autistic-gay-demon · 11 days
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That headline was a wild adventure from start to finish.
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autistic-gay-demon · 15 days
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autistic-gay-demon · 19 days
You don’t have a praise kink.
You have ADHD and the associated RSD makes the dopamine hit from being called “good” feel like heroin. 
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autistic-gay-demon · 21 days
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  I’ve had this meme on my Tumblr page for years. Literally, years.  Recently, I noticed that they removed it for “Violating Tumblr’s Community Guidelines.”   Really?! Where? How? I know that ceiling is terrifying, but, seriously…
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autistic-gay-demon · 21 days
PSA that has been given 100 times already but needs to be said again:
The reason you, gen Z queers, need to be kink positive isn't because you support those kinks. It is okay to be disgusted by them, actually.
The reason you need to support kinksters is because "these kinks are disgusting" is the framework the alt-right is using and will continue to use to outlaw you. They don't think you're any different from the guys at Pride in leather puppy suits. They think your ENTIRE EXISTENCE is sexual. They think you holding hands with someone of the same gender, or existing as a trans person at all, is the same as a straight couple playing tonsil hockey in public.
YOU ARE A FETISH TO THEM. That is all you will ever be to the alt-right. They will never see you as human. When they talk about "our children being exposed to sexual perversion" they don't mean BDSM like you think they do. They mean YOU.
The only way to preserve your own existence is to fight for the right of kink to exist, because the instant kink becomes taboo or outlawed again*, rest assured, the alt-right will become MUCH more transparent about just what they think about your existence.
When you harp on about disgusting kinks and how they need to be hidden or outlawed and how they're harmful and everyone who does them is (insert thing here), you are giving the alt-right the tools they will use to imprison you as soon as they have unchecked power to do so.
THAT is why kinksters have been part of the queer community, part of Pride, from the start. Because the only way to keep our community safe is by truly ensuring everyone has unlimited sexual autonomy so long as the activity is taking place between consenting adults. It's just like how abortion-related laws are the lynchpin for all manner of medical autonomy laws.
The queer community can't stand without kinksters and vice versa. Even if you yourself aren't a kinkster and find them disgusting, like it or not, that is just how it is.
*Sodomy was illegal in Texas until 2003 and the law is still on the books, just not allowed to be enforced thanks to Lawrence v Texas, which SCOTUS has said they have an interest in striking down
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autistic-gay-demon · 21 days
haha nooooo don’t recreate puritanism under the guise of progressivism because you don’t have critical thinking skills like for realllll stopppp haha
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autistic-gay-demon · 21 days
Obviously taboo topics can and should be defended with the logic that just because you’re writing something dark doesn’t mean you condone or are into it, but I sometimes feel like those who are writing or drawing something for horny reasons are lesser or forgotten.
Its actually also fine to write/draw incest or noncon because it turns you on. It doesn’t just have to be for plot reasons, or obviously depicted as a negative thing. You’re allowed to have fetishes and kinks that are fucked up, and express them in the safe space that is fiction.
Fiction always has been and always will be a safe space to explore dark topics, for everyone.
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autistic-gay-demon · 23 days
so rude that fantasizing about writing alone is not enough to actually get the fic done. you have to actually sit down and write it. insane.
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autistic-gay-demon · 27 days
*reads a gorgeous line in a fanfic* oh my god. how is this possible. how did they even fucking think of this. the symbolism is spot on. the planets are fucking aligned, everything is one and all and the world is complete, my soul is at peace
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autistic-gay-demon · 28 days
I hate how the booktokification of the “unhinged woman” genre has completely reduced the concept of female rage to just “girlboss” without taking seriously how important it is to unequivocally portray female rage.
Throughout the history of literature, we’ve been given countless instances of women in despair and in sadness but save for a few writers (take Euripides, for example), we’ve rarely ever been given angry women who aren’t the villains or the foil for the perfect poised passive princess. Female rage has constantly been subdued and erased or warped into “she’s just batshit crazy” in pretty much every society.
And now that publishing and media marketing has reduced women showing rage in books to the “white hypersexual girlboss with a knife”, instead of uplifting the way women are allowed to have more dimension and sympathy in their visible anger than ever in literature, the media still isn’t taking this subgenre seriously.
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autistic-gay-demon · 29 days
this is out of left field but a book rec list!! specifically, books that have to deal with consumption of women/cannibalism/ecofeminist themes (basically, feminist, food-centric horror)
1. The Vegetarian by Han Kang
This book is SO good but definitely check the trigger warnings. Told from three different perspectives, it follows a woman after she has a life-altering dream that makes her go vegetarian, much to the dismay of her family. The thing that stuck with me most about this book is how it portrays the normalized but profound betrayals by men that women experience. It’s a mix of “The Yellow Wallpaper” and My Year of Meats
2. My Year of Meats by Ruth Ozeki
Another meat-centric book! This one switches between two women, one in America and one in Japan, as they navigate the world of meat consumption and how patriarchy and misogyny are reflected in it. There’s a very mixed-media feel to this as every section starts with a poetry excerpt by Sei Shonogan and one of the main characters, Jane Takagi-Little, is directing a series on American meat consumption to promote eating meat in Japan. All of Ruth Ozeki’s books are wonderful so if you like this, you should read them all.
3. Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterriva
This one is straight up cannibalism. It’s about a man, Marcos, who works at a meat processing plant that makes “special meat” (human) and is gifted a “specimen” for him to eventually slaughter himself. The specimen is a woman, Jasmine, who Marcos eventually forms a relationship with. This one is overtly dystopian and although certainly very dark, a little more palatable because it allows the reader to feel more distant from the reality of the book. Of course, though, there is till some very striking commentary on the abuse and exploitation of animals, women, and people as a whole.
4. What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
This one is different from the others in that the consumption comes from fungus and not literal people, but there’s still a deep-seated sense of rot. The main character, Alex Easton, returns to the ancestral home of their childhood friend as they learn she’s dying. There is a distinct supernatural element to this, but still very heavy with animal and body horror.
5. A Certain Hunger by Chelsea Summers
Dorothy Daniels, the main characters, is a food critic, sex lover, and psychopath. This one, again, explores the relationship between the treatment of women as sexual beings and commercialized consumption. Also, again, cannibalism. However, this one is very White Feminism, so take that into mind.
all of these books are very good but all have very heavy trigger warnings, so please please look them up before reading. happy reading, my pals <3
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autistic-gay-demon · 29 days
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autistic-gay-demon · 29 days
Daily update(40)
The anticipated fear of an unknown fate
Within less than a month, the occupation reduced the so-called humanitarian zone to a narrow strip extending from the shore of the Khan Yunis Sea all the way to the west and center of Deir al-Balah. This area contains more than a million and a half Palestinians in an area not exceeding 24 square kilometers.
The enemy is in front of us and the sea is behind us. You live under the burden of crime, here are human monsters killing innocents, here is great injustice, here is tyranny, what is happening here is beyond description and imagination.
Before reducing the space
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The image is after reducing the space
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In the midst of this, we need daily expenses such as eating, drinking, treatment, and clothing, and we cannot provide all of that due to the high prices.
We are moving towards the next goal of 55 thousand by next Monday, which will help cover daily expenses that will strengthen my family’s steadfastness in their land that the occupation is trying to occupy.
Your support will prevent the Israeli army from occupying our land.
Paypal users who cannot donate can contact @malcriada and donate to him and he will donate directly here.
Campaign documentation number 219 by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi .
Support, participate strongly
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autistic-gay-demon · 29 days
Urgent Help Needed To Save My Beloved Family
Can You Please Help
My name is Sameer Al Khaldi. I am a Palestinian refugee living in Gaza with my family of 17 people in a tent facing the worst war in human history. During the current Gaza war, my house was completely destroyed resulting in the loss of my business and all our belongings. Me and my family have since been displaced in the streets with no shelter, lack of access to food, drinking water, and healthcare necessities. Despite we were camping in areas which were announced as safe, we faced an imminent danger of death by Israeli airstrikes in our camping neighborhoods several times which resulted in serious physical and psychological impacts on us as well as my little grandsons. I am writing this fundraiser hoping to get help with your generous donations to evacuate Gaza immediately to a safer country.
Before the war, we were having a normal life in Gaza having our own business and working hard with my sons and brothers to be able to survive under the Gaza siege. We were preparing for my daughter's wedding which was supposed to take place this summer but unfortunately she got all her wedding dresses and belongings gone with the destroyed house. She's now left with nothing hoping to be able to get married to her fiancé in a safer place one day. One of my sons was supposed to complete his high school education this year and was passionate about enrolling in a university to study business but the war deprived him from this success and left him hopeless while seeing other students in the west bank receiving their high school certificates while he's left behind. I hope this fundraiser with your generous support would help him to get out of Gaza and continue his education and achieve his life goals abroad. The funds collected through this fundraiser will be used to pay for the travel expenses for myself and my family of 17 people including 9 adults and 8 children. We hope one day will be able to rebuild our lives peacefully and get back to stable conditions with safety and protection for our kids like other children in the world.
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autistic-gay-demon · 29 days
Going to be honest. Books about cannibalism and/or flesh in relation to exploitation, eco-fascism and the food industry always hits a bit different for me, and is much better than "cannibalism as love metaphor uwu"
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*is this because I'm aro or because cannibalism as social satire horror is simply genius, we'll never know
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autistic-gay-demon · 1 month
Hi would you be down to kill me
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autistic-gay-demon · 1 month
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out of all my art, this is the piece i selfishly wish to become viral so as many people as possible can read my words.
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