A brief scientific explanation to support the existence of heaven.
What separates us from other biological organisms is our ability to think, feel and perceive through abstract concepts. This is achieved by neurons translating chemical signals into electrical impulses. When we dream, our perception of time alters. Time is a human construct and irrelevant in quantum theory. The universe exists outside of human linear consciousness. This is general relativity.
A dream may appear to last hours, from the sleepers point of view, yet, in the waking world, mere seconds would pass. The human brain is designed to mirror the universe, like one paper cup fitting inside another, so our brains are capable of constructing their own internal universe, without subjugation to the constraints of the physical universe, since it exists outside the perceptual concept of waking linear time. At the point of death, we go into an unconscious state. Our bodies release a surge of various neurotransmitters. At that “present moment” our consciousness is in an immortal state, thus, 1 second can be infinitely experienced, due to human perception, so would not be affected by outside constraints, therefore, the subject’s reality would appear to continue ad infinitum.
Thoughts are chemical signals translated into electrical impulses. The energy of such electrical impulses cannot be destroyed, thus, perception of time in the death dream state has no meaning. (law of conservation of energy)
At the moment of death, it is theoretically possible that your state of mind constructs that infinite reality. We construct our own heaven. It is a projection. “Cogito ergo sum. ” (Descartes)
Do not fear death. It does not exist. Matter is an illusion created by photonic oscillations simultaneously creating one reality in infinite dimensional expressions. Technically, as I write this, I may be in my own death dream. Is not the ability of human beings, to express abstract thought, a sign of universal consciousness? If that is so, we are created in God's image, God is the universe and our consciousness creates that reality, therefore, we are all part of the same energy. We are all connected, outside the illusion of time and space.
Whether we call it God or the Universe is just a label. They are the same thing. Reality is an infinitely looped palindrome.
#physics #science #christianity #god #heaven #neurology
D. Finlinson.
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Autism. A person centred analysis.
Autism. What are we? Studies on chimps have shown that if they exist in groups of over 100 members then social cohesion breaks down and the individuals lose their identity within the group. The human mind isn't as clever as it seems. The introduction of T.V and the internet has tricked the brain into believing that we exist in a group of billions of individuals. It has a knock on effect on other psychological conditions. If you look at T.V and everyone is beautiful your brain, subconsciously, makes that standard the norm. That's partly why there has been a spike in "mental health" conditions globally over the last 50 years, as our perceived reality isn't our actual reality. An autistic brain is designed to be autonomous. The brain is the mirror reflection of the universe. It is designed that way to interface with our environment. Like 1 paper cup fitting inside another. If one cup is flattened it will not fit. Autistic people are attempting to unflatten the cup and make sense of their perceived environment. The human population has expanded to the point where it has upset nature's balance. For humanity to survive and function in such large numbers, nature can use natural selection to allow the advancement of neuroAtypical individuals whom are better suited to large population densities. The brain itself may also adapt spontaneously to cope by altering the way it functions. I see in hyper reality and have alexithymia, so i am more or less immune to peer pressure and i do not draw my identity from a social structure. To act autonomously the brain may alter hormone levels related to social  bonding and emotions as these serve no purpose in large groups. That in turn will affect reproduction and reduce population size. Many people with an A.S.D have issues such as polycystic ovaries in women or epididymitis in men. Studies on gay men revealed that not all of them have a hormone imbalance but some do. What if those gay people were also on the spectrum as sexuality, for the reason i mentioned, is linked to autism. Is it all connected? Human beings must begin to live in a more natural way. They are interrupting the pattern*( see explanation of pattern below) of life and autism is nature's response. I'm trying to determine if hormone manipulation can correct autistic symptoms in more severe cases such as myself. I consider myself a victim of evolution.
Autism is probably more prevalent in males as the female gender is nature's base setting and "male" has to be "added" so it is easier for nature to intervene at that point. Women also have other skills to promote bonding, for example, better linguistic abilities, that are not hormone driven. This may explain why women present better than men and often go “undiagnosed.” What i mean is that the brain is designed as the perfect jigsaw piece to fit the universe and we construct reality based on that. The universe, through perception, is created individually but usually has a common theme amongst individual people. If we perceive it in a different way to which nature intended, then it breaks part of the jigsaw piece so they do not fit together. This means the perceived and actual realities cannot exist in symbiosis. The brain adapts by altering its regulation in an attempt to compensate for the unnatural pattern created by humanity existing outside of the natural order. We are just an animal after all.
When you are autistic it is like a zoo. I live in the penguin enclosure. The problem is that i'm not a penguin im a camel. No matter how many adaptations are made, that environment will never suit me. I need to create a world with sand and palm trees not ice and water. Do not underestimate the rôle played by hormones. They are the very thing which creates humanity. They are the essence of our “soul.”
Basically, an autistic gene is nature's safeguard to prevent population explosion and maintain balance. The gene is like an actuator in electronics. Switching the fridge light off when you close the door.
I do not have the ability to connect with other people or society. A computer without a modem can’t access the internet. I don’t know how to access collective human consciousness in the same way, so, what am I?
The human brain is more than a biological organ. To understand its workings, to understand what makes us “human,” we must look at it from a microscopic level. The brain and body are designed to exist in perfect balance, but what if that balance is thrown off? Could even subtle changes have a major impact on who we are? Researchers have  noted that there is a colocalization of the UBE3A gene, generally attributed to autism and the AVP gene, attributed to the regulation of the hormone vasopressin.
Interestingly, the rôle of vasopressin appears to be extensive within the human body.
“Autism” is an extremely varied condition and has many possible root causes. I have used myself as a case study in an attempt to find answers and improve my condition.
I’m a forty year old white male of British descent. I have been labelled as “Autistic.”
I have a mild form of craniosynostosis which is abnormal bone development/growth. I noticed during my research that vasopressin has a rôle in bone development and wondered if hormone changes due to an issue in my pituitary gland had caused this. On looking further, there was also a correlation between vasopressin and sleep. It regulates R.E.M sleep on a 24 hour cycle. I have no discernable sleep pattern and often do not sleep for long periods of time (I have been awake for two days as I write this.)
Researchers have noticed a high frequency of autistic individuals also have type 2 diabetes. Vasopressin is a pituitary hormone which acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure. My mouth is often dry and I have suffered migraines since childhood. Could irregularities in the production of this hormone cause fluctuations and increase vascular swelling,impacting my nerve endings and, therefore, contribute to the processing issues I’m experiencing?
It has also been noted that there may be differentials in vasopressin V2 receptors between sexes. There are differences in the way Autistic symptoms affect males and females and I’m wondering if this is why men and women whom are affected present in a different way. As it is a hormone it may also have an impact on regulation of androgens and oxytocin. It has also been noted that there is a higher frequency of polycystic ovaries and epididymitis in female and male Autistic subjects respectively. Is there a connection?
I have had instances of epididymitis and cysts in my scrotal area and subsequent investigation (sti checks and ultrasound) have identified no root cause. Is there an anomaly on a genetic level affecting my production of vasopressin, oxytocin etc?
It has also been noted that vasopressin (AVP) induced motor effects when introduced into the cerebral ventricles. Could an issue with this hormone then account for a high rate of Apraxia amongst Autistic individuals?
I also identify as a gay male. The correlation between sexuality/sexual orientation and autism is well documented and I’m wondering if this is also connected to hormone related issues? (From a microbiological perspective not an ABA therapy one!!)
I have a processing disorder. As these hormones help maintain synaptic integrity, I’m wondering if irregularities in their production/functionality are affecting the degradation and creation of old and new pathways respectively.
Hormones are also attributed to social bonding and interpersonal relationships. Many people on the spectrum, including myself, struggle with these. I have Alexithymia and lack the ability to recognise emotions in myself and others.
I believe my condition and other forms of “Autism” warrant further investigation from a genetic and hormonal perspective.
I do not recognise “Autism” as a diagnosis for any individual. It is a mere blanket term to describe a collection of conditions and is often confused with neurodiversity or neuroAtypicality. There are millions of people suffering through Autistic symptoms globally and i believe we need answers not a label. The medical community must approach each case individually and make any medical intervention person centred.
We deserve answers, not a label. A label of Autism is putting a bandaid on a cut to stop the bleeding, when the cut requires a suture to close it permanently. Treat the cause, not the symptom.
Pattern- Balance. It is a fundamental aspect of nature and our perceived reality. Philosophers and mathematicians have long argued over the meaning of life. Buddha understood balance and its purpose within our universe. Einstein understood relatively. We need to meet in the middle. One of the problems faced in theoretical physics is the unification of gravity with the other forces. It doesn't seem to fit. How can scientists then begin to fathom a unifying field theory if they cannot reconcile this? The answer is simple. So simple, people overlook it. Balance. Gravity, expressed through the deterministic approach of general relativity, exists in macroscopic terms, unlike quantum theory, which deals with microscopic forces. Gravity isn't a force, it is the opposite. Gravity is the result of balance within the universe itself. That's why, theoretically, it can exist multi-dimensionally. Gravity is the result of a perfectly aligned and designed universe, it is what allows matter to have form and is an expression of the other forces. Do not view the universe in terms of objects but in terms of balance. Gravity is the answer, not part of the question. (The Higgs boson is the particle which allows the construct of matter and form, gravity allows its realisation in a physical universe.)
#autism #neuroscience #biology #endocrinologist #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic
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undiagnosed autism at school
- welcome to Bullying™. you can never leave
- everyone hates you and you don’t know why
- you are disappointing your parents. you have no idea how, but you know you are
- people keep taking you on as a pet project
- you spin between “academic genius” and “profound special needs” daily
- a lady takes you out of class to play with blocks and answer mental math problems. the reason why she does this is never explained
- why is everyone so mean?????? to you? to each other?????? does not compute
- you try to be funny. you fail. spectacularly.
- it feels like the whole world wants to kick your ass
- “stop that filthy habit [that comforts you in times of stress that you don’t even realise you’re doing]”
- fuck
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Existence, seen through my Autistic mind.
Photons, solid light and the creation of reality in time and space
What is the universe? It is a projection of light. Photons do not pass through matter, they create it. Infinite speed of a single photon, acting as many, creates a universe which has the appearance of matter, distance and time. I see the universe in reverse, in light not mass. In terms of balance, where each planet is specifically designed as a working part of the universe. At infinite speeds a photon will appear to be simultaneously nowhere and everywhere, thus our reality is a mere projection. We exist within a reality that is constantly in a state of oscillation and balance, with time created by each components interaction within the system. Time is created by how light interacts in reality. As photons oscillate this perceived matter/particles begin to decay (oscillate out of frequency) giving the illusion of time. Organisms such as jellyfish are less affected by this occurrence as their cells are able to exist photonically outside of these effects. Their cells appear immortal when in actuality they are not subject to the human perception of existence. They are a natural expression of hyper-reality. #reality #photons #solidlight #physics #autism #autistic
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Autism and Vasopressin.
The human brain is more than a biological organ. To understand its workings, to understand what makes us “human,” we must look at it on a microscopic level. The brain and body are designed to exist in perfect balance, but what if that balance is thrown off? Could even subtle changes have a major impact on who we are? Researchers have  noted that there is a colocalization of the UBE3A gene, generally attributed to autism and the AVP gene, attributed to the regulation of the hormone vasopressin.
Interestingly, the rôle of vasopressin appears to be extensive within the human body.
“Autism” is an extremely varied condition and has many possible root causes. I have used myself as a case study in an attempt to find answers and improve my condition.
I’m a forty year old white male of British descent. I have been labelled as “Autistic.”
I have a mild form of craniosynostosis which is abnormal bone development/growth. I noticed during my online research that vasopressin has a rôle in bone development and wondered if hormone changes due to an issue in my pituitary gland had caused this. On looking further, there was also a correlation between vasopressin and sleep. It regulates R.E.M sleep on a 24 hour cycle. I have no discernable sleep pattern and often do not sleep for long periods of time (I have been awake for two days as I write this.)
Researchers have noticed a high frequency of autistic individuals also have type 2 diabetes. Vasopressin is a pituitary hormone which acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure. My mouth is often dry and I have suffered migraines since childhood. Could irregularities in the production of this hormone cause fluctuations and increase vascular swelling, impacting my nerve endings and, therefore, contribute to the processing issues I’m experiencing?
It has also been noted that there may be differentials in vasopressin V2 receptors between sexes. There are differences in the way Autistic symptoms affect males and females and I’m wondering if this is why men and women whom are affected present in a different way. As it is a hormone it may also have an impact on regulation of androgens and oxytocin. It has also been noted that there is a higher frequency of polycystic ovaries and epididymitis in female and male Autistic subjects respectively. Is there a connection?
I have had instances of epididymitis and cysts in my scrotal area and subsequent investigation (sti checks and ultrasound) have identified no root cause. Is there an anomaly on a genetic level affecting my production of vasopressin, oxytocin etc?
It has also been noted that vasopressin (AVP) induced motor effects when introduced into the cerebral ventricles. Could an issue with this hormone then account for a high rate of Apraxia amongst Autistic individuals?
I also identify as a gay male. The correlation between sexuality/sexual orientation and autism is well documented and I’m wondering if this is also connected to hormone related issues? (From a microbiological perspective not an ABA therapy one!!)
I have a processing disorder. As these hormones help maintain synaptic integrity, I’m wondering if irregularities in their production/functionality are affecting the degradation and creation of old and new pathways respectively.
Hormones are also attributed to social bonding and interpersonal relationships. Many people on the spectrum, including myself, struggle with these. I have Alexithymia and lack the ability to recognise emotions in myself and others.
I believe my condition and other forms of “Autism” warrant further investigation from a genetic and hormonal perspective.
I do not recognise “Autism” as a diagnosis for any individual. It is a mere blanket term to describe a collection of conditions and is often confused with neurodiversity or neuroAtypicality. There are millions of people suffering through Autistic symptoms globally and i believe we need answers not a label. The medical community must approach each case individually and make any medical intervention person centred.
We deserve answers, not a label. A label of Autism is putting a bandaid on a cut to stop the bleeding, when the cut requires a suture to close it permanently. Treat the cause, not the symptom. #autism #genetics
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Hyperreality as an explanation of Autism
Autism. What are we? Studies on chimps have shown that if they exist in groups of over 100 members then social cohesion breaks down and the individuals lose their identity within the group. The human mind isn't as clever as it seems. The introduction of T.V and the internet has tricked the brain into believing that we exist in a group of billions of individuals. It has a knock on effect on other psychological conditions. If you look at T.V and everyone is beautiful your brain, subconsciously, makes that standard the norm. That's partly why there has been a spike in "mental health" conditions globally over the last 50 years, as our perceived reality isn't our actual reality. An autistic brain is designed to be autonomous. The brain is the mirror reflection of the universe. It is designed that way to interface with our environment. Like 1 paper cup fitting inside another. If one cup is flattened it will not fit. Autistic people are attempting to unflatten the cup and make sense of their perceived environment. The human population has expanded to the point where it has upset nature's balance. For humanity to survive and function in such large numbers, nature can use natural selection to allow the advancement of neuroAtypical individuals whom are better suited to large population densities. The brain itself may also adapt spontaneously to cope by altering the way it functions. I see in hyper reality and have alexithymia, so i am more or less immune to peer pressure and i do not draw my identity from a social structure. To act autonomously the brain may alter hormone levels related to social bonding and emotions as these serve no purpose in large groups. That in turn will affect reproduction and reduce population size. Many people with an A.S.D have issues such as polycystic ovaries in women or epididymitis in men. Studies on gay men revealed that not all of them have a hormone imbalance but some do. What if those gay people were also on the spectrum as sexuality, for the reason i mentioned, is linked to autism. Is it all connected? Human beings must begin to live in a more natural way. They are interrupting the pattern of life and autism is nature's response. I'm trying to determine if hormone manipulation can correct autistic symptoms in more severe cases such as myself. I consider myself a victim of evolution. Autism is probably more prevalent in males as the female gender is nature's base setting and "male" has to be "added" so it is easier for nature to intervene at that point. Women also have other skills to promote bonding, for example, better linguistic abilities, that are not hormone driven. This may explain why women present better than men and often go “undiagnosed.” What i mean is that the brain is designed as the perfect jigsaw piece to fit the universe and we construct reality based on that. The universe, through perception, is created individually but usually has a common theme amongst individual people. If we perceive it in a different way to which nature intended, then it breaks part of the jigsaw piece so they do not fit together. This means the perceived and actual realities cannot exist in symbiosis. The brain adapts by altering its regulation in an attempt to compensate for the unnatural pattern created by humanity existing outside of the natural order. We are just an animal after all. When you are autistic it is like a zoo. I live in the penguin enclosure. The problem is that i'm not a penguin im a camel. No matter how many adaptations are made, that environment will never suit me. I need to create a world with sand and palm trees not ice and water. Do not underestimate the rôle played by hormones. They are the very thing which creates humanity. They are the essence of our “soul.” Basically, an autistic gene is nature's safeguard to prevent population explosion and maintain balance. The gene is like an actuator in electronics. Switching the fridge light off when you close the door.
#autism #hyperreality #autismawareness #autistic #autismresearch #whatisautism #autismhelp
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