends she'd grown, she figured that was like having a sibling. "Wrong kind of sting," she agreed, smiling as his lips pressed against her shoulder. "Cool glasses are a must, or maybe a little hat? Like a beret. I'm leaning towards the dolphins still, or maybe like the classic tramp stamp butterflies."
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"You? Tapped out of weird? I never thought I'd see the day," Mae joked, though Otis had a point. "I mean I generally don't worry about it but then I'm around people and it's kind of hard to ignore. Especially at such horny event like a music festival. It gave me flashbacks to camp with the greasers," she mumbled and shivered as she thought about it. The Elena and Matty era had definitely left its lasting impact. "I know you're gonna give me the pep talk angle but I guess sometimes I just feel a bit discarded. Not as much as I used to, I mean I feel like I've grown a lot but those little insecurities are a bitch. Guess I'm just trying to get to a place where it doesn't bother me but I don't think I will. Does that make me a failure or just a girl who's alive and breathing?"
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"Oh, you busted out the adage, huh?" Otis asked, his eyebrow raising ever so slightly as a slight smirk appeared on his features. At this point, Otis didn't put much weight into his romantic prospects or lack thereof. Whilst he was generally known as someone with not the sunniest disposition, he was trying this thing where he no longer focused on what he didn't have. "Maybe we will? Maybe we won't?" Otis said with a shrug, before taking a pull from the joint being passed between the two of them. "What I do know, don't put too much weight on all of that. Dating in todays day and age is fucking weird, and I'm all tapped out of weird after this last weekend."
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"Yeah, Mae, it's really nice to meet you," she told her and shook her hand with a growing smile. She can't say Eve was what she had expected but it was a welcome surprise. "Uh yeah, water's great, thank you. I was glad you had time for me today, I know you're probably super busy putting this show together. I'm really curious to know what you have in mind," she admitted, shifting the portfolio in her arms.
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"In the flesh," she confirmed, extending a hand. Eve never knew what people expected her to look like, or whatever, when they were emailing but it was funny whenever she clearly didn't meet those expectations. "Mae, right? Can I get you a water or anything, then we can chat."
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"Uh hi, I'm looking for.." Mae paused and pulled her phone out again to look at who the email had come from, "Eve Stifler?" Mae had made it a goal of hers to appear in at least two galleries this year as she tired out some new mediums and had found a lot more confidence in showing her work. "We're supposed to meet about the show she's putting together." @schmidt-stifler
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"Yeah, I love it. I mean I'm her older brother so I do annoy the shit out of her sometimes but mostly we're just vibing. Share the chores, cultivate the space together and always start the day with a joint on the porch. It's good living." As someone who had experienced a lot of instability in his earlier years, he was grateful to be at a place where he truly felt settled and really loved his own space. Probably more than he had when he lived with Austin. "That's a fair point. I don't know if I'm the scorpion guy. Feels like the wrong kind of sting," he admitted, pressing a brief kiss to one of her shoulders. "Fuck it, stingray it is. But I'm gonna see if she can put like cool glasses on it or like a funny hat. What are you feeling?"
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"You live with your sister, do you like that?" She had to assume so, but Gemma didn't have any siblings either so she couldn't be sure. It was nice though, that they were that close. Only recently did she move out of her dad's too so she couldn't talk much there. "Me neither, it's going to be the highlight of my day, besides this, of course," she told him, pressing her lips to his. They sat a while longer until they were satiated with each other, and then headed to the temporary tattoos. Even when he pulled her into his lap she felt some color rise in her cheeks, which she hid by sticking her head in the tattoo book. "Scorpion's cool," she agreed, nodding. "I don't know if its you though, the stringray feels more you."
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"No you haven't and my home is pretty fucking great. Plus my sister is staying at our Dad's place this weekend so we'll have the place to ourselves." Simon never missed a chance to talk about how proud he was of their little home and he was excited to have Gemma over. He felt like it was sharing another piece about himself and so far she had treated all the pieces of him fairly well. "I like this plan. A lot. I really didn't want to leave without my tramp stamp," he told her earnestly, leaning into the touch of her lips as his fingers brushed against one of her thighs. After a while of just sitting there, he finally got to his feet and pulled her up with him so they could go towards the temporary tattoo station. He took a seat and gently pulled her into his lap as the artist handed them the book of options. "Shit...I was so team stingray but this little scorpion looks fucking cool."
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As surprised as she was to be lifted off the ground, she found it impossibly hot too, smiling against his lips as they settled into the seating area. "It wasn't that long," she said with a shrug, a little giggly once they'd broke and were looking at each other again. "It's not a particular dream of mine, I mean, even if these are pretty comfortable. Plus I've never been to your home." The fucking part definitely wasn't lost on her but there was so much to learn about a person just from their room, so that had her a bit excited too. "After tattoos is good, and once I get this tramp stamp-," she didn't finish that thought, though the implication was there, and kissed his neck.
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"Do you think we'll ever find anyone to match our freak?" Mae was sitting with Otis in her backyard, passing a joint back and forth. While the festival had been fun, it had felt a bit overwhelming to Mae for various reasons. She was happy for Afra living out her rockstar crush life and though seeing Simon make out with someone in broad daylight was less than ideal, it had been seeing Lyrica and Jimi on stage together that had really sent her head spinning. She was in a better place these days but it didn't make it sting any less, especially when it came to Jimi. It felt like Otis was maybe the only person left who could understand where she was coming from considering his not so secret (to her at least) feelings for her brother. "I mean not to sound pathetic or anything but it's getting a little depressing, O." @theteenagefloyd
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"Gloss. So smart. Tastes great," he mumbled, eventually taking a hold of the back of her thighs to lift her up easily and carry her out of the walkway and towards a seating area that was really just a bunch of bean bags. He eased them both down and settled his arms around her as they kissed. He eventually dropped his lips to her neck and trailed kisses down to her shoulder. "Sorry I waited so long," he told her, pulling back for just a moment to look at her, sure his face was flush and his lips a little red. "But you should really come home with me today. After the tattoos. Unless you've always dreamed of fucking on bean bags. Which, would totally make sense I just don't want sunburn on my ass cheeks."
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Since they'd met she wanted to hook up with him but she wouldn't call it a top priority of her's- sure it'd be nice but she liked just hanging out too. Gemma leaned into his touch as he pulled her closer and met his lips, arms draping over his shoulders while she kissed him. Passerby were the least of her concern, and they barely parted even as they were jostled around by the passing crowd. "Fucking rude right," she breathed back, sighing as his lips grazed her jaw. "On my lips? I wear a lot of gloss," she chuckled, closing the little gap between them to kiss hin again.
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"They shouldn't be that big! Exactly. Just roaming around underneath the water. Sheesh." Simon had of course been thinking of this on and off since he met her but he had been enjoying the fact that she just liked his company and didn't seem to just want to be around him so she could hook up with him. Not that Simon was against that in any way. "I mean, now, later, after that," he told her with a grin before he slid a hand around her waist to pull her closer and leaned down to kiss her. He dropped his other hand to rest gently against her neck, not at all caring that they were standing in the middle of a walking path until enough people bumped past them. "You would think people know how to walk around, jesus," he mumbled, not quite pulling away as he kissed at her jaw a bit. "Do you use moisturizer? Cause wow your lips are so soft."
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"Oh I don't fuck with whales. They shouldn't be that big." Gemma laughed with him as he assessed her sunscreen application, moving so he could help her out. "Thanks." She smiled as she turned back to face him and they started walking again, the feeling of his hands on her shoulders still lingering a bit. "Oh!- yeah." It caught her off guard for a second, how both direct and nonchalant he was, but then she grinned, nodding. "I mean, today of all days, it'd sort of be a crime not to right," she agreed, chuckling as she stepped closer too. "Do you... want to now.. or later..."
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"That would be so fucking cool. Whale's scare the shit out of me but I feel like I could totally become their friend." He laughed as he stepped behind her and saw the streaks. "You missed a couple of spots," he told her and spread the sunscreen out smoothly, giving both of her shoulders a light squeeze before he pulled away. "There you go, all protected." He was still close to her as he put the sunscreen back in his fanny pack. As they walked to the tattoo station and the sun hit them both, he glanced over at her with a slow growing smile. "Hey, you can tell me to fuck off if this isn't the vibe but do you ever wanna like...make out? Cause i think today is a perfect day for it. I mean every day is a perfect day for it but the vibes today are giving major make out with the hottest person here vibes, you know?"
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"I think they're fish. Right? What is it that whales use, echolocation- I don't know if fish do that," she went along with his train of thought, easily following a similar stream of consciousness. Gemma smiled back at him as she rubbed the sunscreen into her hands and got the tops of her shoulders, though it got a little awkward once she tried to reach back behind her. "Can you- Did I blend this in okay?" She turned her back to him, moving her hair aside to reveal her streaky application.
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austin-rapp · 4 months
"True. I've never seen an interview with the stingray. I wonder if they speak a specific language. Like is fish language just one language or like different dialects. Wait is a stingray a fish?" He was mostly thinking out loud but once he started down that thinking pathway, it was hard to pull himself back out. "Oh, dolphins are so sick! You have great taste." He smiled as he squeezed a bit into her hand before finishing his own application. "Shoulders are important. They get so crisp out here. You need any help let me know."
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"But we don't really know the whole story there," she said, sure no one ever thought to get the sting ray's side of it. "Oh same, I can't commit to shit. For sure, that'll look sick. I should probably stay on theme then too, right? I could get a dolphin, or a couple dolphins." She thought it over while they started walking, just about to say something when his watch cut her off. Her lips quirked up into a smile once she realized what was happening as Simon pulled out a bottle of sunscreen. "I'm okay. Or- maybe a little, sure," she changed her mind, holding a hand out to take a dollop. "Just to hit my shoulders again."
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austin-rapp · 5 months
"Right? Except for when they killed that Irwin guy. So not cool. Otherwise, great vibes. Mostly because I change my mind all of the time. Not sure if I'm ready to commit to something so hard when my mood could change," he admitted, despite the few actual tattoos he did have. "Oh great call, you know what? I think we should get matching tramp stamps, very hot. A stingray tramp stamp does kind of go hard..." he trailed off as he thought about it before he started walking with her. As he opened his mouth to speak, his watch went off and he paused. "Oh shit sunscreen time," he told her and pulled a small bottle out of his back packet and re-applies sunscreen to his face. "I don't look sexy in red. You need some?"
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Simon seemed to come out of nowhere and step between the two of them, Gemma shrinking back while he laid into the guy. It was hardly a situation she needed saving from, not in the way he'd did it at least, but watching it all go down still made her a little giddy. Just endearingly dorky. "Stringrays are dope," she echoed, smiling back at him. "Why fake though? I bet there's a real tattoo artist here somewhere. I'll probably go tramp stamp- fake. Obviously."
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austin-rapp · 5 months
"Not this guy again," Simon said to himself as he spotted the same person who had tried to make an ass out of him earlier. "Hey man let me see that," Simon told the guy as he stepped into the conversation and grabbed the tiny mic from his hand. "Where you'd get this? At the ant emporium or something? Very cool. Let's see if it floats," he told him as he dropped the mic into the guys drink. "Damn, I guess it doesn't. Weird." He looked over at Gemma and smiled. "You wanna go get some fake tattoos? I'm thinking something on my neck. Like a snake or maybe a stingray. Stringrays are fucking cool."
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“Wait where is this going?” Gemma just wanted to ask the guy where he got his tiny little microphone from and, instead, found herself the semi unwilling participant of an influencer video. She had trouble saying no though, that was on her, and with every question he asked she realized it was the kind of viral video edited down to make her look stupid. “Um. Okay,” she mumbled as she walked away. “What the fuck just happened?”
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