//Posting another reminder that I’ve pretty much moved to Discord for role playing now. I’ll be doing most of my writing from a group server, so if you’d like in, feel free to drop me a note and I’ll give you an invite link!
I haven’t been writing much lately (just some in-character chatty stuff) but I’ll be getting back to it when the muse returns.
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//Me: Okay, gonna try to write now.
Shadow: That means it’s playtime, doesn’t it? PLAYTIME!!!
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Of course, of course. Never happened. I mean, that would be crazy wouldn’t it? Yowza.
Oh, yes. Totally bonkers. Seriously, could you imagine? My God. The world would definitely implode.
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//I am eating leftover turkey day stuff for lunch, then I’ll try to do some writing.
Dresden Files verse for Ev is kinda stirring up the muse, so will probably focus on that.
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Evelyn: The next time I’m drunk, for the love of all that is holy, please somebody keep me away from Twitter.
Thomas was acting like Christmas had come early, so I don’t think you should count on him to keep you honest.
Of course he would. The fiend.
Just so we’re clear, that was just a lot of drunk rambling. I don’t see-- I mean. Not that you’re not-- you know. I mean, you’re you. And I’m me. And, oh, hell, I don’t know what I mean. Let’s just pretend that never happened, okay?
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Evelyn: The next time I’m drunk, for the love of all that is holy, please somebody keep me away from Twitter.
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//Reblogging for those who missed it yesterday, but with an addendum:
To make it easier on my partners, if I’ve been calling him James for the duration of our threads, I’ll keep calling him James. If I’ve been calling him Connor, I’ll stick with Connor. Both are aliases, and it’s feasible he could use either one at any given time. This will hopefully prevent any confusion or annoyance at having a name suddenly change.
For new rp partners, I’ll stick with James.
//I’m considering the merits of returning to the name James Cavanaugh for my Dragon hybrid. Connor Drake still isn’t quite clicking with me.
Flip-flop goes my brain.
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//Shadow dog is bouncing off the walls, so it’s playtime. Probably done with writing for now, but I’ll be back tomorrow if the muse holds out!
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               ❝ I shouldn’t, should I? But you  —  you have some serious security issues you need to handle ASAP! Atrocious, isn’t it? Look at me, a complete stranger, just poppin’ in, unannounced! Insufficient security, that’s how. Shame on you. ❞
Evelyn scowled and crossed her arms over her chest. “Nice deflection, very well executed; maybe a tad heavy-handed, though. Might want to work on that. And my security is top-notch, thank you very much.” Maybe a bit unconventional, what with the magickal warding and the presence of the house’s construct intelligence keeping things in check, but still, top-notch. “Which again leads to my earlier questions. Which you conveniently have yet to answer. And which you might want to be answering sooner rather than later, because I’m starting to get grumpy. Random strangers breaking into my home kind of have that effect on me.”
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 @starbornknight​ said: ❝ alright, stand close to me and pretend you’re mean. ❞ (starbornknight, for Ev)
“Pretend?” Smirking, Evelyn gave him a sideways glance and put her hands on her hips. “My friend, you vastly underestimate my propensity for sheer cattiness.”
To prove her point, Evelyn gave the target of their aggression an unwavering stare as she reached out to one side and daintily pushed an expensive-looking vase across the decorative table it was, well, decorating, until it tipped over the side and landed with a pronounced thump on the carpeted floor.
She glanced down at it, brow furrowing. “Huh. That was supposed to break.”
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The idea of sleep was frankly a touch laughable for Sara. She didn’t sleep much in her own quarters, let alone unknown surroundings. The noise hadn’t exactly come as a surprise to her though. Keeping company with the types of people that she did, people sleep talking and nightmares was just par for the course when it came to what people dealt with.
She shifted up and leaned her forearms onto her knees, narrowing blue eyes to try and see in the poor lighting if the other woman was even awake yet, or still unconscious.
“Sounded like all kinds of fun times you were having,” she said, the words quiet and matter of fact, the sarcasm dry in the face of the dark and the lack of familiarity. “You want some scotch for that?” she offered, shifting a hip to pull out her flask. Honestly it was a joke even carrying a flask when she had such a good tolerance, but she still liked the flavor, and in a situation as this, it did actually have the potential to do something for someone else.
“Don’t have to talk about it. Less you want to. I sure won’t be pressuring for that.”
Evelyn went still when she saw the silhouetted figure sit up from within the fitfully sleeping group sprawled around the floor of the house’s great room. The moonlight leaking through the broken windows did little to light up the space, so she wasn’t sure who it was until the other woman spoke.
“Mmm,” she said noncommittally. “The fun never ends.”
The offer of scotch elicited a faint smile, and she rose stiffly from the floor, carefully stepping over and around the group of prone, sleeping bodies so she could settle on the floor next to Sara. “Don’t mind if I do. Thanks.”
Taking the proffered flask, she let a sip of the fiery liquid slide down her throat before handing it back to Sara. She pushed the hair out of her eyes as she tried to grasp the tattered remnants of her dream, but she was left only with a memory of fire, and an unsettling certainty that the dream was more than a dream.
A memory...
She shrugged and pulled her jacket around herself more snugly. “Everyone’s got their demons.” A ghost of a smile touched her lips before vanishing again just as quickly. “Thanks for the lack of prying. I’m... a pretty private person, which probably doesn’t sound very fair to all of you, considering you’re kind of stuck with me for a bit until we can figure out how to get back home.” Or maybe they were stuck with her. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
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//My brain: Want angst. Want whump. Want fluff. Want holiday stuff.
Me: Which one
My brain:  Want angst. Want whump. Want fluff. Want holiday stuff.
So… holiday angstwhumpfluff, anyone?
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//Pie, then I’m going to dive into drafts and see if anything sparks the muse. Feel free to send in askbox stuff in the meantime!
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//I’m considering the merits of returning to the name James Cavanaugh for my Dragon hybrid. Connor Drake still isn’t quite clicking with me.
Flip-flop goes my brain.
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the witcher (show) starters
❝ victimhood is not your colour. ❞
❝ you can’t outrun destiny just because you’re terrified of it. ❞
❝ your job is to control chaos, not to succumb to it. ❞
❝ you don’t deserve the air you breathe. ❞
❝ not a single person alive looks in the mirror and doesn’t see some form of deformity. ❞
❝ you lie, you keep secrets. you succumb to emotion and weakness. ❞
❝ not answering questions is part of your brooding pillar of charm. ❞
❝ you’re just mad because you lost your chance to be beautiful. ❞
❝ you smell of death and destiny, heroics and heartbreak. ❞
❝ there’s no power in puppeting fools. ❞
❝ i’ll leave that for someone who gives a shit. ❞
❝ i need to get back to my horse. ❞
❝ your will to live is strong. ❞
❝ i’m still not enough. even for you. ❞
❝ need a hand? i’ve got two. ❞
❝ my men will kill you. ❞
❝ i’m here to drink alone. ❞
❝ go. on your own or at the end of a rope, your choice. ❞
❝ do you know how many people wouldn’t blink if you died? ❞
❝ you weren’t taking control. you were losing it. ❞
❝ people call you a monster too. ❞
❝ i’ve waited all these years for you to admit we’re made for each other. ❞
❝ if only you could tell between friend or threat. do you even know the difference anymore? ❞
❝ when you live as long as i do, all the names sound the same. ❞
❝ were you in love? ❞
❝ this place isn’t safe when you’re alone. ❞
❝ the only thing you do quickly is flee. ❞
❝ even if you were a beauty, still, no one would love you. ❞
❝ not a happily ever after after all. ❞
❝ hm, doesn’t rhyme. all good predictions rhyme. ❞
❝ you are making me uncomfortable. ❞
❝ unchecked kings and queens start massacres. ❞
❝ i just want some damn peace. ❞
❝ i dreamed of becoming important to someone someday. ❞
❝ the only thing special about you is the crown on your head. ❞
❝ what do you long for? fame? money? power? ❞
❝ what? no one mentioned the impending doom part. ❞
❝ true words are rare words. ❞
❝ i want more. i have to be more. ❞
❝ do other women find this coarseness charming? ❞
❝ love casts long shadows. ❞
❝ if she runs, kill her. ❞
❝ don’t give me that look, shitling. ❞
❝ today isn’t your day, is it? ❞
❝ how come when my life comes to shit you’re the one shoveling it? ❞
❝ i know who you are. what you are. ❞
❝ i envy you. to live, and to have no love. ❞
❝ you’d leave a man bound to die in such a dignity? ❞
❝ i loved your mother. ❞
❝ don’t you know who i am? ❞
❝ so that’s all life is to you? monsters and money? ❞
❝ there’s a vortex of fate around us. ❞
❝ is history a wheel doomed to repeat? ❞
❝ the sword of destiny has two edges. ❞
❝ i’ve considered your company and conversation payment enough. ❞
❝ this isn’t who you are. ❞
❝ will you be joining me? ❞
❝ no amount of power or beauty will make you feel worthy of either. ❞
❝ i don’t believe anyone has that power. ❞
❝ nobody smart plays fair. ❞
❝ i won’t listen to a man who pimps the world as some romantic adventure. ❞
❝ a true man would state his desires. ❞
❝ don’t turn this on me. ❞
❝ i want to be powerful. it’s what i’m owed. ❞
❝ that makes sense just as much as it doesn’t. ❞ 
❝ you’re smart, aren’t you? you know everything. ❞
❝ i feel something out there waits for you. ❞ 
❝ please don’t hurt me. i’m lost. ❞ 
❝ i won’t kill you…but you cant stay here. ❞ 
❝ there’s no ‘us’. there’s only me. ❞ 
❝ i’m asking for a teeny-weeny little favor. ❞ 
❝ yeah, you’re probably right. but what if you’re not? ❞
❝ i’m not your friend. ❞ 
❝ you and destiny can both fuck right off. ❞ 
❝ i love the way you just sit in the corner and brood. ❞
❝ i will not suffer tonight sober. ❞ 
❝ pretty ballads hide bastard truths. ❞
❝ i will not involve myself to petty men’s squabbles. ❞
❝ happy childhood makes for dull company. ❞
❝ it’s impossible to be prepared for every battle. keep your sword close, and keep moving. ❞
❝ i see a lot of myself in you. ❞
❝ you can’t change the world this way. ❞
❝ i don’t need anyone. & the last thing i want is someone needing me. ❞
❝ alright, stand close to me and pretend you’re mean. ❞
❝ why are you dressed like a sad silk trader? ❞ 
❝ only one of us will be alive to find out. ❞ 
❝ i stole rather than starve. i killed rather than be killed. ❞ 
❝ i have’t only done good in my life either. ❞ 
❝ it’s like ordering a pie and finding out it has no filling. ❞ 
❝ when i cut my finger i bleed. that’s human, right? ❞ 
❝ they’re rough around the edges but they’re earthling like me. ❞ 
❝ royalty is best endured in small doses. ❞ 
❝ i thought the world needed me too. ❞ 
❝ sometimes, the best thing a flower can do for us is die. ❞ 
❝ handy with a blade. handy with women too. ❞
❝ are you trying to hurt my feelings? ❞
❝ you look like you’ve been through hell. ❞
❝ i can’t do this without you. ❞
❝ you know cautionary tales won’t work on me. ❞
❝ you talk nonsense while making wise and meaningful faces. ❞
❝ the apple never falls far from the tree. ❞
❝ when i go it will be far more dramatic than this. ❞
❝ try not to get any daggers in your back before dawn. ❞
❝ you have your mother’s blood. you’ll be alright. ❞
❝ a great ruler always chooses mercy. ❞
❝ it took two strikes to kill him. they weren’t clean. but they were spectacular. ❞
❝ if i have to choose between one evil and another, i’d rather not choose. ❞
❝ i would do anything to forget who i was. ❞
❝ i have no doubt blood will be spilled here tonight. ❞
❝ there’s a grain of truth in every fairy tale. ❞
❝ people look at you for who you are, not what you can give them. ❞
❝ do you believe in destiny now? ❞
❝ we can leave. we can find a way out. ❞
❝ lovers? fun for a bit, i’ll admit, but all eventually disappoint. ❞
❝ let’s face it, you’re a girl. we’re just vessels. and even when we’re told we’re special, we’re still just vessels…for them to take…and take…until we’re empty…and alone. ❞
❝ people like to invent monsters and monstrosities. then they seem less monstrous themselves. ❞
❝ every time i’m around you i say more in five minutes than i’ve said in weeks. ❞
❝ maybe someone out there will want you. ❞
❝ if you must kill me, i’m ready. ❞
❝ people linked by destiny always find each other. ❞
❝ thank the gods. i might live to see another day. ❞
❝ i was having a rather lovely dream which then turned into a nightmare. ❞
❝ you desperately need money for new clothes.  ❞
❝ more and more, i find monsters where i go. ❞
❝ life is too short. do what pleases you…while you can. ❞
❝ gods you’re pretty. ❞
❝ my lady, i would never degrade your honor in such a way. ❞
❝ my world is cruel. you enter, you survive, you die. ❞
❝ i feel i shall die a broken hearted man. ❞
❝ who slits a man’s throat while he’s relieving his bowels? ❞
❝ why help those who don’t listen? ❞
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Your muse walks in, finding mine tied up, gagged, and covered in blood and bruises. Send me their reaction.
How they ended up in this situation is up to you!
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Ask my character, “Would you have sex with _____?” and my character MUST answer honestly.
Feel free to put in a different sexual/romantic action.
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