autcmne-blog · 9 years
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
Wiping a hand over her own face and sighing loudly, Yuuka knew she had been less than polite and had gotten too invested in practice. Maybe she just needed a step back, a little break, before going back to practicing jump serves. 
She glanced over at her team mate, all remnants of irritation leaving her expression and instead turning to a soft smile. 
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“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… get that way. Just frustrated is all. Thank you, Chiasa-san.”
It was encouragement enough even though she knew she still had a long way to go. 
“I brought red bean dorayaki with me today; I’ll share one with you if you want!”
( so she can help, after all. that’s good to know. 
and if chiasa wants to be honest with herself, it’s better than good. it must be hard to take so much on--to have to be the perfect role model for so many people. chiasa herself could never do it. even just for her brother... it’s hard enough already. not for the first time, chiasa wonders how yuuka manages to find time for her own needs.
does she? ) 
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                ☼ that’s understandable. maybe we should get bubble tea later, too, to cheer you up. 
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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( oikawa is the best senpai--it’s official. she didn’t even have to ask. but then again, maybe she was rather obvious, what with her hanging over the food and all. well, it’s not like she’s going to complain either way. chiasa settles down next to him and offers him the bento. )
                ☼ yes please. thank you very much, senpai.
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                       “ ah – how awfully nice of them to make me something ! ” he almost feels guilty for having eaten. there’s not really many people that tooru appreciates more than his fans; they’re always trying so hard. “ hmm, i’m not particularly hungry… hey ! do you wanna SHARE with me ? ”
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
My Senior Quote: You should've gone to Shiratorizawa
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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                                  “ ah - thank you, chiasa-kun. “
         he takes the mug in his hands, sipping quietly. it’s good - just the right amount of sweetness, and he sits in the bleachers to take notes and analyze their practice. he doesn’t mind if others watch - they usually have a few visitors because people are interested, but he doesn’t care. even if they see practice, they won’t be able to prepare against them.
                                  “ if you’re tired, you can sleep. if you want. 
( but she slept through math already. and part of physics. and maybe a corner of literature, too. it’s not been a productive day; it’s like she’s walking through molasses, and everything she does is too little and too slow. that listlessness is nowhere near the boys’ team. chiasa closes her eyes, like she’s taking naoki up on his offer, and imagines moving as if she’s waging war on gravity. 
she fails. ) 
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                ☼ meh. you sleep. 
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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     “Sure, I’ll help.  Do you know how to do implicit differentiation?”  
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                ☼ uh... i fell asleep? 
( awkward. she sure hopes this stranger doesn’t think she’s goofing around. ) 
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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Sen gasped and leaned forward. “We’re going out for ramen???” he half-whispered excitedly. He leaned back in his seat and cheer softly. “Yes!”
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                ☼ i feel kinda guilty about it because i promised myself i wouldn’t eat ramen until the volleyball season is over, but i can’t really keep away. 
( but definitely not guilty enough to cancel those plans. )
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
もうすぐ全てが 碧い煙に埋もれていくの 終わりの無い夜を下さい - Opus
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
who wants to give up on society and go live in a treehouse with me
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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“Yay~ Okay!” He held a hand out and rocked side to side as he waited for the orange juice. Yes, this was a fair trade.
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                ☼ want the rest of the dumplings too? i’m not feeling it today. 
( sen sure is easily pleased. chiasa stretches her arms out before her, across the table. gradually, the rest of her follows suit until her face is pressed against the cool surface. ) 
                ☼ i think i’ll get some ramen later. shh, don’t tell anyone from the team. 
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
@swansets liked this post for a starter
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                ☼ hey. i was told to bring you lunch. do you want it? 
( by a girl who possibly might have thought chiasa was a boy, but that’s beside the point. she was hoping she wouldn’t find oikawa at all but this will do, too. maybe oikawa’s already eaten. maybe chiasa can have this lunch-- )
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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starter call~
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autcmne-blog · 9 years
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“ All we do is  D R I V E “
- Drive, Halsey
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