autisticchangeiing · 2 years
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
the worst part of autism (for me) has got to be how shit it feels when plans get changed for reasons outside your control.
I can go from feeling happy and fine to feeling so completely unsafe and uncomfortable just because I found out that things can’t happen in the order I expected. and nobody seems to understand where my “melodramatic” reactions are coming from or why the routine matters so much to me
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
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If only
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
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Forest Friend and Ocean/Sea Friend Bears!
Two pretty obscure Care Bears!
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
Weighted blanket is not enough I need someone to do this to me
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
Also people act like autistic people would have been, like, left in the woods to die or something as kids for most of history, but as i said i'm researching islamic saints and in both islam and christianity there's an awful lot of just, like, "Yeah that guy decided to go live in a cave by himself and wore one (1) article of clothing and sometimes he would walk around and scream randomly, it meant he was closer to god than everybody else"
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autisticchangeiing · 2 years
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
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My comic for SENSORY: Life on the Spectrum! Organised by Schnumn.
On harm reduction and understanding NSSI! Many autistic folk have normalised harmful behaviours as coping mechanisms in our daily lives and this comic is meant to help people recognise their self injuring behaviours and (hopefully) begin to see pathways to reducing their frequency.
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
I hate the fact the autistic community almost never talks about self injury and agressive behaviors related to autism. I always see things from autism moms who want their child to stop hitting themselves, but not from autistic people themselves.
I think it's because it's typically associated with "severe" autism and autistic people with high support needs, so since the most visible autistic activists are not in this category they don't care.
But meanwhile I hit myself on the head every day. Every. Single. Day. I also bite my hands if I don't use my chew necklace. I wish I could stop doing that but apart from saying "not all stims are healthy and you should stop harming yourself" they don't suggest anything. And I'm really scared to injure myself really badly for doing that cause my skull hurts and I feel dizzy.
I do this to express frustration and anger, idk how to do it differently.
Same for agressive behaviors. When I was a child, I hit people when I was frustrated. I remember hitting my grandma's arm and my family having to leave earlier than intended because it was just too much. I was confused and scared and I felt so ashamed.
As I grew up I learnt to suppress these agressive behaviors...and direct them against myself.
I wish there were resources for that but I can't find anything.
Stimming isn't just flapping your hands and jumping. It's biting yourself, it's hitting yourself. It's hitting others. It's banging your head against the wall. Stimming isn't always cute, sometimes it's dangerous.
I just want to learn to stop hitting myself on the head cause it's dangerous and that hurts but nobody talks about it unless it's in meltdowns :( But for me it's not just during meltdowns it's all the time.
tl;dr: Autistic people need to talk more about stims that make you harm yourself like hitting yourself on the head. I don't know how to stop and I do it everyday. They also should talk more about agressive behaviors towards others and how to stop. And this outside of meltdowns. Cause it's not something we can control and it's hard.
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
u can just rock back and forth if u want. its free
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
Let me tell you about my biggest brainwave yet
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Behold, my DIY stim toy that I made today because I was needing a very specific type of stim.
I can put the ring on my finger to hold the thing steady and tangle my fingers around it (kinda like when playing with the laces on a pair of pijama pants or a hoodie or my hair), or I can hold the end of the string and spin the ring around and around as fast as possible!
My therapist suggested I make a stim box so… yeah
[ID: A length of fuzzy pink yarn; one end is tied to a small golden ring on a black background]
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
“dont romanticize adhd”
okay *sexualizes it instead*
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
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autisticchangeiing · 3 years
One of the more rage-inducing things neurotypicals do is spend years drilling it into you to pay attention to what’s being implied instead of only what’s stated, but if you start to develop that skill and use it to point out when they’re being subtly shitty to you, they react like you’re just making shit up to slander them, doesn’t matter how thoughtfully you explain how you got to that conclusion, doesn’t matter how much benefit of the doubt you give them, the only response they will ever give is "but I did not say those literal exact words so obviously I could not have meant or been thinking anything like that. Stop putting words in my mouth"
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