authenticgnana · 1 year
Heading towards fulfilling my responsibilities.
Hello Everyone , I really dont know what is blog ! i just got to know , blog is something we can share our perspective and finding our (me time).
I came from a very urban village near to hills , forests , water falls , fields , i used to walk 3 kilometers daily to reach govt bus stop to board bus and go to school in a town which is 30 Kms away from my village.In the evening i used walk 3 kms alone i dark fileds to my home back.I completed my education upto high school in that way. then parents helped me by selling their savings to go town to help my education.I did well in academics , completed Engineering and immeidately got married without even joing my first job. My parents again supported me in everything with their little few earnings to support my masters in a city. then i joined as a software instrcutor in an institute, taking care of my Home. Still trying chase my dream job.
As a responsible daughter i need to take care of parents. which is big issue in india ! if a married daughter takes care of old parents....
Now with strong determination i am trying my level best to fulfil my dreams as well as my mothers.
#You know what My Mother is my Biggest Support.
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