austoniadoco · 10 years
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Muhu mehed 1934. aastal
Men from Muhu in 1934
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Eesti sõdurid Peipsi rannikul, 1944
Estonian soldiers at the coast of Lake Peipus, 1944
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Kaitseliidu paraad Vabaduse väljakul, 1926
Parade of the Estonian Defence League in Tallinn, 1926
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Holmi tänav Tartus
Holmi street in Tartu
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Barclay Plats ja Kaubahoov, Tartu, 1870-1880ndad aastad
Barclay Square in Tartu, 1870-1880s
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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24. veebruari tähistamine Tallinnas Vabaduse väljakul 1919. aastal
Celebration of 24th February in Tallinn, 1919
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Tallinn, Estonia (by Aleksandra Akimenko)
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Tallinn, Estonia
If you don’t add Tallinn to your Eurotrip plans, you’re messin’ up big time. Tallinn is the most magical.
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Took some time last Saturday to assist production on the Baltic University doco by Helga Merits. Pictured here is one interview subject Natalia chatting to Mai Maddison (off screen). I operated camera and sound for the interviews. #balticuniversity #helgamerits #maimaddison #documentary #estonia #latvia #lithuania #germany
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austoniadoco · 10 years
Film director Silvi Vann-Wall presented her first full length documentary at the Melbourne Estonian days. What is this film about and what did it take to make such a documentary?   The following interview is in ENGLISH.
The SBS Estonian interview with director Silvi Vann-Wall has finally emerged! This was Silvi's first time being interviewed for radio. Our thanks to Triin Pehk and SBS Estonian Language radio for the opportunity to talk about this fledgling film and spread the word about what we do.
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Today we danced, sang, and ate like good Estonians. The day was bright and full of laughter - and with that, #EP2014 has officially closed! See you all tomorrow night for the NYE Sine must Ja valge ball! #Austonia #rahvatants
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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And the audience was absolutely captivated. Thank you for coming on this journey with us - from one Austonian to many others, I send you all my love and gratitude for the new year. We couldn't have done it without every single one of you: our funders, followers, fans, family, friends, crew, and starring participants. Catch ya on the flipside guys and gals! #Austonia #JourneysEnd #EP2014 #Aitah #ThankYou
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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T-minus 10 minutes. Be there or be square! #Austonia #EP2014 #eestimaja #freepopcorn #freedrink
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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The final preparations are underway, and the popcorn smells amazing! #Austonia #EP2014 #cometoEestiMaja #freepopcorn
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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The boys are busy setting up the big screen for the premier of #Austonia - only a few more hours until we launch the Film Festival! #EP2014 #australia #estonia #documentary
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Get excited - the Austonia crew are getting their productivity hats on to put together our prize packs for the IndieGoGo supporters. If you were one of these supporters, don't forget to pick up your prizes at the EP Film Festival this week. Thanks! #ep2014 #austonia #estodocoaus #indiegogo #filmfestival #eestimaja
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austoniadoco · 10 years
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Hmm...too short methinks! Lucky Nanna is a whiz on the sewing machine. This second hand beauty will be ready in no time for #EP2014 (the Estonian days festival). Shout out to all our new followers today - don't forget to buy your EP tickets to see the premiere of #Austonia!
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