authenticage · 3 months
The Verandah
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The veranda is an unmistakable component of any house however has frequently experienced rot, modernization, or expulsion. The Credible Age can decide the right unique plan and development of a verandah and suggest choices for fix or substitution. The Federation Verandah typically consists of a wide, covered porch or balcony that wraps around the front and sides of a house. It often features decorative elements such as turned timber posts, fretwork, lattice, and balustrades, showcasing intricate craftsmanship. The verandah served both functional and aesthetic purposes, providing shade from the harsh Australian sun and creating an inviting outdoor space for relaxation and socializing.
Key verandah parts are: 1) The posts, whether turned or square lumber, cast iron or fashioned iron 2) Project iron lacework, lumber fretwork, or wood sections 3) The rooftop profile - sunken, arched, bullnose, or straight Guttering profile 4) The floor-decorated tiles, flagstones, or lumber sheets
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Roof Rose Genuine Age has mastery in many styles and periods of huge plain roof rose. We have dealt with many dazzling roof plans, square, polyurethane, formed roof rose ring, classical mortar or polystyrene passages, moldings and light fitting all through Australia.
Victorian Roof Rose This style of present-day roof roses reproduces Victorian-period porch homes with wonderful leaf examples and profound inlets at a reasonable cost.
League: These kinds of lightweight roof rose, vents, and corbels are attractive manifestations projected from pitch. Edwardian: We have an extraordinary decision of covings and moldings to go with these. Georgian: We assist you with choosing Acanthus Leaf, Woodwinds, Loots and Drops, Plumes and Tree Enhancements.
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authenticage · 5 months
Globes for Vintage Light Fixtures
The growing popularity of fluorescent and LED globes for lighting brings significant advantages in terms of reduced power consumption and lower heat emission. These modern globes can easily be incorporated into numerous vintage light fixtures, table lamps, and standard lamps.
However, it's crucial to exercise caution when selecting globes for fixtures where the bulbs are visible. Inappropriate choices, such as coiled fluorescent globes or frosted LED candle globes, should be avoided for fixtures where the bulbs can be seen. While these types are suitable under shades or in opaque glass, they may not be aesthetically pleasing when exposed.
It's worth noting that the complete range of LED globe options, including shapes, sizes, bases, and wattages, is still gradually expanding in Australia. Keep an eye on improvements in availability.
Another consideration arises when dealing with lights equipped with dimmer switches, as only larger LED globes are compatible with dimming. Prior to purchasing any LED bulbs for a light with a dimmer switch, it's advisable to check with the supplier.
Consequently, we can offer guidance on choices that would complement your home and recommend appropriate suppliers. The Authentic Age is also capable of procuring items on your behalf or joining you on trips to specialized antique shops, auction houses, or other suppliers to assist in your decision-making process.
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authenticage · 11 months
Cost-Effective Home Makeovers: Renovation Companies in Melbourne
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Are you dreaming of transforming your house into a stunning Victorian-era marvel or an elegant Edwardian-style home? Look no further! In this article, we will explore cost-effective home makeovers and introduce you to the best renovation companies in Melbourne. Whether you desire the charm of a Federation verandah, the beauty of Victorian plasterwork, or the intricate details of cast iron lacework, these companies can turn your vision into reality.
Enhancing Your Home's Exterior with Federation Verandah and Brackets
The Federation era in Australia is known for its unique architectural style, and verandahs played a crucial role during that time. A Federation verandah adds character and a touch of history to any home. To ensure your home makeover project reflects authenticity, it is essential to use Federation verandah brackets that complement the overall design.
When renovating your verandah, consider consulting with Melbourne-based renovation companies that specialize in heritage designs. They have the expertise to craft verandahs that stay true to the Federation era while incorporating modern elements to suit your lifestyle. From selecting the perfect timber to creating custom brackets, these companies will transform your home's exterior into a timeless masterpiece.
Reviving Victorian Elegance with Ceiling Roses
Victorian ceiling roses are intricate plaster ornaments that add elegance and sophistication to any room. These stunning decorative pieces are perfect for creating a focal point in your home's interior. Whether you want to revive a classic Victorian ambiance or add a touch of vintage charm to a contemporary space, Victorian ceiling roses are a fantastic choice.
Melbourne boasts a rich history of Victorian architecture, and renovation companies in the area understand the significance of preserving this heritage. They offer an extensive selection of Victorian ceiling roses and have skilled artisans who can restore or replicate these masterpieces. With their expertise, you can effortlessly enhance the beauty of your home's interior.
Capturing the Essence of the Edwardian Era
The Edwardian era exudes a sense of refinement and grace, making it a popular choice for homeowners seeking a sophisticated makeover. The hallmark of an Edwardian verandah lies in its delicate lacework, which adds a touch of romance and charm to the façade.
Renovation companies in Melbourne can recreate the enchanting Edwardian verandah with authentic cast iron lacework. These companies have access to a wide range of lacework designs, and their craftsmanship ensures that every detail is meticulously replicated. With an Edwardian verandah, your home will exude timeless beauty while capturing the essence of a bygone era.
Victorian Plasterwork: A Testament to Craftsmanship
Victorian plasterwork showcases the unparalleled craftsmanship of a bygone era. From ornate cornices to exquisite ceiling roses, these intricate designs add a touch of opulence to Victorian-style homes.
If you own a heritage home in Melbourne or wish to incorporate Victorian charm into your modern abode, renovation companies in the area can assist you in selecting the perfect plasterwork. Their expertise in restoring and recreating plasterwork will breathe new life into your home, infusing it with the grandeur of the Victorian era.
Finding the Right Renovation Company
Undertaking a home makeover project, especially one focused on preserving or replicating historical elements, requires a skilled and experienced renovation company in Melbourne. When searching for the right company in Melbourne, consider the following:
Portfolio: Review their portfolio to assess the quality and authenticity of their previous projects. Look for attention to detail and a commitment to maintaining the integrity of heritage designs.
Expertise: Ensure the company has experience working with Federation verandahs, Victorian ceiling roses, cast iron lacework, and Victorian plasterwork.
Client Testimonials: Read client testimonials and reviews to gauge the satisfaction level of their previous customers.
Communication: Effective communication is essential throughout the renovation process. Choose a company that listens to your ideas and provides valuable input.
Budget and Timeline: Discuss your budget and timeline upfront to avoid any surprises during the project.
Embracing the beauty of historical architecture through cost-effective home makeovers is a delightful journey. Whether you prefer the charm of Federation verandahs, the elegance of Victorian plasterwork, or the grace of Edwardian verandahs, Melbourne-based renovation companies have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
Preserving heritage elements not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contributes to the rich tapestry of architectural history in Melbourne. So, if you're ready to embark on this captivating transformation, reach out to a reputable renovation company and witness your dream home come to life!
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authenticage · 3 years
Choosing Your Next Home Renovation Smartly.
Choosing to renovate your home is a great decision that can be costly, depending on the type of renovation. Like many other areas of life, home renovations can be divided into those that we require and those that we desire. So it is with home renovations, although on a less existing scale.
The verb "to renovate" has two purposes, according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
1. To return to a previous, better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding)
2. to bring back to life, vigor, or activity: revitalize
They differ only slightly, almost imperceptibly, and one definition is generally far more important than the other for the homeowner when deciding how to spend their hard-earned renovation budget.
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We frequently think of home renovations as things that brighten up our living space, give us more space, or make us more comfortable. Probably add a room, repainting, or installing a new bathroom. These improvements fall squarely under the understanding of the term second position. They introduce new life to our home and have the "wow" factor that we love discussing with our friends and family. These renovations also tend to increase the value of a house, and people will discuss the return on investment that comes with them, i.e., what cost of the renovation is compared to the price increase if the house were ever to be sold.
Consider the case where the homeowner is happy in their home and wants to raise families there - they enjoy the neighborhood's community spirit, it's close to work, and there are plenty of accommodations nearby. What is more helpful in the long run? Is it better to stop the basement from leaking and get a new kitchen? Of a sort, the solution should be obvious: renovating (restoring to a former better state) the basement is not only a necessary prophylactic against potentially important damage to the house, but it is also a necessity for peace of mind.
The following step is to verify your doubts.
· For example, if the problem is obvious, if you have a bath so each time it rains because the bath fills up from a leak in the roof (a high-high issue in most people's books), a call to a roofer sooner rather than later would be in arrange.
· On the other hand, there may be obstacles that you are unaware of, such as visible cracks in the brickwork induced by a sinking foundation.
· This falls into the medium-high category because the likelihood is unknown, but some supporting evidence (cracks) and the political repercussions are important (the house falling).
· In this case or any other argument where you are unsure of the cause of an effect, it is time to seek advice from others. You could talk to friends or family who has had similar problems, but this tends to raise more questions because people's natural reaction is to assume and err on the negative side.
· It is far wise to contact an expert in the field you are concerned with - if it is the ceiling, discuss a roofer; if it is the brickwork, consult a craftsman; if it is an electrical issue, consult an electrician. Proceed as if you were going to have the work done (you might have to) - get three quotes and three several conclusions, and ask lots of questions.
The Authentic Age Pty Ltd is the one of the most trusted and experienced Home renovation builders in Melbourne.
Having many years of experience restoring heritage buildings and period homes. We have successfully provided expert advice and valuable input to enhanced version builders for period home renovations from of the Georgian, Victorian, Californian, Federation/Edwardian, andInter-War (1920s/30s) periods.
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authenticage · 3 years
Learn to Making Your Own Picket Fence
Picket fences have a classic look that does not just enclose your yard, offering privacy and security, but also add beauty to your home.  There are kits available to build a picket fence, but they are not too tough to build from scratch.  
That way, you can design them exactly the way you want, plus you can tell everyone who compliments your weapon which you just did it yourself!
The first step is to visualize the result.  Are you currently planning to enclose your yard completely?  Do you know where you wish to put one or more gates? Do you need to bury the chicken wire or net below the fence to avoid modest creatures getting in? These are the sorts of decisions you'll need to make before deciding on the design and how much material you'll need. Then measure the area that you're going to be surrounding with your fence.  
The type of materials you decide on may also affect the dimensions of this fence, and you must always plan to buy a bit more than you need in the event of mistakes or other problems.  Pickets and the railings they're mounted on can sometimes split when you nail them together. Once you've got your measurements worked out, you'll need to choose the kind of material you will use.  For picket fences, you have got two primary choices - vinyl or wood. Vinyl has its advantages, but it is not a material you'll have the ability to layout yourself.  
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Vinyl picket fences typically come in pre-made sections that you merely gather.  You may even paint vinyl, but you are likely to have less control and choice over what it looks like in the end. In terms of wood, numerous species work well for picket fences.  Red cedar is a favorite option, as is walnut.  The wood's color and grain pattern is not critical because you can always stain or paint it anyhow. Now, let's get on the actual construction of your fence.2x4 boards make great railings, or cross-members, to support your pickets.  Eight-foot planks are fantastic for enclosing larger regions and provide plenty of strength.
You can saw them should you need shorter spans. Lay two railings on the ground and place the desired number of pickets on them at right angles.  It is possible to adjust the spacing based upon what you require, but they usually are four to six inches apart.  Just remember that if you have pets, children, or other things to keep in the yard, you will want to make sure they're close enough together to prevent them from squeezing through.
Utilize a T-square to be certain they are at the appropriate angle relative to the railings. Next, nail or screw the pickets to the bars.
Finishing nails often look more agreeable. However, they won't hold also. Fourpenny (4d) - 1 1/2 inch - claws will be about the ideal length.
You can get better picket fence designs and the best layout structure from the Authentic Age, one of the best Period home renovation companies in Melbourne. The expert in making, repairing, and installing Picket Fences. For more, you can search for the picket fences in Melbourne.
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authenticage · 4 years
All you need to know about the renovation of period home
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Period architecture is a sheer piece of classic art and creativity, which is admired by everyone. We all are fascinated by such heritage buildings which are the gestures of our rich history. Whether it is a classic Victorian architecture or attractive federation style houses, you will find every kind of period homes in Victoria.
Having said that there is a big irony about restoring period homes. Though these homes look great in terms of appearance but basically designed and constructed to serve a lifestyle that doesn't exist anymore.
Now the big question arises how can you adopt a period home that caters your today's modern lifestyle whilst maintaining its classic charm and heritage value intact? Being a renovation consultant in Melbourne, we will share with you some essential factors you should consider before starting a period of home renovation.
 If You Fail To Plan, You Planned To Fail
Just imagine for a second the renovation of a period home to make it stand in today's era. It consists of a number of things which you will have to manage simultaneously. Any single mistake and you can lose the heritage value of your property. Planning is very crucial in such a scenario. Making a perfect blend of period characteristics and modern lifestyle will involve planning from scratch.
If you are not an expert in old buildings then it is very difficult for you to draw a line where the old part ends and the new part begins. Also, you have to take some extra efforts to make sure that while renovation you are not compromising the structural integrity & legacy quotient of the building.
 Research, Research & Research!
One of the most important tasks while renovating heritage house are to find out the right period elements and material which is authentic yet relevant. After putting a little bit of attention you may come to know that building material, fixtures and other components that are used earlier are no longer in production nowadays. The only way out of these problems is Research!
From antique stores, salvage centres to online sites & marketplaces you may need to explore all thoroughly to find out exact materials and fittings that match your the house's period style. Your task is not over yet! You also need to find out a way to blend modern technology with period charm when considering details such as victorian stencilled frieze
Always Rely On Experts Only
It is necessary to find out the right team of experts and tradespersons that will bring your idea of renovation into reality. There are lots of contractors claiming to be an expert in restoration of old heritage buildings, but in reality, they have only superficial knowledge of construction and constraints of old buildings.  Always go with builders and tradespeople you personally verified that they have enough experience of renovating and restoring heritage homes.
 Be Ready With A Contingency Plan
No doubt that renovating a period home is a challenging task. As they were built so long ago, it is very hard to anticipate a picture of what actions are essential before the commencement of the project. The only way to identify hidden issues is to open those structural elements. But at this point of time, generally, your budget has been set and the renovation process is underway. So you have very little or no scope to deal with any unexpected issues that will cost you money & time.
So it is a prerequisite to have a contingency plan ready when you start your actual work. This contingency may include extra funds, an alternative to each resource. This will ensure that your project will move ahead smoothly even if unwanted problems arise.
After going through this article, you may realise that renovating a period home is not that much fascinating as it seems to you earlier. But you have an option to renovate your loved period house with ease and comfort. That is - The Authentic Age.
The Authentic Age is one of the leading Period Home Renovations & Extensions Builders in Melbourne. Over years of experience in restoration of the heritage buildings, we have successfully given valuable inputs to builders for period home restoration. We have expertise in period buildings from the Georgian, Victorian, and Californian, Federation /Edwardian and Inter-War (1920s/30s) eras.
We are one of the top Renovation Consultant Companies in Melbourne. We work along with suppliers, tradesmen and other experts who give attention to your every detail and bring your vision to life. We assist you in renovating your old heritage homes as per your requirements without hampering its original classic charm.
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